English : Unit 1 : Prose : His First Flight
ledge (n)- a narrow shelf that juts outfrom a vertical surface
shrilly (adv.)- producing a high-pitchedand piercing voice or sound
herring (n)- a long silver fish that swimsin large groups in the sea
devour (v)- to eat something eagerly andin large amounts, so that nothing is left
cackle (n)- a sharp, broken noise or cry ofa hen, goose or seagull
mackerel (n)- a sea fish with a strongtaste, often used as food
gnaw (v)- to bite or chew somethingrepeatedly
trot (v)- to run at a moderate pace withshort steps
precipice (n)- a very steep side of a cliff ora mountain
whet (v)- to sharpen
preening (v)- cleaning feathers with beak
plaintively (adv.)- sadly, calling in a sadway
swoop (v)- to move very quickly and easilythrough the air
beckoning (v) – making a gesture with thehand or head to encourage someone to approach or follow.
a. Why did the seagull fail to fly?
The seagull failed to fly, because he was afraid to fly.
b. What did the parents do, when the young seagull failed to fly?
When the young seagull failed to fly, his parents scolded him, and threatened to let him starve on the ledge.
c. What was the first catch of the young seagull’s older brother?
Herring was the first catch of the young seagull’s older brother.
d. What did the young seagull manage to find in his search for food on the ledge?
The young seagull managed to find the dried pieces of Mackerel’s tail in the previous night. The next morning, he found the dried pieces of eggshell to eat.
e. What did the young bird do to seek the attention of his parents?
At first, the young bird pretended to be fall asleep. Later it uttered a low cackle and kept calling sadly to seek the attention of his parents.
f. What made the young seagull go mad?
The young seagull was very hungry and her mother did not come nearer to feed him.
It made the young seagull go mad.
g. Why did the young bird utter a joyful scream?
The young bird saw his mother picking up a piece of fish towards him. So he uttered a joyful scream. Later when he began to fly, he uttered a joyful scream.
h. Did the mother bird offer any food to the young bird?
No, the mother did not offer any food to the young bird.
i. How did the bird feel, when it started flying for the first time?
When the seagull started flying for the first time, a monsterous terror seized him for a moment, but then he uttered a joyful scream.
j. What did the young birds’ family do when he started flying?
The young birds’ family was very happy. His mother swooped past him, his father flew over him, and his brothers and sister were flying around him, high and low out of joy.
A. Answer the following questions in a sentence or two.
1. How was the young seagull’s first attempt to fly? (or) Why did the seagull fail to fly?
The young seagull’s first attempt to fly was a failure, because he was afraid to fly. He failed to muster up courage to fly. Instead of flapping his wings and flying away, he ran back to the little hole.
2. How did the parents support and encourage the young seagull’s brothers and sister?
The parents supported and encouraged the young seagull’s brothers and sister, by perfecting them in the art of flight, teaching them how to skim and surf the waves and how to dive for fish.
3. Give an instance that shows the pathetic condition of the young bird.
The young seagull failed to muster up courage to fly. So he had to stay in his nest. He had no food. He could not find anything but the dried pieces of eggshell to eat.
4. How did the bird try to reach its parents without having to fly?
The bird walked back and forth from one end of the ledge to the other. Without trying to fly and stepping daintily, he tried to find some means of reaching his parents.There was a deep wide crack between him and his parents.
5. Do you think that the young seagull’s parents were harsh to him? Why?
No. I don’t think that the parents were harsh to him. Here the young seagull’s parents trained him to fly. The mother seagull showed a piece of fish to the hungry young seagull. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish and began to fly.
6. What prompted the young seagull to fly finally?
The mother seagull showed a piece of fish to the hungry young seagull. But he couldn’t reach the food as it was out of reach. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. Thus the parental care, its natural bird instinct to fly and its urge for survival prompted the young seagull to fly, finally.
7. What happened to the young seagull when it landed on the green sea?
The young seagull landed on the green sea and sank into it. His belly touched the water and he sank no farther. He was floating on it.
