English : Term 2 Unit 1 : Affection
I love everyone as my family. Do you?


Keeraikuppam was a small coastal village near Nagapatinam. Even though the people in the village toiled in the seas every day, they lived happily. It was a pleasant Sunday morning in December. Just like any other day, the villagers had started their routine. A few of them had already left to the sea, and the others were preparing to go to sea. Meena‛s family was also at the shore to see off her father going to the sea. After the men sailed into the sea, the women would return to other tasks that need their attention. The children would play under the many coconut trees in the village.

The village bell was about to strike eight times. The bell caretaker was ready to ring the bell. Just then, he saw that the sea water had receded a few hundred metres. Soon, many in the village noticed the same. All the children and the villagers started running towards the sea. Meena and her mother were also with them. The seawater continued to recede. All had gathered along the shore to see it. The bell hit eight times. People now saw a wave far away in the sea. Excitedly, they pointed to the wave that was raising high in the sea. It was common for people to be excited by big waves in Keeraikuppam. Everyone was getting ready to brace the big wave that was coming towards them. Little did they know that the wave was increasing in height and would seem to touch the sky as it neared them. It was now getting closer to the shore with a roar.
Gazing at the wave far away, Meena‛s mother felt a sudden fear gripping her. She felt that something was wrong. She caught Meena by her hand and started running towards their home. The wave came closer to the shore had crushed the fishing boats. Before they reached their home, the powerful wave had hit the village. Meena and her mother could hear their friends and family screaming all around them. The seawater entered the village and washed out the huts and boats. The water hit their hut too. Meena and her mother were separated and thrown off. Then, slowly, the water receded again into the sea. Meena‛s mother gathered herself and searched for Meena. It was then that the second massive wave hit the village. Meena‛s mother was washed away by the wave. Meena, whirled through the water, struggling to breathe. One moment she was inside the water, and all was dark around her. In the next, she could see the sky. The wave banged her to the trunk of a coconut tree. She wrestled the wave and firmly hugged the tree. Soon, she fainted.

When she woke up, she was in the hospital. After she recovered, they transferred her to a rehabilitation centre. The centre housed nearly 99 boys and girls. A kind-hearted official of the centre was always very kind to the children. He often used to visit them with his family. Meena was the youngest of all and soon was loved by all. The incharge and his wife often carried Meena while they played with other children. All children used to call them Amma and Appa. After three years the official was transferred. He and his family continued to visit the centre once a year for the next five years.
Meena now opened her eyes. Her cheeks were moist. All this seemed like it happened yesterday. The school bell rang and, Meena wiped her cheeks to get ready for her English class. Meena was good at studies and now was in the twelfth standard. The teacher was teaching, and Meena was writing her notes. She then heard a familiar voice calling her, “Meenu”. She raised her head to see. She was surprised to see her father, the official standing at the entrance. He was smiling at her. She stared at him blankly for a few seconds,with tears rolling down her cheeks. She jumped out of her bench and dashed towards him, calling “Appa!”.
receded: go or move back
massive: large or heavy
whirled: to move rapidly round and round
banged: to strike forcefully and noisily
fainted: to lose consciousness
rehabilitation: the action of restoring someone after a damage
blankly: without expression
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Meena’s village was hit by waves on a Sunday morning in December.
2. Meena was transferred to a rehabilitation centre.
3. The official’s family visited the rehabilitation center for the next five years.
4. The official and his wife liked Meena.
5. Meena studies in twelfth standard.
B. Read the statements and write true or false.
1. Meena’s father was a fisher man. (TRUE)
2. People ran off when the seawater receded. (FALSE)
3. Three waves hit the village. (FALSE)
4. The official visited the rehabilitation center daily. (FALSE)
5. The official was transferred to another district. (TRUE)
C. Answer the following questions.
1. Where is Keeraikuppam located?
Keeraikuppam is located near Nagapattinam.
2. What were the people excited about?
The people were excited about the wave that was rising high in the sea.
3. Which disaster had hit the village?
Tsunami had hit the village.
4. Who showed love and care to the children ?
A kind-hearted official at the rehabilitation centre showed love and care to the children.
5. Why did Meena call the official ‘Appa’? Do you think we need to be a family to care for others?
The official was kind-hearted. He showed fatherly affection to Meena. So Meena caller her ‘Appa’. We need not be a family to care for others. If we are humane, we can take care of strangers and treat them as members of our family.
Let us look at the picture below.

