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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Books The Tempest

Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Books The Tempest

English : Unit 1 : Supplementary : The Tempest


tormenting (v) – making someone sufferor worry a lot

dreadful (adj.) – extremely bad orunpleasant

duke (n) – a man of very high social rankin some European countries; a king

deprive (v) – to take something important or necessary away from someone

resistance (n) – the act of fighting againstsomething

fatigue (n) – extreme tiredness

vexation (n) – worry or anger

famished (adj.) – extremely hungry

voracious (adj.) – very eager for something

A. Choose the correct answer

1. Ariel was the chief of all spirits.

a. Sycorax

b. Caliban

c. Ariel

d. Prospero

2.  Prospero  raised a dreadful storm. 

a. Ariel

b. Prospero

c. Miranda

d. Sycorax

3. Miranda was brought to the island twelve years ago.

a. fourteen

b. ten

c. twelve

d. five

4. Prospero ordered Ariel to bring Ferdinand to his place.

a. Gonzalo

b. Ferdinand

c. King of Naples

d. Antonio

5.    Gonzalo had provided Prospero formerly with books and provisions.

a. Antonio

b. Ferdinand

c. Gonzalo

d. Antonio

6. The second human being that Miranda saw on the island was Ferdinand

a. Ariel

b. Prospero

c. Ferdinand

d. Gonzalo

B. Identify the character or speaker

1.           He imprisoned the spirits in the bodies of large trees.    – Sycorax

2.           He was the chief of all spirits.   – Ariel

3.           It seems to me like the recollection of a dream.   – Miranda

4.           I was Duke of Milan, and you were a princess.    – Prospero

5.           What a trouble must I have been to you then!    – Miranda

6.           Now pray tell me, sir, your reason for raising this sea-storm?   – Miranda

7.           I will soon move you.   – Ariel

8.           I will tie you neck and feet together.   – Prospero

9.           I must finish my task before I take my rest.”  – Ferdinand

10.      He repented and implored his brother’s forgiveness.   – Antonio

C. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

1.           Who were the inhabitants of the island?

An old man named Prospero and his daughter Miranda were the inhabitants of the Island.

2.           What powers did Prospero posses?

Prospero possessed some magic power. He had released many good spirits from a witch called Sycorax.

3.           Who was Caliban? What was he employed for?

Caliban was an ugly monster and the son of Sycorax. He was employed for doing the most difficult jobs.

4.           Who were on the ship? How were they related to Prospero?

Prospero’s brother Antonio, the king of Naples, his son Ferdinand and the old Lord Gonzalo were on the ship. They were Prospero’s enemies except for Gonzalo.

5.           Why had Prospero raised a violent storm in the sea?

He raised a violent storm in the sea to wreck the ship of his enemies.

6.           How did Miranda feel when her father raised the storm to destroy the ship?

Miranda felt sorry, when her father raised the storm to destroy the ship.

7.           What was Ariel ordered to do with the people on the ship?

Ariel was ordered to scatter the people on the ship to stay apart in a confused state. It was asked to make them think that the other was dead and he was the lone survivor.

8.           Give two reasons why Miranda was so concerned about Ferdinand.

Miranda had not seen any other human being but her father. She was attracted by the appearance of Ferdinand. So, she thought that he was very good man.

9.           Why did Prospero set Ferdinand a severe task to perform?

Prospero set Ferdinand a severe task to perform as a trial of his love.

10.      How was Gonzalo helpful to Prospero when he left Milan?

When Prospero was exiled by Antanio, Gonzola provided Prospero with books and provisions to enable him survive with his daughter.

D. Answer the questions in a paragraph of about 100 – 150 words.

1.           Write a detailed character sketch of Prospero.

Lesson : The Tempest

Playwright : William Shakespeare

Theme : Prospero’s Manliness

Characters : Prospero, Miranda, Ariel, Antonio, Sycorax, Ferdinand, Gonzalo

Outline : Prospero – Duke of Milan – brother Antonio – usurped – magic power – wreck his enemies’ ship – wanted Miranda – married to Ferdinand – forgave all – noble man

Prospero was the famous Duke of Milan. People of Milan loved him very much. He was fond of reading magic books. His brother usurped the Dukedom from him. He set Prospero and his daughter out at the sea. They landed on an island. Prospero possessed some magic power. He had released many good spirits imprisoned by a witch called Sycorax. This shows his kind nature. He brought up his daughter as a kind-hearted lady. He did not want his daughter to know about his magic power. He is a reasonable person. He raised a violent storm in the sea to wreck his enemies’ ship. He did not want to revenge them, but to make them realise their mistakes. He also begged Ferdinand’s pardon for treating him badly to know about him. To get back his Dukedom, he wanted Miranda to get married to Ferdinand. He felt that it was his duty towards his daughter, as a father. He forgave all of his enemies. Thus, Prospero was portrayed as a noble man by Shakespeare.



Prospero – A Hero

Prospero – A kind man 

Prospero – A genuine person 

Prospero – A forgiver 

Prospero-A humble man 

Prospero – A responsible father 



The play ‘The Tempest’ was written by William Shakespeare. He was an English poet, playwright and actor. In his play ‘The Tempest’, he created a noble and omnipotent character ‘Prospero’. Let us discuss about him.

Prospero – A Hero

Prospero is the protagonist and the main character in this play. Prospero was the famous Duke of Milan. Miranda was his daughter. People of Milan loved him very much. He was fond of reading magic books.

