English : Term 3 Unit 1 : Learn Always
Learn Always
I try to solve my problem with new ideas. Do you


It was a sunny afternoon, after a long time in Ooty. Arul and Amudha were sitting on their balcony. The last three vacations were very exciting for them as they were involved in solving three mysterious cases in their city. They missed their friends – Sreejith, Jessy, and Fathima.
They called themselves ‘The Five Detectives’ or 5D. They were famous in Ooty for their courage and skill. The police appreciated 5D for their admirable acts. Amudha and Arul missed Pablo. Pablo was Sreejith’s dog. He played an important role in solving the mysteries.

After a week:
Sreejith, Jessy, Fathima and Pablo came to Amudha and Arul’s house. Pablo was jumping with joy and continuously wagging his tail.
Amudha: I am so happy to see you all.
Arul: Now we can all head to solve a mystery. It will make our vacation interesting.
Sreejith: Mystery? Did something happen in the town while I was gone?
Arul: No, Sree. Nothing at all
Amudha urged that they all go the town’s fair. She told them about different games, magicians and most importantly the ‘Waxworks’, a studio with many wax figures inside. After a lot of pestering, everyone agreed to go. On their way back, they saw Inspector Velayudham on his bike. He was the inspector of the area. “Inspector Velayudham has been very busy these days,” said Amudha. This made the group curious about what was happening in their city that they had no clue of.
Jessy overheard her father talking on the phone about a robbery that was expected to take place in the museum. Jessy rushed to see her friends in the morning and told them what she heard.
Sreejith: Oh, now I know what Inspector Velayudham is up to.
Jessy: Let us solve this case before he does.
Sreejith: I feel we will find more clues if we are near the city area. We will also be able to observe more things. I will disguise myself as that old man we saw on the street.
Everyone agreed to it. Sreejith dressed as the old man. Sreejith sat on the old man’s bench, coughed and sniffed like him. No one could recognise Sreejith. Soon, a man on a cycle came and sat next to the old man. He said, “Where have you been since yesterday? Take this.

The man handed over Sreejith a packet of chocolate and went away.
Sreejith took the chocolate and kept it in his pocket. He saw the real old man coming in his direction from the other side. He also saw Inspector Velayudham rushing out of a shop towards him. Fathima and Jessy were watching all this from afar. They got worried and rushed with Pablo towards the Inspector. Pablo started barking and jumping on the Inspector. The inspector was annoyed with the dog. Sreejith saw it as a chance to run from there. He hid in a bush nearby. Inspector Velayudham ran towards the old man and caught him. Then, he asked him to give the chocolate to him. The old man was puzzled. Inspector took the old man to the Police station and locked him.
While this was happening, the 5D gathered in Jessy’s garage. They opened the chocolate to find a small chit. They opened it and found a list of grocery items. They were very confused.
Amudha: Sree, is it a code?
Sreejith: Yes, it seems so.
Amudha: I wonder if it is some kind of magic pen like the one you showed us. When we show it under a light, we can see the writing.
Jessy: It could be. I still have his pen with me. I will go and get it at once.
Jessy got the magic pen. They flashed the light on the paper, and some words glowed on it. The message said, “Tell Number 3. Waxworks. Tuesday. 9 PM. – Number 5”
Arul: Tomorrow is Tuesday. So the gang is meeting tomorrow.
While they sat in the garden.Inspector Velayudam saw Sreejith dressed as the Old man. He was furious. Then Sreejith had to confess. He handed over the chit to the inspector. The inspector was glad to have found the chit but was furious about their behavior. He warned them to stay away from the case.
Sreejith’s idea was to disguise himself as a wax statue. As it will be the most easy way to get all the information. That evening all of them went to ‘Waxworks’. They observed each wax statue and noted down details. While getting out of Waxworks, Sreejith unlocked one of the windows in the room.
Tuesday Night:
He saw the Inspector inside Waxworks and had no way of getting in without being noticed. He was really sad and went home. In the morning, Sreejith heard the news of Inspector Velayudan arresting the three robbers and also the diamond necklace. Everyone was upset that they didn’t get the chance to solve the mystery. As they sat in Jessy’s living room, they overheard Jessy’s father on the call saying “Where is the real necklace?”
This news alarmed the 5D. Fathima told everyone to rush to the city as some message will be passed regarding this. Within no time, the 5D was in front of the old man’s bench. Everyone sat at different places to keep an eye on the man. After an hour, a man came and sat next to the old man. The old man was busy drawing something on the ground with his stick.
They noticed that inspector Velayudham was observing at a distance and started following that man. But they waited for the old man to leave and went to see what he had drawn on the ground and it said ‘Waxworks’.
At Waxworks:
Sreejith: Amudha, if you were to place the diamond necklace in this place where would you place it?

