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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Books The Little Hero of Holland

Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Books The Little Hero of Holland

English : Unit 6 : Supplementary : The Little Hero of Holland


dikes (n) – an embankment for controllingor holding back the waters of the sea or a river.

sluices (n) – a sliding gate or other devicefor controlling the flow of water, especially one in a lock gate.

trickling (v) – flowing in a small stream(a liquid)

numb (adj.) – deprived of the power ofsensation.

chattered (v) – feeling cold and frightenedthat one can’t stop the upper teeth from against ones lower teeth.

crouching (v) – adopting a position wherethe knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down.

groan (v) – make a deep inarticulate soundconveying pain

shovels (n) – tool resembling a spade witha broad blade and typically upturned side, used for moving earth, coal, snow etc.

A. Based on the understanding of the story, complete the Graphic Organiser suitably.

Title: The little Hero of Holland

Author: Mary Mapes Dodge

Setting: Holland, Dike

Characters: Peter, his mother, his friend, his friend the blind man, the man who finds Peter finally

Theme: Unconditional love of a boy towards his country

Plot: Peter saved his land and people from being drowned

Climax: Peter saved his land and people and he became the hero of Holland.

Values highlighted in the story: unconditional love for the land and people.

B. Based on the understanding of the story answer the following questions in one or two sentences:

1.           What are the little children of Holland, aware of?

The little children of Holland are aware of the importance of the Dikes. They know the Dikes must be watched every moment. A little hole in it can be a very dangerous thing.

2.           What was the work assigned to Peter’s father?

The work assigned to Peter’s father was to tend the gates, called sluices in the Dikes.

3.           Why did Peter’s mother call him?

Peter’s mother wanted him to take the cakes to his friend, the blind man. So she called him.

4.           How did Peter spend his time with his blind friend?

Peter spent his time with his blind friend by telling his walk along the dike and about the sun and the flowers and the ships far out at sea.

5.           Why did the father always say ‘angry waters’?

He called the water in North sea, ‘angry waters’ as they were angry at him for keeping them out so long.

6.           What did Peter see when he stopped near the dikes?

Peter saw a small hole in the dike, when he stopped near the Dikes.

7.           What were the thoughts of the mother when Peter didn’t return home?

Peter’s mother thought that Peter was spending the night with his blind friend and that she would scold him in the morning for staying away from home without permission.

8.           How did Peter spend his night at the dikes?

Peter thrust his finger into the tiny hole of the dike to save the people of Poland and stayed there in dark and cold the whole night.

9.           Who found Peter in the dikes and what did he do?

A man going to work found Peter in the Dikes. He spread this alarm. People rushed there, saved Peter and mended the hole.

10.      How did the villagers mend the hole?

The villagers mended the hole with shovels.

C. Based on your understanding of the story answer the following question in about 100-150 words.

1. Narrate in your own words the circumstances that led Peter to be a brave little hero.


Author : Mary Mapes Dodge

Theme : Unconditional love of a boy towards his country

Characters : Peter, his mother, his friend, a man going to work

Prose outline: Peter the little boy – Holland below sea level – The Dikes – Peter’s mother – cake – blind man – way back – hole -finger

Peter was a little boy who lived in Holland. Holland is situated below sea level. A wall called Dikes protect the country from the North Sea. Even the little children of Holland are aware of the importance of the Dikes. They know the Dikes must be watched every moment. A little hole in it can be a very dangerous thing. One afternoon, Peter’s mother wanted him to go across the Dikes to take the cakes to his friend, the blind man. Peter spent his time with his blind friend by telling him about his walk along the Dikes and many other things. On his way back to home, he heard the sound of trickling water. He saw a small hole in the dike. Peter thrust his finger into the tiny hole to,stop the water. He shouted for help but no one turned up. He stayed there the whole night. His finger became numb. Next morning, a man going to work found Peter in the Dikes. He spread this alarm. The villagers rushed there and mended the hole with shovels. They took Peter to his parents. Thus Peter saved his land and the people and became the Hero of Holland.


• Introduction

• Peter in Holland

• Peter’s visit to his friend

• Hole in the dike

• Peter the Hero

• Conclusion


The story ‘The little hero of Holland’ pictures the unconditional love of a little boy towards his country and his people.

The Dikes of Holland:

Peter was a little boy who lived in Holland. Holland is situated below sea level. A wall called Dikes protect the country from the North Sea. Even the little children of Holland are aware of the importance of the Dikes. They know, the Dikes must be watched every moment. Even a little hole in it can be a very dangerous thing.

Peter’s visit to his friend

One afternoon, Peter’s mother wanted him to go across the Dikes to take the cakes to his friend, the blind man. Peter spent his time with his blind friend by telling him about his walk along the Dikes and about the sun and the flowers and the ships far out at sea.

Hole in the Dike

On his way back to home, he heard the sound of trickling water from the dike. He saw a small hole in the dike. He shouted for help but no one turned up. Peter thrust his finger into the tiny hole of the Dikes to stop the water. He stayed there for the whole night in dark and cold. His finger became numb.

Peter the Hero

Next morning, a man going to work found Peter in the Dikes. He spread this alarm. The villagers rushed there and mended the hole with shovels. They took Peter to his parents. Peter became the hero of Holland.


Thus Peter saved his land and the people and became “the Little Hero of Holland”.

Moral: Love the nation

D. Identify the character/speaker:

1.           “I want you to go across the dike and take these cakes to your friend, the blind man.” – Peter’s mother (you-Peter)

2.           “I am glad they are so strong”. – Peter (they-Dikes)

3.           “Holland shall not be drowned while I am here.” – Peter

4.           “What’s the matter?” he called. “Are you hurt?” – man who saved Peter (you-Peter)

5.           “Tell them to come quickly!” – Peter (them – People of Holland)

Additional Questions:

6.      “If you go quickly, and do not stop to play, you will be home again before dark.” – Peter’s mother

7.      Bidding his friend goodbye, he set out for home.  – Peter (friend-blind man)

8.      “If they gave way what would become of us?  – Peter (they-Dikes)

9.      He always calls them the ‘angry waters.’  – Peter’s father

10.  He understood the danger at once.  – Peter

11.  “Holland shall not be drowned while I am here.”  – Peter

12.  “I must stay here until someone comes, if I have to stay all night.” – Peter

13.  “I’ll stand it somehow,”  – Peter

14.  “I’m keeping the water back!”  – Peter

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15.  They have never forgotten the brave little hero of Holland.  – They-people of Holland

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