Environmental Science : Term 3 Unit 4 : Day and Night
Day and Night
Learning Objectives
The Learners
• Know the differences between day and night
• Describe the Sun, moon, stars, lightning and thunder
Mother: “Kanmani, Kannan wake up. Come and see the sunrise. The sky looks beautiful.”
Kannan and Kanmani : “Yes, Mother.”
What do they see? Can you look at the picture and describe it?

The Sun is a star. We get light and heat from the Sun. There can be no life on earth without the sun.

DO YOU KNOW: The sunflower buds turn and face the Sun.

Morning follows the dawn. It’s the time to get ready, eat breakfast and go to school.

Dawn is the early morning just before sunrise. It is good for health to wake up at this time.

Vocabulary: Sun, earth, light, heat, dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, twilight, sky, day
Lunch is at noon. The time that follows noon is called afternoon.

Evening is play time. Then the Sun sets.
Evening Activities

Twilight is the time after sunset, just before the night.
The time between dawn and sunrise is also called Twilight.

Night is the time to sleep.

Write “M” for the morning and “E” for the evening activities.

Mother: “It is a lovely cool night. Let us have our dinner outside in the moonlight.”
Vocabulary: moon, star, cool, night

Kannan: “Why is the moon not as bright as the Sun?”
Kanmani: “I know why. The moon has no light of its own unlike the Sun. It gets it’s light from the Sun.”
Kannan: “I’ll tell you about the stars. See, there are so many stars in the sky. The stars shine at night. They have their own light. They look small because they are very far away.”

DO YOU KNOW: The Owls and Bats are active at night.

Mother: “Come, it’s getting late. Let us go to bed. Early to bed and early to rise is a good habit.”
Identify and tick (✔) the odd one.

Rain, Thunder and Lightning
Vocabulary: rain, rainclouds, lightning, thunder, rainbow
Kannan and Kanmani loved to watch the sky.

Kanmani: “Today the sky is full of rainclouds.”

Kannan: “It has started to rain.” Suddenly they saw a flash of light in the sky followed by loud sounds.
Mother: “It is thunder and lightning. Both occur on a rainy day.”

After a while, the rain stopped. Kannan and Kanmani saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky.
When there is thunder and lightning,
Do not stand under the trees and under electrical wires.
Do not touch cut and hanging wires.
Do not touch electrical plug points.
Cross (X) the actions that should not be done when it rains.

1. Write “T” if True and “F” if False.
a. The Sun is a star. [ T ]
b. The moon shines with its own light. [ F ]
c. We can count the stars in the sky. [ F ]
d. A rainbow is seen on a rainy day [ T ]
e. The Sun gives us heat and light. [ T ]
2. Connect the pictures related to day and to night by drawing a line.

3. Find and circle the given words

Self Evaluation
• I know the differences between the day and night
• I can describe the Sun, moon, stars, lightning and thunder