English : Term 3 Unit 1 : My Garden
Let us revise
1. Tick (✓) the food you like and cross (×) the food you don‛t like.

2. Tick (✓) the correct one.

3. Match the words with the pictures.

4. Fill the missing letters.

5. Read the words and colour the odd balloon

6. Read the passage aloud.
Come out, Binu. We shall go to my house.
That is my house and those are our cows.
See, this is my bicycle and these are my friends.
Let us join and play.

7. Connect the dots from A to Z and colour the picture.

8. Fill in the compartments with missing small letters.

My Garden
We water the plants. Do you?

Look and say

Note to the teacher: Practise vocabulary using the picture. Ask children to name the flowers and birds in the picture.

Let us sing
Little Birdie
I am a little birdie
Cute and fat,
I eat worms
I don‛t like cats.
When I see a cat
Come out to play,
I spread my wings
And fly away.

Let us learn
The Cactus
The beautiful garden has colourful flowers.
Sunflower says
Hey look! The cactus has thorns.
Jasmine says
Yes. She doesn‛t smell sweet.
Daisy says
She is all green.
Hibiscus says
Her leaves are so fat.
Rose says
She is not pretty.
Cactus says
I feel so sad.
It is a sunny day. It is very hot.
Oh! I am tired.
I am thirsty.
Are you not thirsty?
Tell us your secret.
My fat leaves have water
Each one of us is good at something.
Note to the teacher: Focus on the names of the flowers and their qualities. Practise the structures used in the story contextually.
Let us understand
A. Draw lines to match the colour to the flower.

B. Talk about the picture.

It is a cactus
It is Fat.
It is green.
It has thorns.
Fat | green | cactus | thorns
C. Listen, think and say.
1. Name the flowers in the story.
Sunflower, Jasmine, Daisy, Hibiscus, Rose
2. Who has fat leaves?
3. Why is the cactus not thirsty?
Cactus fat leaves always have water.
4. What are you good at?
Memory power
Let us do
Word wall

* Display the words on the word wall.
* Divide the class into two groups Team A and Team B.
* Put a tic -tac-toe grid on the board. Example is given below.
* Invite a child from Team A and choose a word to read.
* If he/she reads it correctly, put an A on the word.
* Repeat for Team B.
* The team that reads three words in a straight line first is the winner.
* Use other words and practise with all children.
Circle time-Let us talk
Display a box and a ball in the class. Place the ball on the box. Ask, “Where is the ball?”. Say “The ball is on the box.” Let children repeat it after you.Practise the same for “in” and “under” by placing the ball appropriately. Ask a student to demonstrate. Repeat with other students.
Let us practise

Let us say
Listen to the sound and repeat.

Listen and say.

Blend and say.

Note to the teacher: Show the flashcards of the letter combinations. Say the sound of each letter combination aloud and make children repeat it. Say the sounds as follows: ph/f/ th/θ/ ng /n/
Let us do
Word wall
photo thumb ring song gang phonics dolphin thing moth mouth graph phone

* Display the words on the wall.
* Make one set of flashcards with the words.
* Place the cards at random in three different positions. Some on the table, some under the chair and some in the box.
* Ask “Where is the dolphin?”
* Child has to pick the flashcard and say “The dolphin is on the table/under the chair/in the box.”
* Repeat with all children.
Let us practice
Read aloud.

Tick (✓) the correct sound.

What comes next?

pan – tan
pen – ten
pin – tin
chop – chip
song – sing
shop – ship
Let us learn
A Get-together

Note to the teacher: Encourage children to guess the story by looking at the picture. Help them by asking questions such as “Who have come?”, “What are they doing?”, “Why have they come?”
A Get-together
The has a new baby. All her friends come to her house to meet the
. Caw… caw…Caw…. . “who are you?” asked the
. “ I am a
. keet….keet….keet….”Who are you?” asked the
“I am a
. Coo….. Coo…Coo….”Who are you?” asked the
. “I am a
. “ Hoot…. Hoot…..Hoot…. “Who are you?” asked the
. “I am an
. “Quack….Quack….Quack… . “Who are you?” asked the
. “I am a
. Cluck….Cluck…..Cluck…. “Who are you? Asked the
. “I am a
. The
said “What a nice party!”
A Get-together
The eagle has a new baby. All her friends come to her house to meet the baby eagle.
Caw… caw…Caw…. . “who are you?” asked the baby eagle. “ I am a crow.
keet….keet….keet….”Who are you?” asked the baby eagle. “I am a parrot.
Coo….. Coo…Coo….”Who are you?” asked the baby eagle. “I am a cuckoo.
“ Hoot…. Hoot…..Hoot…. “Who are you?” asked the baby eagle. “I am an owl.
“Quack….Quack….Quack… . “Who are you?” asked the baby eagle. “I am a duck.
Cluck….Cluck…..Cluck…. “Who are you? Asked the baby eagle. “I am a hen.
The baby eagle said “What a nice party!”
Note to the teacher: Read the story and help children learn the name of the birds through pictures. Make them repeat the sounds of the birds.
Let us follow
What should we do? Put a tick (✓) next to the correct picture.

Listen to the teacher and tick (✓) Yes/No.
I water my plants daily. Yes ✔ No
I throw stones at birds. Yes No ✔
I clean my garden. Yes ✔ No
Note to the teacher: Inculcate the value of empathy towards all living things.
Let us do
Word wall
rose jasmine daisy sunflower hibiscus cactus parrot crow hen eagle duck cuckoo owl

• Place the pictures of the words on the table.
• Invite a child and whisper a word to him/her.
• Let the child find the picture.
• Encourage the child to show the picture and say the word to the class.
• Make other children repeat it.
• Practise it with other words.
• Repeat with all children.
I can do
I. Who am I? Say my name.

Rose Jasmine Hibiscus Cactus
II. Match the following.
1. I say caw.. caw.. caw..
2. I say quack.. quack.. quack..
3. I say coo… coo… coo…
4. I say keet… keet… keet…

III. Tick (✓) the correct one.

The cat is on the mat.
The puppy is in the tub.
The cow is under the tree.
IV. Listen to the words and cross (×) the odd one.
a. thin – thick– ship– thud
b. fish – sung – long – ring
c. moth – song – with – pith
d. phone – photo – phase – shut
V. Recite the poem “Little Birdie”.
Learning outcomes
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the apple when they achieve the learning outcome.