English : Term 3 Unit 3 : My Duties
My Duties
I close the running tap. Don’t you?



The Monster Tree
It is very dark, and the wind is whistling, no one is around. One can hear the cry of a wolf far away. The bush is dancing to the wind’s music. It seems as if it was a welcome dance. Behind the bush, there was a huge shadow. It moved slightly and, for a second, everything was quiet. No wind, no movement, nothing. There was dead silence. Suddenly, a bolt of massive lightning appeared with a rumble of thunder. In the lightning, I could see the tree. It was a monster tree. I got scared and wanted to run away. As I screamed in fear, the monster woke up. I could see it, now awake, transformed into a monster amid the bolts of lightning that hit the ground. I wanted to run, but I couldn’t move my legs. The reeds from the bush have caught my legs, “Oh my god! It is going to kill me,” I thought! I tried to free my legs but in vain. The monster’s branches became very sharp, like a sword, and came towards me. My heart raced and, I felt it might burst.
“Jana! What happened? Get up! Did you have a nightmare?” Asked her mother. Jana hugged her mother and slept with her. Her mother asked her about the dream in the morning, but Jana said nothing. Only a month ago Jana and her family had come to the village.
The previous day, Jana’s friend was telling her, “It was a very big peepal tree near the entrance of the village. All children used to play under it, and many birds made nests on it. The elders rested in the shade. But one day two men were running away from the tree. They said there was a monster in it and asked people to not go near it. The children ignored the warning and went to play. When the children stepped near the tree, it shook its leaves. They hadn’t seen the tree like this. They looked at one another and, altogether took another step. The tree twisted its branches and threw the swing near them. Then, the trunk of the tree cracked open and the tree roared. The tree had become a monster.They got scared and ran away.”

What can be the reason for the tree to become a monster?
She continued, “Children went to the village and told the elders what happened near the tree. No one believed them. Soon many more got affected by the tree, and this worried the people of the village. They planned to cut it. But the village head stopped them. He told them how the tree had helped the village.He advised them to make a fence around the tree to stop people from going near it. Since then, the tree is called the monster tree. Many years have passed, and the area near the tree is desolate now.”
The previous evening, Jana went to play with her friends. She was a brave and curious little girl. They were playing a few meters away from the monster tree. Jana was waiting for her turn. Just then, she felt her ears tingle. She removed her earrings and kept it on the ground. Suddenly, a squirrel took her earring and ran away. She chased it, and before she knew, she was in front of the monster tree. Her friends shouted, “No, Jana! Don’t go there!” She replied, “I have to find my earring.” Then, they shouted in fear, “It is behind you. Run Jana! Run!” She turned and saw one of the branches coming to hit her. She bent down and dodged it. She ran away from the tree. That night, she had the nightmare.
That day Jana decided to overcome her fear. So, she asked more about the monster tree. She came to know that the tree was good and helpful. She put her fear away and tried to find the reason for the change in tree’s behaviour. So, she spent many days watching the tree. She went to the tree whenever she had the time. She felt that the tree was also watching her.
One day, she decided to go near the tree. When she crossed the fenced area, the tree started to scare her. But, not as much as before. She stepped forward, and the tree swayed its branches again. Then, the tree dropped its sharp branches close to her. Yet, she was not afraid. When she was going to touch the tree, it opened its mouth and roared. Jana calmly touched the tree and patted it. The branches stopped moving, and it was quiet. The tree grumbled, “Go away! Please, go away!” She asked, “Why? I know you are a good tree. Why are you doing this?” The tree shouted, “Yes… I was good but, it is only because of you I have become like this!”
“Sorry! You are a little girl. What would you do? Wait, let me call my friends,” said the tree. “Come out,” said the tree. In a few seconds, one by one, many squirrels came out from the tree. Hundreds of them were there.
The tree continued, “They are the reason for me to become a monster. Long ago, a pregnant squirrel came here.”
She said, “I am the last of my kind in this village. The hunters are trying to kill me. Please save me.”
The tree said, “I did not know that people were so selfish. They destroy everything mercilessly. I wanted to save the squirrels. So, I became a monster.”
After listening to the tree’s story, Jana felt embarrassed. She went to the village head and explained. The villagers understood their mistake and took an oath not to do any harm to nature. From that day on the villagers started calling it ‘The mother tree’.
Whistling : high pitched sound by using breath
massive : large
ignore :refuse to take notice of
nightmare :scary dream
dodged :avoided to escape
oath : promise , pledge
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Jana and her family moved to the village a month ago.
2. Jana saw a branch behind her.
3. The squirrel ran to the monster tree.
4. The monster tree was protecting the squirrels.
5. The villagers took oath to not harm the nature.
B. Answer the following.
1. Why did Jana have a nightmare?
That evening Jana was playing near the monster tree. One of its branches came to hit her. Jana dodged and escaped from the tree. So she had a nightmare that night.
2. Why did Jana chase the squirrel?
The squirrel ran away with her earring. So Jana chased it.
3. Why did Jana’s friends stop her from going near the tree?
It was a monster tree. So her friends tried to stop Jana from going near it.
4. Who made the tree become a monster?
Human beings like hunters made the tree become a monster.
5. Why was the tree called ‘The mother tree’?
The villagers promised never to harm nature. At once the tree became good and kind. So it was called ‘The mother tree’.
Try to find the relationship.
Guess what is the pup to the dog.
Yes, Pup is the young one of a dog.
Let us learn more young ones:

