English : Term 3 Unit 2 : Tools We Use
Tools We Use

The plumber helps me fix broken pipes. Do you know anyone else who helps you?
Let us recall
1. Name the picture to your friend.

Doctor ; Pilot ; Teacher ; Police
2. Read it and do it
a. Open the bag.
b. Take a pencil
c. Write the world stethoscope

Look and say
Note to the teacher: Practise vocabulary using the picture. Ask the children to name the objects seen in the picture.
Let us sing

The Little Doctor
I am a doctor
Holding a stethoscope
“Thud! Thud!”, says your chest
Your heart is never at rest!
I am a doctor
Holding a stethoscope
“Thud! Thud!”, let me hear
All is well, no need to fear!
Note to the teacher : Sing the song with actions. Encourage the Children to listen and do the actions first, then follow the song.
Let us learn
A stich in time
“oh no, “ wails shyam.
The seams of his favourite shirt have come apart.
“I can’t wear this shirt anymore, Thatha!”
“Of course you can, silly,” his grandfather says.

“We can fix it!”
Thatha takes a needle and some blue thread.
He shows Shyam how to stitch.

Shyam’s friend Veni has come home.
“Let’s go cycling,” Veni says.
“In a minute,” says Shyam. “Let me iron my shirt first.”
He switches on the iron box. But the light doesn’t glow, and the iron remains cold.

“Ufff! I’ll just wear the crumpled shirt,“ grumbles Shyam.
“I was at the Repair Shop last week,” says veni.
“George Uncle was repairing an iron box. I watched what he was doing closely. Let’s try to make it work! Do you have a screwdriver?”

Shyam hunts in the cupboard and gets a screwdriver. Veni unscrews the back of the iron. She scans the inside of the iron.
“What’s wrong?” asks Shyam.
“I don’t think I can repair it,” says Veni.
“Oh no! Appa and Amma will scold us when they see what we have done to the iron box!”

“We’ll take it to the Repair Shop! They’ll help us.” says Shyam. Shyam and Veni take it and sneak out on their cycles to the Repair Shop.
“Aunty, can you help us repair this iron box?” Veni asks Daisy Aunty.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“It won’t switch on!” says Veni.
Daisy Aunty takes out a little box with wires and knobs.
“This is a multimeter,” she says. “It checks if all parts of the iron are allowing electric current to flow.”

She tests all the parts, until she comes to a small wire.
“See this wire next to the plug? It’s broken-there’s your problem!”
She cuts out the old wire and plug, and fixes a new wire and plug to the iron box.
“Let’s test it.” She switches it on, and the light glows.
The iron is fixed. Veni and Shyam ride back home. It is a day well spent!
Note to the teacher: Read the story to the children. Encourage them to know the name of the tools and its uses.
Let us understand
A. Look at the picture and tick (✔) the correct word.

iron box, screwdriver, multimeter
B. Match the tool with its use

C. Listen, think and write.
1. Who is the main person in the story?
Shyam is the main person in the story.
2. What happened to Shyam’s shirt?
The seams of Shyam’s shirt had come apart.
3. Why did Veni visit Shyam?
Veni visited Shyam to go cycling with him.
4. What was wrong with the iron box?
A small wire near the plug was cut off.
5. What was the last broken thing that you or someone else fixed? How did you do it?
Our door knob fell down this morning. I fixed it with some Screws using a screw driver.
What will come next?

Let us talk
* Prepare a set of flashcards for following the words: wind, fix, open, close, join, dig, strike etc.
* Divide the children into two groups and teach them the words with action.
* Call a child from group A to pick a card and do the action.
* Then, call a child from group B to guess the word.
* Ask the class to repeat the word.
* Practise with all children.
Let us practise
Look at the picture and name it to your friend.

Look at the picture and write the correct action.

Let us do

* Display the words on the word wall.
* Make 5 sets of word chits and put them in a box.
* Each child gets a turn to pick a chit and read the word.
* If they read correctly, they get a clap.
* If they are not able to read, they have to give the chit back.
* When the teacher has no chits left, the child with the most chits wins.
* Practice till all the children can read the words.
Let us say
Listen to the sound and repeat.

Listen and repeat.

Read aloud

The judge is a gem of a person.
The ginger is on the table
The giraffe eats the leaves
The magician is a genius.
Note to the teacher: First teach the sound /dz / to children. Then introduce the letter cluster for the sound to the children, Help the children relate the sound to the cluster.
Let us do

* Make one set of flashcards for each letter cluster.
* Ask a child to pick a card.
* If a child picks a card with ge, ask the child to read all the words with ge
* Ask other children to repeat with the child.
* Continue for all letter clusters
* Practise with all the children.
Let us practise
Circle and fill the correct letter cluster.

Look at the picture and fill with ge, dge and gi.

Let us use

What is the time?
The time is 10.15
When we want to ask time, we can use “What is the time?” If someone asks us the time, we can reply by saying “The time is ———–“
Circle Time Activity
* Make flashcards with clock showing different time.
* Group children in the class as pairs.
* Make one child in the pair ask “What is the time?
* Now, show any one flashcard to the class
* Make the other child say, “The time is _____
* Practise with all the flashcards.
* Reverse their roles and practise again.
Let us practise
What is the time?

