Environmental Science : Term 1 Unit 4 : Animals Around Us
Animals Around Us

Learning objectives
The learner should be able to

• Observe name, identify describe compare and classify the animals into insects, birds and mammals.
• Develop on awareness of animal protection.
• Talk about his/her favourite animal.
Let us talk
Observe the animals in the picture. Have you seen these animals? What are they doing?

Tick (✓) the animals you have seen.

Let us talk
Observe the Kangeyam bull. Let us know its parts.

Vocabulary: small, big, head, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, teeth, tongue, horns, neck, colour (patches) hair/fur, tail, legs, hump
Can you now describe the cow using the above words?

The cow is big and it has a long tail. The horns are sharp. It has four legs. The cow is white in colour.
Connect the labels with the parts.

About Animals
There are many kinds of animals. Some animals are big, some not so big.

Some animals are small in size.

YOU KNOW? The elephant is the only animal that cannot jump.
Paste the picture of your favourite animal inside this box.

About Mammals
Some animals have hair or fur on their body. Some animals give milk to their babies. They are called mammals.

Dogs, kangaroos and elephants are mammals,

Some mammals fly.
Some mammals swim.
Humans ore also mammals.
Compare the two animals in the pictures.

What are similar? What are different?
Use the helping words that you know.
Similar: size, body appearance
Different: color, skin
Animal Tails

Happy dog wags its tail
Troubled cow swats flies with its tail
Angry cat stares with its tail up
Find the hidden animals in the picture given below.

Elephant, Horse, Goat, Hen, Fish
Connect the heads of animals to their legs.

About Birds
Let us talk
Have you seen these birds? Where have you seen them?

Name and talk about them. Here are some words to help you.
Vocabulary: size, colour, wings, legs, beak, feathers, feet
Observe the bird. Let us know its parts.

Connect the names to the birds.

Let us talk
Speak about similarities and differences.

Birds are animals.
They have two wings, two legs and a beak.

They eat with the help of their beaks. They do not have teeth.

Their legs help them to walk around and run.

They have colourful feathers.

YOU KNOW: The Peacock is the largest flying bird.

They can fly.

YOU KNOW? An Ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
There are some birds that cannot fly.

Some birds can swim.

Tick (✓) the birds that can fly.

Match the birds with their beaks and feet.

Thumb Printing
Use your thumb print to complete the pictures,

About Insects
Walk around the school campus. How many insects can you see? Count their number and enter it in the circle.

Observe the pictures of insects.

YOU KNOW? Butterflies are good friends of flowers.
Insects are tiny animals with six legs. Some insects have wings that help them to fly.

Some tiny animals are not insects. They have more than six legs,

Some insects cannot fly – Silverfish.

Shall we do it?
Put a little sugar and leave it for a while.
What do you observe?

YOU KNOW? Ants talk through their feelers
Spot the insects.
Some insects look like leaves and sticks.

Join the dots and colour the pictures.

Animal Protection
Let us talk
Is this bird happy? What do you think?

No. They want to be free and roam happily.
Bird bath
Keep water for the birds in a mud vessel and observe how happy they are.

How can we care for the animals around us?

Colour the given circle for the Do’s.

Solve the riddles and connect to the pictures given.
1. I live in trees and like to climb.
I like bananas. Who am I?

Answer: Monkey
2. I live in the forest.
I have sharp teeth.
People call me “The King of Jungle”. Who am I?

Answer: Lion
3. I have no legs.
But I slither on the ground and on the trees. Who am I?

Answer: Snake
4. I am not a bird but I can fly.
I collect nectar from flowers and make honey. Who am I?

Answer: Bee
5. I am a mammal.
I have big ears. I have a long trunk and I walk on four legs.
Who am I?

Answer: Elephant
Make your own riddles and ask your friend to solve them.
“Who am I?” – Play the game with your teacher’s help.

Make a paper plate mask.

Now wear the paper plate mask you have made and enact a story.
Fun Zone
Find out what is strange with these animals and have a good laugh.

What do you see in these pictures? How can we care for the animals around us? Talk about it.

The dog is given bath.

Vet check up the dog regularly.
Find the animals in the jungle below. Name them. Classify them as birds, insects and mammals.

1. Parrot
2. Owl
3. Peacock
4. Duck
5. Wood pecker
6. Crow
7. Duck
1. Butterfly
2. Dragon fly
1. Elephant
2. Monkey
3. Rabbit
4. Squirrel
5. Deer
Tick (✓) the animals whose parts are found in the picture.

I can observe and name mammals, birds and insects.
I can identify and differentiate mammals, birds and insects.
I can compare and describe animals.
I can think – sequence, solve riddles and match.
I can act like animals.
I can draw and colour animals.