Can we eat grandpa?
Ramu: “Hey are you going to eat grandpa?”
Somu: “Haha. No, I am asking if we can eat.”
Ramu: “Then, you should add the correct punctuation. It should be “Can we eat, grandpa?

Somu: “Thank you.”
Ramu: “Punctuation plays an important role to help us understand the sentences.”
Let us learn some punctuations.
I am the capital letter. Let’s see when and where to use me.
You must use me in the beginning of a sentence.

Book is our best friend.
The train runs fast.
Cow gives us milk.

Children are playing cricket.
We have bull in our house.
My uncle came by train.
I come in the beginning of proper noun and in the abbreviations.

Bharathi is a Tamil poet.
I met Kumar at the market.
We live in India.

We take money from ATM.
He completed his MBBS last year.
I am an NCC cadet.
I am a full stop. I look like a dot ( . )
You must use me at the end of a sentence.

I fly my kite.
Monkeys live on the tree.
I play with Jason.

The bird is beautiful.
Take your book.
Let us all go to the hotel.
I am a comma ( , ). I look like a dot with tail.
You must use me to separate words in a list of three or more things.

Car, bus and bike are vechicles.
I invited Ragu, Stephen and Fathima.
I have a ball, bat, balloon and a toy.

Eat bun, nuts and rice.
We grow mango, banana and papaya.
We have pen, pencil, and eraser.
I am a question mark ? I am little crooked, in other words known as interrogation mark.
I come at the end of interrogative sentences.

Is he a doctor?
When will the train come?
What are you doing?

Do you have a book?
Who won the match?
What is your name?
Rewrite the sentences with punctuation marks.
1. where is my cat
Where is my cat?
2. jain ate an apple
Jain ate an apple.
3. the book is on the table
The book is on the table.
4. ravi wants book pen and pencil
Ravi wants book, pen and pencil.
5. do you play football
Do you play football?
6. my favourite colour is blue
My favourite colour is blue.
7. leema is a good singer
Leema is a good singer.
8. do you like pet animals
Do you like pet animals?
9. he likes shirt pants and shorts
He likes shirt, pants and shorts.
10. how are you
How are you?

The real wealth
Parent brings us to this soil,
and will never let us get spoilt.
They earn our daily bread
and wish to see us shoot ahead
Brother always fights for his share,
but, if someone hurts us, he can’t bear.
Sister’s words you never dare,
she is next to parents, in care.
A good friend is with you in all deeds
and stays last for all your needs.
Relationships are the real wealth,
nurture them like your health.
Show care and affection, with all your zest,
It will take care of the rest.
spoilt: destroy the value or quality of
bear: to withstand
deeds: an action performed intentionally
zest: happiness or energy
nurture: care for and protect
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Parents never let us get spoilt.
2. Parents help us to overcome our bad habits (which spoil us).
3. Sister is next to parents in care.
4. Relationships are the real wealth.
5. A friend always stays to the last in our needs.
B. Answer the following questions.
1. Who brought us to this world?
Our parents brought us to this world.
2. Which is as important as our health?
Relationship is as important as our health.
3. How does a friend support us?
A friend is with us in all our deeds. He sticks to us till the end in fulfilling our needs.
4. Why relationships are more important than wealth?
Relationships feed us, protect us and prevent us from being spoiled. They help us to grow ahead. So they are more important than wealth.
C. Match the rhyming words.
1. share – dare
2. bread – rest
3. care – needs
4. deeds – ahead
5. zest – bear
1. share – bear
2. bread – ahead
3. care – dare
4. deeds – needs
5. zest – rest
Look at the picture and find the dog.

