Environmental Science : Term 2 Unit 2 : Water
Learning Objectives
The learners
• List out the various uses of water
• Conduct simple experiments with water
• Become aware of saving water
Water in our Life
Let us Discuss
What are the different activities for which we use water? Observe the picture and talk about it.

We use water for many of our daily activities. We drink water to keep ourselves healthy. We use water to bathe. Cook, wash clothes and graw plants. We cannot live without water.
Vocabulary: Bathe, Drink, Wash, Grow, Cook, Pour, Brush
Preparation of lemon juice
Cut the lemon into two pieces. Squeeze the juice into a glass. Add sufficient sugar and a pinch of salt. Pour water and stir it well.

Match the activity with the object.

Note for the Teacher: Prepare lemon juice in the classroom.

Water, Water Everywhere
Rhyme time

It’s raining and raining
Pouring everywhere
I am singing and dancing
Playing everywhere
The trees are swaying
The animals are enjoying
Without rain
There is no life anywhere
Rain is the main source of water for lakes, ponds, wells and rivers. All living beings need water to live. Fishes, frogs, ducks and many plants live in water.

Steps to prepare clean and safe drinking water

Count and write.

Fun with Water

Keep some pieces of ice in a bowl. Leave it for 10 minutes and observe what happens. Ice slowly melts into water. You can touch and feel it too.

Prepare water of different colours by using food colours.
4 tumblers of water
Count the number of tumblers of water necessary to fill the given pot.
Note for the Teacher: Do all the “Fun with Water” activities in the classroom.
Conservation of Water

Close the tap (2)
When you brush, brush, brush
Use a bucket (2),
When you bathe, bathe, bathe
Repair the tap (2)
When it leaks, leaks, leaks
Save water save water
Save, save , save
Some More Good Habits to Conserve Water

Turn off taps while washing clothes.
Water the plants in the morning.

We need to use water sparingly. If we do not have enough water, our life becomes difficult.
Mark the places where water is wasted with a cross (X).

Self Evaluation
• I know the uses of water
• I am aware of using water carefully in my daily life
• I can do simple experiments with water