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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Books A day in 2889 of an American Journalist

Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Books A day in 2889 of an American Journalist

English : Unit 5 : Supplementary : A day in 2889 of an American Journalist


phonotelephote(n) – A means of transmitting and receiving both voice and picture for apersonal conversation

Champs-Elysees(n) – a prestigious avenue in Paris, famous for the Cafes, cinemas and shops

phototelegrams (n) – A telegraphic transmission including images

jovians(n) – inhabitants of planet Jupiter

inhabitants(n) – a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place.

Centropolis (n) – (in this story) the new name of New York in 2889

valet(n) – a man’s personal male attendant, who is responsible for his clothes and appearance

A. Answer the following questions in two or three lines.

1.           Why did Francis Bennett wake up with a bad temper?

Francis Bennet woke up with a bad temper as he felt a little lonely. Bennet’s wife had been away in France for the past eight days.

2.           What was a mechanized dressing room?

A mechanized dressing room was a machine that could wash, shave. Also it shod and dressed a person in under two minutes.

3.           How was food served to him?

Bennett was one of the subscribers to the society for supplying food to the home. He got his lunch from there through a network of pneumatic tubes.

4.           Why was Bennett curious about astronomy?

Astronomy had become a recent topic of interest because of, all the new discoveries made •in the stellar world. He wished to feed the public with interesting astronomical news.

5.           Why did he visit Niagara?

Francis Bennett went to Niagara for his accumulator works.

6.           How did Bennett travel?

Bennett travelled to Niagara in an aero-car with an aero-coachman. The aero-car was capable of gaining speed of about four hundred miles an hour.

7.           Give three instances of how mechanization has changed life at home in 2889?

In the year 2889, Bennett uses his phonotelephote to talk to his wife who is several hundred miles away from h im. He gets ready in his mechanized dressing room in two minutes. He gets his lunch from a pneumatic tube in his office.

8.           How is advertising in this age different from what we have today?

Advertisements are projected on clouds by a thousand projectors from a gallery. They are so large that they can be seen all over a whole country.

B. Identify the character/speaker.

1.           As soon as he woke up, he switched on his phonotelephote.  -Narrator

2.           Well, Cash, what have you got?    – Francis Bennett

3.           ‘Phototelegrams from Mercury, Venus and Mars, Sir.’     – Cash to Bennett

4.           ‘Interesting! And Jupiter?’ – Francis Bennett to Cash

5.           ‘Not yet, Mr.Bennett.’ – Cash

6.           ‘No, it’s the inhabitants.’ – Corley to Bennett

7.           ‘Where are we going, Sir?’ – Aero-coachman to  Bennett

8.           ‘Then, Sir, I shall really have discovered the absolute.’ – The young inventor to Bennett

9.           .‘Are you saying you’re going to be able to construct a human being?’ – Francis Bennett to the young inventor

10.       ‘I’m going to start this moment.’ – Edith (Bennett’s wife) to Bennett

C. Choose the best answer.

1.    Bennette’s wife was in France.

i) Germany ii) Australia   iii) France   iv) Holland 

2.    The data from the stellar world was gathered by astronomical reporters.

i)Bennette   ii) astronomical reporters         iii) the computer   iv) telephote

3.    The food was being delivered through pneumatic tubes.   

i) pneumatic         ii) shallow   iii) hollow   iv) virtual   

4.    The wayfarers were carried to one place to another by the moving pavement.

i) bullet train        ii) jet  iii) moving pavement     iv) heli-taxi

D. Fill in the story map given below.


A day in 2889 of an American Journalist


• The story is set in the office block of the managing Editor of the newspaper Earth Herald.

• Later it is set in the reporting room, advertising room, dining room, Niagara, waiting room of the Earth Herald and the audition room.


1. Francis Bennett – the director of the Earth Herald

2. Edith – Bennett’s wife.

3. Aero coachman

4. Cash – One of the ten Astronomical reporters

5. Corley – One of the ten Astronomical reporters

6. The young inventor and the second inventor


i. Bennett wakes up with a bad temper and feels lonely.

ii. Astronomical reporters don’t get any signals from Jupiter and the moon

iii. Bennett has to reject bad petitions and choose good ones.

Your Views:

• This futuristic story by Jules Verne is simply amazing.

• It reveals the author’s power of imagination.

• The story takes the readers into this new world and enables them to experience a life where machines are prominent

• Every invention mentioned here is inspiring.



Author: Jules Verne

Theme: The future in the hands of technology.

Characters: Francis Bennett, Edith, Cash, Corley, the second inventor, the aero-coachman. 

Prose outline: Story set on 2889 – Francis Bennett – director – Earth Herald – leading newspaper – phonotelephote – mechanized dressing room – astronomical news – advertisements on clouds – lunch via pneumatic tubes – travel to Niagara – an aero-car – inventors

This story is set on July 25, 2889. Francis Bennett, director of the Earth Herald, the world’s most leading newspaper, had woken up with a bad temper. He felt a little lonely. His wife had been away to France for the past eight days. He switched on his phonotelephote and hearing his wife’s voice, he put on a smile. His mechanized dressing room dressed him from top to toe. In his office, he inquired the astronomical reporters about the latest news. He wished to feed the public with interesting astronomical news. Inordinate advertisements were projected on clouds by a thousand projectors from a gallery. Bennett got his lunch through a network of pneumatic tubes. Then he travelled to Niagara for his accumulator works. He took an aero-car with an aero-coachman. After his return, he listened to many petitions. He supported the idea of an inventor who thought of reducing the final three elements into one and another idea of moving the town of Saaf to the shore using rails. He then learned about his wife’s plan to return. Finally he ended the day by taking mechanized a bath before going to bed.

ESSAY• Introduction• Phonotelephote and the mechanized dressing room • Astronomy- the trending topic • Advertisements and Lunch service • Two innovative petitions • Conclusion


‘A day in 2889 of an American Journalist’ written in 1889 by Jules Verne, gives us a glimpse of the futuristic world in which people rely on machines for almost everything. The story is set on July 25 of 2889.

Phonotelephote and the mechanized dressing room:

Francis Bennett, director of the Earth Herald, the world’s most leading newspaper, had woken up with a bad temper. He felt a little lonely in the absence of his wife. His wife had been away in France for the past eight days. He switched on his phonotelephote and hearing his wife’s voice, he put on a smile. His mechanized dressing room dressed him from top to toe.

Astronomy – the trending topic:

In his office, he inquired the astronomical reporters about the latest news. He wished to feed the public with interesting astronomical news. He was excited to bring out the interesting discoveries made in the new planet Gandini to the public.

Advertisements and lunch services:

Inordinate advertisements were projected on clouds by a thousand projectors from a gallery. Bennett was one of the subscribers to the society for supplying food to the home. He got his lunch from there through a network of pneumatic tubes. Then Bennett travelled to Niagara for his accumulator works. He took an aero-car with an aero-coachman who was waiting near his window. The aero-car is capable of gaining speed of about four hundred miles an hour. 

Innovative petitions:

After his return, he listened to many petitions. He supported the idea of an inventor who thought of reducing the final three elements into one and another idea of moving the town of Saaf to the shore using rails.

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Conclusion:At last Bennet learned about his wife’s plan to return. Finally he decided to take a bath. Thus the story ends. The innovations in this story, seem to be a magic, Unbelievable Everything is made possible in the future with the help of technology.  
‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’

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