English : Unit 7 : Prose : The Dying Detective
gaunt (adj.) – lean, especially because ofsuffering, hunger or age.
twitched (v) – give short, sudden jerkingmovements.
contagious (adj.) – spreading of a diseasefrom one person to another by direct contact
groan (v) – make a deep inarticulate soundconveying pain or despair.
plague (n) – a contagious bacterial diseasecharacterized by fever .
bolted (v) – closed the door with a bar thatslides into a socket.
mantle piece (n) – a structure of woodor marble above or around the fireplace.
half-crown (n) – a former British coin equalto two shillings and sixpence (12 1/2p).
tongs (n) – a device used for picking upobjects consisting of two long pieces free at one end and pressed together at the other end.
delirious (adj.) – disturbed state of mindcharacterized by restlessness.
frail (adj.) – weak and delicate.
startled (v) – felt sudden shock or alarm.
scuffle (v) – to have a sudden short fight
While reading questions
a. How did Watson feel when he heard of Holmes illness?
Watson felt horrified when he heard of Holmes’s illness.
b. Why didn’t the landlady call the doctor?
Holmes did not allow the landlady to call the doctor.
c. What was the condition of Holmes when Watson saw him?
Holmes had not taken food or drink for the past three days. So he was listless (weak). His eyes had the brightness of fever, his cheeks were flushed and his hand twitched all the time.
d. According to Holmes what was the disease he was suffering from?
Holmes was suffering from Tarpaunli fever or black Formosa plague. It was a contagious, through touch and deadly disease from Sumatra. It spreads through by touch.
e. Who did Watson see when he entered the room?
Watson saw the butler when he entered the room.
f. What were the instructions given by Holmes to Watson?
Holmes instructed Watson to tell Smith exactly how he was suffering from the illness. Watson had to persuade Smith to come to meet Holmes. Watson should return before the arrival of Smith and hide in the next room.
g. Why did Holmes plead with Smith?
Holmes pretended to be sick as a trick to induce Smith to confess his nephew’s murder. So Holmes pleaded with Smith that he was the only one in London who could cure him.
h. Who was responsible for Victor Savage’s death? What was the evidence for it?
Culverton Smith was responsible for Victor Savage’s death. The poisoned sharp spring inside the ivory box was the evidence for it.
i. What explanation did Holmes give for speaking rudely to Watson?
Holmes explained that he had respect for Watson’s medical skill. Holmes didn’t want Watson to know that he was not ill. He pretended to be ill just to get Smith there.
j. How was Holmes able to look sick?
He was fasting for three days and did make-up like a sick. man.
A. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.
1. Who was Mrs. Hudson? Why was she worried?
Mrs.Hudson was the landlady of Sherlock Holmes. She was worried about his illness because Holmes did not take food or drink for three days.
2. Why didn’t Holmes let Watson examine him?
Holmes pretended that he didn’t have confidence in Dr. Watson. So he didn’t let Watson examine him. (or) Holmes thought that Watson was ignorant of the deadly disease. So he didn’t let Watson examine him.
3. Why did Holmes warn Watson against touching his things? What was Watson’s reaction?
Holmes did not like anyone touching his things. So he warned Watson against touching his things. Eventually, Watson sat in silent dejection.
4. What did Watson find on the table near the mantlepiece?
Watson found a small black and white ivory box with a sliding lid on the table near the mantlepiece.
5. Who is Mr. Culverton Smith?
Mr. Culverton Smith is a planter. He lives in Sumatra island. He is the culprit. He killed his nephew Victor Savage, in order to retain the property.
6. What did Holmes ask Watson to do before leaving his room?
Holmes asked Watson to place some letters and paper on the table within his reach. He asked to place the ivory box and slide the lid a bit with tongs. He asked Watson to light the lamp and leave it half on.
7. What instructions did Holmes give Watson to get Mr. Smith?
Holmes asked Watson to tell Smith that Holmes was dying and to persuade Smith to come. Watson should return before the arrival of Smith.