The dog is in front of the house.
The dog is behind the house.
The dog is between the houses.
The words in front of, behind and between tell us where the dog is. Such words are called prepositions of place.
Tick (✔) the correct place of the apple.

Write the correct prepositions.

(i) The doll is in front of the box.
(ii) The doll is between the boxes.
(iii) The doll is behind the box.
Imagine yourself as the rabbit and tell your friend deer where you are.

I am in front of the rock.
I am behind the tree.
I am between the bushes.
Before – After

The yellow toy is before blue toy.
The blue toy is after yellow toy.
Here before indicates a position preceding.
After indicates a position following.
Fill in the blanks with before or after.

a) 5 is after 4.
b) 1 is before 2.
c) 3 is before 4.
d) 6 is after 5.

a) A is before B.
b) D is after C.
c) E is before F.
d) B is before C.

Athithya is standing in front of Devi.
Vishali is standing behind Anish.

Watermelon is in front of pineapple.
Banana is behind apple.
Listen to the conversation and answer the following.
1. How many variety of dosa did the waiter say?
a. one
b. two
c. three
2. Name the special dish.
a. Adai
b. Idly
c. Dosai
3. How long will it take to make Adai?
a. 5 minutes
b. 10 minutes
c. 15 minutes
4. What type of coffee did the customer order?
a. instant
b. black
c. filter
Note to the teacher: Scan the QR code to listen to the audio. Let the children listen to the audio and answer the questions.

Hello sir. Give me ticket to Trichy.
How many tickets do you need?
Only one ticket sir.
It costs 120 rupees.
Here it is .
Here is your ticket and the change.
What time does the bus leave?
The bus leaves in 5 minutes.
Will you stop the bus for breakfast?
Yes, we will stop in Alathur for breakfast.
When will we reach Trichy?
We will reach Trichy by 12:30 p.m.
Thank you sir.
Structures that are useful for this situation.

Does this bus go to Trichy?
How much is a ticket to Trichy?
Give me a ticket.
When will you start the bus?
Give me 120 rupees.
We are leaving in 5 minutes.
We are about to leave.
Note to the teacher: Make the children practice these phrases and give them more scenarios to practise.
Nandhini and Pandi were good friends since childhood. They lived in the same street, so they were always together. Every day Pandi would stop at her home on the way to school. Both would walk to school chatting and playing. Sometimes, they would race home from school. They always took part in school activities together. They helped each other in their lessons.

One day, as usual, Pandi came to Nandhini‛s home. She looked upset and sad. Pandi asked her “Why are you sad?”, she did not answer. Instead, she shook her head. “Did your parents scold you?”, asked Pandi. She did not answer him. He grabbed her bag and said excitedly, “Catch me if you can.” But she did not respond. Pandi stopped and gave the bag back. They walked silently to the school.

Nandhini walked into the classroom slowly. Her eyes glued to the ground. She looked sad, “Did someone scold you?”, asked one of her friends in class. Nandhini shook her head. She sat down, with her head bowed down. The teacher entered the classroom and started calling out the names for attendance. Nandhini did not answer when the teacher called her name.

The teacher was annoyed. This time she called her name louder, “Nandhini!” and then, she raised her hand but did not answer. The teacher went near Nandhini. She touched her forehead and asked, “Are you feeling okay?” Nandhini shook her head. Her cheeks were red, and it looked like she had a fever. “Do you have a fever? Shall I call your parents?” asked the teacher. She shook her head, but she still did not look at anyone. Her head was still bowed down.
“Why does Nandhini look so sad?” exclaimed her friends. Her friends pestered her with a hundred questions! The questions were about everything that you think about, they asked her family, her house, her shoes and even about her street pets. Each question that she was asked, Nandhini only answered by shaking her head.