B. Answer each of the following questions in a paragraph of about 100-150 words.
1. Describe the struggles underwent by the young seagull to overcome its fear of flying.
Author : Liam O’Flaherty
Theme : Parenting
Characters : The young seagull and its family
Outlook : The young seagull’s fear – hungry – mother seagull’s training – his first flight
The young seagull was alone on his ledge. Unlike his brothers and sister, he was afraid to fly. He failed to muster up courage to fly. His parents had come around calling to him shrilly, scolding him, threatening to let him starve on his ledge. He had no food. He could not find anything but the dried pieces of eggshell to eat. His parents wanted to teach him fly. So the mother seagull showed a piece of fish to the hungry young seagull. But he couldn’t reach the food as it was out of reach. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. In order to grab it, he had no other choice other than to flap his wings and fly towards his meal. He landed on the green sea and sank into it. He was floating on the water. The young birds’ family was very happy and they offered him scraps of dog-fish for his first flight. Thus the parental care, his natural bird instinct to fly and his urge for survival prompted him to fly, finally.
2. Your parents sometimes behave like the young bird’s parents. They may seem cruel and unrelenting. Does it mean that they do not care for you? Explain your views about it with reference from the story.
• Parents are our first teachers. Guiding their ward/children at every stage is their primary responsibility. If they fail to do this, the children cannot attain perfection.
• It is said that children start learning and responding even when they are in the womb of the mother. A child which grows, without the guidance of the parents, lack in the art of speech, walking, holding things, eating and even doing their everyday basic activity. They even need toilet training.
• Some children can learn easily. But few hesitate or struggle while learning new things. To them, the parents have to be harsh for the betterment of their life as we see the young seagull in this lesson. As the old proverb says “bend the twig bend the tree”. They may seem cruel and unrelenting but it is for the good of their children. It is the duty of every parent to educate and teach their young ones the art of life.
The young seagull
The reaction of the parents
The young one’s first flight
Landing on the water
The reaction of the family
Liam O’Flaherty was a famous Irish novelist and short story writer. One of his great work is ‘His First Flight’. A story that proves the saying ‘To master any art, one should overcome fear.’
The young seagull:
The young seagull was one among the four offsprings of the father and the mother seagulls. He was very timid. He was alone on the ledge. Unlike his two brothers and sister, he was afraid to fly. He failed to muster up courage to fly. Instead of flapping his wings and flying away, he ran back to the little hole.
The reaction of the parents:
His parents had come around calling him shrilly, scolding him, threatening to let him starve on the ledge. He had no food. He could find nothing but the dried pieces of eggshell to eat. His parents wanted to teach him to fly.
The young one’s first flight:
So the mother seagull showed a piece of fish to the hungry young seagull. But he couldn’t reach the food as it was out of reach. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. In order to grab it, he had no choice other than to flap his wings and fly towards his meal.
Landing on the water:
He landed on the green sea and sank into it. His belly touched the water and he sank no farther. He was floating on the water.
The reaction of the family:
The young birds’ family was very happy. His mother swooped past him, his father flew over him, and his brothers and sister were flying around him, high and low out of joy. They offered him scraps of dog-fish for the success of his first flight. Thus, his natural bird instinct and his urge for survival prompted him to fly finally.
These are the struggles underwent by the young seagull to overcome its fear of flying.
Moral: Necessity is the mother of action.
Read the following sentences.
Set 1
1. The young seagull uttered a joyful scream. (adjective)
2. The young seagull screamed with joy. (noun)
3. The young seagull screamed joyfully. (adverb)
Set 2
1. The young bird pretended to be falling asleep. (verb)
2. The young bird made a pretension of falling asleep. (noun)
3. The young bird made a pretentious posture of falling asleep. (adjective)
Note that in the Set 1, the adjective ‘joyful’ is changed to its noun form ‘joy’ and to its adverb form ‘joyfully’.
In the Set 2, the verb ‘pretend’ has been transformed to its noun form ‘pretension’ and to its adjective form ‘pretentious’.
We can transform a sentence by interchanging parts of speech without changing its meaning.
C. Change the parts of speech of the given words in the chart.

D. Read the following sentences and change the form of the underlined words as directed.
1. His family was screaming and offering him food. (to adjective)
To Adjective: She is a screaming beast.
2. The young seagull gave out a loud call. (to adverb)
To Adverb:The young seagull called out loudly
3. The bird cackled amusedly while flying. (to noun)
To Noun:The bird cackled with amusement.
4. The depth of the sea from the ledge scared the seagull. (to adjective)
Adjective: The seagull was scared of the deep sea.