8. Why did Holmes want Smith to treat him?
Holmes thought that Smith was the only man in London who knew well about the deadly disease. So he wanted Smith to treat him
9. According to Smith how did Holmes get the disease?
Smith thought that Holmes got the contagious disease by touching the poisoned sharp spring, kept inside the ivory box which he had sent to Holmes by post.
10. Who arrested Smith? What were the charges against him?
Inspector Morton arrested Smith. He arrested Smith on the charges of murdering his nephew, Victor Savage and his attempt to kill Holmes in the same way.
B. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of about 100-150 words.
1. How did Holmes trap Mr. Culverton Smith to confess the murder?
2. How did Watson help his friend to arrest the criminal?
Prose : The Dying Detective
Author : Arthur Conan Doyle
Theme : Punishment, may be delayed but sure
Characters : Sherlock Holmes, Dr.Watson, Mrs.Smith, Inspector-Morton of Scotland Yard, landlady-Mrs.Hudson
Outline : Sherlock Holmes – famous detective – London – Dr.Watson – friend – pretended as if infected with deadly disease – to get Smith – for treating illness – wanted Smith’s confession – Inspector Morton – arrested Smith for his crime.
Sherlock Holmes was a famous detective in London. Dr.Watson, friend and assistant of Holmes was the narrator of this story. Once, Holmes pretended as if he were infected with a deadly disease. He didn’t take food or drink for three days. So he was weak. Dr.Watson wanted to treat Holmes. But Holmes didn’t want Watson to know that he was not ill. He sent Watson to get Culverton Smith for treating his illness. Watson had to persuade Smith to come and meet Holmes. Mr.Culverton Smith was a planter. He was the culprit, who had killed his nephew Victor Savage to retain the property. To capture Smith, Holmes pretended to be ill. While Holmes and Smith were discussing, Smith confessed that he had killed his nephew and also sent an infected ivory box to kill Holmes in the same way. Holmes asked Smith to turn up the gas light. It was a signal for Inspector Morton who was waiting in the next room with Dr.Watson. Morton came in and arrested Smith for his crime.
• Introduction
• Dying detective — Holmes
• Instructions given to Watson
• Culverton Smith-the villain
• Holmes’ deception
• Conclusion
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer, best known for his fictional detective character, Sherlock Holmes. This story is narrated by the character, Dr.Watson, a friend of Holmes.
Dying detective — Holmes:
Sherlock Holmes was a famous detective in London. Dr.Watson was his friend. Once, Holmes pretended as if he were infected with Tarpaunli fever or black Formosa plague, a deadly disease from Sumatra. He didn’t take food or drink for three days. So he was listless. Dr.Watson wanted to treat his illness. But Holmes didn’t want Watson to know that he was not ill. He pretended to be ill just to get Smith there.
Instructions given to Watson:
He sent Watson to get Culverton Smith for treating his illness. Holmes instructed Watson to tell Smith exactly how he was suffering from the illness. Watson had to persuade Smith to come and meet Holmes. „
Culverton Smith-the villain:
Mr.Culverton Smith was a planter from Sumatra. He was the culprit. He had killed his nephew Victor Savage in order to usurp the property. He came to visit London in order to know the consequences of his plot of killing Holmes. But Holmes wanted Smith’s confession for his crime of murdering his nephew Victor. In order to capture Smith, Holmes pretended to be ill.
Holmes’ deception:
While Holmes and Smith were discussing, Watson overheard them from the next room. As they were discussing, Smith confessed that he had killed his nephew, Victor and also sent an infected ivory box to kill Holmes in the same way. Holmes asked Smith to turn up the gas light which was a signal for Inspector Morton. Inspector Morton came in and arrested Smith for his crime.
This mystery is also called “The Adventure of the Dying Detective.” Arthur Conan Doyle created these two characters Sherlock Holmes and Watson as if they were real ones.
Moral: “Don’t belive everything you see”
Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. The text has many homophones such as : see-sea, hear-here, knew-new.
C. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct options given.
