English : Unit 2 : Supplementary : Zigzag
aboriginal (adj.) – native, local
sarcasm (n) – use of irony to mock or convey contempt
fringed (v) – bordered
plumage (n) – a bird’s feather collectively
sludgiest (adj.) – wet mud
grumpiness (adj.) – bad tempered
squirt (n) – spray
coyote (n) – a wolf like wild dog native to North America.
streaks (n) – line, strap.
tantrum (n) – outburst, flare-up.
crinkly (adj.) – wrinkly.
A. Identify the speaker / character.
1. ‘Even though I clearly said no!’ – Dr.Ashok T.Krishnan to his wife
2. ‘The one that spits deadly poison straight into its opponent’s eyes.’ – Maya to her parents
3. ‘Remember the tiny penknife he gave me last year’. – Maya to her parents (he-Dr.Somu)
4. ‘It’s Somu’s thoughtless ways that reduce me to tears’ – Mrs. Krishnan to her husband
5. ‘Come in, Zigzag, come in dear!’ – Visu to Zigzag
B. Read the story again and write how these characters reacted in these situations:
1. You’re both quite mistaken.
Dr. Krishnan explained that Zigzag was a most harmless, unsnarl and lovable bird.
Mrs. Krishnan informed that most of Somu’s favourite possessions which had been given to them were absolute nuisances
2. It’s Somu’s thoughtless ways that reduce me to tears.
Mrs. Krishnan said that it was not a right time to keep a bird with them when she was preparing paintings for the forthcoming exhibition.
Dr. Krishnan said that they were sure to love Zigzag since it could talk and sing in about twenty-one different languages mostly African languages.
3. Just wait till zigzag settles down in this new home.
Visu comforted the children that they could have a great time listening to Zigzag.
Aravind and Maya Arvind and Maya were disappointed with Zigzag when the bird stubbornly refused to talk a single word.
4. Zigzag hardly never sleeps.
Somu asked Dr. Krishnan to handover Zigzag to his old cook Mr. Visu.
Dr.Krishnan did not want to keep Zigzag with him. He immediately wanted to find out somu’s servant, Visu.
5. You are an absolute treasure
Dr.Krishnan Dr.Krishnan After understanding the real nature and skill of the bird he was thoroughly satisfied with its performance and wanted to keep the bird with him.
Zigzag did not bother about the sudden change of Dr. Krishnan ’s attitude and it began to eat the toffee.
C. Complete the given tabular column.

Mrs. Krishnan was not happy about the arrival of zigzag.
She was worried about her paintings and the forthcoming art exhibition.
Zigzag perched on the curtain rod and it dropped one wizened eyelid in another solemn wink as he sank his beak into a plump guava
When their maid switched on the fan it was raining papayas and bananas in that room. Even some fruits and nuts hit on the maid’s cheek and forehead.
Mrs. Krishnan was annoyed and called Mr.Krishnan to inform Dr.Somu about the choatic situations created by the snoring of Zigzag.
The reply was that Zigzag never snored and hardly ever slept
When Zigzag entered the clinic he saw an unruly situation in the clinic. Through his clear and commanding voice, he brought pin-drop silence in the room
After the family knew that zigzag must be kept busy they decided to keep Zigzag at their home and clinic
D. Answer the following question in one or two sentences:
1. Why did Dr. Ashok’s cousin call him ?
Dr.Ashok’s cousin called him to take care of his pet bird Zigzag as he left for Alaska.
2. Mention atleast two expressions which shows that Mrs. Krishnan was not willing to have Zigzag at home?
Mrs.Krishnan angrily told her husband that most of Somu’s favourite possessions were absolute nuisances. Then she spoke against Somu’s insect eating plant.
3. What other various pets did Somu have?
Somu had a big fighting beetle and an African snake.
4. What was Mrs.Krishnan busy with?
Mrs.Krishnan was busy with painting the pictures for the forthcoming exhibition.
5. What commotion did the boomerang cause in the neighborhood?
The boomerang caused a great commotion. It ruined all the T.V. aerials, several cars and it also hit the watchman.
6. What happened when Somu left Zigzag with the Krishnans?
Zigzag was cool and unmoved with grumpy expression. It created a great nuisance with its loud snoring.
7. How did Zigzag communicate with the Krishnans?
Zigzag communicated with the Krishnans by dropping one wizened eyelid in another solemn wink.
8. What was the e-mail message sent to Somu by Dr.Krishnan?
The e-mail message to Somu by Dr.Krishnan was a request to send instructions to stop Zigzag’s snoring.
9. What did Aravind confess?
Arvind confessed that he was interested to go to school, as he could not put up with Zigzag’s snoring.
