English : Term 2 Unit 1 : Hospitality
I greet my guests with a smile. What about you


The Gift
Once a beggar was hungry. He saw a big house and went there to see if he would get something to eat. The house was very big and luxurious. There was a beautiful garden around the house. As he neared the house, he could smell tasty food. He knocked the door. A well dressed man opened the door. The man’s face shrank on seeing the old man. He asked in a harsh tone “What do you want?” The old man with his feeble voice, replied “It has been two days since I had food, so please give me something to eat”. The rich man got angry and shouted at the beggar ”Do you think I am running free food service? Get out of here”. The old man with the same tone requested, “Is there any left out?” “Don’t stand here wasting my time, get out of my sight.” said the man and slammed the door. The old man slowly walked away. In his way he saw a lady from the house dropping banana leaves with food in the trash can. He was sad.

He slowly walked to the next house, and knocked the door “Is anybody there?” After repeated knocks, a voice answered, “Nobody is home. Try the next house.” “If there is no one, then, who is answering me?” asked the old man.
The man got irritated and opened the door and said, “Why don’t you try the big house in the same street?” The old man sadly replied, “I tried, but he did not offer any food.” He asked, “How can you expect me to help you when the richest man of the village denied?” The old man left the place.

The old man was tired and could not walk anymore. So he sat under a tree and soon slept. A man in shabby clothes woke him and asked “Who are you? Why are you lying here?” The old man replied, “I have no food and no place to stay.” The poor man said, “You look tired and hungry, come to my home and stay with us.” The old man replied, “I don’t want to be a burden to you, I just need some food.” The poor man said, “Okay, just come and have some food with us.” He took the old man to his hut.
The hut was very small and barely enough for the family. The old man saw that the house wouldn’t withstand the monsoon. The house had no furniture, but only a few utensils were there for use. The people in the house, a lady and two children, were very happy to welcome the old man in. They made him sit comfortably. The children sat near him. The man introduced himself and his family, “I am Kaliyan. I work in the farm nearby. This is my wife Viji and my children Gopi and Rathika.” Soon the children got close to the old man. They asked many questions and played with him. Kaliyan helped the man wash his face and hands. When the old man entered the hut, Viji was ready to serve the food. They all sat in a circle. Viji served the gruel from an earthen pot. First she gave to the old man, and then to the children and Kaliyan. After the dinner, Kaliyan laid a mat for the old man to sleep.

Next morning, the beggar asked them to pack their things. They all couldn’t understand why he asked so. Before they could ask anything, the beggar said, “I am not a beggar, I am a land lord from a nearby town. My family and I were helping the poor and the needy. My wife and son died two years back. Without them I continued my service. As I grew older, I wanted someone to take care of my wealth and service after me. You have to accept my request and fulfill my desire.” Kaliyan was reluctant but the old man persuaded him and his family. The old man was happy that his service would continue many more years even after his death.

Why did the old man disguise himself as a beggar?
The old man wanted to find out the people who could continue his service and help the poor. So he disguised himself as a beggar and went in search of good people.
Shrank : an adverse reaction
feeble : weak
denied : refused
shabby : worn out
reluctant : hesitant
persuaded : convinced
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. The rich man shouted at the beggar.
2. A man in shabby clothes stopped near him.
3. The hut was very small.
4. Kaliyan worked in a farm.
5. The old man helped the poor and needy.
B. Match the following.
1. garden – very small
2. trash can – hungry and tired
3. old man – well maintained
4. hut – earthen pot
5. gruel – wasted food
1. garden – well maintained
2. trash can – wasted food
3. old man – hungry and tired
4. hut – very small
5. gruel – earthen pot
C. Answer the following questions.
1. How did the rich man maintain his house?
The house of the rich man was big and luxurious. There was a beautiful garden around the house.
2. Where was the old man sleeping?
The old man was sleeping under a tree.
3. What was the dish served to the old man?
Gruel was the dish served to the old man.
4. Why did the old man need someone?
The old man’s wife and son were dead. The old man wanted to continue his service. So he needed someone to help him.
5. How did the old man disguise himself?
The old man disguised himself as a beggar.
D. Try your own.

