English : Term 1 Unit 3 : Our Nation
Our Nation
Hi, I am Nila.
I love my country.
So I keep it clean.
Do you?


The Guardians of the Nation

Anand and Yazhini came home from school. After washing their face, hands and legs, they sat down next to their father. Their father was watching the news on the television. There were two bowls of chickpea sundal. They ate and watched a ceremony where people were paying respect to a helmet on top of a gun. “Dad, what is this place? What are they doing?” asked Anandhan. Dad replied, “This is Amar Jawan Jyoti, a memorial for the soldiers who died for our country. Every year, 7th December is observed as Armed Forces Flag Day. On that day, we remember the sacrifices of our soldiers for guarding our nation. It is a great honour to serve the nation by joining the army.”
Why do the soldiers (people) die?
Answer: The soldiers die because armies of different countries indulge in a war.
When will it be stopped?
Answer: It will stop when everyone wants peace and universal brotherhood.
Yazhini proudly declared, “When I grow up, I will join the army and serve the nation.” Anandhan said, “I will become a doctor, and treat the people.” Yazhini asked, “Why don’t you join the army and serve the nation like me?” Father intervened her and said, “Joining the army is not the only way to serve the nation. Each one of us can serve the nation in our own way.” Yazhini asked, “Really dad? How can we serve the nation?” Father said, “Serving in the army is a grace, but not everyone gets a chance to serve. But, each of us has a role in our society and, by doing that role we are serving our nation.”
Father continued, “I will tell you the story of Karmugilan. He was a doctor, who died, serving the people. He was young and talented. He went to the USA for studying. His parents were very proud of him. They thought that he would live in the USA and continue his practice. But to everyone’s surprise, he came back to India and started treating poor people free of cost.”

Yazhini asked, “Were his parents not angry with him?” Dad said, “They were angry. But, they knew he was happy.”
One day, dengue broke out in the nearby villages. He left to those villages to treat the people. He saved the lives of many. He was soon well known in the village, and people poured in to get treated. But, one day he got infected by the disease and was taken to the city hospital. He was in critical condition. His parents were upset and worried. He told his parents that he had done his duty to the country and, was happy. In a couple of days, he died. In his memory, the people of the village have built a hospital and treat people at free of cost.”
“That’s really great, dad. He is a real hero.”, said Yazhini.
Father replied, “Each one of us should love and respect our country. We should treat everyone around us with love and respect. That’s the real service to the nation.”
munching : eating something steadily
wreath : flowers arranged in a ring, for lying on a grave
ceremony : a formal event to celebrate an anniversary
memorial : a structure established to remind of a person or event
intervened : interrupt a conversation
sacrifices : giving up something more valuable
infected : contaminated with harmful things
guarding : to watch over to protect or control
A. Choose the best answer.
1. Karmugilan went to __________ for higher studies.
a) London
b) Australia
c) USA
d) New Zealand
Answer: c) USA
2. _______ broke out in the near by villages.
a) malaria
b) cholera
c) dengue
d) flu
Answer: c) Dengue
3. He got ____________ the disease.
a) infected by
b) cured off
c) upset
d) remedy for
Answer: a) infected by
4. The villagers , built a _______ on his memory.
a) statue
b) memorial
c) library
d) hospital
Answer: b) memorial
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. They ate a bowl of chickpea sundal.
2 Amar Jawan Jyoti is the memorial for the soldiers.
3. Flag day is observed on 7th December.
4. A soldier dies for the nation.
5. Karmugilan was a young talented doctor.
C. Answer the following questions.
1. What were Anandhan and Yazhini watching in the television?
Anandhan and Yazhini were watching Amar Jawan Jyoti ceremony on television.
2. What is Amar Jawan Jyoti?
Amar Jawan Jyoti is a memorial for the soldiers.
3. What did Anandhan want to become?
Anandhan wanted to become a doctor.
4. Why did Yazhini want to join the military?
Yazhini wanted to join the army to serve the nation.
5. What happened to Dr. Karmugilan in the story?
Dr. Karmugilan died young as he was infected with dengue.
6. What was the epidemic that broke out in the story?
Dengue was the epidemic that broke out in the story.
We divide the words to pronounce them easier. Here are some tips to divide.

