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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 10th Science Books English Medium Health and Diseases

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Science Books English Medium Health and Diseases

Science : Chapter 21 : Health and Diseases

I. Choose the best answer

1. Tobacco consumption is known to stimulate secretion of adrenaline. The component causing this could be

  1. Nicotine
  2. Tannic acid
  3. Curcumin
  4. heptin

Ans ; Nicotine

2. World ‘No Tobacco Day’ is observed on

  1. May 31
  2. June 6
  3. April 22
  4. October 2

Ans ; May 31

3. Cancer cells are more easily damaged by radiations than normal cells because they are

  1. Different in structure
  2. Non dividing
  3. Starved mutation
  4. Undergoing rapid division

Ans ; Undergoing rapid division

4. Which type of cancer affects lymph nodes and spleen?

  1. Carcinoma
  2. Sarcoma
  3. Leukemia
  4. Lymphoma

Ans ; Lymphoma

5. Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to

  1. Loss of memory
  2. Cirrhosis of liver
  3. State of hallucination
  4. Supression of brain

Ans ; Cirrhosis of liver

6. Coronary heart disease is due to

  1. Streptococci bacteria
  2. Inflammation of pericardium
  3. Weakening of heart valves
  4. Insufficient blood supply to heart muscles

Ans ; Insufficient blood supply to heart muscles

7. Cancer of the epithelial cells is called

  1. Leukemia
  2. Sarcoma
  3. Carcinoma
  4. Lipoma

Ans ; Carcinoma

8. Metastasis isassociated with

  1. Malignant tumour
  2. Benign tumour
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. Crown gall tumour

Ans ; Malignant tumour

9. Polyphagia is a condition seen in

  1. Obesity
  2. Diabetes mellitus
  3. Diabetes insipidus
  4. AIDS

Ans ; Diabetes mellitus

10. Where does alcohol effect immediately after drinking?

  1. Eyes
  2. Auditory region
  3. Liver
  4. Central nervous system

Ans ; Central nervous system

II. State whether True or False, if false write the correct statement

1. AIDS is an epidemic disease.  ( True )

2. Cancer causing genes are called Oncogenes ( True )

3. Obesity is characterized by tumour formation. ( False )

  • Cancer is characterized by tumour formation.

4. In leukemia both WBC’s and RBC’s increase in number. ( False )

  • In leukemia WBC’s increase in number.

5. Study of cause of disease is called etiology. ( True )

6. AIDS is not transmitted by contact with a patient’s clothes. ( True )

7. Type 2 diabetes mellitus results due to insulin deficiency. ( False )

  • Type 1 diabetes mellitus results due to insulin deficiency.

8. Carcinogens are cancer causing agents. ( True )

9. Nicotine is narcotic drug. ( True )

10. Cirrhosis is associated with brain disorder. ( False )

  • Cirrhosis is associated with liver disorder.

III. Expand the following abbreviations

1. IDDMType-1 Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
2. HIVHuman Immunodeficiency Virus
3. BMIBody mass index
4. AIDSAcquired Immunedeficiency Syndrome
5. CHDCoronary heart disease
6. NIDDMType-2 Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

IV. Match the following

  1. Sarcoma – Stomach cancer
  2. Carcinoma – Excessive thirst
  3. Polydipsia – Excessive hunger
  4. Polyphagia – Lack of blood flow to heart muscle
  5. Myocardial Infarction – Connective tissue cancer

Ans ; 1 – E, 2 – A, 3 – B, 4 – C, 5 – D

V. Fill in the blanks

1. Cirrhosis is caused in liver due to excessive use of __________.

Ans ; Alcohol

2. A highly poisonous chemicals derived from tobacco is __________.

Ans ; Nicotine

3. Blood cancer is called __________.

Ans ; Leukaemia

4. Less response of a drug to a specific dose with repeated use is called __________.

Ans ; Drug tolerance

5. Insulin resistance is a condition in __________ diabetes mellitus.

Ans ; Type 2

VI. Analogy type questions. Identify the first words and their relationship and suggest a suitable word for the fourth blank

1. Communicable: AIDS: Non communicable:

Ans ; Diabetes.