5. The successful flight of the bird was a proud moment for the seagull’s family. (to verb)
To Verb: The bird flew successfully.
E. Use the following words to construct meaningful sentences on your own.
1. coward – Tom is a coward.
2. gradual – The economic growth is gradual.
3. praise – Always praise the good deeds of others.
4. courageous – Gandhiji was very courageous.
5. starvation – My health is spoiled because of starvation.
F. *Here is a travelogue by the students of Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Pattukkottai after their trip to Darjeeling. Listen to the travelogue and answer the following questions.
i) Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
1. The students visited _Darjeeling_ city.
2. Kanchenjunga is the third highest mountain in the world.
3. Tiger hill is 13 km away from Darjeeling.
4. The drinking water is supplied by Senchal lake to the city.
5. After Senchal lake, they visited Batasia loop
ii) Do you think they had a memorable and enjoyable school trip?
Yes. They had a memorable and enjoyable school trip.
iii) Name a few places that you wish to visit with your classmates as a school trip.
Thekkady, Kochi, Munnar, and Trivandrum
iv) State whether the following statements are True or False.
1. As the sky was cloudy, they could get the glimpse of the Mount Everest. – False
2. The toy train covers 14 km in three hours. – True
3. Tiger hill has earned international fame for the best sunset view. – True
Your family has planned for a two-day trip to a tourist spot nearby in a reserved forest. Your father has no idea about what safety measures and precautions to be taken before you start. Enact a role-play on the above situation.
Student 1: As a son / daughter
Student 2: As a father
These would help you.
Important places to be visited
Food and accommodation
Mode of transport
Necessary clothes for two days
First-aid kit and medicines required if any etc.
Son/Daughter : Dad, Shall we go for a picnic?
Father : Sure. Have you chosen any spot?
Son/Daughter : Yes, Dad. Puliyancholai forest.
Father : Nice place. Ask your mother to prepare food for two days.
Son/Daughter : Ok, Dad. Shall we go by car?
Father : Mmm. Go and pack your dresses for two days.
Son/Daughter : Is there anything else to pack, Dad?
Father : Yes, Pack the things like first-aid kit and medicines.
Son/Daughter : Sure, Dad.
Father : I will make our car ready for our trip. Bye.
Son/Daughter : Bye, Dad.
G. Here is a dialogue between a father and his daughter. Continue the dialogue with at least five utterances and use all the clues given above.
Father: Hi Mary, it has been a very long time since we went on a trip. Let’s plan one.
Mary: Yes, dad. I am also longing to go. Why don’t we plan one for this weekend?
Father: Sure. Tell me, where shall we go?
Mary: Some place nearby but for at least two days.
Father: Hmm… I think we should go to the reserved forest nearby.
Mary: Yeah. I’ve never been to a forest. I have seen a forest only on the TV and movies. The forest is a good choice!
Father: OK. If we are going to the forest, we must list out what we should carry with us for two days.
Mary: I think we should carry suitable clothes like daily wear for 2 days.
Father: What about the food? Do you have any idea, Mary?
Mary: Yeah. For food, I suggest Rotis, chappathis, bread, butter and jam.
Father:. Don’t you think we need First-aid kit and medicines required?
Mary: Yes, of course. We must also arrange proper transport and safe accommodation.
H. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Bungee jumping is an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a long elastic cord. The tall structure is usually a fixed object, such as a building, bridge or crane; but it is also possible to jump from a movable object, such as a hot-air-balloon or helicopter, that has the ability to hover above the ground. The thrill comes from the free-falling and the rebound. When the person jumps, the cord stretches and the jumper flies upwards again as the cord recoils, and continues to oscillate up and down until all the kinetic energy is dissipated.
Jumping Heights, located in Mohan Chatti village, in Rishikesh has been rated as one of the most preferred bungee jumping destinations in India at a height of 83 meters. It is the only place in India where bungee jumping can be done from a fixed platform. This is also India’s only fixed platform Bungee- performed from a professional cantilever, to separate it from entertainment parks, and create instead, an extreme adventure zone. The Bungee has been designed by David Allardice of New Zealand.
The Cantilever platform is built over a rocky cliff over-looking the river Hall, tributary of River Ganges. Bungee-ing amidst the vastness of nature lends the experience an absolutely breathtaking quality. Jumping heights is well known for its safety measures and experienced staff. It costs around Rs 2500 per jump, a bit expensive, but totally worth the experience. The Bungee jumping experience has been set amidst the astoundingly stunning landscape of Rishikesh. To Bungee jump, one must be at least 12 years and should weigh between 40-110 kg.
