English : Term 2 Unit 1 : Seasons’ Story
Seasons’ Story
Hi! It is chilly during the winter.
Do you feel chilly?

Let us recall
1. Name the pictures.

2. Fill in the blanks with a/an/the.

The sun rises in the east.
This is a ball. The ball is red.
3. Read the following.
came main case wait bray sway

Look and say
tender coconut
Note to the teacher: Practise vocabulary using the picture. Ask the children to name the objects seen in the picture.
Let us sing

Welcoming spring
Out of the cave! Out of the hole!
Came the rabbit and the foal.
Hatch from egg in the nest,
The birds too join the fest!
The leaves green and flowers swing
Do you know that it is spring?
The bugs are back,
And little spiders in black!
Bears, rabbits and bees,
Near flowers, grass and trees!
Just like me they hum,
That spring has come!
Note to the teacher: Sing the song with actions. Encourage the children to listen and do the actions first, then follow the song.
Let us learn
On Sunday, Nalan’s parents got him a red raincoat.
”Ma, may I wear it now?” asked Nalan.
”No my dear, now the sky is clear.” said Ma.

”Will it rain today, Mummy?” asked Nalan on Monday.
”No Nalan, not today. It is bright and sunny. If you wear, it will be funny!” said Ma.

On Tuesday, ”Ma, when will my wish come true?”asked Nalan.
”Not today, my dear, there is just one white cloud in the sky!” said Ma.

On Wednesday ”Ma, why doesn’t it rain?” asked Nalan.
”Son, I think it is hot. It will rain before noon.” said Ma.

On Thursday during picnic, ”Ma, what if it rains? Shall I take the raincoat with me for picnic?” asked Nalan.
”No my dear, it will not rain .The little white clouds are too high.” said Ma.

”Ma, will it rain today?” asked Nalan loudly on Friday.
”It might, my dear there are some dark clouds low down in the sky.” said Ma.

Saturday begins with a bang! Dadum-Dadum-Dadum!
”I hear thunder. Will it rain very soon?” asked Nalan.
Finally, it starts to rain!

”Oh, it’s raining, it’s raining,” sang Nalan, running out.
”But Nalan, you forgot your raincoat!” said Ma running after him.

Note to the teacher: Students should be asked questions based on the pictures and description to guess the name of the season and its features.
Let us understand
1. Circle / underline the correct word.

cap / coat ; cloudy / sunny ; hot / cool
2. Match the following.
a. Sunday – rain
b. Wednesday – clear sky
c. Saturday – hot
a. Sunday – clear sky
b. Wednesday – hot
c. Saturday – rain
3. Listen, think and write.
a. What did Nalan get from his parents?
Nalan got a raincoat from his parents.
b. How was the Sun on Monday?
Monday was bright and sunny.
c. Where did Nalan go on Thursday?
Nalan went on a picnic on Thursday.
d. How did the Saturday begin?
Saturday began with a bang of thunder.
e. Do you enjoy the rain? Why?
Yes, I enjoy the ram. It is very pleasant and thrilling to play in the rain.
What comes next?

Let us talk
* Make picture cards describing the words chilly, sunny etc.
* Divide the students into two groups.
* Call a child from group’ A’ to pick a card.
* Then call a child from B group to name the picture and the season.
* Ensure all the children participate in the activity.
Let us practise
Look at the picture and name it to your friend.

Fill the blanks with the picture related to seasons.

rainy cloudy sunny
Let us do

* Display the words on the word wall.
* Make word chits and put them in a box.
* Each child gets a turn to pick a chit and read the word.
* If they read correctly, they get a point.
* If they are not able to read, they have to give the chit back.
* When the teacher has no chits left, the child with the most chits wins.
* Practise till all the children can read the words.
Let us say
Listen to the sound and repeat.

lord fawn law ball bore
born lawn paw fall shore
short yawn raw call score
storm dawn jaw hall store
horse pawn flaw small snore
Read aloud.

The storm hits the shore.

The fawn runs in the lawn.

The prawn is sold in the store.

The horse stands in the big hall.
Note to the teacher: First teach the sound \Ͻ:\ to the children. Then, introduce the letter clusters for the sound to the children. Help the children relate the sound to the letter cluster.
Let us do

* Prepare one set of flash cards for each of the letter clusters.
* Make children pick up a card.
* Give one flash card to each child.
* Children with letter cluster or must read the word and clap.
* Children with letter cluster aw must read the word and jump.
* Children with letter cluster all must read the word and snap.
* Children with letter cluster ore must read the word and stomp.
* Practise till the children can read the words clearly.
* Continue with all the children.
Let us practise
Circle and fill the correct letter cluster.

