English : Term 2 Unit 2 : Sports
Karate makes me brave and bold. Would you like to learn it?


The Strength in his Weakness
Akilan was an active and energetic boy. He liked sports as much as studies. They were like his eyes. How could he choose one over the other? He had a passion for sports. So he spent most of his evenings in the playground. Healso remembered his father’s words “Learn well, live well!”. So, Akilan used to spend his mornings on studies. His physical education teacher was his inspiration. The teacher was good at Judo. His passion for learning Judogrew every day. He was afraid that his interest in Judo would upset his parents. Finally, one day, Akilan told his parents about his passion for Judo and also showed the medals he won in sports. His parents were astonished on seeing the medals and certificates that he won in school.

After a few months, in an accident, Akilan lost his left hand. That day onwards he did not go out of house often. He used to sit in a corner. His parents were keen to fulfil their son’s passion. His father showed an advertisement of a Judo school that he came across in a newspapper. Akilan saw the advertisement, his passion for Judo energised him. He asked his father if he could join the school. His father with tears of joy, got him admitted in the Judo school. Akilan was very excited on his first day in Judo school. His master was the best Judo teacher in the town. His master trained him the basics before teaching the advanced skills.
Everyone wondered how a boy with one arm could master Judo. Akilan learnt and practised consistently for two years. He practised only a single stroke for two years. Akilan was surprised and annoyed as his master taught him only one stroke but, soon he mastered the stroke.
What can be the reason for the master to teach the boy only one stroke? Discuss.
No one could excel him in that stroke. To everyone’s surprise, Akilan was picked by the master for “National Judo Competition”. Everyone ridiculed Akilan and his master, as they were not sure how a boy with one hand could win a national competition! To everyone’s surprise, Akilan easily defeated all his six contenders with his single stroke. Akilan reached the finals.

Akilan’s heart was beating fast, and he could not believe that he was in the finals. The final match began, and it had a total of six rounds. The opponent was very strong and defeated Akilan easily in the first two rounds. The referee blew his whistle then, Akilan’s master rushed to him and said, “Believe yourself. The key to success is to focus on your strengths and not your weakness.”
Akilan felt some new energy rushing through him. He did not want to lose this match. Akilan understood the hidden hint his master gave him. He had to focus on his single stroke and not on the strength of the opponent.
Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Four strokes and four knockouts. Akilan had won the finals. He was the champion!
Akilan thanked his master for training him and for believing in him. Soon, Akilan’s curiosity took over, and he asked, “How did I win the competition with a single stroke?” His master told him, “My dear, you learnt the most difficult stroke in Judo that very few can master. If your opponent wants to beat you, they should hold your left hand. This is the secret behind your victory!”

passion : strong emotion
inspiration : mentally stimulated to do something creative
wondered : to think with a feeling of surprise
excel : exceptionally good
ridiculed : teased
A. Choose the correct option.
1. His father wanted him to do well in studies.
a. Cricket
b. studies
c. Kabbadi
2. Akilan’s passion is to learn Judo.
a. Karate
b. Judo
c. Kalari
3. Master trained Akilan on a single stroke.
a. two strokes
b. many strokes
c. single stroke
4. Akilan learnt Judo for two years.
a. three years
b. two years
c. one year
B. Name the character or speaker.
1. “Believe yourself.” – Akilan’s Master
2. “Learn well, live well!” – Akilan’s father
3. “How did I win the competition with a single stroke?” – Akilan
4. “My dear, you learnt the most difficult stroke in Judo.” – Akilan’s master
C. Answer the following questions.
1. Who was Akilan’s inspiration?
His Physical Education Teacher was Akilan’s inspiration.
2. How did he lose his hand?
He lost his hand in an accident.
3. What was his master’s advice?
His master advised him to believe in himself. He said that Akilan should focus on his strengths, not on his obstacles.
4. Why did everyone ridicule the boy?
The people did not know how a boy with one hand could win a national competition. So they ridiculed him.
5. How did he win the match?
His master’s advice energised Akilan. He focused on his single stroke without thinking about the strength of the opponent. So Akilan won the match.

As the father said the words big and huge have similar meanings.
There are many words that have the same meaning. Let us see.

Read the sentences and write the word with same meanings for the underlined words.
(small, sick, large, glad, stone, leap)
I ate the big apple. large
This is a little dog. small
I threw a rock in the lake. stone
I am so happy. glad
Circle the differences between the following pictures.

In picture 1
i. The sun is happy.
ii. The tree is tall.
iii. The pond is full of water.
In picture 2
i. The sun is sad.
ii. The tree is short.
iii. The pond is empty.
The words that denote differences in the above pictures give the opposite meaning.
Happy is the opposite of sad.
Tall is the opposite of short.
Full is the opposite of empty.
Fill in the blanks with the correct opposites.
(bright, huge, full, bottom)
Is this bottle empty? No, it is full.
Is this a small tree? No, it is huge.
Is he standing on top? No, he is at the bottom.
Is this a dark room? No, it is bright.

The Swimmer
She stands still and tall,
She seems greater than all.
She dives like the fish,
To be like her, one can only wish.
She swims with perfect flight,
Her strokes like dancing light.
She breathes air,
And rips across the water with flair.
Up ahead, the audience cheer,
She knows that the finish line is near.
She picks up her pace,
As she wants to win the race.
Straining with all her might,
She never gives up the fight.
As she reaches the wall,
Her name as winner they call.
Note to the teacher: Sing the song with actions. Encourage children to listen and sing along with actions.
strokes : a particular style of moving the arms and legs in swimming.
rips : pull (something) quickly or forcibly
cheer : expressing good wishes
flair : ability / talent
strain : force
give up : surrender
A. Take out the correct rhyming pair from the poem and match with the given word.

