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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 10th Social Science Books English Medium Early Revolts against British Rule in Tamil Nadu

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Social Science Books English Medium Early Revolts against British Rule in Tamil Nadu

Social Science : History : Chapter 6 : Early Revolts against British Rule in Tamil Nadu

I. Choose the Correct Answer:

1. Who was the first Palayakkarars to resist the East India Company’s policy of territorial aggrandizement?

  1. Marudhu brothers
  2. Puli Thevar
  3. Velunachiyar
  4. Veerapandya Kattabomman

Ans : Puli Thevar

2. Who had established close relationship with the three agents of Chanda Sahib?

  1. Velunachiyar
  2. Kattabomman
  3. Puli Thevar
  4. Oomai thurai

Ans : Puli Thevar

3. Where was Sivasubramanianar executed?

  1. Kayathar
  2. Nagalapuram
  3. Virupachi
  4. Panchalamkurichi

Ans : Nagalapuram

4. Who issued the Tiruchirappalli proclamation of Independence?

  1. Marudhu brothers
  2. Puli Thevar
  3. Veerapandya Kattabomman
  4. Gopala Nayak

Ans : Marudhu brothers

5. When did the Vellore Revolt breakout?

  1. 24 May 1805
  2. 10 July 1805
  3. 10 July 1806
  4. 10 September 1806

Ans : 10 July 1806

6. Who was the Commander-in-Chief responsible for the new military regulations in Vellore fort?

  1. Col. Fancourt
  2. Major Armstrong
  3. Sir John Cradock
  4. Colonel Agnew

Ans : Sir John Cradock

7. Where were the sons of Tipu Sultan sent after the Vellore Revolt?

  1. Calcutta
  2. Mumbai
  3. Delhi
  4. Mysore

Ans : Culcutta

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. The Palayakkarars system was put in place in Tamil Nadu by ________.

Ans : Viswanatha Nayaka

2. Velunachiyar and her daughter were under the protection of ________ for eight years.

Ans : Gopala Nayakar

3. Bennerman deputed ________ to convey his message, asking Kattabomman to surrender.

Ans : Ramalinganar

4. Kattabomman was hanged to death at ________.

Ans : Kayathar

5. The Rebellion of Marudhu Brothers was categorized in the British records as the ________.

Ans : Second Palayakkarar War

6. ________ was declared the new Sultan by the rebels in Vellore Fort.

Ans : Fateh Hyder

III. Choose the Correct Statement

1. i) The Palayakkarars system was in practice in the Kakatiya Kingdom.

ii) Puli Thevar recaptured Nerkattumseval in 1764 after the death of Khan Sahib.

iii) Yusuf Khan who was negotiating with the Palayakkarars, without informing the Company administration was charged with treachery and hanged in 1764.

iv) Ondiveeran led one of the army units of Kattabomman.

  1. (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
  2. (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
  3. (iii) and (iv) are correct
  4. (i) and (iv) are correct

Ans : i), ii) and iii) are correct

2. i) Under Colonel Campbell, the English Army went along with Mahfuzkhan’s army.

ii) After Muthu Vadugar’s death in Kalaiyar Kovil battle, Marudhu Brothers assisted Velunachiyar in restoring the throne to her.

iii) Gopala Nayak spearheaded the famous Dindigul League.

iv) In May 1799 Cornwallis ordered the advance of Company armies to Tirunelveli.

  1. (i) and (ii) are correct
  2. (ii) and (iii) are correct
  3. (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
  4. (i) and (iv) are correct

Ans : ii) and iii) are correct

3. Assertion (A) : Puli Thevar tried to get the support of Hyder Ali and the French.

Reason (R) : Hyder Ali could not help Puli Thevar as he was already in a serious conflict with the Marathas.