1. Niteesh bought a new (knew/new) cricket bat.
2. The shepherd heard (herd/heard) the cry of his sheep.
3. Lakshmi completed her baking course (course/coarse) successfully.
4. Priya has broken her fore (four/fore) limbs.
5. Leaders of the world must work towards the peace (peace/piece) of human race.
Use the given examples and make sentences of your own.
Commonly confused words
English has a lot of commonly confused words. They either look alike or look and sound alike, but have completely different meanings and usage. Here are some examples from the text.
brought (v) – past participle of bring. E.g. Anitha had brought a book from the library.
bought (v) – past participle of buy. E.g. Lalitha had bought a new dress last week.
affect (v) – to have an effect on. E.g. The pet’s death affected his master.
effect (n) – anything brought about by a cause or agent; result. E.g. Both El Nino and La Nina are opposite effects of the same phenomenon.
D. Complete the tabular column by finding the meaning of both the words given in the boxes. Use them in sentences of your own.

lost (v) – unable to be found – I have lost my ticket. / She lost her mother.
last(adj) – coming at the end/final – At the last moment, he changed his mind.
paused (v) – stopped for a short time – She paused to get her breath back and then carried on jogging.
passed (v) – approved – The Assembly passed the money bill.
pitcher (n) – a round container for liquid – He poured water into the pitcher / He brought a pitcher of water.
picture (n) – a drawing or painting – Raja painted a picture of my dog.
E. Listen to the story and answer the questions given below
1. Where does this story take place?
a. in a bakery
b. at the police station
c. in Ms. Gervis’ house
d. in Ms. Gervis’ apartment
2. Near the beginning of the story, “Ms. Gervis’ eyes are full of tears. Her hands are shaking.” How does Ms. Gervis probably feel?
a. She is upset.
b. She is tired.
c. She is hungry.
d. She is confused.
3. What makes the detective sure that the robber did not come through the windows?
a. The windows are locked.
b. The windows face the police station.
c. The windows have not been used in months.
d. The windows are too small for a person to fit through.
4. What else was stolen from the apartment?
a. crystal
b. jewelry
c. money
d. nothing
5. “And the robber definitely did not use the front door.” Which is the best way to rewrite this sentence?
a. “And the robber may not have used the front door.”
b. “And the robber probably did not use the front door.”
c. “And the robber was not able to use the front door.”
d. “And the robber certainly did not use the front door.”
6. What does Ms. Gervis do with her cakes?
a. She eats them.
b. She sells them.
c. She hides them.
d. She gives them away.
7. What does the detective seem to think will happen if he solves the mystery?
a. Ms. Gervis will start baking cakes again
b. Ms. Gervis will bake him extra cakes
c. Ms. Gervis will give him her secret recipe
d. Ms. Gervis will give him money and jewels
8. Do you like mysteries? What is your favorite kind of story? Explain.
There’s always room for a short story that can transport people to another time and place – J.K Rowling.
Yes, I like mysteries. My favourite kind of story is a fairy tale. It is a folklore genre. That takes the form of a short story. In a fairy tale, we can read fictional characters like dwarfs, dragons, fairies, giants, mermaids, talking animals, unicorns and witches. These features add colour to the story and triggered the children’s imagination. Fantasies used in fairy tales create interest in the readers. The Walt Disney company has had a significant impact on the evolution of fairy tale film. Fairy tales like Sleeping beauty,. Snow White and Seven Dwarfs, Cindrella, Beauty and the Beast are favourite stories for ever. Fairy tales teach children how to deal with certain social situations and help them to find their place in society.
“If you want your children to be more intelligent,
make them read more fairy tales ” – Albert Einstein.
A review is a critical assessment of a book, play, film, an event, etc. published in a newspaper or magazine.
Review process: (present it in info graphics)
1. First, choose the piece/work (a book, movie, an article or event).
2. Read the selected piece (a book/an article) or watch it (a movie/an event) cautiously until you understand it thoroughly.