A. Match the animal with its young one.

B. Fill in the blanks.

C. Fill in the blanks
(Hatchling, gosling, fry, lamb)
1. The fisher caught the fry.
2. The ostrich took care of its hatchling.
3. The goose is swimming with its gosling.
4. Vinoth had a little lamb.

Social Responsibility
Our world becomes green,
When you keep the surroundings clean.
All of us are responsible for our society,
To take care of it is our duty.
Be proud of yourself as a human,
When you put the litter in a trash can.
Reduce the use of electricity by will,
And help the Earth grow without any ill.
All should vow to do social welfare,
I will start with nature’s care.
responsible : in charge of
proud : glad
reduce :make something less
vow : pledge, promise
welfare : comfort and security
A. Answer the following questions.
1. When does the world become green?
The world becomes green when we keep the surroundings clean.
2. Who is responsible for the society?
All of us are responsible for the society.
3. When do you feel proud?
When we put the litter in the dust bin we feel proud as human beings.
4. What should we vow for?
We should vow to do social service.
5. Are you the first to protect the nature?
Yes, I am the first to protect nature.
B. Pick out the rhyming words and write.
green – clean
human – can
will – ill
welfare – care
Past perfect tense is used to show that something happened before another action in the past. It can also be used to show that something happened before a specific time in the past. We know the forms of the verbs, they are

The past participle form is used in past perfect tense with auxiliary had. Come let us use it.

A. Fill in the blanks.
I had given him the book.
We had gone to the park. (go)
You had been to your uncle’s house. (be)
He had slept before 5 ‘o’ clock. (sleep)
She had paid the bill. (pay)
They had met him before the party. (meet)
It had broken before I touch it. (break)
Let us see when to use past perfect tense:
Event happened before another in the past:

B. Complete the following sentences using past perfect tense.
1. The bus had left the bus stop before I went. (leave)
2. The exam had started when I reached the exam hall. (start)
3. She had eaten the apple as I told her to stop. (eat)
4. The satellite had landed on the moon before they gave the command. (land)
5. Raju had arrived to the ground before others arrived. (arrive)
Future perfect tense .
Future perfect tense is used for actions that will be completed before some other point in the future.

The past participle form is used in future perfect tense with auxiliary will have. Come let us use it.