10. Why did Mrs. Jhunjhunwalla buy the painting?
Mrs. Jhunjhunwalla chose to buy the painting because she liked the new technique of painting, especially the ‘streaky orangey bits’.
E. Answer the following questions in about 100 – 150 words:
1. Write in your own words the various commotions caused by zigzag at Dr. Krishnan’s residence.
Lesson : Zigzag
Author : Asha Nehemiah
Theme : Commotions caused by Zigzag
Characters : Dr.Krishnan’s family, Visu and the pet bird
Outline : Visu – brought – Zigzag – Dr. Krishnan’s house – Zigzag – deposited – blades of fan – slept – snored loudly – spoiled Mrs. Krishnan’s painting – commotion
Visu, the old cook of Dr.somu brought the pet bird Zigzag to Dr. Krishnan’s house. Arvind brought some fruits and nuts for Zigzag. It picked up and deposited them on the chandliers and the blades of the fan. Then, the bird perched on the curtain rod while tasting a big guava and also it slept there.The moment it slept, it snored loudly. The snoring of the Zigzag pounded the eardrums of Krishnan’s family members and their neighbours. The neighbours often rang up Mrs.Krishnan and enquired about the snoring sound, as they wanted peace. The art critic Mrs.Jhunjhunwala commented Zigzag’s snoring as Mrs.Krishnan’s voice. When their maid servant, Lakshmi switched on the fan, it was raining papayas and bananas in that room. A guava landed on her cheek and a walnut hit her forehead. One slice of over-ripe papaya splattered orange pulp on Mrs. Krishnan’s painting. She got angry with Zigzag. Thus it created a great commotion in Krishnan’s house.
• Introduction
• Zigzag’s arrival
• Snoring Zigzag
• Flying bananas
• Collapse of painting
• Conclusion
Asha Nehemiah shows humour, fantasy mystery and adventure as strong elements in her work. In this story, she humorously pictured the atrocities of a pet bird named Zigzag.
Zigzag’s arrival:
Visu, the old cook of Dr.somu brought the pet bird Zigzag to Dr. Krishnan’s house. He praised its qualities and skills. But Zigzag was cool and unmoved with an expression of grumpiness. In order to change the mood of Zigzag, Arvind brought some fruits and nuts. Zigzag picked up the fruits and nuts and deposited them on the chandliers and the blades of the fan.
Snoring Zigzag:
Later, the bird perched on the curtain rod while tasting a big guava and also it slept there. The moment it slept, it snored loudly. The snoring of the Zigzag pounded the eardrums of Krishnan’s family members and their neighbours. The neighbours often rang up Mrs.Krishnan and enquired about the snoring sound, as they wanted peace. The art critic Mrs.Jhunjhunwala commented Zigzag’s snoring as Mrs.Krishnan’s voice.
Flying bananas:
When their maid servant, Lakshmi switched on the fan, it was raining papayas and bananas in that room. A guava landed on her cheek and a walnut hit her forehead.
Collapse of painting:
One slice of over-ripe papaya splattered orange pulp on Mrs. Krishnan’s painting. She got angry with zigzag.
Thus it created a great commotion in Krishnan’s house.Moral: He never causes the commotion, He himself is a commotion
2. What was the turn of events when Zigzag was taken to the clinic.
Lesson : Zigzag
Author : Asha Nehemiah
Theme : Zigzag in Dr.Krishnan’s clinic
Characters : Dr.Krishnan’s family, Visu and the pet bird
Outline : Dr. Krishnan’s family – refused to keep Zigzag – loud snoring – perched – reception table – asked – silence – training of zigzag – comforted – the crying children – created laughter
Dr. Krishnan’s family refused to keep zigzag in their house due to its loud snoring. So Dr. Krishnan decided to take it to his clinic. When zigzag entered the clinic, it perched on the nurse’s reception table at once. Krishnan warned zigzag not to sleep in the clinic, but Zigzag began to control the patients in a commanding way. It asked everybody to be in order and there was absolute silence. Dr. Krishnan was surprised to see the sudden change of the bird. He understood the training of zigzag and its dutiful nature. Zigzag’s bored behaviour was totally changed. Zigzag kindly comforted the crying children and scolded the naughty kids. Zigzag’s recitation of French poetry created laughter among the children. The clinic was so calm with its command. It was a ‘treasure’ and ‘great help’ in the clinic.
• About the author
• Zigzag’s entry into the clinic
• Maintain silence in the clinic
• Entertain kids in the clinic
• Conclusion
About the author:
Asha Nehemiah shows humour, fantasy mystery and adventure as strong elements in her work. In this story, she pictured how the pet bird bhaved well in Dr.Krishnan’s clinic.
