English : Term 3 Unit 1 : A Visit to the Farm
A Visit to the Farm

Let us recall
1. Name the pictures.

2. Write the correct word. They / He / She

He is eating an apple. | She is writing. | They are playing.’
Look and say

Note to the teacher: Practise vocabulary using the pictures. Ask children to name the animals and their dwelling places.
Let us sing
Wonderful Sea

Wonderful Sea
By the deep blue sea, what do we see?
Diving dolphins above the waves,
Crawling crabs near the rocks,
Many many rocks like tiny caves.
What do you see in the deep blue sea?
Starfish swimming over the reefs,
Whistling whales in the water,
Sea horses moving straight and tall.
What else do we see in the blue sea?
Moving turtles on the sandy beach,
Many many waves rolling to the shore,
We see all these and more in the blue sea.
Note to the teacher: Sing the song with actions. Encourage children to listen and do the actions first, then follow the song with the teacher.
Let us learn
Dona’s Song
Dona, the donkey, lives in a village.
He likes the way his friends bray.
But he cannot do it the right way.

There is a singing contest in the car festival.
“What will I do?”, thinks Dona.
“Let me ask my friends!” Dona goes out to see.

“How do you grunt, Piggy?”
Dona asks Piggy the pig. “Simple!
Roll right… Roll left…
Then lift your nose…”
Dona cannot do that.

“How do you bleat, Shanu?”
Dona asks Shanu, the sheep.
“I flick my tail. Jump up and down and then shout”,
“Baa… Baa…”
Dona cannot do that.

“How do you neigh, Harry?”
Dona asks Harry the horse.
“I shake my tail, keep my ears straight and say…”
No, Dona cannot do that.

“How do you snort, Buffy?”
Dona asks Buffy, the buffalo.”I sway my head from side to side,
open my mouth wide, and shout.” “Mrrrrr!”
Oh no! Dona cannot do that too.
“What will I do next week?”, Dona is worried.

Dona comes home and listens to his mom bray,
“Heee… Haaan…”

He stands in front of the mirror.
He shakes his ears from left to right.
He opens his mouth and lets out a cry…
“Heee… Haaan…”
“Hey! I can sing… I can sing.”

Dona’s song is the best in the car festival.
Note to the teacher: Read out the story to the children. Focus on the names of the sounds the animals make. Encourage children to practise the words and structures used in the story, contextually.
Let us understand
I. Match the animals with the sounds.

II. Fill in the blanks.
mirror village grunt head
1. Dona lives in a village
2. How do you grunt ?
3. Dona shakes his head in front of the mirror.
4. “I sway my head from side to side.”
III. Listen, think and say.
1. Why did Dona want to learn a song?
There is a singing contest in the car festival.
2. Whom did Dona ask for help?
Piggy, sheep, horse, Buffalo
3. How did the buffalo snort?
“Buffalo sway his head from side to side, open my mouth wide, and shout.” “Mrrrrr!”
4. Was Dona able to sing at the car festival?
5. Have you heard a donkey bray? Can you do it?
Yes, I heard a donkey bray. Yes, I can do it.
Let us know
Valli and Chittu talk about their friends.

Note to the teacher: Focus on the use of am/is/are with pronouns in the above dialogues. Use the table above for more practice.
Let us practice
Draw lines to match.

Choose and write.
1. I am a tall boy. (is/am)
2. We are happy. (is / are)
3. You are my pet. (are/ am)
4. He is thin. (are / is)
5. These are pens. (are/is)
6. That is a bus. (am/is)
7. She is sad. (am/is)
8. They are good. (are/ is)
9. It is a book. (is/am)
10. Those are cars. (are/is)
Spell check
Fill in the missing letters.