1. What is Bungee Jumping?
Bungee jumping is an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a long elastic cord.
2. Can Bungee be performed from a movable object? How?
Yes. It is also possible to perform Bungee from a movable object. With the help of a hot-air balloon or helicopter, that has the ability to hover above the ground.
3. When do you think Bungee becomes thrilling?
Bungee becomes thrilling from the free falling and the rebound. When the person jumps, the cord stretches and the jumper flies upwards again as the cord recoils, and continuesto oscillate up and down until all the kinetic energy is dissipated.
4. What is the experience when one falls off the platform?
When one falls off the platform, he or she gets excitement and thrill very much.
5. Where is the Bungee jumping point located in India?
The Bungee jumping experience has been set amidst the astoundingly stunning landscape of Rishikesh.
6. What is the minimum age to Bungee jump?
The minimum age to Bungee Jump is 12 years.
An advertisement is an audio or visual form of marketing communication to promote or sell a product, service or idea.
An advertisement should include the following to make it attractive.
1. Name of the product / brand / outlet.
2. Address with contact information and websites.
3. Appealing Images (visuals) of the Product / Service / Idea to be advertised.
4. Target demographics / audience / customers.
5. Feel-Good discounts and offers.
6. Colourful Background.
7. Colourful and readable text.
8. Brief and catchy descriptions and benefits about the product.
9. Use borders and lines to organize.
Now look at the model advertisement given below

I. Prepare attractive advertisements using the hints given below.
1. Home appliances – Aadi Sale – 20-50% – Special Combo Offers – Muthusamy & Co., Raja Street, Gingee.
2. Mobile Galaxy – Smart phones – accessories – SIM cards – Recharge – Free Power banks on Mobile purchase – No.1, Toll gate, Trichy
Report Writing
A report is designed to lead people through the information in a structured way, and also to enable them to find the information that they want quickly and easily. It is a short, sharp, concise document which is written for a particular purpose and audience.
Format of a report.
Title of the report
❖ Report Writer’s name
❖ What…? (name of the event)
❖ When…? (day and time of the event)
❖ Where…? (venue of the event)
❖ Why…? (the purpose of the event)
❖ Who…? (Chief guest,)
❖ How…? (the details of the event like Program, its impact etc.)
❖ Use simple sentences in the Past Tense.
❖ Be brief.
❖ Do not exaggerate the event.
Here is a sample report on the Annual Sports Day of a school. Observe the format and the language used.
Annual Sports Day
By Charan, X – C
Government Higher Secondary School, Hosur, organized the Annual Sports Day on August 29, 2018. The event was to inculcate the spirit of sportsmanship and fondness for sports in children. Approximately 1,000 students participated in the track and field events. The program began with a prayer rendered by the school choir. Following this, the Headmaster delivered the welcome speech. The Sports Day was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, followed by march past, led by the school captain with a placard bearing the School’s name and motto. Then the much awaited track and field events began. As the events went by, the school campus reverberated with enthusiastic cheers from the spectators. Many new school level records were made in 50 metres, 100 metres, and 200 metres races. The merit and participation certificates were given away by the Chief Guest and Guests of Honour. In his speech, the Chief Guest praised the endeavours of the school. Then, the Headmaster proposed the vote of thanks. The event ended with the National Anthem.
J. Write a report of the following events in about 100-120 words.
1. ‘Educational Development Day’ was organized in your school on 15th July. The District Collector was the Chief Guest of the event. As part of the event, many competitions were held and the prizes were distributed to the winners and participants. It was a grand and successful event. Now, as the member of the organizing committee, write a report on the event in about 120 words.
Educational Development Day
15th July 2019
Government Higher Sec. School, Ponmalai organized the Educational Development Day on 15th July. The event was organized to stress the value of Education. Nearly 1500 students participated. The Programme consisted of many interesting events. The District Collector was the chief Guest of the event. He was welcomed by our Head Master. Many students participated in the competitions and proved their mettle. The District Collector delivered chief guest address to the students. Prizes were also distributed to the winners and participants. It was a grand success. Vote of thanks was proposed by the school pupil leader. Finally the programme ended with the National Anthem.
