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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Books The Grumble Family

Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Books The Grumble Family

English : Unit 2 : Poem : The Grumble Family


discontent (adj.) – dissatisfaction with one’s circumstances amiss (adj.) – not quite right

growl (v) – make a low guttural sound in the throat

grumble (n) – a complaint about something in a bad-tempered way gloomy (adj.) – to appear depressing or frightening

queerest (adj.) – the strangest or the most unusual

acknowledge – accept or admit the existence or truth of

terrible (adj.) – extremely bad or serious

wandering (v) – walking or moving in a leisurely or aimless way

A. Read the following lines from the poem and answer the questions given below.

1. There’s a family nobody likes to meet;

They live, it is said, on Complaining Street

a. Where does the family live?

The family lives in Complaining street.

b. Why do you think the street is named as ‘Complaining Street’?

I think all the people would be complaining always.

Q.       Name the city mentioned in this line.

The name of the city is ‘Never-Are-Satisfied.’

Q.      Name the river mentioned in this line.

The name of the river is ‘River of Discontent’

Q.       What is the rhyme scheme of the above line?

Rhyme scheme: a abb

Q.       Pick out the rhymimg words in the above lines.

Rhymimg words: meet-street; satisfied-beside

Q.      Findout the figure of speech mentioned in these lines

Metaphor – ‘Complaining Street’, ‘City of Never-Are Satisfied’ and ‘River of Discontent’

2. They growl at that and they growl at this;

Whatever comes, there is something amiss;

a. What does the word ‘growl’ mean here?

Growl means ‘make a low guttural sound’.

b. Why do they find everything amiss?

Because they are unsatisfied always.

3. Nothing goes right with the folks you meet

Down on that gloomy Complaining Street.

a. What is the opinion about the folks you meet down the street?

The folks down the street are imperfect and they grumble always.

b. What does the word ‘gloomy’ mean here?

‘Gloomy’ means unclear.

Q.       What did they scold?

They scolded summer and winter.

Q.      Pick out the rhyming words and identify the rhyme scheme of the above lines.

Rhymimg words: cold-scold; meet-street Rhyme scheme: a a b b

Q.       Pick out the words that are alliterated in the 2nd line.

summer – scold

4. The worst thing is that if anyone stays

Among them too long, he will learn their ways;

a. What is the worst thing that can happen if anyone stays with them?

If anyone stays with them they will learn their ways of grumbling.

b. What are the ways of the Grumble family?

Grumbling about everything is the way of the grumble family.

Q.       Who dreams here?

The one who stays with the grumble family dreams here.

Q.      What does he dream of?

He dreams of the terrible jumble of grumbling something.

Q.       Who is adopted into the family of grumble?

The one who stays with the grumble family is adopted.

Q.       What is the rhyme scheme of the above line?

Rhyme scheme: a a b b

Q.      Pick out the rhymimg words in the above lines.

Rhymimg words: stays-ways; jumble-grumble

Q.      Pick out the words that are alliterated in the 2nd line.

will-ways; long-leam;

5. And so it were wisest to keep our feet 

From wandering into Complaining Street;

a. What is the wisest thing that the poet suggests?

The wisest thing that the poet suggests is to stay away from the grumble family.

b. What does the phrase ‘to keep our feet from wandering’ refer to?

The phrase ‘to keep our feet from wandering’ refers to not to enter the complaining street.

Q.       What does the poet advise us?

The poet advises us not to growl whatever we do.

Q.      What will we be mistaken for?

We will be mistaken for grumblers.

Q.       What is the rhyme scheme of the above line?

Rhyme scheme: a a b b

Q.       Pick out the rhymimg words in the above lines.

Rhymimg words: feet-street; do-too

6. Let us learn to walk with a smile and a song,

No matter if things do sometimes go wrong;

a. What does the poet expect everyone to learn?

The poet expects everyone to walk with a smile and a song.

b. What should we do when things go wrong sometimes?

When things go wrong we should not worry.

Q.       What is the rhyme scheme of the above line?

Rhyme scheme: a a b b

Q.      Pick out the rhymimg words in the above lines.

Rhymimg words: song-wrong; humble-grumble

Q.       Pick out the words that are alliterated in the 1st line.

smile – song     

B. Answer the following question in about 80-120 words.

1.           Write a paragraph on ‘The Grumble Family’ and their attitude towards other folks.


Poet : Lucy Maud Montgomery 

Theme : ‘The Grumble Family’ and their attitude 

Outline : pessimistic family – in a complaining street – discontented – dissatisfied – find fault – not fail to grumble – negative attitude

The grumble family is a pessimistic family. It lives in ‘complaining street’. The name of the street is the fittest one. The members of the family are always discontented. Noboby wants to meet them. They are never happy with their lives. They are dissatisfied with everything. They complain about everything. Whatever happens in their lives, they complain about it. Rain or sun, summer or winter, high or humble, they will not fail to grumble.They always growl at others. Even though nothing happens in life, they grumble for it. They don’t have any positive attitude. They find fault at each and everything. They are well known with the name ‘Grumble’. Nobody wants to be with them otherwise they will also get affected by this habit. Thus no one likes the negative attitude of the grumble family.


• Introduction 

• Pessimistic family

• Their complaints

• Their Attitude

• Conclusion


L. M. Montgomery was a Canadian author and poetess. One of her works is ‘The Grumble Family’. The Title of the poem itself tells about the nature of the family she describes.