2. Chemotherapy: Chemicals: Radiation therapy: _____________

Ans ; Radiation.

3. Hypertension: Hypercholesterolomia: Glycosuria: ______________

Ans ; Hyperglycemia.

VII. Assertion and Reasoning

In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given and a corresponding Statement of Reason is given just below it. Of statements given below mark the correct answer as

  1. If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion
  2. If both Assertion and Reason are true that Reason is not the correct explanation of Asssertion
  3. Assertion is true but Reason is false
  4. Both Assertion and Reason are false

1. Assertion: All drugs act on the brain.
Reason: Drugs disturb the functioning of the body and mind.

  • Ans ; b) If both Assertion and Reason are true that Reason is not the correct explanation of Asssertion

2. Assertion: Excretion of excess glucose in urine is observed in a person with diabetes mellitus.
Reason: Pancreas is unable to produce sufficient quantity of insulin.

  • Ans ; a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct
    explanation of Assertion

VIII. Answer in a sentence

1. What are psychotropic drugs?

Psychotropic drugs acts on the brain and alters the behaviour, consciousness, power of thinking and perception.

2. Mention the diseases caused by tobacco smoke.

Lung cancer, bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis, emphysema, Hypoxia, increased  blood pressure, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

3. What are the contributing factors for obesity?

Obesity is due to genetic factors, physical inactivity, eating habits (overeating) and endocrine factors.

4, What is adult onset diabetes?

Type-2 Non-Insulin Dependent diabetes.

5. What is metastasis?

The cancerous cells migrate to distant parts of the body and affect new tissues. This process is called metastasis.

6, How does insulin deficiency occur?

Insulin deficiency occurs due to destruction of β-cells of the pancreas.

IX. Short answer questions

1. What are the various routes by which transmission of human immuno deficiency
virus takes place?

HIV is transmitted generally by

  • Sexual contact with infected person.
  • Use of contaminated needles or syringes especially in case of intravenous drug abusers.
  • By transfusion of contaminated/infected blood or blood products.
  • From infected mother to her child through placenta.

2. How is a cancer cell different from anormal cell?

  • Cancer is an abnormal and uncontrolled division of cells that invade and destroy surrounding tissues forming a tumor neoplasm (new growth).
  • It is a heterogenous group of cells that do not respond to the normal cell division.
  • The conterous cells migrate to distant parts of the body and affect new tissues.

3. Differentiate between Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes mellitus

FactorsType-I Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)Type-I Non-Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)
Prevalence10 – 20%80 – 90 %
Age of onsetJuvenile onset (< 20 years)Maturity onset (> 30 years)
Body weightNormal or underweightObese
DefectInsulin deficiency due to destruction of β-cellsTarget cells do respond to insulin
TreatmentInsulin administration is necessary Can be controlled by diet, exercise  and medicine

4. Why is a dietary restriction recommended for an obese individual ?

  • Low calorie, normal protein, vitamins and mineral, restricted carbohydrate and fat, high fibre diet can prevent overweight.
  • Calorie restriction for weight reduction is safe and most effective.

5. What precautions can be taken for preventing heart diseases?

Diet management:

  • Reduction in the intake of calories, low saturated fat and cholesterol rich food, low carbo- hydrates and common salt are some of the dietary modifications.
  • Diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) is essential.
  • Increase in the intake of fibre diet, fruits and vegetables, protein, minerals and vitamin are required.

Physical activity:

  • Regular exercise, walking and yoga are essential for body weight maintenance.

Addictive substance avoidance:

  • Alcohol consumption and smoking are to be avoided.

X. Long answer questions

1.Suggest measures to overcome the problems of an alcoholic.

Education and counselling:

  • Education and proper counselling will help the alcoholics to overcome their problems and stress, to accept failures in their life.

Physical activity:

  • Individuals undergoing rehabilitation should be channelized into healthy activities like reading, music, sports, yoga and meditation.

Seeking help from parents and peer groups:

  • When a problematic situation occurs, the affected individuals should seek help and guid- ance from parents and peers.
  • ‘This would help them to share their feeling of anxiety, wrong doing and get rid of the habit.