Amudha thought for a second and said, “On the princess statue. She already wears so many jewels that this will go unnoticed.”
Everyone’s eyes lit up. They walked straight to the princess statue. They saw the diamond necklace. Sreejith carefully removed it and kept it in his pocket. As soon as they came out, there was a senior policeman standing. The children went straight to him and handed over the diamond necklace. They told him the whole story. They were appreciated for their courage and dedication towards their city.
Admirable : praise worthy
mystery : kept secret
pestering : irritating
overheard : to hear without the speaker’s knowledge
solve : to find the answer
sniffed : to smell by short inhalations
furious : intensely angry
A. Match the following.
1. Pablo – Inspector
2. Velayudham – old man
3. Sreejith – dog
Answer :
1. Pablo – dog
2. Velayutham – Inspector
3. Sreejith – old man
B. Choose the correct answer.
1. Pablo was the dog of Sreejith
a) Fathima
b) Sreejith
c) Amudha
2. The message was to gather on Tuesday.
a) Tuesday
b) Monday
c) Sunday
3. Jessy over heard her father’s talking on the phone.
a) Amudha
b) Arul
c) Jessy
C. Answer the following questions.
1. What did the five friends call themselves?
The five friends called themselves 5D.
2. Who disguised himself as old man?
Sreejith disguised himself as an old man.
3. Who is in charge of this case?
Inspector Velayutham is in charge of this case.
4. What was the message on the chit?
Tell Number 3. Waxworks – Tuesday – 9 p.m. – Number 5
5. Who guessed the location of the real necklace?
Amudha guessed the location of the real necklace.
6. Will you solve a mystery with friends? Why?
Yes, I will solve a mystery with my friends because I am interested in becoming a police officer.
We two went to the hill. So we felt too happy

Here the words, two, to and too sound alike. But they have different meaning. We know that these kind of words called Homophones. Let us see how to, two and too differ in meaning.

Here two is used to show the number
To used to show the place/direction. It can also come to show reason.
Too means very/extreme.
Let us see examples:

A. Fill in the blanks.

B. Tick (✔) the correct word.

C. Fill in the blanks with to, too and two.
Mom had promised to take Ben and Jill to the zoo. The two children were too excited, that they could hardly wait for Saturday to come. They wanted to take their baby sister with them, but mom said she was too young.

Why is the sky blue
Why is the sky blue?
Why is the earth round?
Why is silk soft?
Why is fire hot?
Think! Why is it so?
Why does the river flow?
Why does the wind blow?
Why does the sun shine?
Why does the rain pour?
Think! Why is it so?
Let us seek,
With questions all week,
As we grow,
With answers to know,
Soft : smooth
Blow : a sudden
Shine : bright
Pour : flowing
A. Match the rhyming words.
1. flow – know
2. grow – week
3. seek – blow
1. flow – blow
2. grow – know
3. seek – week
B. List questions to which you seek answer using ‘Why?’

Why is the sky blue? Why is the earth round? Why is silk soft? Why does the river flow? Why is fire hot?
Let us learn the describing words.

The above sentences tell about how he rides his bicycle. Such words that describe an action or verb are called adverbs.
An adverb describes a verb and tells how, when, where and how often.

She walks slowly. How does she walk? She walks slowly.

He joined the duty yesterday. When did he join his duty? He joined duty yesterday.