  1. Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
  2. Both (A) and (R) are wrong
  3. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
  4. (A) is wrong and (R) is correct

Ans : Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

IV. Match the following:

1. TheerthagiriVellore Revolt
2. Gopala NayakRamalinganar
3. BannermanDindigul
4. Subedar Sheik AdamVellore Fort
5. Col. FancourtOdanilai

Ans: 1 – E, 2 – D, 3 – B, 4 – A, 5 – C

V. Answer briefly:

1. What were the duties of the Palayakkarars?

The duties of the palayakkarars were

  • to collect revenue
  • z to administer the territory
  • to settle disputes and
  • to maintain law and order

Their police duties were known as Arasu Kaval.

2. Identify the Palayams based on the division of East and West.

  • There were two blocs namely the prominent Eastern and the Western Palayams.
  • The Eastern Palayams were Sattur, Nagalapuram, Ettayapuram and Panchalamkurichi.
  • The Western Palayams were Uthumalai, Thalavankottai, Naduvakurichi, Singampatti and Seithur.

3. What was the significance of the Battle of Kalakadu?

  • Chanda Sahib, the Nawab sent an additional contingent of sepoys to Mahfuzkhan and the reinforced army proceeded to Tirunelvel.
  • Besides the 1000 sepoys of the Company, he received 600 more sent by the Nawab.
  • He also had the support of cavalry and infantry from the Carnatic.
  • In the mean time, 2000 soldiers from Travancore joined the forces of Puli Thevar.
  • In the battle of Kalakadu (1765), Mahfuzkhan’s troops were routed.

4. What was the bone of contention between the Company and Kottabomman?

  • The Company had gained the right to collect taxes from Panchalamkurichi from the Nawab of Carnatic.
  • The Company appointed its Collectors to collect taxes from all the palayams.
  • The Collectors humiliated the Palayakkarars and adopted force to collect the taxes.
  • This was the bone of contention between the English and Kattabomman

5. Highlight the essence of the Tiruchirappalli Procalamation of 1801.

  • In Feb. 1801, Oomathurai and Sevathaiah, brothers of Kattabomman escaped from Palaymkottai prison.
  • Chinna Marudhu took them to Siruvayal, his capital. The English demanded that the Marudhu Pandiyars had over the fugitives.
  • In the mean time, Marudhu Pandyas issued a proclamation of Independence which is called Tiruchirappalli Proclamation in June 1801.
  • It was an early call to the Indians to unite against the British. Many palayakkars of Tamil Country rallied together to fight against the English.

VI. Answer the following in detail:

1. Attempt an essay of the heroic fight Veerapandya Kattabomman conducted against the East India Company?

Veerapandya Kattabomman :

  • He became the Palayakarar of Panchalamkurichi at the age of thirty, on the death of his father, Jagavira Pandya Kattabomman.
  • The company had gained the right to collect taxes from Panachalamkurichi.
  • The company appointed its Collectors to collect taxes from all the Palayams.
  • The Collectors humiliated the Palayakarars and adopted force to collect the taxes.
  • This was the bone of contention between the English and Kattabomman.

Confrontation with Jackson :

  • The land revenue arrears from Kattabomman was 3310 Pagodas in 1798.
  • So Collector Jackson ordered Kattabomman to meet him in Ramanathapuram.
  • Kattabomman met Jackson in Ramanathapuram on 19 September, 1798.
  • It is said that Kattabomman had to stand for three hours before the haughty Collector Jackson. Sensing danger, Kattabomman tried to escape along with his minister Sivasubraminanar.
  • Oomaithurai suddenly entered the fort with his men and helped the escape of Kattabomman.
  • Sivasubramanianar was taken prisoner.
  • Kattabomman appeared before the committiee that sat on 15 December 1798 and reported on what transpired in Ramanathapuram.
  • The committee found Kattabomman was not guilty.
  • Jackson was dismissed from service.
  • Kattabomman cleared almost all the revenue arrears leaving only a balance of 1080 Pagodas.

Kattabomman and the Confederacy of Palayakkarars:

  • Kattabomman was interested in this confederacy.
  • Marudhu Brothers and Kattabomman jointly decided on a confrontation with the English.
  • Kattabomman tried to influence Sivagiri Palayakkarar who was a tributary to the Company.
  • So the Company ordered the army to march on to Tirunelveli.