Medical assistance:

  • Individual should seek help from psychologists and psychiatrists to get relieved from this condition and to lead a relaxed and peaceful life.
  • Alcohol de-addiction and rehabilitation programmes are helpful to the individual so that they could get rid of the problem completely and can lead a normal and healthy life.

2. Changes in lifestyle is a risk factor for occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Can it be modified? If yes, suggest measures for prevention

Yes, lifestyle can be modified by the following measures:

Diet management:

  • Reduction in the intake of calories, low saturated fat and cholesterol rich food, low carbo- hydrates and common salt are some of the dietary modifications.
  • Diet rich in poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) is essential.
  • Increase in the intake of fibre diet, fruits and vegetables, protein, minerals and vitamin are required.

Physical activity:

  • Regular exercise, walking and yoga are essential for body weight maintenance

Addictive substance avoidance:

  • Alcohol consumption and smoking are to be avoided.

XI. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

1. What is the role of fat in the cause of atherosclerosis ?

  • Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries.
  • Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. Over time, plaque hardens and narrows your arteries.
  • It leads to sudden ischemia (deficient blood supply to heart muscle) and myocardial in- farction (death of the heart muscle tissue).

2, Eating junk food and consuming soft drinks results in health problems like obesity, still children prefer. What are the suggestions you would give to avoid children eating junk food/ consumption of soft drinks?

  • These foods are high in sugar and fats and low in nutritional value. It is important to eat more balanced, whole foods and avoid junk food.
  • These healthy eating habits will improve their physical, emotional and mental growth and development now and even in their adult years.

3. Regular physical exercise is advisable for normal functioning of human body.
What are the advantages of practising exercise in daily life?

  • Reduce the risk of heart attack.
  • Manage your weight better.
  • Have a lower blood cholesterol level.
  • Lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancer.
  • Have lower blood pressure.
  • Have stronger bones, muscles and joints and lower risk of developing disorders.

4. A leading weekly magazine has recently published a survey analysis which says that number of AIDS patient in the country is increasing day by day. The report says that the awareness among the people about AIDS is still very poor. You are discussing the magazine report in your class and a team of your class decides to help people to fight against the dreadful disease.

a) What problem do you face when trying to educate the people in your village
near by your school?

b) How do you overcome the problem?

  • We are all trained enough to see things objectively and not emotionally.
  • People think that we are still not matured enough to talk about sex.
  • Girls especially feel embarrassed to talk to people as they are abused by words and looks, a while spreading the knowledge of awareness on AIDS.
  • Based on structural training in seeing the cause and result of AIDS objectively, it is possible to overcome the issue.
  • Ignorance will be more dangerous to adolescent people than knowledge of cause and effects of deadly disease AIDS.

XII. Value based questions

1. Once a person starts taking drugs or alcohol it is difficult to get rid of the habit. Why?

Persons who consume these drugs become fully dependent on them, they cannot live without drugs.

  • It does by switching on brain circuits that makes one feel wonderful or feel good.
  • Physical addiction occurs once a person is unable to stop drinking because of anxiety, shakiness and on the more extreme end, seizures, severe shaking, confusion and hallucinations.
  • At a chemical level, it hits multiple areas in the brain and at a psychological level, they are unable to function without it.

2. Men addicted to tobacco lead to oxygen deficiency in their body. What could be the possible reason?

Carbon monoxide of tobacco smoke binds to haemoglobin of RBC and decreases its oxygen carrying capacity causing hypoxia in body tissues.

3. Name any three foods that are to be avoided and included in the diet of a diabetic
patient. Why should it be followed?

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  • Flax seeds containing insoluble fibre, Guavas, Tomatoes and Spinach are foods which help reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Refined sugars (sucrose and glucose) should be avoided. Diet comprising whole grains, millets (jowar, bajra, ragi), green leafy vegetables, wheat and unpolished rice should be included in diet regularly.
  • Saturated fat intake should be reduced.

4. How can informational efforts change people’s HIV knowledge and behaviour?

  • By screening of blood from blood banks for HIV before transfusion.
  • Ensuring the use of disposable needles and syringes in hospitals and clinics.
  • Having safe sex and using condoms.

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