He looked everywhere. Where did he look? He looked everywhere.
How often

He ate biscuits twice a day. How often did he eat? He ate twice a day.
A. Choose the correct answer.

B. Circle and write the adverbs.
1. He laughed merrily. merrily
2. We will leave today. today
3. Suddenly the old man fainted. suddenly
4. I’m waiting here. here
5. I drink coffee thrice. thrice
C. Pick and write the adverbs to complete the sentences.
( loudly, beautifully, brilliantly, bravely, cunningly )
1. My dog barks loudly.
2. She won the game brilliantly.
3. She coloured the picture beautifully.
4. The lion fought bravely.
5. A jackal cheated the crow cunningly.
Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks.
Ninh explains, the Rules of Association Football. Association Football, more commonly known as ‘soccer’ in North America and Football pretty much everywhere else in the world ,is a game played with two teams of 18 players, with 11 players taking the field at any onetime. The object of the game is for your team to score more goals than the opposing team. To score a goal, you must put ball into your opponent’s goal. For it to count, the whole of the ball must cross the goal line. In football, you are allowed to touch the ball with every part of your body except your arms. The main ways to move the ball is to kick the ball to a team mate which is known as a pass, or run with the ball whilst controlling it with your feet, known as dribbling. When the ball is in the air, players can head or chest the ball as well. Teams will usually orchestrate passes and dribbles so that the ball travels up the field so that they can score. The defending team will try and stop you by tackling. The can intercept passes, block shots or try and kick the ball away from you and move the ball in the other direction so that they can score themselves. A defender must be careful here, as if the referee decides that they made contact with the player without touching the ball, or made contact without trying to win ball, he can award a foul against them. Fouls usually lead to free kicks, but can also lead to a yellow card which is a warning, or a red card where you are sent off the pitch. Two yellow cards equals one red card. The game is played in two halves of 45 minutes, for a total playing time of 90 minutes. There’s a 15 minute break at half time. Unlike most other sports, in football when there is a stoppage in play – the clock does not stop. Instead, a referee will add the amount of time all the stoppages last for, and they will play this as ‘added time’ at the end of each half. Highest score at the end of 90 minutes plus added time, wins. There are ties in Football, and if both teams have the same amount of goals at the end of time, this is declared as a draw. Football is a really simple game and that’s basically it.
1. In North America football is known as soccer.
2. It is a game with two teams of 18 players.
3. Fouls usually lead to a free kicks.
4. Two yellow cards are equal to one red card.
5. Yellow card is known as warning.
Note to the teacher: Scan the QR code to listen to the audio. Let the children listen to the audio and answer the question. The listening passage is given at the end.
Delivering a speech
Today, we will learn to deliver a speech. There are three important steps to learn to deliver a speech. Let us practise each of these steps!
• Maintain eye contact with all
• Move your hands to express
• Maintain your volume (everyone should be able to hear you)
Now, can we try to connect? Pair up and speak to your partner on the topic “My favourite hero” for 30 seconds.
Topic : Good day to one and all. Today, I am going to speak about ________.
Opinion : I feel _________________. (Express your opinion of the topic.)
Example : Give three examples to strengthen your opinion.
Opinion : Tell your opinion again.
Closing : Thank you all.
Now, can we try to construct? Pair up and speak to your partner on the topic “My favourite hero” for 30 seconds but this time use both connect and construct Check if your partner uses the steps to construct.
Take a topic and express your feelings about it. It can be about a family trip, a broken tap or anything else that has affected you. Make sure you care about the topic to make sure you are able to CONNECT and CONSTRUCT. Now, let us try to CONNECT and CONSTRUCT with our own CONTENT. Choose a topic you really care about and deliver a 30-second speech to your class. Use the table below to help you.
Topic : ________________ (What is your topic?)
Opinion : ________________ (How do you feel about the topic?)
Example 1 : ________________ (Why do you feel so?)
Example 2 : ________________ (Why do you feel so?)
Example 3 : ________________ (Why do you feel so?)
Opinion : ________________ (How do you feel about the topic?)
Closing : ________________.
Note: You can give children 5-7 minutes to prepare. Children should not write the speech. They should focus on all the three steps.
The Witty Sparrow
Once, a very clever brown sparrow lived in a forest had three eggs in her nest. The nest was in a bush. All the animals greeted her ’Madam’ with respect. Gullu, the young elephant never did so. THUD! THUD!, Gullu walked past the bush purposefully. It rattled the nest. Madam was worried that Gullu might crack the eggs.