Leaf of a banana (வாழை இலை) : They served us food on a banana leaf. (Noun)
E. Speak and win.
Join in any group. Pick and support or oppose any one of the characters. Say some sentences for the one you support and say some sentences against the other one, to win.

I support Kaliyan because ……. he was kind to the old man
I oppose the rich man because ……. he was unkind to the old man
Hi friends, I am here to show my magic tricks.
Now, I take the word colour and the word ful to make a new word colourful

Like this we can join many words together to form new words.
A suffix is a letter combination that are fixed at the end of the word. The suffixes add new meaning to the word.

A. Join the words and write the new word.
1. dance + er : dancer
2. entertain + ment : entertainment
3. fear + ful : fearful
B. Form new words with appropriate suffixes.

Peaceful, driver, restless, government
C. Add appropriate suffix to each word with the clues given.
word: penny, beauty, develop, teach
suffixes: ful, ment, er, less
1. Make something better development.
2. A person one who teaches teacher.
3. Very pretty beautiful.
4. Having no money penniless.

Mother Nature
Look at the hospitality of Mother Nature!
It gives everything to all creature.
There are no strangers under the tree,
Enjoy the shadows and fruits for free.
There is a home for bird,
And refreshing place for the herd.
This virtue is our culture,
Follow it in your future.
Always welcome with smiling face,
Wins the hearts in life’s race.
Fortune knocks with its best,
Those who cares for their guest.
Note to the teacher: Sing the song with actions. Encourage children to listen and sing along with actions.
Hospitality : taking good care of the guests and visitors.
strangers : unknown people
refreshing : renewing
virtue : high moral behaviour
culture : the habits and customs of a particular society.
fortune : luck
A. Write the rhyming words.
1. nature – creature.
2. tree – free.
3. bird – herd.
4. face – race.
5. culture – future.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Mother nature gives everything for all creature.
2. Fruits and shadows are free under the tree.
3. Hospitality is our culture.
4. Fortune knocks with its best those who care for their guest.
5. Welcome guests to win everyone’s heart in life’s race.
C. Answer the following questions.
1. Whose hospitality is described in the poem?
Mother Nature’s hospitality is described in the poem.
2. What are the things given by the tree?
The tree gives fruits and shadows. It gives shelter to the bird. It also gives cool shade for animals.
3. What wins the hearts?
A smiling face wins the hearts.
4. Who will be the fortunate?
Those who care for their guest will be the fortunate ones.
5. How will you treat your guest?
We should be hospitable to our guests. We should welcome them with a smile and take care of them.
Present Perfect tense is used to show that an event has happened in the past and has present consequences. You all know the forms of verbs. Those are:

We use past participle form of the verb along with the words have or has to show present perfect tense.

In the above examples you can see that the verb is in past participle form for all the subjects. only the words have / has changes.
has is used for he, she and it.
have is used for I, you, we and they.
A. Choose the correct verb form to the following sentences.
I have visited the Tajmahal. (have visited/has visited)
We have caught the animal in our trap. (have caught/has caught)
You have made a beautiful painting. (have made/has made)
They have dressed in yellow colour. (have dressed/has dressed)
He has bought a house in America. (have bought/has bought)
She has written her exam. (have written/has written)
It has left the bus stop. (have left/ has left)
An event that happened in the past that affects the present.

We are going to Ooty, will you come with us?
No, I have gone to Ooty many times.
Where is your father?
He has gone to shop. He will return soon.
Action that was completed recently.

