Environmental Science : Term 2 Unit 1 : Our Delicious Food
Our Delicious Food

Learning Objectives
The learners
• Realise the importance of food
• List various food items
• Know the journey of rice
Importance of Food
Rhyme time
Food food food!
It keeps me good
Grains and vegetables
Fruits and nuts
Fish and eggs
Milk and meat
I need them, I eat them
To grow and become strong
I need them, I eat them
To work and play
I need them, need them, need them all

We eat a variety of food items every day. Some of them are shown below. Let us talk about it.

All of us need food to live. Food gives us energy to work and play.

Some energy-giving foods.

Milk is a healthy drink. It keeps our teeth and bones strong.

Pulses, meat, fish and egg help us grow.

Nuts, fruits and vegetables keep us healthy and protect us from diseases.

Match the given parts with the appropriate vegetables.

Our Food
Our food is a combination of milk, meat, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, flowers, grains, nuts, oils and ghee.

Grains: (Cereals and Pulses)

Who and split grams

Water is essential for our body to be healthy. We must drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day.

Identify the following and write F for fruit, V for vegetable, P for Pulse, C for Cereal and N for Nuts.

A Variety of Dishes
Each and every dish we eat is unique in taste. The dishes are made up of one or more ingredients.

We can prepare many dishes using the same ingredients.

Salt, sugar and spices add taste to food.
Tick (✓) the food items made with wheat.

Food for a Day
We have breakfast in the morning, lunch in the afternoon and dinner at night. We should not skip any meal. Some people prefer vegetarian food and some non-vegetarian food.

I have my breakfast before going to school. Do you? Answer: yes
We have snacks in between.
We should choose healthy food items as snacks.

Name the food items, count and write them.

Healthy Food Items
We all have our favourite dishes. Some of them are healthy and can be eaten regularly.

Some should be eaten once in a while in small quantities.

Some of the snacks we like are not good for us. Say ‘NO’ to them.

Many of us like sweets. Sweets can be prepared with jaggery or sugar. Sweets made with jaggery are better for health.

Steamed food items and sprouted grains are healthy.

Sprouted Grains
Shall we do it?
Soak green gram overnight in water. Drain the water and tie it in a cloth. Observe the changes in the grains on the next day.

Leaves of some plants are used as food. They are called greens. We should have greens at least twice a week.

Circle the items that we should avoid.

Healthy Eating Habits

Wash hands before and after eating.
Sit together to eat.
Do not talk while eating.
Chew your food well.
Do not spill food while eating.
Avoid watching TV and using mobile phones while eating.
Do not overeat. It can make you ill.
Rinse your mouth after every meal.
Do not waste food.
Always wash fruits and vegetables before eating or cooking
Stale food makes you sick. Avoid it.
Avoid uncovered food as it may contain dust and germs..
Colour the Do’s in green and Don’ts in red.

Journey of Rice
The story of rice begins with the farmer ploughing the field. Observe the pictures and see how the food comes to our plates. Always respect the food and its producer, the farmer.

Farming Scene – Spot five differences.

1. Circle the flowers that we can eat.

2. Match the dishes with their main ingredient.

3. Find the odd one out.

4. Reach out from the bad habit to the good habit by drawing lines.

Self Evaluation
• I know the importance of food …
• I can list various food items…..
• I know the journey of rice..