English : Term 3 Unit 3 : Food We Eat
Food We Eat

Let us recall
1. Name the pictures.

2. Tick (✓) the correct word for the pictures.

3. Trace

Look and say

Note to the teacher: Practise vocabulary using the picture. Ask children to say the adjectives seen in the pages.
Let us sing

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Pat it and prick it
And mark it with “B”
Put it in the oven for baby and me
For baby and me
For baby and me
And there will be plenty for baby and me.
Note to the teacher: Sing the song with actions. Encourage children to listen and do the actions first, then sing the song with the teacher.
Let us learn
The Spider and the turtle

One evening, Spiky the spider, was ready to eat.
A turtle came to his door.
Spiky: Come in turtle.
You are just on time for dinner.

The turtle went to sit near the bowl of yams.
Spiky: You can’t sit down to eat with dirty hands.
Please go, wash them.
Turtle: Oh! You’re right Spiky. I’ll be back.

Turtle slowly crawled off to wash his hands. Spiky gulped the food quickly.
Turtle came back and found the nearly empty plates.
Turtle: Spiky, you ate all the food.
Spiky: I had to eat it before it got cold.
But there’s plenty left.
Turtle reached for the glass of juice.
Spiky: Wait! Your hands are still dirty.
Turtle: Yes. They are dirty again, as I crawled across the dirty floor. I’ll be right back.

The turtle went back to the pond to wash his hands.
The turtle used slippers to keep his hands and feet clean.

Now, Turtle got back to find all the plates empty.
Spiky: I could not wait.
The food was getting very cold. Poor Turtle was still hungry.

The next day…
Turtle: Spiky, come for dinner.
Spiky: Oh!
That will be nice.
He reached the pond.
Turtle: I’m here, Spiky. Come down.
Your dinner is almost ready.
Spiky jumped into the water, but he could not reach the bottom. He just floated on the top.

He filled the pockets of his coat with heavy stones and jumped into the pond. He went deep down to turtle’s house.

He reached for a bowl of food.
Turtle: Wait. You cannot have your dinner with your coat on. Please take off your coat.
Spiky: I could not do that.
Turtle: You must take it off before you eat.

Spiky slowly took off his coat. He floated up and saw turtle eat the feast. He climbed out of the water and went home sad.
Note to the teacher: Focus on the words related to food. Encourage children to practise the words in context.
Let us understand
1. Circle the correct word

2. Fill in the blanks.
coat dinner floor stones
a. Come in turtle. You are right in time for dinner.
b. Turtle walked across the dirty floor.
c. Spiky filled his pocket with heavy stones.
d. Spiky took off his coat.
3. Listen, think and write.
a. Whom did the turtle visit?
The turtle visited the spider Spiky.
b. Where did the spider sit first?
The spider sat near the bowl of yams.
c. Do you invite your friends to your home?
Yes, I invite my friends to my home.
Let us know

Valli and Chittu are talking about actions
He is Raju. He reads a book.
She is Nila. She reads a book.
They are friends. They read a book.
Why do you say read and not reads?
We say reads, when there is only one person.

Note to the teacher: Teach children that singular pronouns – He, She, It will take an s after the verb in simple present tense and the rest of the pronouns will not take s. Use the table for more practice.
Let us practice
Circle the correct word.

1. He is Mani. He play / plays the guitar.
2. She is Kala. She sings / sing a song.
3. I am Hari. I eat / eats a banana.
4. It is a bus. It move / moves on the road.
5. We are friends. We like / likes football.
6. They are painters. They paint / paints walls.
7. You are tall. You climb / climbs trees.
Match the following.

Spell check
Fill in the missing letters.

