Environmental Science : Term 1 Unit 2 : My Amazing Body
Unit 2
My Amazing Body
You will learn about
* Simple movements
* Joints
* Role of the sense organs
* Postures
* Stages of growth
Simple Movements
Vedha, Yasmin and Rita are friends and neighbours. They enjoy going home from school together. Come, let us join them.

“Wow! Look at the ripe mangoes.
Let us jump and pluck them”.

“Look! A green frog is hopping.
Let us hop too”.

“Oh no! Bits of paper make the place untidy. Let us pick them up and put them in the bin”.

“We have reached home. Bye, dear friends”. They wave goodbye to each other.
Do the following actions.
a) Walk like an elephant
b) Balance like a crane
c) Hop like a frog
d) Trot like a horse
e) Jump like a rabbit
f) Waddle like a duck
Keep a book on the floor. Now try to pick it up without bending your knees and back. Can you do it?
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* Our bones help us stand up straight and give us shape.
* Without our bones, we would be floppy.
* The place where two or more bones meet is called a joint.

We have to bend our body to do many activities. This is made possible by the joints.

Note for the teacher
Ask the students to move their fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, neck, back, knee and ankle. Let them find out and share which joints can move in all directions and which joints have limited movements.
Try This Out

Circle the joints in the given picture.

Role of the Sense Organs
Observe and Discuss
What are the sense organs that you use to identify the objects given below?

Our senses work together to tell us about the world we live in. We most often use more than one of our senses at the same time.
Descriptions relating to Popcorn

The flavour of food is actually a combination of its taste, smell as well as the texture.

Note for the teacher: Let the children see, touch, hear, taste and smell different objects like cotton, oil, gum, sponge, bell, stone, chair, soap, flowers, agarbathi, lemon, orange, salt, garlic, beetle nut and sugar. Carefully choose what is given to the children to taste. Ask them to describe the objects using the words given above.
Write the names of the sense organs related to the descriptions given.

The skin is the largest sense organ in our body.
An elephant‛s trunk is actually a long nose.

The position of our body in doing various actions is called posture. There is a correct way and an incorrect way of doing various actions. Observe the pictures and find out.

Always do the actions in the correct manner.
It is good to sit on the floor.
A good upright posture prevents backache.
Stages of Growth
There are three things which make us different from other animals in the world.
* We have an upright posture.
* We can communicate using speech.
* We can think.
I have grown from being a baby to a six/seven year old child.
I can eat on my own.
I can read, write and draw.
I can play many games.

We all love to play games. Games are of two types; indoor and outdoor.

Draw the other side and complete the letters.

Tick (✓) the correct posture.

Do it with your friends – Show the correct posture
a) sit
b) stand
c) walk
d) lift
1. Complete the sentences using the words given in the brackets.
( looks, sound, smell, feels, tastes )
a) Honey tastes sweet.
b) A feather feels soft.
c) A Jasmine has a pleasant smell.
d) A flower garden looks beautiful.
e) The cuckoo makes a musical sound.
2. Write ‘L‛ for those that make loud sounds and ‘S‘ for those that make soft sounds.

3. Match the following.
a. Sugar — salty
b. Lemon — sweet
c. Chilli — sour
d. Sea water — spicy
a. Sugar – sweet
b. Lemon – sour
c. Chilli – spicy
d. Sea water – salty
4. Put a tick (✓) in the appropriate columns. (Can be in more than one column)

5. Put a tick (✓) for the correct posture and a cross (X) for the incorrect posture.

6. Name the joints. (Ankle, Knee, Wrist, Elbow)

Ans : Wrist, Elbow, Ankle, Knee
Self Evaluation
* I can do various actions using my body in a correct way
* I know the movements of different joints in my body
* I can describe objects known through my sense organs
* I can identify some stages of growth