3. Focus on the main idea of the piece and its purpose.
4. Critically evaluate the work.
5. Make a note of all that is worthy of analysis.
6. Summarise it in a brief way.
7. Present it orally or in written form.
F. Exercise
1. Present the review of a movie that you have watched recently.
2.0 is one of the best movies in recent times. The movie is a science fiction that takes the commercial route to entertain us. South Indian films and filmmakers seem to have a handle on out- of-the-box ideas for cinema. Director Shankar has experimented with such high-concept movies like Robot (2010, Tamil title Enthiran) and I (2015) before, too.
Story: Dr Vaseegaran (Rajinikanth) and his android assistant Nila (Amy Jackson) are called in for help after mobiles start mysteriously flying out of the hands of people in Chennai. Vaseegaran summons his trusted robot Chitti (Rajinikanth) to ward off the bird-shaped supernatural powers of Pakshirajan (Akshay Kumar). Many birds die because of raditions from mobile phones. Pakshirajan, being a bird lover and ornithologist was hurt seriously and hangs himself in a telephone tower. The Aura of Pakshi and died birds form the supernatural power and steel the mobile phones. Chitti destroys the Pakshirajan and is appreciated by everyone. It would be nice if the siory ends here. Bui it starts again as Pakshirajan gets back his power. This time Chitti cannot destroy it as Pakshi hurts Dr Vaseegaran whenever Chitti makes an attack. With the comeback of Chitti 2.0 (Child with a red chip) and with the help of Kutti(Microbot – Chitti V 3.0), Pakshi is destroyed. And the movie ends with a duet song for Chitti and Nila – endhira logathu sundariye song.
Shankar’s screenplay gives fans of the superstar plenty of moments to cheer for, especially with the fact that there are not one or two, but three iterations of his robotic character Chitti. Rajinikanth’s and Akshay Kumar’s performance dominates the narrative. The presence of these two superstars is one of the main reasons why 2.0 feels like a grand, big-ticket movie. The makeup and costumes are the highlights of the movie, too.
There are several moments in the movie that are quite memorable too. The sight of mobiles covering up an entire road, a forest and forming the giant eagle, are most certainly ‘wow’ worthy. But the scientific explanations provided for telekinetic control of mobile phones and the antagonist’s supernatural abilities aren’t all that convincing. Nevertheless, this is a Rajinikanth movie and questioning cinematic liberty and logic-defying creativity is unwarranted
2. Give the review of a book that has interested you a lot.
The book Mapping the World by Ralph E. Ehrenberg is published by National Geographic as an illustrated history of Cartography. Ralph E. Ehrenberg has lectured and consulted widely on geographic resources, the history of cartography and management of cartographic collections.
With running commentary by Ralph E. Ehrenberg, this book tells a fascinating story of geographic discovery, scientific invention, and the technique -of mapmaking. Mapping the World provides amazing details on map. The book deals with- broad historical and cultural range, unmatched variety of maps from the finest map collections in the world more than one hundred illustrations and a fresh and authoritative perspective on the history of cartography. Mapping the World talks about the uses of maps as well as how to differentiate between the type Of map projection and type of map.
Every day people around the world use maps and get useful information. We could make a colourful map that shows the amount of pollution in different areas, or it could be a population map, or it could even be a map that shows the 50 states of the USA, their capitals and borders! Our last step in this amazing excursion is the near future, where we see some hypothetical solutions as to what maps will be used for. Currently, we are working on better virtual map technology
In the early 1900s, people had to lug a lot of maps around to find their way from place to place, or just keep asking for directions. Now, scientists have been able to put maps on phones by using Global Positioning System (GPS). It is amazing how much maps have changed technology and the world in this century. “Mapping the world” is a treasure box filled with the gems of cartography. This book will be very useful for the people who want to be cartographers.
3. Review an event which your school has hosted recently.
Review an event which your school has hosted recently
I am Dinesh of Govt Hr Sec School, Thirupur. Recently our school hosted a colorful Cultural Fest. This event was held in the auditorium of our school. In this mega event, many schools from our city took part. The grand show commenced with Thamizh Thai Vazhthu hailing our mother tongue.