The siege of Panchalamkurichi :

  • A British force advanced towards Tirunelveli under the leadership of Bannerman.
  • On 1 September 1799 an ultimatum was served on Kattabomman to surrender.
  • Kattabomman’s “evasive reply” prompted Bannerman to attack his fort.
  • Bannerman moved his entire army to Panchalamkurichi on 5 September.
  • They cut off all the communications to the fort.
  • Bannerman deputed Ramalinganar to convey a message asking Kattabomman to surrender.

Execution of Kattabomman :

  • Kattabomman escaped to Pudukottai. The British put a prize on his head.
  • Betrayed by the rajas of Ettayapuram and Pudukottai, Kattabomman was finally captured.
  • A trial was conducted in front of the palayakkarars.
  • During the trial Kattabomman bravely admitted all the charges levelled against him.
  • Kattabomman was hanged from a tamarind tree in the old fort of Kayathar, close to

2. Highlight the tragic fall of Sivagangai and its outcome.

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  • In June 1801 Marudhu Pandiyars issued a proclamation of Independence which is called Tiruchirappalli Proclamation.
  • Chinna Marudhu collected nearly 20,000 men to challenge the English army.
  • British reinforcements were rushed from Bengal Ceylon and Malaya.
  • The rajas of Pudukkottai, Ettayapuram and Thanjavur stood by the British.
  • Divide and rule policy followed by the English spilt the forces of the Palaykkarars soon.

Fall of Sivagangai :

  • In May 1801, the English attacked the rebels in Thanjavur, Thiruchirappalli, Piranmalai and Kalayarkoil.
  • They were again defeated by the forces of the English.
  • In the end the superior military strength and the able commanders of the English Company prevailed.
  • The rebellion failed and Sivagangai was annexed in 1801.


  • Marudhu brothers were executed in the fort of Thirupathur.
  • Qomathurai and Sevathaiah were captured and beheaded.
  • Seventy three rebels were exiled to Penang in Malaya.
  • The palayakkarars fell to the English. The rebellion was suppressed.
  • It led to the liquidation of all local chieftains of Tamil Nadu.
  • The Carnatic Treaty was signed.
  • The palayakkarar system came to an end in Tamil Nadu.
  • The British assumed control over Tamilagam.

3. Account for the outbreak of Vellore revolt in 1806.

Causes for the revolt:

  • The British brought the districts of Salem and Dindigul under their control.
  • The status of the Raja of Thanjavur was reduced,
  • The nawab of Arcot was to cede five districts to the British.
  • There was continuous opposition from the kings and chieftains which resulted in the revolt.

Grievances of the Indian soldiers:

  • The sepoys in the British Indian army nursed a strong sense of resentment over low salary and poor prospects of promotion.
  • The English army officers’ scant respect for the social and religious sentiments of the Indian Sepoys also angered them.
  • Many of the sepoys families were in dire economic straits.
  • The family members of Tipu had been interned in Vellore fort.

The New army regulations :

  • The Indian soldiers were asked not to wear caste marks or ear rings when in uniform.
  • They were to be cleanly shaven on the chin and maintain uniformity about how their
    moustache looked.
  • The new turban added fuel to fire.

Outbreak of the Revolt :

  • On 10 July 1806, in the early hours, the sepoys started the revolt.
  • Colonel Fancourt, who commanded the garrison, was the first victim.
  • Colonel Mekerras of the 23″ regiment was killed next.
  • Major Armstrong was also killed.
  • About a dozen other officers were killed within an hour.

End of the revolt:

  • Colonel Gillespie reached the fort along with Captain Young.
  • In the mean time, the rebels proclaimed Fateh Hyder as their new ruler and hoisted Tipu’s flag over the fort.
  • However the revolt was suppressed by the British brutally.
  • Tipu’s sons were ordered to be sent to Calcutta.

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