Prospero – A kind man

Prospero’s brother Antonio usurped the Dukedom from him. He set Prospero and his daughter out at the sea. They landed on an island. Since Prospero possessed some magic power, he had released many good spirits imprisoned by a witch called Sycorax. At last, he released his faithful slave, the spirit Ariel. This shows his kind nature.

Prospero – A genuine person

He brought up his daughter as a kind-hearted lady. He did not want his daughter to know about his magic power. He is a genuine person.

Prospero – A forgiver

He raised a violent storm in the sea to wreck his enemies’ ship. He did not want to revenge them, but to make them realise their mistakes. He forgave all of his enemies.

Prospero – A humble man

Prospero set Ferdinand, the Prince of Naples a severe task in order to test his love for Miranda. Later he also begged Ferdinand’s pardon for treating him badly to know about him. Prospero – A responsible father

To get back his Dukedom, he wanted Miranda to get married to Ferdinand. He felt that it was his duty as a father towards his daughter.


Thus, Prospero was portrayed as a noble man by Shakespeare. It is clear that Prospero is just and fair, in addition to be intelligent.

Forgiveness is a Virtue of the Brave

2.           Narrate how Prospero made his enemies repent to restore his dukedom.

Lesson : The Tempest

Playwright : William Shakespeare

Theme : Prospero’s Manliness

Characters : Prospero, Miranda, Ariel, Antonio, Sycorax, Ferdinand, Gonzalo

Prose Outline :  Prospero – exiled – learnt – enemies travelling – wreck his -enemies’ ship – made Ferdinand – loving – ordered Ariel – forgave all – made his enemies repent

Prospero was exiled by his brother. After twelve years, Prospero learnt that his brother Antonio, the king of Naples, his son Ferdinand and the old Lord Gonzalo were travelling by ship. He wanted to make them repent their wrong deeds. He raised a violent storm in the sea to wreck his enemies’s ship. Ariel was ordered to scatter the people on the ship to stay apart in a confused state. Prospero also made Ferdinand and Miranda meet and in turn they started loving each other. Ariel made Antonio and the King of Naples feel sorry through his magic power for what they had done to Prospero. Lastly Prospero ordered Ariel to bring them all to his presence. Antonio with tears and sad words, of sorrow and true repentance begged his brother’s forgiveness. Prospero forgave them all. Thus, Prospero made his enemies repent to restore his dukedom.



Prospero – A Duke

Prospero’s plan

The ship wreck

Ariel, the spirit’s help

Antonio’s repentance

Prospero – A forgiver 



The play ‘The Tempest’ was written by William Shakespeare. He was an English poet, playwright and actor. In his play ‘The Tempest’, he interestingly pictured how the protagonist regain his dukedom with the help of his supernatural power. Let us see it in detail.

Prospero – A Duke

Prospero is the protagonist and the main character in this play. Prospero was the famous Duke of Milan. Miranda was his daughter. People of Milan loved him very much. He was fond of reading magic books.

Prospero’s plan

Prospero was exiled by his brother. After twelve years, Prospero learnt that his brother Antonio, the King of Naples, his son Ferdinand and the old Lord Gonzalo were travelling by ship. He wanted to make them repent their wrong deeds, except for Gonzalo.

The ship wreck

He raised a violent storm in the sea to wreck his enemies’s ship. Ariel was ordered to scatter the people on the ship and make them to stay apart in a confused state. Prospero also made Ferdinand and Miranda meet and in turn they started loving each other.

Ariel, the spirit’s help

Through his magic power, Ariel made Antanio and the King of Naples feel sorry for what they had done to Prospero. Lastly Prospero ordered Ariel to bring them all to his presence. 

Antonio’s repentance

Antonio with tears and sad words, of sorrow and true repentance begged his brother’s forgiveness. Prospero forgave them all. Thus, Prospero made his enemies repent to restore his Dukedom.

Prospero – A forgiver

Prospero did not want to revenge his enemies, but to make them realise their mistakes. He forgave all of them.


Thus, Prospero was portrayed as a noble man by Shakespeare. It is clear that Prospero is just and fair, in addition to be intelligent.

We Win by Tenderness, We Conquer by Forgiveness

E. Rearrange the following sentences in coherent order

o     He ordered Ariel to torment the inmates of the ship.

o     Miranda was attracted by Ferdinand and had more concern towards him.

o     Prospero and Miranda came to an island and lived in a cave.

o     Prospero forgave them and restored his dukedom, Milan.

o     He raised a violent storm in the sea to wreck the ship of his enemies.

o     Prospero wanted to test Ferdinand and gave a severe task to perform.

o     Using his powers, Prospero released the good spirits from large bodies of trees.

o     The King of Naples, and Antonio the false brother, repented the injustice they had done to Prospero.

o     Ariel was instructed to bring Ferdinand, the prince of Naples to his cave.

o     Ferdinand was the second human whom Miranda had seen after her father.


Prospero and Miranda came to an island and lived in a cave.

Using his powers, Prospero released the good spirits from large bodies of trees.

He raised a violent storm in the sea to wreck the ship of his enemies.

He ordered Ariel to torment the inmates of the ship.

Ariel was instructed to bring Ferdinand, the prince of Naples to his cave.

Ferdinand was the second human whom Miranda had seen after her father.

Miranda was attracted by Ferdinand and had more concern towards him.

Prospero wanted to test Ferdinand and gave a severe task to perform.

The King of Naples, and Antonio the false brother, repented the injustice they had done to Prospero.

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Prospero forgave them and restored his dukedom, Milan.

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