We invited our District Collector as the Chief Guest. There was a colourful welcome followed by lighting of the lamp. It was followed by a welcome speech given by the Headmaster of our school. Then there was bouquet presentation to the invited guests and the grand event began. It was a truly mesmerizing show as the teams from various schools presented many programmes such as singing, classical and disco dancing, poetry recitation, skits, mimicry and mono acting shows. It was a colourful feast to the eyes and ears. Everyone sat spellbound. The audience witnessed a colourful array of dances and musical acts. The school choir enthralled the audience with the soulful rendition of music. Students from our school touched every heart and filled everyone present with a sense of national pride with Bharathiyar songs. The highlight of the day was the play ‘Faith Conquers All’ enacted by Girls Hr Sec School. Students performed mime based on themes such as ‘save trees’ and ‘together we make a better tomorrow’.
The Chief Guest praised the entire event a lot and applauded the efforts of students and teachers. He guided the students with his inspirational words to become good citizens. Our Principal presented the annual report highlighting the achievements of the school and the students. Meritorious students in academics and extra-curricular activities were felicitated. Then the competition results were announced. The team from our school bagged the first prize and all of us complimented one another. It was followed by a formal vote of thanks and the event concluded.
Read the story carefully and answer the questions asked below
A Mystery Case
For a man of ease, John Mathew kept an arduous schedule. On Wednesdays, for example, he was awakened at 9.00 and served breakfast in bed by Emanuel, his chef. Next came a quick fitness session with Basky, his personal trainer. Then, at 10.30, John Mathew answered his mail, returned phone calls and rearranged his social calendar helped by Louise, his secretary. At noon, John Mathew drove his Jaguar to the station and took a commuter train into Guindy for his weekly lunch with Lalli and Lolly, his two oldest and dearest friends. Then, on to a little shopping. The 4:05 nonstop would bring him back to Tambaram. As John Mathew drove up to the house at 5:00, Basky would have already set up the massage table and warmed the scented oils for a soothing herbal wrap. It was a gruelling life but John seemed to thrive on it. On this Wednesday, however, there was an unexpected change of plans. Today John’s shopping errand involved taking his diamond bracelet into the jeweller’s for cleaning. He threw the expensive jewel into his purse and proceeded on to lunch.
As John waved his friends good- bye and exited the restaurant, he sensed he was being followed. The feeling continued until he reached Tenth Avenue. Then, as he joined the throng of shoppers, John felt a hug. Within a split-second, a man riding pillion on a bike rode past him, grabbing his purse. He couldn’t guess who the culprit was?
G. Match the following.
1. A man of ease – Emanuel
2. John’s trainer – Lalli and Lolly
3. Mathew’s secretary – John Mathew
4. John’s chef – Louise
5. Mathew’s friends – Basky
1. A man of ease – John Mathew
2. John’s trainer – Basky
3. Mathew’s secretary – Louise
4. John’s chef – Emanuel
5. Mathew’s friends – Lalli and Lolly
H. State whether the given statements are true or false. If false correct the statements.
1. Mathew is a very busy man. True
2. He woke up very late in the morning. True
3. He always had lunch with his family. False
Correct Statement: He had his weekly lunch with his dearest friends Lalli and Lolly.
4. He exercised with Louise every day. False
Correct Statement: He exercised with Basky, his personal trainer.
5. He preferred handling mail by himself. False
Correct Statement: He answered his mail with the help of Louise, his secretary.
· A Pamphlet is a small booklet or leaflet containing information or arguments about a single subject.
· They are helpful in presenting information in a more attractive way and also easily accessible and economical to distribute.
· They are generally used for describing the product or instructions, commercial information, promotion of events or promoting tourism.

I. Create a pamphlet for the following:
1. Make a pamphlet on ‘Dengue Awareness’ (Focus on its causes, preventions, symptoms and precautions).

2. Make an attractive pamphlet for your school’s Fair organised for raising funds for (any) relief (Specify the date, time, types of stalls and the reasons for the fair).