Yeah! I have completed my work.
Stop! The train has gone.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. I have never seen a cobra. (have/has)
2. We have not found the dog yet. (have/has)
3. You have arrived at the right time. (have/has)
4. They have written three letters already. (have/has)
5. He has just lost his wallet. (have/has)
6. She has never forgotten her bag. (have/has)
C. Rewrite the sentence using the given words.
1. I have read this story.
She has read this story.
2. Shanmathi has given the book.
We have given the book.
3. My friends have come to the party.
My friend has come to the party.
4. The manager has accused him.
You have accused him.
5. The flight has lost the contact.
I have lost the contact.
D. Choose the verb and complete the sentence.
( drank, written, won, taken, spoke, given, miss, see, play, prepared, gone )
1. John has written a letter to his father.
2. Akshaya’s brothers have gone to the educational tour.
3. We have won the first prize twice in 2 years.
4. Hilda has taken a new toy to play.
5. Vithya and Fathima have prepared briyani for the party
E. Change the following sentences to present perfect tense.
1. She writes a letter to her friend.
She has written a letter to her friend.
2. Mohamad loses his purse in the crowd.
Mohamad has lost his purse in the crowd.
3. They eat all the bananas themselves.
They have eaten all the bananas themselves.
4. I book two tickets for my brother.
I have booked two tickets for my brother.
5. Mahesh gives the book to his friend.
Mahesh has given the book to his friend.
1. When do we celebrate the Independence day?
a. 15th August
b. 17th August
c. 26th January
2. When does the celebration start?
a. 8.30 a.m
b. 9.00 a.m
c. 8.45 a.m
3. When will the parade start?
a. 9.30 a.m
b. 8.45 a.m
c. 10.00 a.m
4. Who is the chief guest?
a. Judge
b. District collector
c. Politician
Note to the teacher: Scan the QR code to listen to the audio. Let the children listen to the audio and answer the questions.
Let us see how to speak over phone.

Structures that are useful for this situation.

Note to the teacher: Make the children practice these phrases thoroughly and give them different situations to practise.
The Two Pigeons

Once, there lived two white pigeons. They were friends. They spent their days looking for food. During afternoons, they would rest on their favourite tree in the forest. Then they would sing and dance. Soon, it would be night, they would lock their wings and sleep.
One day it was raining heavily in the forest. The animals ran to their home. So did one of the hen-pigeons. She ruffled her feathers and shook her body to remove the water. She adjusted her wings and perched on the tree and started waiting for the cock-pigeon. The rain continued to pour heavily and it was getting dark. She started to worry for her friend. “He is never so late. I hope he is safe.” she whispered to herself.
“Ah! The rain is heavy let me wait in this tree till it stops.” thought the cock-pigeon and perched on a tree. He did not know there was a bird catcher nearby. The bird catcher silently reached near the pigeon and CLAMPED! He had caught the pigeon. The pigeon tried to fly and flutter in vain. The cock-pigeon was tensed and fainted. The hunter put the pigeon in his cage and started to walk home. “I should be home before the rain increases.” he thought to himself.

It started to rain heavily, just then, the hen-pigeon saw a bird catcher coming near the tree. In the cage, he had the cock-pigeon. It was unconscious. Fear gripped the hen pigeon. Was it her friend? The bird catcher neared the tree. She had to hide, but she also wanted a closer look to see if it was her friend. She flew down to the lowest branch. “Oh no! It is him. What shall I do now? I have to help my friend.” worried the hen-pigeon. The sky thundered and the bird catcher took cover under her tree. “Looks like I have to wait till the rain stops” said the bird catcher.
Soon it stopped raining, the bird catcher wanted to leave, but it was too dark and late in the night. “I will camp here for the night and leave in the morning.” he thought. It was a wet and cold night and he wanted to start a fire to keep himself warm. He could not find any dry twigs. The pigeon in the cage woke up and tried to fly only for his wings to hit the cage.
The hen-pigeon started to cry. Her friend said, “Do not feel sad dear. We have a guest now. The man is shivering and hungry. He needs your help.” The pigeon flew from the tree in search of dry twigs. She got two or three twigs at a time and made a big heap of dry twigs. She got flintstones for the bird catcher to start the fire. The bird catcher was surprised by the hen-pigeon. He made fire. “You are my guest. I have no food to give you. I will jump into this fire so that you can eat me. The bird catcher was overwhelmed by the hospitality of the pigeon. He caught the hen pigeon and stopped her from jumping into the fire. “Oh, kind bird! What do you want? I will help you in any way I can.” said the bird catcher. “Please set my friend free. My life will be meaningless without him.” replied the pigeon.

