English : Term 3 Unit 2 : People Who Help Us
People Who Help Us

Let us recall
1. Name the pictures.

2. Fill in the blanks with His or Her.

She is a teacher. Her name is Mithra.
He is a singer. His name is Bala.
Look and say

Note to the teacher: Practise vocabulary using the picture. Ask children to name the professions and words related to them.
Let us sing
The Farmer in the Field
The farmer plants the seeds
The sun comes out to shine
Hey… ho… the derry ho..
The sun comes out to shine.

The rain begins to fall
The seeds begin to grow
Hey..ho.. the derry ho..
The seeds begin to grow.

The vegetables are here
The farmer takes them out
Hey..ho.. the derry ho..
The farmer takes them out.

Now it’s time to eat
Now it’s time to thank.
Hey..ho.. the derry ho..
Now it’s time to thank.
Note to the teacher: Sing the song with actions. Encourage children to listen and do the actions first, then sing the song with the teacher.
Let us learn
Dress Day
Class 2 children like Malini teacher a lot.
Her class is always full of fun.

“Tomorrow, we will have a fancy dress show,
Best clothing retailers
We all have to dress up like people who help us,”
says the teacher.

The next day…
The class is colourful. Everyone is dressed up.
Malini teacher is happy.
“Come on kids, talk about yourself,” says the teacher.

“I am Varun.
I am a farmer.
I grow food for you.”

“I am Charu. I am a dancer.
I make you happy with my dance.”

“I am Abdul. I am a pilot.
I fly up in the sky. Zoooom…”

“I am Divya. I am an engineer.
I build houses”.

“I am Nancy. I am a doctor.
I treat sick people.”

“I am David. I am a plumber.
I mend and fix your pipes.”

“I am Punitha. I am a teacher.
I teach kids.”

“I am Ravi. I am a chef.
I love cooking yummy food.”

“I am Johny. I am a driver.
I drive people around on a bus.”

“Where is Jeni?” asks the teacher.
She jumps from behind a chair.

“I am here. I am the magician.
I do tricks to make you laugh.”
“Oh ! That’s interesting !”,
says the teacher.
It is a happy day. What fun they have!
Note to the teacher: Focus on different professions and the way they help us. Encourage children to practise the words in context.
Let us understand
1. Tick (✓) the correct word.

2. Match the pictures.

3. Listen, think and write.
a. What is the name of the dancer? charu
b. What does a farmer grow? A Farmer grow food for us.
c. What does your father/mother do? Farmer
d. What would you like to become? Teacher
Let us know
Valli and Chittu talk about the previous night.

Where were you last night, Valli?
I was in a party.
Mom and dad?
They were also with me.
What about Kavin and Geetha?
Hey! He was with me. She was at home.
Was that fun?
Yes! It was real fun, Chittu. We were happy.

Note to the teacher: Focus on pronouns and was / were verbs in the above dialogues. Use the table given above for more practice.
Let us practice
1. Draw lines to match.

2. Fill in the blanks with was / were.
a. I was happy.
b. We were sad.
c. You were tired.
d. He was thin.
e. It was cold.
f. These were my pens.
g. That was my toy.
h. She was lazy.
i. They were sick.
j. Those were my pets.
Spell check
Fill in the missing letters.

Let us do
Word wall
seem best name ran read over such way too until

* Display the words on the word wall and practise them.
* Invite a child to the front.
* Whisper a word to that child.
* Let the child say the word aloud to the class.
* Make others repeat it.
* Practise with all the words.
Read aloud and circle the words you see in the word wall.
1. They seem tired.
2. He is my best friend.
3. His name is Kapil.
4. The boy ran fast.
5. I read a book.
6. The kite is over the roof.
7. This way is too long.
8. Wait until I come.
Find and circle the words.

Circle time – Let us talk
A) Let children stand in a circle. Display pictures of professionals like carpenter, farmer etc., Point fingers to yourself and say, “I am _____ (name). My father is a _____ (profession).”
B) Ask a child, “ Who are you? What does your father do?” Encourage the child to say, “I am My father is a _____.” Practise the same with children in a chain drill. Help children to name the profession of their family members.
Let us practice

I am Kala.
My father is a farmer.
Who are you?
What does your father do?

I am Balu.
My father is a tailor.
Fill in the blanks with My / Your.

I am Raju. My father is a police man.
I am Kavin. My uncle is a singer.
Uma. Our mother is a nurse.
I am Sam. My brother is a football player.
Babu. Our grandma is a teacher.
Let us say
Listen to the sound and repeat.

Read aloud.

Read and match.

Try to read these!
s + p = sp- spell
s + t = st- stem
s + w = sw- swim
l + p = -lp help
l + t = -lt salt
Note to the teacher: First, teach the sound /ↄI/ to children. Then, introduce the two different letter clusters for the same sound. Help children relate the sound to the letter clusters.
Let us do
Word wall
joy soy cloy coy boy toy
boil spoil foil join boil toil

* Display the words in the word wall.
* Draw a circle. Make children stand on it.
* Say the words on the word wall.
* As they listen to the words with the same sound (oy/oi), they will move in clockwise direction.
* Say a word with some other sound (a, i, u).
* They will move in anti-clock wise direction. Practise with all the words.
1. Read aloud.
The boy has a toy.
Give me a coin.
The soil is soft.
Boil the oil now.
2. Circle the odd one.
a. toy joy ploy pot
b. boil soil pain coil
c. soy pan boy coy
d. point joint spoil school
Tick (✓) the correct one.

Let us read
An Egg on the Top

There is an egg on the top .
Who can win the egg?

I am fast.
I am the best. I can run to the top.
You cannot win, yells the ox.

I am quick.
I am the best.
I can win.
I can hop to the top, yells the rat.

You can run, you can hop.
But you cannot win.
I will win as I have a jet, yells the hen.
Yes, I got the egg, says the hen.
Oh no! The egg cracks.
What is it?
Ah! A dragon.
Where is my jet?, says the hen.

The egg is yours!
You have your dragon.
We will have your jet, say the ox and the rat.
They both fly away.
Note to the teacher: This is supplementary reading material. Read out the story to children. Make them read the story on their own.
Let us think and do
1. Match the dialogues with the pictures.

2. Tick (✓) Yes or No.
a. There is a cat on the hill. Yes No ✔
b. The rat has a jet. Yes No ✔
c. There is a dragon in the egg. Yes ✔ No
d. The ox and the rat fly away. Yes ✔ No
3. Choose and write what you can do.

I can jump.
I can hop.
I can run.
I can swim.
I can sing.
Let us make
» Colour the picture of the farmer.
» Paste woollen thread on the outline of the field.
» Fill the field with sand using glue.
» Paste woollen thread on the outline of the hill.
» Colour the hill brown, the clouds blue and the grass green.

He is farmer.
Note to the teacher: Demonstrate the steps. Read the instructions one by one. Encourage children to do the art work after listening to your instructions.
I can do
1. Tick (✓) the correct pictures for the given sentences.

2. Match the pictures with the words.

3. Circle the pictures with oi or oy sound.

4. Fill in the blanks with was or were.

She was happy.
It was raining.
They were in the park.
I am tired.
We were friends.
You were thin.
5. Tick (✓) the correct sentence.

6. Listen to the teacher read the story and circle the words the teacher repeats.
» My name is Abdul.
» My best friend is Mano.
» His house is too far.
» He rides a bicycle all the way to see me.
» I wait until he comes.
» We run over the hill to play every evening.
Note to the teacher: Read the words – best name too way until over
7. Recite the poem, The Farmer in the Field.
Learning outcome

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the apple when they achieve the learning outcome.