3. Make a pamphlet on the latest gadgets (Mention the variety of models, uses, need and availability).

Letter of Enquiry
A letter of enquiry is a formal letter, written to get more details / information about something. In this letter the word limit should not exceed 200 words. It is used to enquire and get details to purchase an item, to know about a course for study, a place for a trip, etc It must include sender’s details.
Model of Enquiry Letter
Vimala had purchased a laptop last year. She writes the following letter to the shop enquiring about the warranty coverage for the damage caused.
Mrs. Vimala
342, Annai Theresa street
4th August 2019
The Manager
Digital Electronics
Subject: Enquiry about damage replacement–regarding.
Madam / Sir,
Last year, I purchased a new Lenovo laptop in your shop during the New year offer. Now, the laptop’s display is damaged. So I need to know whether there is any free replacement coverage or warranty period that covers the cost of repair. Please, let me know the best way to address this issue.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
J. Write a letter of enquiry for the following
1. Your a librarian in a newly established school. Write a letter to the book dealer inquiring about the list of newly arrived English children’s story books and various subject books relevant to 10-14 age groups.
P. Leo,
The Librarian,
Govt. Hr. Sec. School,
The Manager,
Rasi Book Stall,
Madam / Sir,
Sub: List of books – request for – regarding.
I am Hariharan, the librarian of Government High School, Keeranur, Pudukottai. Our school management has decided to set up ^library to improve reading habit among the students.
We intend to purchase English Story Books and other Subject Books for children in the age group of 10-14 years.
I request you to kindly send us a list of newly arrived Children’s English story books and other subject books. I want to know the cost of books to proceed further on purchasing the required books. Awaiting your immediate reply.
Thanking you.
Yours Sincerely,
P. Leo.
2. Venkat hails from a remote village of Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu who aspires to become an IAS officer. Currently, he is in class X. He notices an advertisement on free classes for the IAS aspirants by a trust in a news paper. He writes a letter to the coordinator of the trust inquiring for further details.
S. Venkat,
No: 12, Nesavalar Street,
The Coordinator,
Way to Success Trust,
Mela Chinthamani,
Sub : Enquiry about joining IAS Academy – regarding.
Ref: Your advertisement in ‘The Hindu’ dated 16.03.2020
I am Venkat studying 10th Standard in Government High school, Mettukkuppa’m in Perambalur District.
I saw your advertisement in “The Hindu” dated 16.03.2020. I am very excited to know that you commence free classes for the IAS aspirants in May 2020.
I am hailing from a very poor family living in a remote village of Perambalur District. My parents are working as coolies. In spite of my poverty, I wish to become an IAS Officer and to serve our country.
I like to know the following details:
1. Am I eligible to join the academy after completing my 10th standard?
2. How can I get your application form?
3. What are the documents to be produced at the time of joining?
Please let me know the procedure and kindly reply.
Thanking you.
Your faithfully,
S. Venkat
3. Write a letter to the head of the BSNL office enquiring regarding the internet broadband scheme launched recently.
V. Seethalakshmi,
D/o. Venkatasamy,
No: 21, Nadu Theru,
Anjaneyar Koil Street,
Trichy – District.
The General Manager,
Customer Care Centre/BSNL,
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited,
Trichy – 620 006.
Sub: Broadband connection – enquiry about – regarding.
Ref: Your advertisement in “The Hindu” daily, dated 16.03.2019
I have seen your advertisement in “The Hindu” daily dated 16.03.2019 regarding the new launch of broadband plans.
Ip your advertisement, you have mentioned the new launch of Fiber to Home(FTH) scheme with many offers to the Customer.
1 like to know the difference between ordinary Broadband connection & the newly launched Fiber to Home (FTH) services. What will be the initial deposit I have to pay against those schemes? Please send me the Tariff Plan for both the Broadband and FTH Schemes.
Awaiting your reply.
