English : Term 1 Unit 1 : Exploring Space
Exploring Space
Hi, I am Nila.
I am in space.
Will you be?


Earth, the Desolated Home

It was the year 2068, humans had destroyed the Earth, and started colonising the red planet Mars. India established three colonies; Arivumathi’s family lived in one such colony. On her birthday, her grandfather travelled more than 1500 km to meet her. When he reached, he saw her sleeping in her capsule.
He said, “Wake up, Arivu.” Arivumathi was surprised, “Grandpa! When did you come? I was thinking that you won’t be coming for my birthday.” He sighed, “Don’t you know about the dust storm of Mars? Sometimes, it even lasts for a month. But this time it did not. So I am on time. It still took me three sols to reach here. Now come on, let’s not waste time. We will go to harvest the vegetation hab for vegetables.”

In the hab, he said, “Hmm, these carrots are not tasty anymore, like the ones I ate in my childhood.” She asked, “Why do you say so, Grandpa?” Grandfather explained, “The vegetables we grow here do not taste like the ones on the Earth. I really wish you had tasted the carrots from the Earth.” Arivu asked eagerly, “How did they grow the crops and vegetables on The Earth?”
Now, the grandfather was sad, like he is missing the Earth. He said, “The Earth had fertile soil, so the fruits and vegetables grown were healthy and tasty.” She asked, “But, I learnt that humans used chemical fertilizers, and polluted the soil. Here, we get unpolluted food and water. Is that correct?”
Grandfather laughed, “Already, I told you. These fruits, vegetables, and water are not the same as in the Earth. They are not real.” Arivu exclaimed, “Even the water?” He said, “Of course! In Mars, we get water from burning fuels. On the Earth, we used to get water from rain, it was natural, and it was free!” She said, “Grandpa, enough of your stories about the Earth. I know that life there was easy but, here survival is very difficult.” He replied, “Yes my dear, adapting to Mars is difficult. Today, we are fighting for things which we got easily.”

He continued, “In the Earth, you did not need a spacesuit or an oxygen cylinder. Also, the years are longer here.” Arivu said, “Yes, grandpa. In Mars, 687 days make a year.” He smiled, “Ha! Ha! Yes, you would be 18 years old on the Earth now.”
Grandpa thought to himself, “We destroyed our home. The home that nature had offered us.Now, we are trying to make this our home.”

Arivu looked at him and said, “Don’t worry grandpa, the scientists are trying to Terraform the Mars.” He said, “True, but nothing can be the Earth. The Earth is our home. Ah, let us leave this for now. Today we should celebrate.”
What actions destroy the Earth?
Answer: Pollution of land, water and air destroy the earth, Nuclear weapons threaten to blow up the earth.
How will you change it?
Answer: We should put an end to pollution. Non biodegradable products should be banned. The natural resources should be preserved and protected for the future. We should plant more trees to make the earth green and safe.
sol : Martian solar Day, A Martian day
capsule : a small cylinder shaped bed
hab : habitat, human settlement
fuels : an energy source for engines, power plants or reactors
adapting : modify, readjust
survival : to remain alive
terraform : a process by which the surface and climate would be changed to make the environment suitable to humans.
scientists : an expert in science
A. Choose the correct option.
(astronomers, Earth, sol, fuels, Mars)
1. A day in Mars is called sol.
2. Mars is called the red planet.
3. Our planet is called the Earth.
4. We get water by burning fuels.
5. The astronomers are trying to terraform Mars.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The man destroyed Earth.
2. In the Earth, we get water from rain.
3. In Mars 687 days make a year.
4. You don’t need spacesuit and oxygen cylinders in the Earth.
5. Fruits, vegetables and water in the Mars are not tasty.
C. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the setting of the story?
The year 2068 is the setting of the story.
2. Name the vegetables harvested in the vegetation hab.
Carrots are the vegetables harvested in the vegetarian hub.
3. What is a sol? How many sols make a year?
A sol is a Martian day. 687 sols make a year.
4. How is water produced in Mars?
Water is produced in Mars by burning fuels.
5. In this story, what happened to the earth?
In this story, the earth was destroyed.
6. What should be done to save the earth?
Pollution should be prevented. Deforestation should be avoided. Natural resources should be preserved.
Hi friends, we will show you a magic. When we combine these two words, we will get a new word with different meaning.

These words are called compound words.