A. Fill in the blanks.
I will have reached the place by 6 pm.
We will have completed the painting by tomorrow. (complete)
You will have won the match by this time tomorrow. (win)
They will have invited everyone to the marriage by next week. (invite)
He will have spent all the money with in an hour. (spend)
She will have got a job in America by next year. (get)
It will have eaten all the candies. (eat)
B. Mark (✔) if it is past perfect tense or (x) present perfect tense.
1. I had gone to my grandma’s home. ✔
2. The boy will have grown up like a man in few years. ×
3. She will have made the cake by 8 ‘o’ clock. ×
4. They had cooked the vegetables. ✔
5. Muthu will have returned from Srilanka by next month. ×
C. Change the sentence into past perfect tense and future perfect tense.
1. I have posted the letter.
Past perfect: I had posted the letter
Future perfect: I will have posted the letter.
2. She has bought a violin.
Past perfect: She had bought a violin.
Future perfect: She will have bought a violin.
3. Akash has jumped into the well.
Past perfect: Akash had jumped into the well.
Future perfect: Akash will have jumped into the well.
4. We have built a house in our village.
Past perfect: We had built a house in our village.
Future perfect: We will have built a house in our village.
5. They have cooked their meal.
Past perfect: They had cooked their meal.
Future perfect: They will have cooked their meal
D. Fill the sentences with the appropriate verb.
( Had, will have)
1. Maha had asked a question to his father.
2. She will have attended the meeting by tomorrow.
3. The fly had sat in the food before she covered it.
4. Niru will have joined her family in 2 years.
5. The book had won him the award.
Listen to to the audio and tick (✔) if the statements are true.
It rained through the night in Chennai. India’s 4th largest city has experienced its heaviest rainfall in more than a hundred years. With the rain not letting up, much of the city is now under water. These pictures sent to us by local residents, show us the extent of the devastation. Navigating through the flooded streets is difficult, and at times difficult leaving many areas cut off. The airport is closed and train services suspended, while highways leading to Chennai are blocked. The army and navy are now being deployed to get to those who are still stranded. In some parts of the city, neighbourhoods are under several feel of water and residents have had to go without food. The power supply in many areas have also been cut. The rain is said to be caused by a depression in Bay of Bengal. With more showers expected, it is going to be a while before Chennai clears up.
1. Chennai is the fourth largest city in India to receive more rain. ✔
2. The airport is not closed. ×
3. People were not able to get their food. ✔
4. The power supply in many areas is normal. ×
5. It rained because of a depression in Bay of Bengal. ✔
Note to the teacher: Scan the QR code to listen to the audio. Let the children listen to the audio and answer the question. The listening passage is given at the end.
Story Telling
Today, we will learn to tell a story.
Step 1: Choose the story you want to tell.
Step 2: Tell the place where the story is happening.
Step 3: Tell who the characters are.
Step 4: Tell three events that lead to the end of the story.
Step 5: End the story.
The Ant and the Grasshopper

In a deep forest near the mountains, lived an ant and a grasshopper. The ant worked hard in the summer and saved food for the winter. The grasshopper played in the Sun without collecting food. The grasshopper always called the ant to play, but the ant wanted to save food for winter. It was now winter, the ant had food to eat but the grasshopper did not. We should work hard and save.
Is that easy? Why don’t you try?
Try to tell your friend a story on your own.
Some useful phrases:
Long time ago…
Once upon a time …
There lived a…
The Case of The Missing Water

The tank in Divya’s village was almost dry. Ammachi began to pray for rain. Amma collected all the buckets and pots and vessels in the house and filled them up.
“We need to store as much water as we can,” she said.
Appa collected tools to dig a little deeper. “We just need enough until the rains arrive,” he said.
Divya got out her notebook and pencil. She put on her thinking cap and followed her parents to the tank. She examined the tank bed closely. It was cracked and dusty.
Divya wondered, “Where did the water in the tank go? Did it run away? Was it stolen? This is a mystery!”
Divya loved solving mysteries: Like the time Ammachi couldn’t find her reading glasses.
Divya had found them in her book, marking the page she was reading.
“I’ll find that water,” Divya muttered to herself.

Divya walked to the other side of the tank, past dead fish and dried reeds.
“Do you know where the water could have gone?” Divya asked a fisherman.
“Downstream?” the fisherman suggested.
Divya followed the dry stream bed down the hill. At the bottom was another tank. It had lots of goats, but no water.
Divya asked the goatherd, “Do you know where the water might be?”

