English : Term 1 Unit 2 : The Insects
Unit 2
The Insects
I keep away from the insects. Do you?

Look and say


rain bug
Note to the teacher: Practise vocabulary using the picture. Ask children to name the things seen in the picture.
Let us sing

Incy Wincy Spider
Incy wincy spider
Climbed up the water spout,
Down came the rain
And washed poor Incy out.
Out came the sunshine
And dried up all the rain,
And Incy wincy spider
Climbed up the spout again.
Note to the teacher: Sing the song with actions. Encourage the children to listen and do the actions first, then follow the song.
Let us learn

The Proud Dragonfly
A blue dragonfly lives near a pond with his friends. He is a proud insect. One morning as he was enjoying the sun sitting on a lotus leaf, a butterfly comes by.
Hello, Butterfly! You look sad. Is it because my wings shine in the sun?
What? Why should I feel sad? I know that I am a very beautiful and colourful insect.
An ant speaks as he is on his way to his anthill, carrying food for the winter.
Surely you can find some work to do, can’t you? All that you do all day is to sit there and feel so proud of yourself.
Ah, Ant! You poor little fellow! You have to walk around on your thin legs all day. You don’t have beautiful shiny wings like mine. How sad!
A ladybug flies low, near the pond.
Hey, ladybug. Don’t you wish you were as slim as me?
Ha! Ha! I am happy as I am.
A bumblebee buzzes by happily.
Bumblebee, you must be so bored with your yellow and black colour body. My wings change colour during day!
You better stop boasting about your looks, Dragonfly. My wings are good enough for me.
Beetle squeaks as it comes by.
Ah! Beetle, you scared me. Please do not come near me like that again.
We are all wonderful in our own way, just as you are.
A hungry chameleon walks in quietly.
Wow! What a colourful dragonfly! He is so foolish to sit near the rock and talk to his friends. He is my lunch for the day.
The Chameleon catches the proud dragonfly with his sticky tongue. It munches and eats the dragonfly.
Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!
Note to the teacher: Read the story to the children. Encourage them to know the names of the insects and their features.
Let us understand
1. Tick (✔) the correct picture.
All the insects in the story lived near pond.
Dragonfly is too proud of itself.
2. Match the words to the pictures.

3. Listen, think and write.
( food blue black yellow hungry )
a. What colour is the dragonfly?
The dragonfly is blue.
b. What is the ant carrying?
The ant is carrying food.
c. What colour is the bumblebee?
The bumblebee has stripes of yellow and black.
d. Why did the chameleon eat the dragonfly?
The chameleon eats the dragonfly as it was hungry.
What comes next? Tick (✔) the correct picture.

Let us talk
* Make flashcards with pictures of insects.
* Divide the class into two groups.
* Call a child from one group and ask him/her to pick a card.
* The child with the card will enact the action of the insect. (e.g. Flying for butterfly.)
* The group should be able to name the insect and the action. (e.g. Butterfly flies.)
* Repeat the activity with the other group.
* The group with the most correct answers wins.
Let us practice

Circle / underline the insects.
Lion butterfly snail camel
Horse elephant ant grasshopper
Caterpillar dragonfly tiger firefly
Fill in the blanks with the actions of the insects.

Let us do

* Display the words on the word wall.
* Make 4 sets of word chits and put them in a box.
* Each child gets a turn to pick a chit and read the word.
* If they read correctly, they get to keep the chit.
* If they are not able to read, they give the chit back.
* When there are no more chits with the teacher, the student with the most chits wins.
* Practise till all the students are able to read the words.
Let us say
Listen to the sound and repeat.
ar as in ast as in

Listen and repeat.

Let us practise
Read aloud.

The car is fast.
We have fun in the park.
The ants march.
The star is far.
The dogs bark at me.
The shark eats the fish.
Note to the teacher: First teach the sound /a:/ to the children. Then, introduce the two letter clusters for the sound to the children. Help the children relate the sound to the letter cluster.
Let us do

* Make a set of flashcards.
* Invite a child to pick a flashcard.
* Ask the child to show the word to the class and read the word.
* If the child reads correctly, they get to keep the card.
* Ask all children to repeat the word.
* The child with most card wins.
* Practise with all the children.
Let us practise
Circle the correct letter cluster.