A. Write the compound words from the picture.

1. Watchman 2. Rainbow 3. Starfish 4. Football
B. Use the clues to complete the compound words.

1. news + paper = newspaper
2. wheel + chair = wheelchair
3. basket + ball = basketball
C. Match the compound words.

1. Earning, 2. Jellyfish, 3. Handbag, 4. Dragonfly
D. Draw and write your own compound word.

E. Connect the compound words and create a new word.

Cupboard, cowboy, moonlight, raincoat

Beyond the Universe
I dream of flying beyond the Earth,
amidst the planets and the countless stars.
I would stop by the red planet Mars,
here we dream of a home away from home.
Fly on, to watch the Saturn,
with its ring and moons.
Then, I stopped by Jupiter, marvelled,
by its red storms that look like marbles.
Hurdling through a belt of asteroids,
I crossed Uranus, without a fuss.
To Neptune, the blue ice giant,
Further high, I fly, beyond the galaxy.
To meet the creator,
Of this Magnificent display.
To take me beyond the Milky Way,
To voyage across the galaxies.
beyond : outside the limits or reach
amidst : surrounded by
marveling : something that causes wonder
resembles : to be like or similar to
marbles : a little ball of glass or clay, used by children to play
hurdling : racing over the barriers
further : to move ahead
A. Match the planets and its feature.
1. Mars – blue ice gaint
2. Saturn – rolling on its axis
3. Jupiter– red planet
4. Uranus – ring and moons
5. Neptune – red storm
Mars : red planet
Saturn : ring and moons
Jupiter : red storm
Uranus : rolling on its axis
Neptune : blue ice gaint
B. Answer the following questions.
1. where is the poet flying to in the dream?
In the dream the poet is flying beyond the earth.
2. Which planet has rings around it?
Saturn has rings around it.
3. Which planet has red storm?
Jupiter has red storm.
4. Why does the poet fly out of the universe?
The poet flies out of the universe to meet the creator who made everything.
5. Name the planets the poet flies through?
The poet flies through Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune.

• As Sruthi says a collection group of cows is called as a herd of cows.
• To indicate any group, we use collective nouns.
Here are some examples:

A. Write the collective names.

B. Match the picture with the collective nouns.

Hi Somu.I find happiness in sharing my ideas. Now let me show you another kind of naming word.

• There are some naming words that can be only felt and experienced.
• We can not see or touch them.
• For example, we can not see happiness. But we can feel and experience it.
• These naming words are called abstract nouns.
Here are some examples:

More examples:
honesty wisdom beauty hope luck mercy dream pride life
A. Pick the abstract noun.
1. He takes pride in his job. Pride
2. The dove is a symbol of peace. peace
3. My grandmother is full of wisdom. wisdom
4. Iniya is very tall for her age. age
5. Prem felt a lot of anger. anger
Colour the stars with the Abstract Nouns.

Tick the correct one after listening to the announcement.
1. To the kind attention of passengers the train No 12675 the Kovai superfast express bound from Chennai to Coimbatore, via Walajah road, Salem is arriving shortly on platform No 2.
2. To the kind attention of passengers the train No 16182, the Silambu express bound from Sengottai to Chennai Egmore, via Aruppukkottai, Tiruchchirappalli, Villupuram is departing shortly from platform No 6.
3. May I have your attention please the train No 12641, the thirukkural superfast express bound from Kanniyakumari to New Delhi via Chennai, Nagpur, Jhansi was expected to arrive at 11.40 is now running late by 2 hours. The inconvenience cause is deeply regretted.
1. The Kovai superfast express is arriving on platform no ______.
a. 2
b. 6
c. 4
Answer: a. 2
2. The train no of the Silambu express is ______.
a. 12675
b. 16182
c. 12641
Answer: b. 16182
3. The Thirukkural superfast express is late by ______.
a. 2 hours
b. 3 hours
c. 1 hour.
Answer: a. 2 hours
Note to the teacher: Scan the QR code to listen to the audio. Let the children listen to the audio and answer the question. The listening passage is given at the end.
See how they speak at this situation and practice as if you were in that situation.

Structures that are useful for this situation.

