English : Term 1 Unit 2 : Play Time
Play Time
I like to play with Chittu.
Do you like to play with your friends?

Look and say

Note to the teacher: Practise vocabulary using the picture. Ask students to namethe things in the picture.
Let us sing

Clap your hands
Stamp your feet
Skip and run
And turn around.
Clap your hands
Stamp your feet
Hop and jump
And turn about.
Clap your hands
Stamp your feet
Bend and stretch
And play a game.
Come, let us play together and have fun.

Circle time– Let us play

Display the flashcards with pictures of toys.
Have children look at them and then remove them.
Make students recall the objects.
Note to the teacher: Sing the song with actions. Have students listen and do theactions first then follow the song with the teacher.
Let us learn

The dogs are playing cricket. The rat wants to join.
May I play with you?
But the game has started. Sorry, you are late.
The rabbit is flying a kite. The rat wants to join.
May I fly your kite?
But I have only one.
The monkeys are swinging on the tree. The rat wants to join.
May I play with you?
But rats cannot swing.
The frogs are playing hopscotch. The rat wants to join.
May I hop with you?
No, no, only two can play this game.
The rat is building a sandcastle. Everyone wants to join him.
I will play alone.
Hey, Look at that! A sandcastle!
Shall we join him?
The rat invites everyone to play with him.
Let us play together.
Playing together is always fun.
Note to the teacher: Encourage children to learn the names of different games they play. Focus on using ‘sorry‘ in various contexts.
Let us understand
A. Listen to the teacher and tick (✓) the correct picture.

B. Circle the right word.

C. Listen, think and say.
1. Who flies a kite?
The rabbit flies a kite.
2. Who has a bat?
Dog has a bat.
3. Who builds a sandcastle?
The Rat builds a sandcastle.
4. Who do you like in the story? Why?
I like Rat in this story.
5. Do you like to play alone or with friends? Why?
I like to play with friends. It gives me additional happy.

Note to the teacher: A boy plays on the swing. A girl flies a kite. Some children play hopscotch. Some children build a sandcastle.
Alphabet Story

Note to the teacher: Teach the ABC song and sing it with them. Read out the story. Emphasize on the letters of the alphabet.
Let us write
Trace the letters.

Let us sing

Where is Kavitha? (2)
Please stand up (2)
Do a little clapping (2)
Sit down please.
Where is Kavitha? (2)
Please stand up (2)
Do a little stamping (2)
Sit down please.
Tune: Where is Thumbkin?
Let us do

Word wall activity
Clap….Snap… Stamp
Display the words on the board. Encourage children to practise the words as follows
Say the word ”you” followed by a clap.
Spell the word ”y” (snap your fingers)
“ o“ (snap your fingers)
“ u“ (snap your fingers)
Say “you” again and stamp your foot.
Repeat the same for the other words also.
Circle time – Let us play

Have children stand in a circle and pass the ball. Stop passing the ball and ask ”Who has the ball?”. Make the class say, “John has the ball” mentioning the name of the student who has the ball. The student with the ball keeps Quiet.
Let us practice

Let us do together
What do you play with? Draw it.

Name your friend‛s toy.
My friend has a truck toy.
Think zone -Circle the odd one.

Let us say
Listen to the sound and repeat.

Listen and say

Blend and say aloud

h i p ⇒ hip
t i p ⇒ tip
d i p ⇒ dip
s i t ⇒ sit
h i t ⇒ hit
l i t ⇒ lit
d i n ⇒ din
b i n ⇒ bin
t i n ⇒ tin
Note to the teacher: Show the flashcards of the letters. Say the sound of each letter aloud and get children to repeat it. Say the sounds as follows i /I/ s /s/ b /b/ d /d/ l /l/ c /k/ h /h/.
Let us do

Word wall activity
Jump in… Jump out
Display the words on the board.
Make children stand on a circle.
Read out the words randomly like sip, map, hip, cap, dip, tin…
Encourage children to jump in for the words with a‛ sound and jump out for the words with ‘I’ sound.
Help the rabbit to reach the carrot. Follow the ip words.

Let us practise

Say aloud

Is it a pin?
No, it is not.
Is it a bin?
No, it is not.
Is it a fin?
No, it is not.
Is it a tin?
Yes, it is.
Let us learn
The Magic Fish

Let us learn
The Magic Fish
It is a big sea. All the sea animals are white. here omes a olourful fish
You are very colourful.
Who are you?
I am a magic fish.
Can we become colourful like you?
Sure. I can make you colourful.
The dolphin wants blue. The magic fish shares it.
Blue suits you well.
Thank you magic fish.
The crab wants orange. The magic fish shares it.
Am I beautiful like you?
Yes, You are very beautiful.
The seahorse wants yellow. The magic fish shares it.
You are so pretty.
Thank you so much.
The star fish wants red. The magic fish shares it.
Red looks good on you.
You made me so. Thank you.
All the animals are colourful now. The sea is happy.
You look very colourful.
Thank you.
Are you happy?
Yes, we are very happy.
Sharing is caring.
Note to the teacher: Encourage children to learn the names of different colours. Focus on using ‘thank you‘ in various contexts.
Let us follow
Circle any three things that you share with your friend.

Talk with your friend. Does your friend have the same list? Yes ✔ No
How do you feel when you share? Colour
Tick the correct magic word.

Let us do

Word wall activity
I spy… you say…
Display the words on the board.
choose any word and spell the first and last letter of that word.
Eg. spy a word starting with ‛k’ and ending with e‛.
Encourage children to guess and shout out the word.
Practise all the words similarly.
I can do
I. Listen to the teacher and circle the correct picture.

II. Tick (✓ ) the correct colour.

III. Recite any one of the poems from the lesson.
IV. Read aloud.

V. Write the first letter of the picture.

* Listening Text
Note to the teacher: The rabbit is flying a kite.
Learning outcomes
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the apple when they achieve the learning outcome.