English : Term 2 Unit 2 : My Journey
My Journey
I like to travel.
Do you like to?

Look and say

Note to the teacher: Practise vocabulary in the picture. Ask students to name the things and the vehicles in the picture.
Let us sing
Row row row your boat

Note to the teacher: Sing the song with actions. Encourage children to listen and do the actions first,then follow the song with the teacher.
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream.
Ride ride ride your bike
Slowly down the street.
Safely, safely, safely, safely,
Pedal with your feet.
Fly fly fly your plane
Straight into the sky.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Zooming up so high.

Let us learn
A joyful trip

Note to the teacher: Focus on different modes of transport. Encourage children to use the structure ‘Let us…‛
Let us understand
Colour the vehicle.

Choose the words from the box and write it.
Bus, ship, train, car, aeroplane, bicycle

Listen, think and say.
1. What did Kaviya‛s aunt give her?
Kaviya‛s aunt gave her an aeroplane.
2. Who is Kaviya‛s friend?
Kabir is Kaviya‛s friend.
3. Which toy do you like?
I like car toy.
4. Do you dream? Talk to your friend about it.
Yes I have dreamed. In dream, I was playing at park with my friends.
5. If you see a green light in traffic signal, What will you do?
Green signal = can pass. So I follow that signal rules.
Circle Time – Let us talk
Invite two children to the front of the class. Distribute picture cards of different vehicles to them. Let one child stand near the children and the other at a distance. Practise saying ‘‘These are ______‛‛ and “Those are ______” alternatively as both display the cards to the class.
Let us practice
Read aloud.

Let us do
Word wall

Let a child sit in the chair kept in front of the class.
Teacher will distribute cards with sight words to other children in class. Teacher will ask a child to show the sight word.
If the child in the chair is not able to read the word, the chance moves to the next child.
Practise it with all children.
Let us say
Listen to the sound and repeat.

Listen and say.

Blend and say.

Let us practice
Read aloud.
Ships sail
Whales swim
Children walk
Trains whistle
Cars rush
Children cheer
Circle the correct word for the picture. One has been done for you.

Let us do
Word wall

Write the words in two columns on the board.
Divide children into two teams and let them stand in two queues.
When signalled, the first child in each queue reads a word in the column.
If he/she reads it correctly, the child could erase that word.
The team that erases all the words first, wins the game.
Let us learn
We are safe

We don‛t play on the road.

We walk on the platform.

We hold hands while crossing roads.

We wait for the train to pass.

We stand in a line to board the bus.

We look right and left before crossing the road.
Note to the teacher: Focus on various rules of road safety and encourage children to followthem.
Let us follow
Put a tick next to the correct picture.

Tick yes or no.
I will walk on the platform. Yes ✔ No
I will wait for my turn. Yes ✔ No
I will board a moving train. Yes No ✔
Let us do
Word wall

Put the word chits in a box.
Let children sit in a circle and take a chit each.
If they read the word, reward them with a star on their hand.
If not, teacher would help the student to read the word.
The child with more number of stars is the winner.
Think Zone

1. I have wings. I can fly.
I am not a bird.
Who am I? AeroPlane
2. I carry lot of people.
You find me in seas.
Who am I? Ship
I can do
I. Complete the puzzle.

1. lorry
2. bus
3. scooter
4. car
5. boat
6. auto
7. van
8. train
9. aeroplane
10. ship
II. Tick the correct answer.
These/Those are cars.
These/Those are ships.
These/Those are bicycles.
III. Match the following.

IV. Read aloud.
A ship
A shore
A ship on the shore
A chick
A chair
A chick on the chair
A whip
A whistle
A whip on the whistle
V. Recite the poem ‘Row row row your boat‛.
VI. Find the vehicles hidden in the picture and circle their names.

Learning outcomes
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the apple when they achieve the learning outcome.