A. Circle and divide the bulldog pattern words.

B. Divide and list out the words under each pattern
( party, teacher, speaker, starfish, curtain, snowman, garden, pancake, heater, cowboy, farmer, weasel )

C. Write some
pattern words and divide them.
head / master
arm / chair
tea / pot
snow / cap
note / book
post / man
play / ground
sea / shore
wall / clock
Will we live in a country,
Without inner boundaries?
Will we treat everyone alike,
Or will we show our dislike?
Will we stick to our core in,
Or will we become foreign?
Yes, we love our nation,
Divided when seen as persons
Yes, we have different language,
Yet, our integrity shouldn’t damage.
Will we make our mother proud,
Or be with her like the crowd?
Learn how to be kind,
And love each of her child.

boundaries : a dividing line
core : our true self (value system)
foreign : distant (like a part of a different thing)
integrity : the state of being wholesome
Proud : feeling honoured
A. Match the following.
treat everyone – love each of her child
nation – no inner boundaries
kind – not divided as people
country – alike
treat everyone – alike
nation – not divided as people
kind – love each of her child
country – no inner boundaries
B. Answer the following questions.
1. How should we treat everyone?
We should treat everyone alike.
2. What is our core?
Our true self is our core.
3. How do we keep our integrity?
We may speak different languages. But we should be united.
4. How can we make our nation proud?
We make our nation proud by showing our integrity.
5. A country should have inner boundaries. Justify.
Inner boundaries show different states, districts, towns and villages. They are important for administration.
C. Find the rhyming words from the poem
alike – dislike
crowd – proud
language – damage
country – boundaries
What are prepositions?
Prepositions are words that help us know the position of things.
Try this?

The cat is inside the box.
But, did you know prepositions also help us know the nature of time?
Let us learn prepositions of time.

A. Put the given time expressions in the correct columns.
( winter, morning, 2 o’clock, evening, 1947, March, Sunday, 15th August, 4.30 PM, wedding day )
2 o’clock
4.30 PM
15th August
wedding day
B. Complete the following sentences using the prepositions on, in and at.
1. The summer vacation ends on Monday.
2. I will meet you at 7.30.
3. I don’t drive at night.
4. My birthday falls in September.
5. Birds migrate in spring and autumn.
6. Her birthday is on 6th April.
C. Circle the prepositions.
The meeting starts at 10’o clock in the morning, on Wednesday, on 22nd of march, in 2019.
D. Fill in the blanks using on, in and at.
My child was born at 2.30, in the afternoon, on Friday, on 17th of August, in 2016.
Help the space ship reach the correct planet.

8 o’clock
5.30 a.m.
the evening
5th May
8th July
Tick the correct one after listening the movie clip.
Mom: oh! Please get out of the way.
Bart: can I help you mom?
Mom: oh okay let’s see, can you do the cranberry sauce?
Bart: yeah where is it?
Mom: the can is in the cupboard of bottom shelf.
Bart: here?
Mom: No, no the other shelf.
Bart: oop! Got it. Now what?
Mom: open it.
Bart: no problem. Where is the can opener?
Mom: it is in the second door from the right.
Bart is opening other doors
Mom: no no no the other one.
Bart: oh I got it. ( he tries to open it ) mom, it is broken mom, it is broken, mom it is broken , mom it is broken, mom it is broken , mom it is broken.
Mom: I don’t think it is broken honey, now let me try. There you go.
Bart: Ah! Cranberry sauce a la Bart!
Mom: Just stick it in the refrigerator when you’re done, Bart. Bart? Hmm-hmm!
1. Bart wants to help his mom. Yes✔ No
2. Bart’s mother wants him to make tomato sauce. Yes No✔
3. The can is in the fridge. Yes No✔
4. The can opener is in the second door from the right. Yes✔ No
5. How many times did Bart say that the can opener is broken?
3× 5× 6 ✔
Note to the teacher: Scan the QR code to listen to the audio. Let the children listen to the audio and answer the question. The listening passage is given at the end.
Is there any place near?