Pessimistic family:

The grumble family is a pessimistic family. It lives in ‘Complaining street’ in the city of ‘Never-Are-Satisfied’. It is beside the ‘River of Discontent.’ The name of the street, city and the river are the fittest one. The members of the family are always discontented. Noboby wants to meet them. They are never happy with their lives.

Their complaints:

They are dissatisfied with everything. They complain about everything. Whatever happens in their lives, they complain about it. Rain or sun, summer or winter, high or humble, they will not fail to grumble. They always growl at others. Even though everything in their life is pleased to them, they would growl for not having a grumble.

Their Attitude:

They don’t have any positive attitude. They find fault at each and everything. They are well known with the name of Grumble. Nobody wants to be with them for a fear that they will also get affected by this habit. Thus no one likes the negative attitude of the grumble family.


We should not grumble for everything that goes wrong. If we do so, we would also be listed in the ‘pessimistic grumble family’.

Never grumble for ‘the thorns in roses’

Be happy for ‘the roses in thorns’

2.           If you were to live in the Complaining Street, how would you deal with the people who grumble?

I hardly dream to live in such a street like .complaining street. If I were to live in the Complaining Street, I would approach them with positive attitude. I would try to understand their needs and provide them at most. I would try my level best, to remove the negative mental attitude in them. I would ask them to participate in various social events. I would indulge them in more social welfare programmes. I would make them realise the true meaning of life. I would make them to understand that life is full of uncertainities. I would suggest them to enjoy every moment of life and to lead the life with positive attitude. I would motivate them to change their attitude towards their life. Definitely I would transform their mindset by inspiring thoughts and spirit.

3.           From the poem ‘The Grumble Family’ what kind of behaviour does the poet want the readers to possess?

Poet : Lucy Maud Montgomery 

Theme : Behaviour of ‘The Grumble Family’

Outline : teaches – what not do – pessimistic family – develop positive attitude – accept the life – not find fault – optimistic – face trials, tribulations – treat joys, sorrows equally – stop complaining

This poem teaches us what we should not do in our life. The title of the poem, tells about a pessimistic family. The poet indirectly advises us to develop positive attitude. She portrays the discontented family here. The poet wants us to accept the life as it is. We should not find fault in each and everything like the members of the grumble family. We should be optimistic. We should accept the reality and face the trials and tribulations of our life. Life is full of challenges. It is not a bed of roses. We should treat joys and sorrows equally. We must stop complaining others. This is the lesson we must leam from the grumble family. Then only we will be different from them so that everyone will like us.


• Introduction

• Positive attitude

• Be optimistic

• Never Complain

• Conclusion


L. M. Montgomery was a Canadian author and poetess. One of her works is ‘The Grumble Family’. Through her poem, the poet advises us to stay away from the grumble family and lead a happy and contented life.

Positive attitude:

This poem teaches us what we should not do in our life. The title of the poem, tells about a pessimistic family who always grumble on whatever happens in their life. But the poet indirectly advises us to develop positive attitude.

Be optimistic:

She portrays the discontented and dissatisfied family here. The poet wants us to accept the life as it is. We should not find fault in each and everything like the members of the grumble family. We should be optimistic.

Never Complain:

We should accept the reality and face the trials and tribulations. Life is full of challenges. It is not a bed of roses. We should treat joys and sorrows equally. We must stop complaining others.


We should not grumble for everything that goes wrong. If we do so, we would also be listed in the ‘grumble family’. And so we must leam to walk away with a smile and a song. Then only we will be different from them so that everyone will like us.

It is better to say ‘everything is miracle’ than saying ‘nothing is miracle’

Literary devices:


An anaphora is a technique where several phrases (or verses in a poem) begin with the same word or words.

e.g. They growl at the rain and they growl at the sun; Epithet

An epithet is an adjective or phrase expressing a quality or attribute regarded as characteristic of the person or the thing mentioned.

e.g. grumble family

complaining street

C. Answer the following:

1. And whether their station be high or humble,…

Pick out the alliteration from the above line.

2. Pick out the other examples for alliteration from the poem.

3. The weather is always too hot or cold;

Summer and winter alike they scold.

Nothing goes right with the folks you meet

Down on that gloomy Complaining Street.

Pick out the rhyming words and identify the rhyme scheme of the above lines.

Read and Enjoy

English Oddities

The English language is quite odd.

It must’ve been a different sort of sod,

Who thought this mess all out.

He really didn’t know what talking was all about!

After all more than one mouse is mice,

But on my block we have houses not hice!

A goose can fly with a bunch of geese,

But in Canada I have not seen a herd of meese.

One man and a male friend make men,

Then you know as well as I that pan ain’t ever pen.

I put a foot down and stand on both feet,

But I wear some boots and definitely not beet!

I pull a tooth and have a gap in my teeth,

But at the fair they have booths not beeth.

This is one and two or more are these,

And I get one kiss but I don’t get several kese!

How about a brother or a group of brethren?

Where as a lovely mother won’t meet methren.

Then there’s pronouns he, his, and him,

But you shan’t say she, shis, and shim!

As you know it’s tough with words like bough,

Whooping cough, and cookie dough,

And another thing you can start to hate,

Is how people take boats straight down the strait!

And why doesn’t nose sound like lose?

Why, tell me, is it goose and moose, then choose?

I still haven’t got a single, solitary clue,

And they tell me I’ve been talking since two!

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– Adam Schmidt

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