Social Science : Term 2 Unit 2 : Sanctuaries

Learning Objectives
* Childern will be able to:
* name different sanctuaries and wherethey are situated in India.
* define the sanctuaries.
* understand the importance of biosphere reserves.

A small girl named Anu is at home with her grandfather. Anu is reading a book and her grandfather is reading a newspaper.

Anu : S-A-N-C-T-U-A-R-Y. Sanctuary.. What does this word mean?
Grandfather : Sanctuary is a place where animals and birds are protected from hunting and other human activities.
Anu : there any other places like sanctuaries that protects animals and birds?
Grandfather : Yes, Anu. National Parks are places where wild animals protected. In Biosphere Reserves animals, birds and plants are protected.
Anu : Interesting.
Grandfather : I will tell you about some of the most popular sanctuaries and reserves in India.
Anu : Sure. I would love to know about them.
Grandfather : Corbett National Park is the oldest park. It is in Uttarakhand.
Anu : Which animals are protected there?
Grandfather : The majestic Bengal Tigers are protected there.

Anu : Is there any other sanctuary that protects Bengal Tigers?
Grandfather : Yes, there is. Sunderbans National Park in West Bengal.

* Due to the successful conservation efforts of Project Tiger, the number of tigers have been increased in India.
Let us write
1. Write the differences between the following.
Animals and birds are protected
National park
Animals and birds are protected
Biosphere reserve
Plants. animals and birds are protected
2. If you want to see the Bengal tigers, which National Park will you visit? Write the name of the park and its location.
Sunderbans National park, West Bengal
When International Tiger Day is celebrated?
Anu : Grandpa, you know I love elephants. Is there any sanctuary that protects Elephants?

Grandfather : Yes, The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve not only has elephants but also has Indian leopard, Black panther and Nilgiri tahr.

Anu : Grandpa, you said biosphere reserves also protect plants. What kinds of plants can be found here?
Grandfather : There are different species of flowering plants. One among them is Kurinchi flower which blossoms only once in twelve years.

Anu : It must be so beautiful.
Let us write
Stick pictures of any three animals found in Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and write the name of the animals below it.

* Indian Leopard
* Indian Elephant
* Black Panther
Anu : What about birds?
Grandfather : If you want to see different types of birds, then we must visit Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary.

Anu : Where is it?
Grandfather : It is 25kms from chengalpattu.
Anu : I am sure there are some really unique and colourful birds.
Grandfather : Yes, Anu, birds that migrate from different parts of the world can be found here. You can find pelicans, night herons and many more birds.
Migrate : A bird or and animal moves from one place to another due to change in seasons.
Anu : Can we find peacocks there?

Grandfather : No Anu. Peacocks can be found in their natural habitat at Viralimalai in Trichy.
Anu : I would love to visit this place.
Think and discuss the differences between birds that migrate and birds that do not migrate.
Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary is the oldest water birds sanctuary in India.
Grandfather : Sure. Do I tell you about the one-horned rhinoceros?
Anu : Are there one-horned rhinoceros?
One-horned rhinoceros

Grandfather : Yes, Anu. Very rare species of rhinoceros are protected in Kaziranga National Park.
Anu : Where is it?
Grandfather : It is in Assam.
Kaziranga National Park is the home of one-horned rhinoceros. It has around two-thirds of all rhinoceros in the world. Due to the successful conservation efforts, the number of one-horned rhinoceros have been increased .
Let us discuss and write.
Name some of the animals or birds found in the following places.

Viralimalai sanctaury
Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
Indian Elephant
Indian Leopard
Black Panther
Nilgiri tahr
Kaziranga National Park
The Elephant
One Horned Rhinoceros
Wild Asiatic water buffalo
Swamp Deer
Corbett National Park
Jungle cat
The three Biosphere Reserves in Tamil Nadu are:
* Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.
* Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve.
* Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve.
Asiatic Lions

Anu : Grandpa, you did not tell me about lions.
Grandfather : Oh yes! Gir National Park in Gujarat has Asiatic Lions.
Anu : Very interesting.
Grandfather : Animals, birds and different types of plants are important part of our environment.
Anu : Yes Grandpa, we must never harm them. It is our duty to protect them.
Environment :The natural place where the plant or animal live.
Sanctuary : A place where animals and birds are protected.
Species : A particular type of plant or animal.
* Sanctuaries or National Parks are places where animals and birds are protected from hunting and other human activities.
* Biosphere reserves are the places where plants, animals and birds are protected.
* Royal Bengal Tigers can be seen in Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand and Sunderbans National Park, West Bengal.
* Some Biosphere Reserves in Tamil Nadu include Nilgiri Biosphere reserve, Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve and Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve.
* Kaziranga National Park in Assam is the home of one-horned rhinoceros.
I. Choose the correct answer.
1. Corbett National Park is at ________.
a) Uttarakhand
b) Bangaluru
c) Chennai
Answer: a) Uttarakhand
2. The National Park in West Bengal is ________.
a) Sunderbans National Park
b) Gir National Park
c) Anna National Park
Answer: a) Sunderbans National Park
3. ________ sanctuary is at Vedanthangal.
a) Lions
b) Birds
c) Tigers
Answer: b) Birds
4. There are ________ Biosphere Reserves in Tamil Nadu.
a) three
b) five
c) four
Answer: a) three
5. Gir national Park is in ________.
a) Gujarat
b) Assam
c) Hyderabad
Answer: a) Gujarat
II. Match the following.
1. Tiger – Nilgiris
2. Lion – West Bengal
3. Elephant – Assam
4. Birds – Gujarat
5. One horned rhinoceros – Vedanthangal
1. Tiger – West Bengal
2. Lion – Gujarat
3. Elephant – Nilgiris
4. Birds – Vedanthangal
5. One horned rhinoceros – Assam
IV. Answer the following.
1. What is sanctuary?
Sanctuary is a palace where animals and birds are protected from hunting and other human activities.
2. What are the animals protected in the Corbett National Park?
Bengal Tiger, Leopard and Jungle cat are the animals protected in the Corbett National Park.
3. Name the animals in Nilgiris Biosphere.
Elephants, Indian leopard, Black Panther and Nilgiri tahr are the animals in Nilgiris Biosphere.
4. Where are one – horned rhinoceros protected?
One – horned rhinoceros are protected in Kaziranga National Park, Assam.
5. How should we treat animals?
We must never harm animals. We should protect them.
Name the state for the following Sanctaury / National Park / Biosphere Reserve.
1) Vedanthangal Bird Sanctaury – Tamil Nadu
2) Gir National Park – Gujarat
3) Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve – Tamil Nadu
4) Kaziranga National Park – Assam
5) Corbett National Park – Uttarakhand
Let us write
1. Write the differences between the following.
Animals and birds are protected
National park
Animals and birds are protected
Biosphere reserve
Plants. animals and birds are protected
2. If you want to see the Bengal tigers, which National Park will you visit? Write the name of the park and its location.
Sunderbans National park, West Bengal
When International Tiger Day is celebrated?
Let us write
Stick pictures of any three animals found in Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and write the name of the animals below it.

* Indian Leopard
* Indian Elephant
* Black Panther
Think and discuss the differences between birds that migrate and birds that do not migrate.
Let us discuss and write.
Name some of the animals or birds found in the following places.

Viralimalai sanctaury
Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
Indian Elephant
Indian Leopard
Black Panther
Nilgiri tahr
Kaziranga National Park
The Elephant
One Horned Rhinoceros
Wild Asiatic water buffalo
Swamp Deer
Corbett National Park
Jungle cat