2. You are the School Pupil Leader. You have been asked to write a report on the Inaugural Ceremony of English Literary Association of your school which was held recently. Write a report on the same in not more than 120 words.
Inaugural Ceremony of English Literary Association
Mahendra Varman R
16th June 2019
Government Higher Sec. School, Aarani organized Inaugural Ceremony of English Literary Association on 15th June. It was held under the presidentship of Prof.R.Karuna. Members of the Association were elected. Students displayed their histrionic talents at the meeting. All the spectators enjoyed the events a lot. The teachers of the English Department and the Headmistress guided the students to conduct the events properly. At last the programme came to an end with the vote of thanks and the National Anthem.
3. You are the Coordinator of the Science Forum of your school. An event had been organized on account of National Science Day for the members of the forum. Now, write a report on the observation of “National Science Day” at your school.
National Science Day
28th Feb. 2020
National Science Day was organised by the Science Forum of Government Higher Secondary School, Nanguneri. The Head of the Department of Physics Mr.Ezilarasan was the chief guest. All the members of the forum participated with full vigour. Lot of exhibits were displayed by the students of all classes. Not only students but also the parents provided their full support and participated in the programme. It was really an occasion to bring out the hidden talents of the students.
Our Headmistress delivered welcome speech .Our chief guest was much impressed by the performance of our students and conveyed his appreciation. He also guided the students for further course of action in his enlightening speech. Atlast the vote of thanks was delivered by me as the coordinator of the Science Forum.The programme came to a halt with the National Anthem.
We have already learnt about Modals in Class IX. Now, let us revise.
A modal verb is used to indicate modality (that expresses a speaker’s general intention) i.e. likelihood, ability, permission, request, capacity, suggestions, order, obligation, advice etc.
We use modals to show if we believe something is certain, probable or possible. Modals are,
can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to, need, used to & dare to.
A. Complete these sentences using appropriate modals. The clues in the brackets will help you.
1. When I was a child, I used to climb trees easily but now I can’t. (ability in the past)
2. I will win this singing contest. (determination)
3. You can / may buy this book. It is worth buying. (advice or suggestion)
4. Poongothai can speak several languages. (ability in the present)
5. I swear I will not / shall not tell lies again. (promise)
6. My father used to play badminton in the evenings when he was at college. (past habit)
7. You must / ought to / should do as I say! (command)
8. May I have another glass of water? (request)
9. Sibi has not practised hard but he might win the race. (possibility)
10. We should / ought to preserve our natural resources. (duty)
B. Rewrite the following sentences by rectifying the errors in the use of modals.
1. Would I have your autograph?
May / Can I have your autograph?
2. I can be fifteen next April.
I will be fifteen next April.
3. Take an umbrella. It should rain later.
Take an umbrella. It may rain later.
4. The magistrate ordered that he might pay the fine.
The magistrate ordered that he should pay the fine.
5. Make me a cup of tea, shall you?
Make me a cup of tea, will you?
6. You may speak politely to the elders.
must speak politely to the elders.
7. You will get your teeth cleaned at least once a year.
You must get your teeth cleaned at least once a year.
8. We could grow vegetables in our kitchen garden but we don’t do it now.
We can grow vegetables in our kitchen garden but we cannot do it now.
9. Must I get your jacket? The weather is cold.
May / Can I get your jacket? The weather is cold.
10. Could the train be on time?
Will the train be on time?
C. Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks with suitable modals.
Dad: Shall we go out for dinner tonight?
Charan: Yes, Dad. We shall go to a restaurant where I will have some ice cream.
Dad: OK. Then, I will be home by 7 p.m. Mom and you must / should be ready by then.
Charan: Sure. We will. My friend told me that there is a magic show nearby. Would you please take us there?
Dad: We may not have time to go for the magic show, I suppose. If we have enough time left, we would / will plan.
Charan: By the way, need we inform our gate keeper about our outing?
Dad: Yes, we need so that he will be aware we aren’t at home.
Charan: Shall / Need I call up Mom and tell her about our plan today?
Dad: You need to. Otherwise, we might be in trouble when she returns home.
Charan: Hmm… by the time you come home in the evening, we will be waiting for you. Hope you will not / won’t be late. Bye.
D. Read the following dialogues and supply appropriate modals.

Student : Can we leave our bags in the class during the break?