Fill in the blanks.

cork, lean, shawl, score
Let us use

When you meet someone for the first time, you should say ‘Nice to meet you’. It is used to express that you are happy to meet her/him. You can reply by saying ‘Nice to meet you too’.
Circle Time Activity
* Divide the children in pairs.
* Make a child greet ‘Nice to meet you.’ and ask the other child to respond saying ‘Nice to meet you too’.
* Reverse their roles. Change the pair and practise the structure.
Note to the teacher: You can also ask children to use the greeting everyday in class.
Let us practise
Arrange the words and write the sentence.
you nice meet to
Nice to meet you
Fill in the blanks.

Let us know
Look at the words in red below.
1. It is a flower.
It is a pink flower.

2. Mandria is a girl.
Mandria is a clever girl.

3. Rithik is a boy.
Rithik is a tall boy.

What is the use of the words pink, clever and tall?
The word pink tells us more about the flower.
The word clever tells us more about the girl, Mandria.
The word tall tells us more about the boy, Rithik.
The words that tell more about the naming words are called describing words.
You can find the describing words by asking “How is the _________?”
Tick (✔) the best describing word for the picture.

a. How is the light?
bright dull
The light is bright.
b. How is the man?
fat thin
The man is thin.
c. How is the rock?
hard smooth
The rock is hard .
Tick (✔) the correct describing word.

Look at the picture and tick (✔) the suitable describing sentences.

a] Prithinga has a green bag.
b] Prithinga has a yellow bag.
c] Prithinga has a blue bag.
Ans : c] Prithinga has a blue bag.

a] He is a weak and lazy man.
b] He is a strong and bold man.
c] He is a dull and lazy man.
Ans : b] He is a strong and bold man.

a] Millet porridge is a junk food.
b] Millet porridge is a nutritious food.
c] Millet porridge is a modern food.
Ans : b] Millet porridge is a nutritious food.
Let us read
A Winter Morning

The sun rises. The birds sing. The girls are ready to play!
Brr, it is cold!
Yes, so cold.
Let me wear my warm hat as it is cold.
The hat is not on the table.
Where did the hat go? It was here. Where has it gone now?
I can’t find my warm socks! Where are my warm socks?
My feet are numb with cold
Mine too!
The girls shiver due to the cold.
I can’t find my hat and you can’t find your socks.
Banu finds a small hole in the wall.
Janu, look here! Look into the hole. Our hat and socks are here.
Banu and Janu take their hat and socks. Now, they are ready to play.
They leave to play. Then, two rats come out and take their warm coat into the hole.
Note to the teacher: This is a supplementary story. Encourage the children to read the story on their own.
Let us think and do
i. Match the following pictures with the words.

ii. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
1. The girls shivered to the cold. [hot, cold]
2. They found their socks and hat in the hole. [hole, cupboard]
3. They felt numb in their feet. [teeth, feet]
Let us make

* Take a white chart .
* Draw three trees with a pencil on a sheet.
* Paint the first tree brown with no leaves.
* Paint the second tree green with a lot of leaves.
* Paint the third tree yellow leaves and full of pink flowers.
* Cut the coloured trees one by one.
* Stick it and name the seasons.

Note to the teacher: Read the instructions one by one. Encourage the children to listen and follow the instructions to make the trees.
Big Picture

1. How is the boy with blue shirt?
The boy is tall.
2. How is the boy with red shirt?
The boy is short.
3. How is the watermelon?
The watermelon is heavy.
4. How is the banana?
The banana is light.
5. How is the balloon vendor?
The balloon vendor is lean.
6. How is the ice vendor?
The ice vendor is muscular
7. How is the dog?
The dog is quiet.
8. How is the man with the dog?
The man is fat.
9. How is the ball?
The ball is big.
10. How is the bat?
The bat is small.
Note to the teacher: Encourage the children to answer the questions with “How…?” orally. Encourage the children to use adjectives like tall, short, heavy, light to answer. Practise the structure contextually in the class.
I Can Do
1. Tick (✔) the pictures related to summer.

2. Match the picture with the season.

3. Listen and circle the words that your teacher says twice.
Malar and friends sing songs everynight. Usually Malar goes there at six. Today it is very cold. So Malar doesn’t joint even after seven. She runs fast and atlast joins with them.
Note to the teacher: Read the words sing, goes, cold, after, seven, fast one more time to the children.
4. Listen to the teacher and answer.
What would you say when you meet someone?

5. Recite the poem “Welcoming the Spring” with intonation.
6. Circle / underline the odd word.
a. horse dance storm born
b. jaw flaw plow law
c. fall hill call ball
d. north store shore score
7. Circle / underline the word that completes each sentence.
a. This is a red shirt.

✔red green
b. It is a big animal.

✔big small
8. Look at the pictures and tick (✔) the suitable describing sentences.

a. He is an active boy.
b. He is a lazy boy. ✔
c. He is a naughty boy.
Ans : b. He is a lazy boy.

a. It is a black dog.
b. It is a white dog.
c. It is a brown dog.
Ans : c. It is a brown dog.
Learning Outcome
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the balloons when they achieve the learning outcome.