Thanks & Regards,
V. Seethalakshmi.
Let us recall some important points that we learnt in the previous unit.
· Gerunds, Infinitives and Participles are Non Finite Verbs.
· Phrase is a group of words which does not contain a Finite Verb.
· Clause is a group of words which has a Finite Verb.
· Finite Verbs indicate the tense and time of actions.
· Non Finite Verbs do not indicate tense and time of actions.
Now, let us study about the three different kinds of sentences.
1. Simple 2. Complex 3. Compound
· A Simple sentence consists of only one Finite Verb.
· A Complex sentence has one Main Clause and one or more Subordinate Clauses.
· A Compound sentence has two Main Clauses combined by a Coordinating Conjunction.
1. Ramu is too poor to buy a bicycle.
2. Despite his old age, Raghav walked fast.
3. In the event of not consulting a doctor, you cannot recover.
4. On seeing the teacher, the children stood up.
5. Due to a heavy downpour, the match was cancelled.
(In the above sentences, finite verbs are highlighted)
1. Ramu is so poor that he cannot buy a bicycle.
2. Though Raghav was old, he walked fast
3. Unless you consult a doctor, you cannot recover.
4. As soon as the children saw the teacher, they stood up
5. As there was a heavy downpour, the match was cancelled.
(The parts of the sentences highlighted are main clauses)
1. Ramu is very poor and he cannot buy a bicycle.
2. Raghav was old yet he walked fast.
3. You consult a doctor otherwise you cannot recover
4. The children saw the teacher and they stood up
5. There was a heavy downpour and so the match was cancelled
(In the above sentences, the words highlighted are conjunctions)
A. Transform the following sentences as instructed.
1. On seeing the teacher, the children stood up. (into Complex)
Ans: As soon as the children saw the teacher, they stood up.
2. At the age of six, Varsha started learning music. (into Complex)
Ans: Varsha started learning music when she was six.
3. As Varun is a voracious reader, he buys a lot of books. (into Simple)
Ans: Being a voracious reader, Varun buys a lot of books.
4. Walk carefully lest you will fall down. (into Complex)
Ans: If you don’t walk carefully, you will fall down.
5. Besides being a dancer, she is a singer. (into Compound)
Ans: She is not only a dancer but also a singer.
6. He is sick but he attends the rehearsal. (into Simple)
Ans: In spite of his sickness, he attends the rehearsal.
7. If Meena reads more, she will become proficient in the language. (into Compound)
Ans: Meena must read more or she won’t become proficient in the language.
8. He confessed that he was guilty. (into Simple)
Ans: He confessed his guilt, (or) He confessed his crime.
9. The boy could not attend the special classes due to his mother’s illness. (into Compound)
Ans: His mother was ill and so the boy could not attend the special classes.
10. He followed my suggestion. (into Complex)
Ans: He followed what I suggested.
B. Combine the pairs of sentences below into simple, complex and compound
1. Radha was ill. She was not hospitalised
Simple : In spite of her illness, Radha was not hospitalized.
Complex : Though Radha was ill, she was not hospitalized.
Compound : Radha was ill but she was not hospitalized.
2. The students were intelligent. They could answer the questions correctly
Simple : Being intelligent, the students could answer the questions correctly.
Complex : As the students were intelligent, they could answer the questions correctly.
Compound : The students were intelligent and so they could answer the questions correctly.
3. I must get a visa. I can travel abroad
Simple : In the event of getting a visa, I can travel abroad./ In the event of not getting a visa, I cannot travel abroad.
Complex : If I get a visa, I can travel abroad. /Unless I get a visa, I cannot travel abroad.
Compound : I must get a visa otherwise I cannot travel abroad.
4. I saw a tiger it was wounded
Simple : I saw a wounded tiger.
Complex : I saw a tiger which was wounded.
Compound : I saw a tiger and it was wounded.
5. There was a bandh. The shops remained closed
Simple : The shops remained closed due to bandh.
Complex : As there was a bandh, the shops remained closed.
Compound : There was a bandh and so the shops remained closed.