English : Term 3 Unit 2 : Time and Calendar
Time and Calendar

I go to school every day.
Do you?
Look and say


Note to the teacher: Practise vocabulary using the picture. Ask children to name and talk about the things in the picture. Distinguish day and night through simple explanation.
Let us sing

Months in a Year
Twelve months in a year
Let‛s learn it my dear
The year starts with January
And ends with December.
Now let‛s say them one by one
January, February, March,
April, May, June,
July, August, September,
October, November and December.
Isn‛t it easy to remember?
Note to the teacher: Encourage children to listen and sing the song with the teacher. Explore the event in the pictures and make the children relate it with each month.
Let us learn
Harini‛s Happy Week

I met my friend.
She lives near my house.
Her name is Kani.

My father gave me a puppy.
She is very cute.

A new teacher came to my class today.
She told us many stories. We had fun.

I saw a new rose in my garden. It was pink.

I drew a picture in my book.
My parents liked it very much.

Our hen had five chicks.
All of them were yellow.

I played with my friend.
Suddenly it started raining.
We sat inside and sang songs.
This was my happy week.
Note to the teacher: Encourage children to talk on the events that they remember on each day. Focus on the days of the week and the sequence.
Let us understand
A. Tick (✓) the correct day.

B. Help Harini reach puppy by following the days of the week.

C. Listen, think and write the correct numbers in the circle.
1. I saw a new rose on (4) Wednesday.
2. On Monday, my father gave me a (1) puppy.
3. The first day of the week is (2) Sunday.
4. comes after Thursday. (3) Friday.
1. puppy 2. Sunday 3. Friday 4. Wednesday
Let us do
Word wall
many when at like down from were our very new was her me

• Display the words on the word wall.
• Make 4 sets of word chits.
• Each child gets a turn to pick a chit and read the word.
• If they read correctly, they get to keep the chit.
• If they are not able to read, they give the chit back.
• When there are no more chits with the teacher, the student with the most chits wins!
Circle time-Let us talk
Divide the class into two groups A and B. Display some picture cards of actions (wake up, brush, have a bath, eat, play, read, sleep, etc.,). Show a picture (eg. sleep) and tell the children in group A to ask, “When do you sleep?” Let the children in group B say “I sleep at night.” Encourage children to repeat the structure “When do you ______?” and “I _____ in the morning/afternoon/evening or at night”many times. Practise with more actions and change the roles of groups.
Let us practise

I wake up in the morning.
I brush my teeth in the morning.
I have lunch in the afternoon.
I play in the evening.
I brush my teeth at night.
I sleep at night.
Let us say
Listen to the sound and repeat.

Listen and say.

Blend and say.

Note to the teacher: Show the flashcards of the letter combinations. Say the sound of each letter combination aloud and make children repeat it. Say the sounds as follows: tch /t∫/ ck/k/ ss/s/ ll/l/
Let us do
Word wall
catch ditch luck pick sell cell miss less moss will yell hatch tuck buck chess

• Display the words on the word wall.
• Distribute the word chits to children.
• Ask them to read and form groups based on the ending sound.
• The group which is formed first is the winner.
• Make each group read their words one by one.
Let us practice
Read aloud.
Chick and duck are on the thatch.
Duck says quack quack quack.
Chick says cluck cluck cluck.

Jess and Tess had a bell.
The bell fell into the well.
So Jess and Tess were so dull.

Colour the pencils using the codes.

Unscramble the letters.

Let us learn
A Day at Home

Note to the teacher: Encourage children to guess the story by looking at the picture. Help them by asking questions such as “Who are they?” “What are they doing?”, “When are they doing it?”
A Day at Home
The crows in the
. The
likes to walk in the
. We get water from the
in the
. I read a
in the
. I
songs in the
. I have my
in the
. I
with my friends in the
. I
my parents in the
. I go to the market in the
. I have my dinner at
. I
my teeth at
. I go to
A Day at Home
The rooster crows in the morning. The grandpa likes to walk in the morning. We get water from the well in the morning. I read a book in the afternoon . I sing songs in the afternoon. I have my lunch in the afternoon. I play with my friends in the evening. I help my parents in the evening. I go to the market in the evening. I have my dinner at night. I brush my teeth at night. I go to bed at night.
Note to the teacher: Read the story and help children learn the words using the pictures. Encourage them to share their daily routine with their friends.
Let us follow
Put a tick (✓) next to the correct picture.

Listen to the teacher and tick (✓) Yes/No.
We get up early every day. Yes ✔ No
We eat dinner. Yes ✔ No
We watch TV a lot. Yes No ✔
My friend comes to school on time. Yes ✔ No
Note to the teacher: Encourage children to follow good habits in their daily activities.
Let us do
Word wall
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

• Display the words on the word wall.
• Whisper one word to a child.
• The child will whisper the word to another child.
• The last child will say the word aloud.
• Show the word card to the class.
• Repeat for all the words.
I can do
i) Tick (✓) the days of the week in order.

ii) Listen to the teacher and write True (T) or False (F).
a) Grandpa likes to walk in the afternoon. (F)
b) I sing songs in the morning. (F)
c) I help my parents in the evening. (T)
d) I have my dinner at night. (T)
iii) Draw lines to match.
When do you brush your teeth?
When do you play?
When do you go to bed?
When do you have your lunch?

iv) Match the words with same sound.

v) Read aloud.

vi) Listen to the teacher read the story. Then circle the words the teacher repeats.
Jeni has many friends. One day when she was playing with her friends, she saw a puppy. The puppy was just a month old. She loved the puppy very much. Once a week she took the puppy to the park. Jeni‛s friends were also happy.
Note to the teacher: Read the words — many when very were her
vii) Recite the poem ‘Months in a Year‘.
Learning outcomes
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the apple when they achieve the learning outcome.