He opened the cage and set the pigeon free. “I was cruel and selfish. I will never trap any bird again” said the bird catcher. He stayed the night there. In the morning, the pigeons got him nuts, fruits and seeds to eat. The bird catcher thanked the pigeons and walked away.
A. Write true or false.
1. The pigeon started to worry for her friend (True).
2. They would rest on the tree (True).
3. The bird catcher’s clothes were dry (False).
4. The pigeon flew away for dry twigs (True).
5. The bird catcher let the pigeon jump into the fire (False).
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The pigeon returned home when it started to rain.
2. The bird catcher had a pigeon in his cage.
3. The bird catcher decided to sit under the tree.
4. She got dry twigs for the bird catcher.
C. Identify the character or the speaker.
1. “I hope he is safe.” – The hen-pigeon
2. “Do not feel sad dear.” – The cock-pigon
3. “I will camp here for the night.” – The bird catcher
4. “Oh no! What shall I do now?” – The hen-pigeon
5. “I was cruel and selfish.” – The bird catcher
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What did she whisper?
The hen-pigeon whispered that her friend was never late. She hoped that he was safe.
2. Where did the bird catcher sit?
The bird catcher sat under the tree where the hen-pigeon was sitting.
3. Why did the bird catcher need fire?
It was dark and cold. The bird catcher was shivering with cold. So he wanted fire.
4. Who is the guest?
The bird catcher is the guest.
5. What will you do if someone catches pigeons or other birds?
I will ask him not to catch birds and animals. I will tell him that we should not harm any living thing.
Read the passage three times and colour a watermelon for each time.
Many animals lived in a big forest. An elephant had a small piece of land. She grew many vegetables and fruits in it. She took great care of the garden, but it gave food that was just enough for her. One summer, the forest was dry, as it did not rain. All the trees and plants were dry and the forest looked brown. All the animals felt hot. Many animals moved to another forest. The elephant somehow got water for just one watermelon plant which had only one watermelon in it. A rabbit who had three babies came there in search of food. She saw the watermelon and went near it. “Stop!” said the elephant. The moment the elephant saw her babies, she took pity and gave the watermelon. That night it rained heavily in the forest. Soon the garden was full of vegetables and fruits. The elephant shared them with all.

A. Choose the correct decision of the elephant.

B. What is the main idea of the story?
a. ✔ If we help someone, we will receive twice in return.
b. During difficult time, we should save for ourselves.
c. Praise others to get your way.
Read the two letters below.
18 April, 2019.
Dear Grandma,
Thank you for the gift. It was nice.
Yours lovingly,
25 October, 2019.
Dear Grandma,
Hi! How are you? I hope this letter finds you in good health. Thank you for the wrist watch presented to me for my birthday. It is very light and waterproof! It is useful to know the time during my exams.
Yours lovingly,
Discuss which letter you enjoyed reading? Why?
Moorthy is an old man. He comes to the park every day. He tells exciting stories to the children who play there. After playing, children sit around him to hear stories of ’kings and queens’ and ’monkeys and lions’. You are one of the children who love his stories.
Write a letter, thanking Moorthy thatha. You can use the key words below.
10th October, 2022
Dear Thatha,
How are you? We are fine! I am always thinking of the lovely stories you told me. They were full of fun. In addition, they were interesting and enjoyable. Some of your stories are thoughtful and they make me think differently. I had an excellent time with you, thatha, a great story teller. I thank you for your stories.
Yours lovingly,
R. Kannan
(lovely excellent interesting enjoyable fun thank thoughtful)
Note to the teacher: Make the children write an informal letter to thank their parents for their part in their life. (for the portfolio).
I Can Do
A. Answer the following.

Cage (கூண்டு) : We keep lovebirds in a cage
B. Tick the correct suffix.

colourless, thankful, driver, retirement
C. Recite the poem ‘Mother Nature’.
D. Write the correct forms for the present perfect tense.
1. They have started (start) playing.
2. She has written (write) a letter.
E. Write a thank you letter for your aunt for the time you spent at her home during holidays.
Dear aunty,
How are you? I spent a lovely time at your home in Chennai. You cooked special dishes for me. I enjoyed the indoor games played with you. My stay with you is always memorable to me. How I enjoyed myself at your home! I thank you aunty, for your hospitality.
Yours lovingly,
A. Raju
Learning Outcome
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the balloon when they achieve the learning outcome.