Guess how would the sparrow pull the elephant and the crocodile.

A. Choose the best answer.
1. All the animals called the sparrow madam.
a. queen
b. madam
c. princess
2. The brown sparrow laid three eggs.
a. four
b. six
c. three
3. Crocodile lies stretching in the river.
b. snake
c. tortoise
4. Sparrow tied the elephant and the crocodile with a creeper.
a. rope
b. cloth
c. creeper
5. The sparrow solved the problem with her intelligence.
a. cunningness
b. intelligence
c. braveness
B. Number the pictures and in correct order of the story.

C. Try your own.

D. Speak and win.
Join in either group and speak using 4 to 5 sentences to win.

I support the sparrow for her intelligence.
I oppose the sparrow for using her intelligence to cheat others.
Read the passage 3 times and colour a camel for each time.
Once two merchants lost a camel. They met a boy who was passing by and asked him if he had seen it. The boy said he had not seen the camel. He asked, “Was your camel blind in the right eye?”. “Yes, he was”, said the merchants. “Was it lame in one left foot?”, asked the boy. It was!”, said the merchants. “Was it’s front tooth missing?” asked the boy.” yes” they said. “Did it have honey on one side and wheat on the other?”. “yes!,” they answered. “Please take us to it.”
“But, I have not seen your camel,” said the boy “and I do not know where it is”. The merchants got angry and said, “Really! How could you tell us everything about our camel?” “That is my secret”. said the boy.
The merchants took him to the king. The boy told the king that he had not seen it. Then, the king asked him how he knew so much about it. The boy said that the camel had eaten grass only on the left side of the path. So he knew that it was blind. The marks of its one left foot were faint. This showed that the camel was lame. While eating grass, it had not eaten the grass in the middle. So he learnt that it had lost its front teeth. There were ants carrying grains of wheat on one side of the path and flies eating honey on the other.

Find and write the clues.
1. Clue for blind eye
The camel had eaten grass only on the left side of the path.
2. Clue for lame
The marks of its one left foot were faint.
3. Clue for lost teeth
The camel had not eaten grass in the middle.
4. Clue for the load on the camel
Ants were carrying grains of wheat on one side of the path. Flies were eating honey on the other.
Dialogue Writing
We already know to write dialogues. Let us quickly recap the four steps to write a dialogue:
Step 1: Look at the question and understand the topic.
Step 2: Read the dialogues and understand what they are talking.
Step 3: Think what you will say if you were talking.
Step 4: Write it.
Now, can we try to write the dialogues on our own?
Write the dialogue and complete the story.

Rabbit: I saw a lion on the way. I escaped from him. So I was late.
Lion: Where is the lion? Show me the animal.
Rabbit: Here, he is my lord! Look into the well.
Rabbit: Oh! The foolish lion fell into the well into the well and died. How happy I am!
I Can Do
A. Answer the following.

Chocolate (மிட்டாய்) : I like to eat chocolates
B. Fill in the blanks with to, too and two.
a. I need to write two pages on this topic.
b. These clothes are too expensive.
c. Donald ran two kilometers.
C. Tick the correct word.

D. Recite any four lines of the poem with correct intonation.
E. Match the rhyming words.
soft – week
blow – know
grow – hot
seek – flow
soft – hot
blow – flow
grow – know
seek – week
F. Circle and write the adverbs from the sentences.
1. The boy speaks loudly. loudly
2. She speaks English fluently. fluently
3. Our mum spoke to us angrily. angrily
4. The painter paints wonderfully. wonderfully
Learning Outcome
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the balloon when they achieve the learning outcome.