Zigzag’s entry into the clinic:
Dr. Krishnan’s family refused to keep Zigzag in their house due to its loud snoring. So Dr. Krishnan decided to take it to his clinic. When Zigzag entered the clinic, it perched on the nurse’s reception table at once. Krishnan warned Zigzag not to sleep in the clinic.
Maintain silence in the clinic:
Zigzag began to control the patients in a commanding way. It asked everybody to be in order and there was absolute silence. Dr. Krishnan was surprised to see the sudden change in the bird. He understood the training of Zigzag and its dutiful nature. Zigzag’s bored behaviour was totally changed.
Entertain kids in the clinic:
Zigzag kindly comforted the crying children and scolded the naughty kids. Zigzag’s recitation of French poetry caused laughter among the children.
The clinic was so calm with its command. Since it was trained by two doctors, it knew its duty in the clinic. Thus, it was a ‘treasure’ and ‘great help’ to Dr.Krishnan in his clinic.
Moral: When you own a bird, happiness is all around.
3. Narrate the story Zigzag in a own words.
Lesson : Zigzag
Author : Asha Nehemiah
Theme : A pet bird’s attrocities
Characters : Dr.Krishnan’s family, Visu and the pet bird
Out line : Dr. Somu requested – Dr.Krishnan – take care – harmless bird – Zigzag – deposited – blades of fan – slept – snored loudly – spoiled Mrs. Krishnan’s painting – took to his clinic – changed – wanted to keep
Dr. Somu requested his cousin Dr.Krishnan to take care of his pet bird, Zigzag, as he left for Alaska. According to Dr.Krishnan,’Zigzag was the most lovable, unusual, and harmless bird. But Mrs. Krishnan was not happy with the arrival of the new pet. Dr.Somu sent Zigzag through Visu, his old cook. Zigzag was cool and unmoved with an expression of grumpiness. Arvind brought some fruits and nuts for it. Zigzag picked up and deposited them on the chandliers and the blades of the fan. Then, the bird perched on the curtain rod and slept there.The moment it slept, it snored loudly. The snoring of the Zigzag pounded the eardrums of Krishnan’s family members and their neighbours. The neighbours often rang up Mrs.Krishnan and enquired about the snoring sound, as they wanted peace. When their maid servant, Lakshmi switched on the fan, it was raining papayas and bananas. One slice of over-ripe papaya splattered orange pulp on Mrs. Krishnan’s painting. She got angry with zigzag. So Dr.Krishnan took it to his clinic. Zigzag talked to all the patients in the clinic. It brought a radical’change in the noisy clinic. There was an absolute silence. Surprisingly Mrs.Krishnan’s ruined painting was sold for 5,000. Hence Dr. Krishnan’s family wanted to keep zigzag with them.
• About the author
• Zigzag’s arrival
• Snoring Zigzag
• Chaos in the house
• Zigzag in the clinic
• Conclusion
About the author:
Asha Nehemiah shows humour, fantasy mystery and adventure as strong elements in her work. In this story, she humorously pictured the atrocities and good behaviour of a pet bird named Zigzag.
Zigzag’s arrival:
Dr. Somu requested his cousin Dr.Krishnan to take care of his pet bird Zigzag as he left for Alaska. According to Dr.Krishnan, Zigzag was the most lovable, unusual, and harmless bird. But Mrs. Krishnan was not happy with the arrival of the new pet, as she was busy drawing paintings for the forthcoming art exhibition. Dr.Somu sent Zigzag through Visu, his old cook.
Snoring Zigzag:
Visu praised Zigzag’s qualities and skills. But Zigzag was cool and unmoved with an expression of grumpiness. In order to change the mood of Zigzag, Arvind brought some fruits and nuts. Zigzag picked up the fruits and nuts and deposited them on the chandliers and the blades of the fan. Then, the bird perched on the curtain rod and slept there.The moment it slept, it snored loudly. The snoring of the Zigzag pounded the eardrums of Krishnan’s family members and disturbed their neighbours. The neighbours often rang up Mrs.Krishnan and enquired about the snoring sound, as they wanted peace.
Chaos in the house:
When their maid servant, Lakshmi switched on the fan, it was raining papayas and bananas in that room. One slice of over-ripe papaya splattered orange pulp on Mrs. Krishnan’s painting. She got angry with Zigzag.
Zigzag in the clinic:
So Dr.Krishnan took it to his clinic. Zigzag talked to all the patients in the clinic. It brought a radical change in the noisy clinic. There was an absolute silence. Suprisingly Mrs.Krishnan’s ruined painting was sold for RS. 5,000. Hence Dr. Krishnan’s family wanted to keep Zigzag with them for another week.
Really it was a ‘treasure’ and ‘great help’ to Dr.Krishnan’s family.Moral: Nothing is going to get better, Until you see things in a right way . . .