Structures that are useful to this situation:

Note to the teacher:
Make the children practise the given structures thoroughly and give them different scenarios to practise.
The Legend of Jaswantgarh

Jaswant Singh Rawat was an Indian soldier, the place Jaswantgarh in Arunachal Pradesh gets its name from him. The legendary story, “The battle of Nauranang”, handed down through the ages of Nauranang is inspiring and records the valour and patriotism of Jaswant.
There was a war between India and China in the year 1962. In the final part of the war, Nauranang was the last stand of the Indian army against the Chinese army. The battle started on 17th November 1962 and continued for seventy-two hours. At 5.00am, in the Eastern Himalayas, the Chinese army attacked the lonely Indian post in Nauranang. Knowing that the Chinese armywas stronger, the Indian soldiers on the post were ordered to retreat and regroup. But, Jaswant did not leave his post and decided to continue the fight to hold the Chinese until the reinforcements arrive.

Two village girls named Sela and Nura helped Jaswant. They set up weapons at separate points. Jaswant taught the girls to fireguns. All three kept shooting on the Chinese army. Jaswant was running to different gun points and kept shooting. His intention was to give the Chinese army a perception that they are facing a huge Indian battalion. He did this for three continuous days. Jaswant and the girls had killed three hundred Chinese soldiers. The Chinese army decided to cut the food supply to the post.

The Chinese soldiers caught the man, who brought food for the three. In the Chinese interrogation, the man told the truth that a single soldier was guarding the post. A single soldier and two village girls had fooled the Chinese. They were shocked and furious. They surrounded Jaswant Singh and launched a final attack.
Jaswant shot himself as Chinese were going to capture him. A grenade blast killed Sela. Nura, the tribal girl, was captured alive.
After the war, the commander of the Chinese army returned the brass bust of Jaswant. A war memorial with the brass bust was made to remember him and his service to the nation. All army personnel who pass through this memorial pay their respect to him.
The Indian Army still treats him as a serving officer and awards him promotions. India awarded him the Mahavir Chakra. Jaswant may have died in battle that day, but he still lives in the memory of people in Jaswantgarh and the Indian army..
legend : a story from the past
Garwal : an administrative division in Uttarakhand
regroup : to organize in a new tactical formation
reinforcement : additional army to support
Monpa tribe : a tribal group in Arunachal Pradesh
battalion : a military unit of 300 to 800 soldiers
interrogation : to question someone aggressively
brass bust : a statue made of brass, depicting a person’s head and neck
A. Answer the following questions.
1. Where is Jaswantgarh located?
Jaswantgarh is located in Arunachal Pradesh.
2. Which place was the last stand of the Indian army?
Nauranang was the last stand of the Indian army.
3. When did the battle of Nauranang start? How long did it continue?
The battle of Nauranang started on 17th November 1962. It lasted for 72 hours.
4. Who helped Jaswant in the battle against Chinese?
Two village girls names Sela and Nura helped Jaswant in the battle against the Chinese.
5. What happened to the two girls at the end of the war?
Sela was killed in a grenade blast. Nura was captured alive by the Chinese.
6. How was he honoured by the Indian government?
India awarded Jaswant the Mahavir Chakra. A war memorial was made with the brass bust to remember his service to the nation.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Jaswantgarh is named after the Indian soldier Jaswant Singh Rawat.
2. The Chinese troops attacked the lonely Indian post located in Nauranang.
3. Jaswant was helped by two village tribal girls.
4. Jaswant managed to kill three hundred Chinese soldiers.
5. Jaswant Singh Rawat was awarded the Mahavir Chakra.
C. Say true or false.
1. Nauranang is in Himachal Pradesh. (False)
2. The battle of Nauranang lasted for three days.(True)
3. Jaswant decided to stay in his post. (True)
4. Jaswant was captured alive. (False)
5. According to the Indian army, Jaswant is still serving. (True)
D. Rearrange the story in order.
1. Jaswant stayed back in his post.
2. He killed 300 chinese soldiers in the battle.
3. He fired weapons from seperate points.
4. Sela and Nura helped him in the battle.
5. Jaswant shot himself to death.
6. Chinese soldiers caught the man who supplied food.
7. He was awarded the Mahavir Chakra.
1. Jaswant stayed back in his post.
2. Sela and Nura helped him in the battle.
3. He fired weapons from seperate points.
4. He killed 300 chinese soldiers in the battle.
5. Chinese soldiers caught the man who supplied food.
6. Jaswant shot himself to death.
7. He was awarded the Mahavir Chakra.
D. Try your own.