Let us do
Word wall
most than high sure open far near kind call

* Display the words on the word wall.
* Distribute the word cards to all the students.
* Make each child stand up and say the word they have.
* Let the class repeat it.
* Practise with all the words.
Read aloud and circle the words you see on the word wall.
1. Most of us like mangoes.
2. I am sure about this.
3. Come near me.
4. Call him now.
5. The hill is high.
6. My school is not far.
Read and trace the words.
1. My house is far from here.
2. He is a kind boy.
3. She is taller than me.
4. The park is near my house.
Circle time – Let us talk
A. Let children stand in a circle. Prepare masks of two frogs, two elephants and a rat. Make students wear those masks. ( It can be replaced with placards too.) Invite the frogs to the front. Say, “We are frogs. Our legs are small”.
B. Invite the elephants to the front. Say, “They are elephants. Their ears are big.” Invite the rat to the front. Say, “It is a rat. Its tail is long”. Practise with other students. Make use of other animals also.
Let us practice
We are sisters. Our hair is long.
It is an eagle. Its wings are big.
They are sisters. Their pets are small.
They are brothers. Their car is blue.
We are friends. Our houses are near.
It is a duck. Its beak is yellow.
Choose and write.
We are boys. Our (Our/Their) school is near.
They are kids. Their (Its/Their) hands are small.
It is an owl. Its (Its/Our) eyes are big.
Let us say
Listen to the sound and repeat.

Read aloud
out loud cloud round found sound mouth south mount coun
now town gown down brown clown fowl howl growl crowd

Read and match the words with their pictures.

Try to read these!
t + r = tr- tree
t + w = tw- twin
l + f = -lf wolf
p + t = -pt kept
c + t = -ct fact
Note to the teacher: First, teach the sound /av/ to children. Then, introduce the two different letter clusters for the same sound. Help children relate the sound to the letter clusters.
Let us do
hound round pound ground sprout shout
down town growl frown howl crown

* Display the words on the word wall.
* Prepare word cards with two words on each.
* Distribute it to children.
* Say a word.
* The student with that word will stand up and say it again.
* He/she will read the next word on his/her card.
* The student with that word will get up and read it out.
* Continue till all the children have read it.
1. Circle the odd pair.
1. out- shout gown – town growl – howl south – boil
2. now – how brown – crown clown – toy found – sound
3. mount – count south – mouth cloud – proud sound – boon
2. Read aloud.

The king has a crown.
I got this gown in the town.
The clown is in the crowd.
The mouse is in the house.
I found the beans sprout.
The clown fell on the ground.
What comes next? Tick (✓) the correct one.

Let us read
A Mouse in a House

There is a mouse in a house.
The house is in the town.
A cow comes to the house.

It makes a loud sound.
Moooo…. Moooo….
The mouse runs out of the house.

The mouse finds a new house in a new town.
It is happy in the new house.

One day, there is a loud sound.
Moooo…. Moooo…..
Oh no ! It is the same cow.
Now, the mouse wears ear muffs.
They both live in the same house.

Note to the teacher: This is supplementary reading material. Read out the story to children. Make them read the story on their own.
Let us think and do
1. Tick (✓) Yes or No.
a. The mouse lives in a house. Yes ✔ No
b. The cow did not make a loud sound. Yes No✔
c. The mouse goes to a new town. Yes✔ No
2. Fill in the blanks.
There is a mouse in a house. The house is in the town.
A cow comes to the house. It makes a loud sound. Moooo…. Moooo
The mouse runs out of the house. It runs to a new town. It finds a new house in the town.
3. What is it? Write in the blank.

Let us make
» Take a cotton ear bud
» Dip it in ink of any colour.
» Press the coloured portion all over the flower.
» Colour the leaves in green.

This is my flower plant.
Note to the teacher: Demonstrate the steps of colouring a flower. Read the instructions one by one. Encourage children to colour the flower after listening to your instructions.
I can do
1. Match the words with their pictures.

2. Fill in the blanks with Their / Our / Its.

We are sisters. Our mother is a nurse.
They are sad. Their ball is lost.
It is a pen. Its cap is yellow.
3. Listen to the teacher read the story and circle the words the teacher repeats.

* Ram and Sam are kind boys.
* They like their pet very much.
* It always plays near them.
* They make sure to get home soon.
Note to the teacher: Read the words – kind much near get sure
4. Write the correct words in the blanks.
a. He runs (run/runs) on the road.
b. She makes (make/makes) a paper boat.
c. I like (like/likes) mangoes.
d. We ride (ride/rides) a bicycle.
e. They tell (tell/tells) us a story.
5. Read and match the correct picture

6. Recite the poem, Pat-a-Cake.
Learning outcome
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the apple when they achieve the learning outcome.