Note to the teacher: Make the children practice these phrases thoroughly and give them different scenarios to practise.
Lost in Space

Amuthan and Nilavan visited the ‘Space Museum’. They saw a model of a space shuttle. Then, Nilavan found a latch and opened the shuttle. They entered the shuttle and the door locked.
Now, they were trapped inside, and they walked into the deck.
So many switches! What does this big green switch do?
No, don’t touch it
But, Amudhan had pressed the switch, and the shuttle bursts into outer space.
What have you done Amudhan?
Sorry. I thought the button would open the door but looks like I hit the wrong button.
The shuttle went through a belt of asteroids.
Amuthan, an asteroid is coming towards us. Turn the shuttle.
How will I turn the shuttle? Let me try pulling this lever.
The shuttle crash-landed on a new planet.
Are you alright, Amuthan?
I am fine. Quick! We must wear a space suit!
They ran for the suits. Nilavan saw green lights coming towards the shuttle.
Look at those lights. It is coming towards us.
Yes, they are all around us and that shuttle is very big! Let us wear our suits.
Aliens from the big shuttle shattered the windows and took them out.
How is this possible? Do you speak our language?
Please,don’t be afraid. There is a problem with your shuttle. We can fix it for you.
We can read your mind and use that to speak your language.
The aliens gave them a special room so that they can remove vtheir suits and rest.
Please, rest here and eat these capsules. They are the same as your food.
Hey, wake up. Your ship is ready. Put on your suits. It is time to go home.
When the time comes, we will. See you.
Thank you for your help. Are you coming to Earth with us?
A. Say true or false.
1. Amuthan locked the door behind him. (False)
2. Nilavan unknowingly started the space shuttle. (False)
3. The blue lights seen through window were aliens. (False)
4. They went out through the broken windows. (True)
5. The aliens gave a new shuttle to them. (False)
B. Name the character or speaker.
1. “Are you alright?” Nilavan
2. “Wake up. Your ship is ready.” Aliens
3. “Let me try pulling this lever.” Amuthan
4. “I am fine. we must wear the space suit.” Amuthan
5. “Eat these capsules.” Aliens
C. Answer the following questions.
1. Where were the boys taken to?
The boys were taken to a new planet.
2. Where did the space shuttle land?
The space shuttle landed on a new planet
3. What did Nilavan see through the window?
Nilavan saw green lights coming towards the shuttle.
4. Who shattered the windows?
Aliens from the big shuttle shattered the windows.
5. How did the aliens know the boy’s language?
The aliens knew mind-reading. Using it they knew the boys’ language..
D. Try your own.

E. Speak and win.
Join in either of the following groups and say some valid points to win.

Group A
I like to live in Earth because……………………
it is life-supporting.
it is comfortable.
it is beautiful.
it has air and water
Group B
I like to live in Mars because…………………..
it is a strange land.
it is different from earth.
it provides thrilling experience.
in spacesuits.
Read the passage three times and colour a space suit for each time.
A space suit is like a spaceship built for one. A space suit lets us work and live in space. It protects us from the heat and the cold. It gives us air to breathe. The suit is made of many parts and has water to drink. It even has a built-in toilet, if you need.

Complete the sentences.

An astronaut wears a spacesuit.
A space suit is like a spaceship built for one.
A space suit allows us to work and live in space.
A space suit protects us from heat and the cold.
Circle/Underline the things that the space suit provides us
Letter writing
No. 15, Big street,
26th June, 2019.
Dear Kumaran,
How are you? I am fine here. There is a festival in my village next week. I am very happy to invite you to the festival. Please plan to be here on Monday the 31st. I am eager to meet you. Convey my regards to your parents.
Your loving friend,
R. Nethra.
Write a letter to invite your friend to your house for the summer vacation.
No.45, Pallavan Nagar
Madurai – 16
10th April 20
Dear Ramesh.
How are you? I am fine here. There are many festivals and exhibitions here during summer holidays. Please come here and stay with me for a few days. We can have a happy time here. Convey my regards to your parents.
Your loving friend
R. Anand.
Note to the teacher: Make the children write an informal letter to you about the good things in their life using I have ……, I like ……, I want ……. (for their portfolio).
I Can Do
A. Answer the following.

Name of the object: Jupiter
In your mother tongue: வியாழன்
Use in a sentence: Jupiter is the biggest planet.
B. Write the compound words from the pictures.

C. Use the clues and complete the compound words.

D. Recite the poem ‘Flying beyond the universe’.
E. Fill in the blanks with the collective noun.

F. Circle/underline the abstract noun.
Fear, box, beauty, tree, taste, Pencil, happiness, anger, honesty, book
Fear, box, beauty, tree, taste, Pencil, happiness, anger, honesty, book
Learning Outcome
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the balloon when they achieve the learning outcome.