Teacher: Yes, you can but arrange them neatly.
Passenger: My child is 6 years old. Do I have to buy him a ticket?
Conductor: Yes, you should. It costs half of the price of an adult ticket.
Vani: Can we go for coffee after the meeting?
Yoga: No, I can’t. I have to go home.
Salesman: When will I receive my order?
Customer: I cannot assure you sir, the order will be delivered tomorrow.
Neela: Do you think I should write about my educational background in the resume?
Preethi: Yes, you should . You would get a better job.
Imagine you have been to Thanjavur recently. Based on your experience and the data given below about Thanjavur, suggest and guide your friend who wishes to visit Thanjavur and places nearby, using modals in your sentences.

1. You can also go to Thiruvaiyaru which is famous for classical music.
2. I would suggest you to go to Kallanai Dam.
3. You would be happy to visit Poondi Basilica noted for its scenic beauty around.
E. Here are a few sentences already done for you. The clues given would be helpful to make more sentences on your own.
1. I would suggest that you take the Uzhavan Express to Thanjavur from Chennai.
2. You will be more comfortable if you could book 3 tier A/C.
3. You could enjoy Brihadeeswarar Temple (Big temple) ..
4. You should visit Saraswathi Mahal (Library) at the palace.
5. You mustn’t miss miss the museum.
6. You can buy art plates and paintings there.
7. You could enjoy the palace there..
8. You can also go to Thiruvaiyaru which is famous for classical music..
9. I would suggest you to go to Kallanai Dam..
10. You would be happy to visit Poondi Basilica noted for its scenic beauty around..
Active and Passive
In Class IX, we have already learnt about Active and Passive Voices. Now, we shall learn some more forms of the voice.
F. Change the following sentences to the other voice.
1. The manager appointed many office assistants.
Many office assistants were appointed by the manager.
2. You are making a cake now.
A cake is being made by you now.
3. That portrait was painted by my grandmother.
My grandmother painted that portrait.
4. Malini had bought a colourful hat for her daughter.
A colourful hat had been bought by Malini for her daughter.
5. They have asked me to pay the fine.
I was asked to pay the fine by them.
6. The militants were being taken to prison by the police.
The police was taking the militants to prison.
7. His behaviour vexes me.
I am vexed by his behavior.
8. Rosy will solve the problem.
The problem will be solved by Rosy.
9. Our army has defeated the enemy.
The enemy has been defeated by our army.
10. The salesman answered all the questions patiently.
All the questions were answered patiently by the salesman.
Passive Voice – Request
In Active Voice, a request begins with ‘Please’. When we change a request from Active to Passive Voice, we should begin the sentence with ‘You are requested to’ in place of ‘Please’. If the request is in negative form, the request in passive voice should begin with ‘You are requested not to’.
(e.g.) 1. Please assemble in the ground. (Active)
You are requested to assemble in the ground. (Passive
2. Please do not use mobile phones here. (Active)
You are requested not to use mobile phones here. (Passive)
Passive Voice – Advice
When we change an advice from active to passive voice, we should begin the sentence with ‘You are advised to’. If the advice is in negative form, it should begin with ‘You are advised not to’.
(e.g.) 1. Work hard (Active)
You are advised to work hard. (Passive)
Do not eat junk food. (Active)
You are advised not to eat junk food. (Passive)
Similarly, you can also use the following for other imperatives.
You are instructed to …
You are instructed not to …
You are ordered to …
You are ordered not to …
Passive Voice – Omitting the agent
In the sentences beginning with someone/no one, omit the ‘agent’ (subject) in the passive voice.
(e.g.) 1. Somebody has taken away my book. (Active)
My book has been taken away. (Passive)
2. No one has bought the tickets. (Active)
The tickets have not been bought. (Passive)
(Add ‘not’ to the verb for nobody, none, no one)
Passive Voice – Interrogatives
When sentences are changed to Passive, they begin with a verb (in ‘Yes/ No’ questions) or with a question word followed by the verb (in ‘Wh’ questions).
a. Questions beginning with Auxiliary verbs
(e.g.) 1. Did he write a letter? (Active)
Was a letter written by him? (Passive)
2. Is he watching us? (Active)
Are we being watched by him? (Passive)
b. Questions beginning with ‘wh’ words
(e.g.) 1. Who will accept this? (Active)
By whom will this be accepted? (Passive)
2. Who has arranged this meeting? (Active)
By whom has this meeting been arranged? (Passive)
3. When will you finish the building? (Active)
When will the building be finished by you? (Passive)
(the agent ‘by you’ is optional)
4. How did they do this? (Active)
How was this done by them? (Passive)
(the agent ‘by them’ is optional)
G. Change the following into Passive voice.
1. Please call him at once.
Let him be called at once. (or) You are requested to call him at once.