Pandi had enough of Nandhini’s silence. He had never seen her so dull. He wanted an idea to make her smile. He thought, thought and thought for many hours. Finally, he had an idea! He took out something from his bag and ran to show it to her. He tumbled, and it slipped from his hands. It was flying straight to Nandhini. She saw something flying towards her and screamed with fear. She closed her eyes and tried to catch it. THUD! She caught it. It was a big green frog. Everyone ran away as they were scared of the frog.
Guess the reason for her sadness.

Nandhini’s eyes were wide open with surprise. Then, she burst into laughter. It was a rubber frog! As soon as she laughed, her friends and teacher knew why she did not smile or talk to anyone all day. Two of her front teeth were missing!

A. Name the character or speaker.
1. “Do you have a fever?” Teacher.
2. “Did someone scold you?” One of her friends in class.
3. “Why does Nandhini look so sad?” Her friends.
4. “Are you alright?” Teacher.
B. Answer the following questions.
1. Who were the friends referred to in the story?
Pandi and Nandhini were the friends referred to in this story.
2. How did they go to school?
They walked to school chatting and playing.
3. Why was the teacher annoyed?
Nandhini did not answer when her name was called during roll call. So the teacher was annoyed.
4. Did Nandhini have fever?
No, Nandhini did not have a fever.
5. What was the reason behind Nandhini’s dullness?
Two of her front teeth had fallen. Nandhini was filled with shame to open her mouth. It was the reason behind Nandhini’s dullness.
C. Number the actions of Pandi and Nandhini in order.

Nandhini and Pandi are friends.
Nandhini looked terribly upset one day.
She did not respond to Pandi’s play.
Friends pestered her why she was upset
She did not respond to the attendance.
Pandi threw a rubber frog on her.
She burst into laughter and all knew the reason.
Read the advertisement and answer the question given below.

Answer the following questions
1. What is the advertisement about?
This advertisement is about the sale of a LED TV.
2. What is free, for LED TV?
A camera is free for LED TV.
3. What is the size of the screen of the TV?
The size of the screen of the TV is 43”.
4. When does the offer end?
The offer ends on 30th August.
5. What is the name of the dealer?
The name of the dealer is ‘Bright Vision Televisions’.
Write a narrative paragraph on Kamarajar, using the given information and add more information on your own.

15 July 1903.
Place of birth
born in Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu.
Known as
• King maker
• Karma veerar
Position held
Chief minister of Tamil Nadu.
Midday Meal Scheme Reforms in Education
“Bharat Ratna” (1976)
2 October 1975.
Kamarajar was bom on 15 July 1903, in Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu. He is known as ‘King maker’ and ‘Karmaveerar’. He was the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu. He introduced the Midday Meal Scheme for school children. He also made a number of reforms in education. Kamarajar was awarded “Bharat Ratna” in 1976. He died on 2 October 1975. Kamarajar led a simple life. He worked hard to better the lives of the poor. His birthday is celebrated as ’Education Day’.
Note to the teacher: Help the children write another biography on any personality for their portfolio.
I Can Do
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Meena went to see off her father.
2. Meena studies in twelfth standard.
3. Meena met the official after eight years.
B. Punctuate the following sentences.
1. i play kabadi daily
I play Kabadi daily.
2. kaviya bought onion tomato and cucumber
Kaviya bought onion, tomato and cucumber.
3. who took care of meena
Who took care of Meena?
C. Match the rhyming word.
1. deeds – wealth
2. health – care
3. bare – needs
1. deeds – needs
2. health – wealth
3. bare – care
D. Recite the poem with correct intonation.
E. Tick (✔) the correct pictures.

Learning Outcome
Now I can…

understand the prose and supplementary.
use the punctuation marks effectively.
recite the poem and identify the rhyming words.
write a narrative passage.
identify and use prepositions.
listen and understand a conversation.
speak while boarding a bus.
read an advertisement and understand the content.
Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the balloon when they achieve the learning outcome.