Flag of a country (தேசியக் கொடி) : Our national flag has three stripes.
E. Speak and win.
Collect more information about Jaswant Singh and the incidents and speak it in front of your class.
Good morning everyone. Now
I am going to speak about
Jaswant Singh……………….
Jaswant Singh Rawat, MVC (19 August 1941 – 17 November 1962) was an Indian Army soldier serving in the Garhwal Rifles who was awarded the prestigious Maha Vir Chakra posthumously as a result of his actions during the battle of Nuranang in present-day Arunachal Pradesh, India, during the Sino-Indian War.
A. Read the passage and colour one flag each time you read.
Our national emblem is taken from Ashoka’s pillar at Sarnath. It is found on all government documents, coins, currency notes, postcards and envelopes. It consists of four lions standing back to back but, we can see only three lions at a time. There is a Dharma chakra in the centre of the base plate, with the figure of a bull in the right and that of a horse in the left. The entire structure is sitting on a lotus. The words ‘Sathyameva Jayate’ are written under it in Devanagari script. These words mean, ‘Truth alone Triumphs’.

B. Choose the picture for the passage.

C. Answer the following
1. Where is our national emblem taken from?
Our national emblem is taken from Ashoka’s pillar at Sarnath.
2. Where is our national emblem found?
It is found on all government documents, coins, currency notes, postcards and envelopes.
3. What does ‘Sathyameva Jayate’ mean?
These words mean, ‘Truth alone Triumphs’.
4. What are the animals found in the emblem?
A bull and a horse are found in the emblem.
Write the hungry fox story on your own by looking at the pictures and using the clues given under each picture.

There, it, was, searched, a fox, in forest, hungry, very, tired, Food, every where.
It, saw, wanted, jumped, grape plant, to eat, high, to pluck, the fruits, Many times.
It, The fruit, I, couldn’t reach, gave up, said, don’t want, would be, the fruits, trying, to himself, sour.
1. There was a fox in the forest. It was very hungry. It searched for food everywhere. It became tired.
2. It saw a grape plant. He wanted to eat fruits. But they were very high. The fox tried to pluck the fruits. He jumped at the fruits many times.
3. It could not reach the fruits. So it gave up trying. He said to himself “The fruits are sour. I don’t want them”.
I Can Do
A. Look at the picture and answer the following.

India map (இந்திய வரைபடம்) : India is our country.
B. Divide the following words.
Garden, reason, turkey, peanut, skyblue
gar / den
rea / son
tur / key
pea / nut
sky / blue
C. List out the words under each group and divide them.
sunset, market, feature, moonlight, purple, creature

D. Recite the poem ‘Patriotism’.
E. Fill in the blanks with in, on, at.
1. She wakes up at 5 ’o’ clock.
2. In summer, we have more holidays.
3. We celebrate Independence day on 15th August, every year.
4. He walks usually in the morning.
Learning Outcome
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the balloon when they achieve the learning outcome.