2. How did you cross the river?
How was the river crossed by you?
3. No one is borrowing the novels from the library.
The novels are being borrowed by no one from the library.
4. Will you help me?
Will I be helped by you?
5. Go for a jog early in the morning.
You are instructed to go for a jog early in the morning.
6. Why have you left your brother at home?
Why has your brother been left at home by you?
7. Nobody should violate the rules.
The rules should be violated.
8. Someone has to initiate it immediately.
It has to be initiated immediately.
9. Have you invited Raman to the party?
Has Raman been invited by you to the party?
10. Please do not walk on the grass.
You are requested not to walk on the grass.
11. Cross the busy roads carefully.
You are advised to cross the busy roads carefully. (you can also use instructed)
12. When will you book the tickets to Bengaluru?
When will the tickets to Bengaluru be booked by you?
Note: We need not mention Indefinite subjects in passive voice
Some Indefinite Subjects are…….
anyone : no one
any body : no body
every one : some one
every one : some body
H. In the following sentences the verbs have two objects namely Direct and Indirect objects. Change each of the following sentences into two passives using direct object as the subject in one and indirect in the other.
1. John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill.
a: Jill was given a bar of chocolate by John.
b: A bar of chocolate was given to Jill by John.
2. Pragathi lent a pencil to Keerthana.
a. Keerthana was lent a pencil by Pragathi.
b. A pencil was lent to Keerthana by Pragathi.
3. Sudha told the truth to her friend.
a. Sudha’s friend was told the truth by Sudha.
b. The truth was told by Sudha to her friend.
4. They offered the job to Venkat.
a. Venkat was offered the job by them.
b. The job was offered by them to Venkat.
5. The boss showed the new computer to Kaviya.
a. Kaviya was showed the new computer by the boss.
b. The new computer was showed to Kaviya by the boss.
I. Rewrite the following passage in Passive Voice.
A few days ago, someone stole Ambrose’s motorbike. Ambrose had left it outside his house. He reported the theft to the police. The police told him that they would try to find his motorbike. This morning, they found his motorbike. The police called Ambrose to the police station. The thieves had painted it and then sold it to someone else. The new owner had parked the motorbike outside a mall when the police found it. After an enquiry, the police arrested the thieves.
A few days ago, Ambrose’s motor bike was stolen. It had been left by Ambrose outside his house. The theft was reported by him to the police. He was told by the police that (the matter of) finding his motorbike would be tried by them. This morning his motorbike was found by them. Ambrose was called by the police, to the police station. It had been painted by the thieves, and it was sold. The motorbike had been parked by the new owner, outside a mall when its was found by the police. After an enquiry, the thieves were arrested by the police.
J. Write a recipe of your favourite dish in passive voice. Remember to list out the ingredients of the dish you have chosen and their quantity. Use Simple Present tense to write your recipe.
Carrot Kheer
¼ Kg of the carrot taken.
200 gms of sugar taken.
100 gms of cashew nuts
2 no elaichi (cardamom)
50 gms of ghee
Carrots are scrapped and cooked for 3 minutes. The boiled carrots are mashed nicely. The mashed carrots are taken in a pan. Simmer over low flame, 200 gms of sugar and 250ml of milk is added and stirred well. The cashew nuts and elaichi are roasted and added to the mix. The mixture is stirred again well still sugar gets dissolved properly. Now the ghee is added and stirred. Finally the carrot kheer is ready to be served.
K. Write a report of an event held at your school using Passive voice. Use Simple Past Tense to narrate the event.
National Science Day
Mahendra Varman R
28th Feb, 2020
The National Science Day was celebrated in our school. It was presided over by the Principal of Government college, Chennai. The welcome speech was delivered by our Head master. A debate about the cause for the global warming was conducted. Many exhibits were displayed. The vote of thanks was delivered by the school pupil leader. Finally National Anthem was sung and the programme was concluded.