Fill in the blanks.

star, pond, blast, fast
Let us use

Could you give me a book? Here it is.
Could you give me a pen? Here it is.
Circle Time Activity
* Divide the class into two groups A and B.
* Each child is given an object like a pen, pencil, ID card, book etc.
* Make a child from group A ask, “Could you give me a book?”
* The child from group B with the book should say “Here it is.”
* Practise with other objects like pen, pencil, ID card.
* Reverse the roles of the groups.
* Practise with all the children.
Let us practice
Arrange the words and write it. Then, say it to your friend.
me could the toys give you?
Could you give me the toys?
bag could you me a give?
Could you give me a bag?
Let us know
Look at the caterpillar in the following pictures.

The caterpillar is in the shoe.
The caterpillar is on the shoe.
The caterpillar is under the shoe.
The caterpillar is near the shoe.
The words in, on, under and near help us know where the caterpillar is.
Tick (✔) the correct word.
1. The cockroach is near the shoes.

• in
• near
• under
2. The lady bug is in the box.

• in
• near
• under
3. The ant is under the chair.

• in
• on
• under
4. The butterfly is on the ball.

• in
• on
• under
Fill in the blanks.
( in under near on)
The fish is in the bowl.
The ladybug is on the leaf.
Read the following sentences and draw the insects.

A dragonfly is on the car.
A bug is on the sofa.
A spider is under the chair.
A bee is in the bottle.
Circle the correct picture for the given word.

Let us read
Sam is a good boy.
He likes to help.
One day, Sam sees a butterfly in a cover.
Sam said, “I will cut the cover to help the butterfly!”
Sam’s grandpa said “No, let the butterfly come out on its own.”

But, Sam cuts the cover to help the fly.
The fly comes out. But, it is not able to fly away.
The next day Sam sees it on the same rock.
Sam asked, “Why is the butterfly on the rock?”
Grandpa said, “Only if it cuts the cover on its own, it will fly.”
Sam said, “Sorry, grandpa. I will never do this again.”

Note to the teacher: This is a supplementary story. Encourage the children read the story on their own.
Let us think and do
Circle / underline the correct word.

cuts / eats , butterfly / snail
Choose and complete the sentences.
( Cut help rock )
Sam likes to help
Sam saw it on the rock
Grandpa said not to cut
Let us make

1. Fold in the ditted lines to make cross and fold back
2. Fold in the dotted line
3. Fold in the dotted line
4. Fold inside in the dotted line
5. Fold backward in dotted line
6. Fold backward in the dotted line
7. Draw eyes and spots and finish
Big Picture

1. Where is the ant?
The ant is in the hill.
2. Where is the snail?
The snail is near the wall.
3. Where is the bee?
The bee is on the flower.
4. Where is the beetle?
The beetle is on the leaf.
5. Where is the caterpillar?
The caterpillar is in the mushroom.
6. Where is the butterfly?
The butterfly is on the mushroom.
7. Where is the draganfly?
The dragonfly is on the flower.
8. Where is the mosquito?
The mosquito is on the floor.
9. Where is the grasshopper?
The grasshopper is near the mushroom.
10. Where is the spider?
The spider in under the mushroom..
Note to the teacher: Encourage the children to answer orally. Teach them to ask and answer questions with “Where…?” Practise the structure contextually in the class.
I Can Do
1. Write the names of the insects.
( Housefly bumblebee spider )

2. Tick (✔) the correct one.
a. Dragonfly is ——— red blue .
b. Ant walks with its ——— wings legs
c. The insects live near the ——— sea pond
d. The tongue of the chameleon is ——— sticky smooth
e. The boy cuts the cover to help the ——— butterfly beetle
3. Listen and circle the words that your teacher says.
Lalitha is a star. She makes very nice art. Last time, she drew a farm to win the first prize. Today, she is drawing a park. Her friend Dina has asked her to draw a shark as gift.
Note to the teacher: Read the words – shark star art park farm
4. Match the following.
Ant – crawl
Caterpillar – slide
Snail – march
Ant – march
Caterpillar – crawl
Snail – slide
5. Recite the poem ‘Incy Wincy Spider‛ with intonation.
6. Listen to the teacher and answer.

Could you give me a watermelon? Yah… Its is ₹10.
7. Tick (✔) the correct picture for the given word.

Learning Outcome
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the balloon when they achieve the learning outcome.