“Upstream,” the goatherd suggested.
“That’s where I came from,” Divya said. “No water there.”
“Further up, then?” the goatherd said. “That’s where your water comes from.”
Divya climbed up to the tank. Then she climbed up some more to a tank further up the hill. There was no water, no birds. There was only one person there.
“Rani, I can’t find any water. Any idea where it’s gone?” Divya called to her. She knew Rani from school.
“Downstream,” Rani called back.
Divya was suddenly angry. She stomped her foot.
“NO!” she shouted. “It’s not. I have searched and searched. It’s not upstream or downstream. Got it?”
“How about up there?” Rani suggested.
Divya and Rani looked up at the sky. The sun glared back at them. Everything was white-hot and dusty.
“No,” they agreed together. “No water there.”
Divya collapsed into the boat with Rani and gnawed on a lotus stem. She was hot and tired.
“Manju’s parents left the village,” Divya said. “They went to the city where they have water. Maybe we should all go.”
“You go,” Rani snapped. “No one asked you to be here.”
“Fine,” Divya said. And she stomped back home. But it wasn’t fine! There was still no water, still no rain.
The next day, Divya brushed her teeth with muddy tank water in a tiny glass.
“Thooo!” she spat.
In school, the class was half-empty. More families had left the area. She missed all her friends! In the middle of Environmental Studies class, she turned and ran out of school.

She ran and ran until she was panting. She finally sat at the side of the road.
“I have to find the water!” she huffed.
“Can I help?” said a voice. It was Rani who had seen Divya running away from school.
Divya beamed. “Yes!”
“We have to do this properly,” Rani said. “Like real Sanitary Engineers.” “Like who…?” Divya asked.
“Sanitary Engineers build pipes and tanks and drains. I am going to be one when I grow up,” Rani said.
Divya and Rani decided to draw a map of their village and all its tanks and streams, showing all the places where the water might have flowed.
Where could the water possibly have gone?
Finally, they sat back and pored over the map. “We haven’t seen that tank yet,” Divya pointed to one of the tanks they had drawn.
“Let’s go,” Rani agreed.
Divya and Rani began climbing up the hill. The stream here was dry as well.
“Maybe we shouldn’t have missed school. This tank is probably dry as well,” Rani said sadly.
When they reached the tank, Divya and Rani realised they were wrong.
This tank was full!
Rani pointed at a small pump at the end of the lake. There was a tanker just below the bund, collecting water as it flowed. A man stood by, guiding the tanker.
“Mystery solved,” said Divya angrily.
“Where are you taking our water?” Divya wanted to know.
“The city,” the man said. “I need to supply nine-thousand litres today!”
“That’s not fair!” Rani said.

The man shrugged, “That’s how it is.”
“My friend is a Sanitary Engineer,” Divya yelled. “She knows what’s fair.”
The man laughed. “Sanitary Engineer it seems! You’re just children!”
Rani said quietly, “Yes, but I know you can’t just take our water away.”
“Go home,” the man said. “You can’t change anything!”
Divya had an idea. She hugged the pump. “You can’t turn it on now!”
Rani ran up to hug the pump too.
“Hey!” said the man. Now he was really angry. “Just go home,” he said.
That was when the clouds broke, and rain poured.
“The monsoon is here!” Divya shouted.
“I’m going home, even if you aren’t,” the tanker man said.
It rained and rained.
WOOSH, the bund overflowed, and the stream rushed down, splashing them.
“The water has been found! Mystery solved!” Divya said.
“WOOOOOO!” They yowled with joy.

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. The tank in Divya’s village was almost dry.
a. full
b. dry
c. half full
2. Divya loved solving mysteries.
a . problem
b. sums
c. mysteries
3. Divya and Rani decided to draw a map.
a . goat
b. mountain
c. map
4. Elephants were visiting ______________ field.
a. paddy
b. ragi
c. sugar cane
5. Rani thought of herself as a sanitary engineer.
a. civil
b. mechanical
c. sanitary
B. Answer the following.
1. Why did Manju’s parents leave the village?
They had no water in the village. So Manju’s parents left the village to get water in the city.
2. What kind of water did Divya use to brush her teeth?
Divya used the muddy tank water to brush her teeth.
3. What did Rani want to become?
Rani wanted to become a sanitary engineer.
4. Where did the tanker man take the water from village?
The tanker man took the water from the village to the city.
5. Do you think it is okay for tanker to take water? Why?
No, it is wrong for the tanker to take water from the village. If it continues, the villagers will suffer a lot without water to drink.
C. Try your own.