Let us do
Word wall
tell next please leave hand why better while should never each also

* Display the words on the word wall.
* Say the word once.
* Let children repeat it.
* Say the word loudly.
* Let children say it loudly.
* Whisper the word.
* Let children whisper it.
Read aloud and circle the words you see on the word wall.
1. Leave my hand.
2. Please tell me.
3. Never tell lies.
4. It is better.
5. Each one should come here.
Read and copy.
1. Please give me a pen.
Please give me a pen.
2. Why are you late?
Why are you late?
3. You can do better.
You can do better.
4. She never comes late.
She never comes late.
Circle time – Let us talk
Make children sit in a circle. Ask a child to stand up and tell the class pointing to him/her, “He/She is a boy/girl. His/Her name is ______.” Encourage him/her to point to the next child and say “He/She is a boy/girl. His/Her name is ______.” Continue till every child gets a chance.
Let us practice

Fill in the blanks.
1. She is a girl. Her name is Vimala. (His/Her)
2. He is a boy. His name is David. (His/Her)
3. Arun is a boy. He is my friend.(He/She)
4. Devi is a girl. She is my sister. (He/She)
Let us say
Listen and repeat

Read aloud.

Listen and circle the words with long ‘u’ sound.
1. He threw the glue.
2. The tube is yellow.
3. The sky is blue.
4. The goose is in the pool.
5 .The cute bird flew to the zoo.
Note to the teacher: First teach the sound /u:/ to children. Then, introduce the four different letter clusters for the same sound. Help children relate the sound to the letter clusters.
Let us do
Word wall
pool room broom school food zoom roof
sew blew grew crew threw drew screw
huge duke dude jute rule June rude

* Display the words on the word wall.
* Distribute the word cards to all the students.
* Show a word with ‘oo’.
* Let all the children with the letter combination stand up and say the words they have.
* Practise with ‘ue’, ‘ew’ and ‘u_e’ words also.
Let us practice
Add e and write the words. Example: cut – cute
cub – cube
hug – huge
us – use
tub – tube
Fill in the blanks.

Tick (✓) the correct picture.

Let us read
The See-Saw

There are two ants,
Sam and Tom.
Sam is a red ant. Tom is a black ant.
They go out and play on a see-saw.

When Sam is up,
Tom is down.
When Sam is down,
Tom is up.
They go up and down.
Up and down.

Sam comes down and sees Tom fly.
Sam is sad.
Tom is now on an apple tree.

The apple falls and so does Tom.
Sam runs to Tom.
Then, they eat the apple.
Note to the teacher: This is supplementary reading material. Encourage children to read the story on their own.
Let us think and do
1. Write T for True or F for False.
a. There are two ants. T
b. Sam is a black ant. F
c. Tom is on an apple tree. T
d. Sam and Tom eat the apple. T
2. Write numbers to show the correct order.
They go up and down. (2)
They eat the apple. (6)
Tom falls down. (5)
An apple falls down. (4)
They go out and play on a see-saw. (1)
Sam falls down. (3)
3. Fill in the blanks.
a. Sam and Tom are two ants.
b. An apple falls down.
c. Sam and Tom play on a see-saw.
Let us make
* We will make an imaginary animal.
* Draw the head of any animal you know.
* Draw the body of any other animal you know.
* Draw the legs of any other animal you know.
* Draw the tail of any other animal you know.

The name of my animal is mix-animal.
Note to the teacher: Read the instructions one by one. Encourage children to make the animal after listening to the instructions.
I can do
1. Write the name of animals.
donkey sheep horse buffalo

2. Match the animals with their homes.

3. Read and match.

4. Fill in the blanks with am / is.

I am a girl. | He is a doctor. | She is a dancer. | It is a doll.
5. Listen to the teacher read the conversation. Circle the word the teacher repeats.
Mom: Balu, which fruit do you like?
Son : Why mom?
Mom: I will make juice for you while you play.
Son: I like orange juice. I am going to play hand ball. Bye
Mom: Bye. Don’t leave the door open.
Note to the teacher: Read the words – leave hand why while like
6. Tick the correct sentence.

7. Recite the poem Wonderful Sea.
Learning outcome
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the apple when they achieve the learning outcome.