English : Term 3 Unit 3 : Rain… Rain… Rain…
Rain… Rain… Rain…
I like to play in the rain!
Do you?

Look and say

Note to the teacher: Practise vocabulary using the picture. Ask children to name and talk about the things in the picture.

Let us sing
Drops of Rain
Drip… drip…
Drip drip drip
Pitter patter raindrops
Where do you come from,
Tiny drops of rain?
Straight from the dark clouds
Down to the ground.
Peacocks dance…
Children dance…
Frogs hop.
It‛s a jolly time,
Shall we sing a rhyme?
Drip… drip…
Drip drip drip
Pitter patter raindrops.
Note to the teacher: Encourage children to listen and sing the song with the teacher. Help children imagine a rainy day as described in the song.

Let us learn
From the Sky to the Sea
It is a stormy day.
I am a little raindrop. I come down, down, down from the sky.
The little raindrop falls into a puddle.
I am in the puddle.
It runs down the waterfall.
Whoo! What a lovely waterfall it is!
It joins a stream and crosses the woods.
Hey! Now, I swim in the stream. I go past trees, deer and rabbits too.
It bounces over pebbles and joins the river.
See, I leap over pebbles and dive into the river just like the kingfisher.
It travels with the river and joins the sea. The little raindrop is a part of it.
Oh! The sea is so big .
Note to the teacher: Focus on different sources of water. Practise the words using the picture and encourage children to talk about it contextually.
Let us Understand
A. Tick (✓) the correct word for the picture.

B. Where does the raindrop go? Draw a line to the pictures in the correct order.

C. Listen, think and say.
1. Who comes down from the sky?
Little raindrop
2. Whom does the raindrop meet in the woods?
Trees, deer, rabbits
3. Where does the raindrop see the kingfisher?
4. Where does the raindrop go finally?
5. Is the raindrop happy?
Let us do
Word wall
away come must say down not but for how him do into were they any here was what

* Display the words on the word wall.
* Make four sets of word chits.
* Divide the class into four equal groups.
* Distribute one set of cards to each group.
* Read the word and make each group find the word that you read.
* The group that finds the word first gets a chance to read it out to the class.
* Repeat until all words are practised.
Let us talk – Circle time
Display some objects in the class (toys, fruits, vegetables etc.). Divide the class into two groups A and B. Show an object and prompt the children in group A to say, “I like ______.” Let the children from group B say, “I don‛t like _____.” Practise with more objects and change the roles of groups.
Let us practice

Let us say
Listen to the sound and repeat.

Note to the teacher: Revise the sounds of the letters given above. Help children understand that the sound for a letter is the same for both uppercase and lowercase.
Let us do
Word wall
Chop rung thud rug gush moth toss luck fun shall shell nib fit lip

• Display the words on the word wall.
• Make two sets of chits.
• Distribute it to every child in the class.
• Ask children to search for a partner with the same word.
• Make each pair read the word together.
• Practise with all pairs.
Let us practise
Read aloud.

Bob the cop has a pot. Bob the cop fills the pot.
Dud is a bug and likes her rug. Dud likes to hum on her rug.
The pup fell into the tub. The dog got the pup out of the tub.
The fat cat has a cap. The fat cat with a cap sat on a mat.
It is a big pig with a wig. The big pig with a wig is in a pit.
Jen has a red pen. The red pen is on the bed.
What comes next?

Let us learn
A Rainy Day

Note to the teacher: Encourage children to guess the story by looking at the picture. Help them by asking questions such as “Who are there?”, “What are they doing?”, “What do you do during rain?”
A Rainy Day

A Rainy Day
Big dark clouds hide the sun. It is going to rain. Clouds are made of many tiny drops of water. Raindrops grow big and heavy. Raindrops fall out of the sky. Many Raindrops make rain. Birds hide in the trees. Rabbits hop into holes. Rain pours hard. Rain makes puddle on the ground. Snails and worms come out. Frogs hop about. We sit outside our home. We make paper boats to sail them in the puddle. We eat hot snacks. We drink tea. Oh! I love the rain! I wish it would come again.
Note to the teacher: Read the story and help children learn the words using the pictures. Encourage them to share what they do when it rains.
Let us follow
Tick (✓) the correct picture.

Listen to the teacher and tick (✓) Yes/No.
I plant trees. Yes ✔ No
I clean my cycle with a hose. Yes ✔ No
I wash my clothes in the pond. Yes ✔ No
Note to the teacher: Talk about daily actions that children can do for using water wisely.
Let us do
Word wall
raindrop clouds water sky peacock puddle waterfall stream woods river sea

• Place the picture cards on the table.
• Give one picture card for each child in the class.
• Call out a word.
• All the students with the picture will display the picture to the class and repeat the word.
• Point to the word on the word wall.
• Repeat till all the words are practised.
I can do
i. Listen and tick (✓).

Note to the teacher: Say the words – cloud, puddle, boat and sea. Ask children to tick them in the picture.
ii. Tick (✓) the correct word.

iii. Colour the odd one in each umbrella.

iv. Listen to the teacher and tick (✓) the correct one.

It is raining. ✔ It is sunny.
We make paper boats. ✔ We make paper hats
v. Tick (✓) the one that you like and cross (×) the one that you don‛t like.

Now, say it to your teacher.
I like Beatroot. I don‛t like Cake.
vi. Listen to the teacher read the story. Then circle the words the teacher repeats.
Tubby was a boy. He lived away from home. His mom asked him to come home. He caught a bus on the road. His sister wanted him to buy a toy but he made a toy for her.
Note to the teacher: Read the words – was, away, come, for and but. Ask children to circle them.
vii. Recite the poem ‘Drops of Rain‛.
Learning outcomes
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the apple when they achieve the learning outcome.