D. Speak and win.
Join in any group. Support or oppose using 4 to 5 sentences to win.

Read the passage three times and colour a dustbin for each time.
I am Mani. I have to take a bus to nearby city. I crossed the road to reach the bus stand. I got the bus and sat down and took out a book to read. Before I started to read, I just looked at the people around me. The two men sitting next to me were talking loudly. Some were listening music on their phone. I was unable to focus on reading. The men were talking about cleaning the city. As they were talking, they opened a pack of biscuits to eat. After some time I dozed off. When I opened my eyes, the bus had reached the city. The two men were not there but pieces of the biscuits and wrappers were there. I cleaned the wrappers and put them in the dustbin.

1. What did Mani take out?
Mani took out a book to read.
2. What did Mani find on the seat when he woke up?
When he woke up Mani saw pieces of biscuits and wrappers on the seat.
3. If you were Mani, what would you do?
If I were Mani I would keep quiet. As soon as the men got down I would pick up the garbage left by them. I would drop it in the dustbin.
Let us learn to write a story with suspense.

Words that help you create suspense: suddenly, just then, in that moment, all of a sudden, silently, in alarm, scared, from the shadows, dark, unexpectedly etc.
Let us use these words to write a paragraph on “A day in the forest”
Suddenly in a distance, I noticed some paws on the mud. My head turned red with fear and I silently stepped back. Just then, I saw a big brown furry animal with green eyes coming out of the shadows. In that moment, I didn’t know what I had to do. I screamed and ran. All of a sudden, I heard a howl behind me. I turned to see two wolves chasing me.
Now, why don’t you try to write a story with suspense?

I Can Do
A. Answer the following.

Tanker lorry/truck (தண்ணீர் லாரி) : The tanker supplies water to our street.
B. Write the animals and their young ones.

elephant – calf
tiger – cub
crane – chick
C. Match the rhyming word.
1. green – can
2. society – care
3. man – clean
4. welfare – inability
1. green – clean
2. society – inability
3. man – can
4. welfare – care
D. Recite the poem with correct intonation.
E. Choose the correct one show post perfect tense.
1. We had seen (see) the movie last week.
a) have seen
b) saw
c) had seen
2. I had met (meet) him before.
a) had met
b) meet
c) have met
F. Choose the correct one to show future perfect tense.
1. I will have finished (finish) this book.
a) had finished
b) have finished
c) will have finished
2. By this time tomorrow, we will have arrived (arrive) in Chennai.
a) will have arrived
b) have arrived
c) would have arrived
Learning Outcome
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the balloon when they achieve the learning outcome
A. I am a 5th student and I know all these.
I can identify the types of nouns:
1. Manju is a clever girl.
2. The boy liked the taste of the fruit.
3. A herd of sheep grazed the field.
I know what is a pronoun and its other forms : (he, him, his, himself)
He is Dina, I know him very well and I know his father too.
He drives himself to school daily.
I know where to use these prepositions :
(In, on, at, between, in front of and behind)
At 4 pm. on Sunday in 2019.
The ball is in front of the box.
The ball is behind the box.
The ball is between the box.
I know how to join sentences using :
(And, but, or, because, so)
I have a bat and a ball.
I have a bat but not a ball.
Do you want a bat or a ball?
I will play cricket because I have a bat and a ball.
I have a bat and a ball so I will play cricket.
I can identify the adjectives:
There was a black dog. It chased a fat white cat. The cat ran into a small hole and escaped from the angry dog.
I can identify the adverbs in the following sentences:
She walked beautifully.
The boy met me yesterday.
I can use the article: (a, an, the)
I saw an elephant. The elephant had a baby.
B. I know three tenses and I can write all tenses