The time is nine ten
Fill in the blanks.

What is the time?
The time is elven twenty
Let us know
Look at the pictures and words given below.

I like orange.
I like apple.
I like orange and apple.
She saw a lion.
She saw a tiger.
She saw a lion and a tiger.
Let us see how to do this.
When we want to join two sentences that are the same we use and.
Step 1: Write the two sentences.
I like apple. I like orange.
Step 2: Strike the words that repeat.
I like apple. I like orange.
Step 3: Put and where you cut the words. I like apple and orange.
Here the word and has joined the two sentences. Such words are called joining words.
Here are some examples:
1. I like jelly and ice cream.
2. We went on the slide and on the swings.
3. My daddy is my hero and my friend.
A. Join the pair of words using and.

B. Strike the common words and join the sentences with and.
1. Kalai rides a bicycle. Kalai rides a bike.
Kalai rides a bicycle and a bike.
2. We go to shop. We go to park.
We go to shop and to park.
3. He bought a book. He bought a pen.
Buy bestselling books online
He bought a book and a pen.
4. Malar is writing. Malar is reading.
Malar is writing and reading.
C. Look at the picture to create a title using and

The crow and the fox
The ant and the grasshopper
The monkey and the crocodile
Let us read
Amazing Ammachi
“Ammachi! Could we make coconut barfi, Sabari asked.
“Please?”, he asked.
“Ha ha ha! Only if you help me make it!” replied Ammachi.

“YAY!”, said Sabari excitedly.
“Ready?” shouted Sabari.
“Ready!” said Ammachi after sitting on the seat tied to the pulley.

“We will only pick ripe coconuts, okay? The ones that are brown all over.”
“Pull me up! Up! Up! And Up!”
“Now, watch out! Here they come!

“Now, let us take the husk off!”
CRANK! The lever of the machine rang!
This was Sabari’s tummy not the lever. Ammachi giggled.

“Then we crack the shell with the cleaver. Like THIS!”

“And grate the fruit!”

“Toss it into the pan with sugar and all the other things!” said Ammachi.
“It smells SO good, Ammachi!” said Sabari.
“Then we pour it all out on to a tray. Let us wait for it to cool.”

“Now cut it into neat little pieces! YAY! Our coconut barfi is ready to eat.”
“YUM! Thank you Ammachi.”

Note to the teacher : This is a supplementary reading material. Read out the story to children Make them read the story on their own.
Let us think and do
A) Match the pictures with the words

B) Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
1. Sabari asked his Ammachi to prepare barfi [cake, barfi]
2. They picked ripe coconut. [tender, ripe]
3. They poured the barfi all out on to a tray [plate, tray]
Let us make

* Take an old cardboard box.
* Cut the lids and make it a tube. Now, cut two long strips of cardboard.
* Stick each of the strips on one end of the box and on each side.
* Now, cut two short strips of cardboard
* Stick each of the strips on the other end of the box and on each side.
* Cut a small cardboard square.
* Stick it in the middle of small strip.

Note to the teacher: Read the instructions one by one. Encourage the children to listen and follow the instructions to make the airplane
Big Picture

1. Whose house is near the pond?
Joe’s house is near the pond.
2. Whose house is far from the pond?
Ravi’s house is far away from the pond.
3. Whose bag is this?
This is Guna’s bag.
4. Whose bat is this?
This is Babu’s bat.
5. Whose shirt is red in colour?
Siva’s shirt is red in colour
6. Whose cycle is bigger?
Jerald’s cycle is bigger.
7. Whose cycle is smaller?
Jeeva’s cycle is smaller.
Note to the teacher: Encourage the children to answer the questions with “Whose…?” orally. Practise the structure contextually in the class.
I Can Do
1. Match the words with the pictures.

2. Circle/UnderLine the words with ge.
gender gem magic badge gentle
3. Circle/UnderLine the words with gi
ginger giraffe judge magic genius
4. Circle/UnderLine the words with dge.
badge edge gist gem fridge
5. Listen and circle the words that your teacher says twice.
Kanth is feeling warm inside his home. He did not understand why it was so hot today. He steps out to buy some juice. It was hotter outside. Finally, he buys juice the and returns home. He opens the fridge to keep the juice. He sees that already has juice at home.
Note the teacher: Read words – warm, already, finally, understand and outside one more time the children.
6. Answer your teacher and write it.
What is the time? ______

7. Recite the poem “The Little Doctor” with intonation.
8. Join the sentences using and.
a. She likes to run. She likes to play.
She likes to run and play.
b. He eats mango. He eats pear.
He eats mango and pear.
c. I draw a car. I drew a bus
I draw a car and a bus.
d. Chitra met her uncle. Chitra met her aunty.
Chitra met her uncle and her aunty.
e. Amali can sing. Amali can dance.
Amali can sing and dance.
9. Look at the picture and create a title for the story using and.

Learning Outcome
Now I Can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the balloon when they achieve the learning outcome.