B. Answer the following.
1. How did the girl seem?
The girl seemed still and tall. She was taller than the other swimmers.
2. How were her strokes?
Her strokes were perfect. They were like dancing light.
3. Why did the audience cheer?
She was the first to come near the wall. So the audience cheered at her.
4. Why did she pick up her pace?
4. Did she give up the fight?
No, she did not give up the fight. She tried hard and beat her opponents.
Let us recall.
A conjunction is a word that joins two words or sentences.
He has a pencil and a paper. (and/or/but )
He has a ball but not a bat. (and/or/but)
Do you want apple or pear? ( and/or/but )
Let us see some more connecting words.

1. I can not go out because it is raining.
2. He missed the bus because he came late.
3. She did not buy the book because she had no money.
In the above sentences the word because is used to explain the reason for the first event.

1. Priya was sick so she consulted a doctor.
2. He came late so he missed the bus.
3. She had no money so she did not buy the book
In this sentences the word so is used to explain the result of the first event.
A. Match the following
1. The cat was hungry – because I had a headache.
2. I was on leave – so it ate a fish.
3. He was afraid of the dog – because she had to attend function.
4. She went home early – so he ran away.
1. The cat was hungry – so it ate a fish
2. I was on leave – because I had a headache
3. He was afraid of the dog – so he ran away.
4. She went home early – because she had to attend function.
B. Fill in the blanks with correct connecting words.
( because, so )
1. He ate two chocolates so he got cough.
2. The rat ran fast because a cat was chasing it.
3. He missed his purse so he was sad.
4. Tom left the class because he was sick.
5. He lost the key so he couldn’t open his room.
Listen to the audio and answer the questions.
1. What does the red signal mean?
a) to go
b) to stop
2. What does the green signal mean?
a) to wait
b) to go
3. When do we cross the zebra crossing?
a) when vehicles are stopped
b) when vehicle are going
4. Why do we wear helmet?
a) to avoid head injury
b) to get rid of sunlight.
5. Can we use cellphone while driving?
a) Yes
b) No

I lost my path.
Please call my parents.
Could you please call my parents?
Note to the teacher: Make the children practise these phrases and give them different scenarios to practise.
Practice Makes a Man Perfect

Long ago, there lived an archer named Uthaman. During his time, the forests and animals filled the lands. He was a skilled archer and could perform wonderful feats of archery. He could hit the centre of the target precisely, no matter how far the target was. He was also a show off. He liked to show his skills for the crowds to admire.
One day, as usual, he was shooting arrows at the targets. The admirers watched in awe. At that time a man with a beard as white as snow, carrying oil gourds, joined the crowd and stood at the back. As Uthaman finished, the crowd clapped and cheered for him except the oil seller. He neither clapped nor cheered.
Suddenly with a deep and loud tone, he said, “It‛s just a matter of practice!” Uthaman got annoyed. The irritated Uthaman asked, “Are you an archer? Do you think anyone can do what I do?”
The old man said calmly, “No sir, I am not an archer. I don’t doubt your skills. All I said was that, everything was a matter of practice.” Uthaman was red in anger. “What do you know to pass such thoughtless comments on others? Who are you?”
“Sir, there is no reason to be angry. I am a simple oil seller. I am sure you must have guessed that by seeing my gourds. I fill these gourds with oil and sell them. Over the years, I have achieved some skill in filling the gourds. If you allow, I will show it to you.” said the old man. Uthaman, in a mocking tone, said, “Hmm… Show us your skills.”
Everyone was curious. They wanted to see what would happen next. The crowd inched closer to get a clear view of the oil seller. Unfazed by the crowd and by habit, the oil seller was calm.
He patiently placed an empty gourd on the ground. He then placed a small coin on the mouth of the gourd. The small coin made of copper had a small hole at its centre. The oil seller stood up, took some oil in his ladle and began to pour oil into the gourd. From the height he poured the oil, it went straight into the gourd through the hole in the coin. When the oil seller had finished filling the gourd, he lifted the coin. He showed people that the coin did not have any trace of oil.

The crowd was shocked to silence. Then, one person cheered and soon, the entire crowd burst into a loud cheer for the oil seller. The oil seller smiled and said, “As I told, there is nothing special about it. It‛s only a matter of practice.”
Uthaman was just as surprised as the crowd. He smiled and said, “You have taught me something today. Thank you.”
A. Choose the correct answer.
1. Uthaman was skilled in archery.
a) painting
b) archery
c) dance
2. The old man was carrying gourds of oil.
a) gourds of oil
b) gourds of milk
c) gourds of water
3. The old man is an oil seller.
a) a vegetable vender
b) an oil seller
c) a merchant
4. The old man put a small coin on the mouth of the gourd.
a) a piece of paper
b) a small coin
c) a small stick
B. Answer the following questions.
1. What did the archer want to show to the crowd?
The archer was good at archery. He wanted to show his feats of archery to the crowd.
2. Why did Uthaman become angry with the old man?
The old man did not admire the skill of Uthaman. He simply said that it was a matter of practice. So Uthaman became angry with the old man.
3. What did the oil seller perform?
The oil seller put a gourd on the ground. He placed a coin on the mouth of it. The coin had a small hole. The oil seller stood up. He poured the oil into the gourd through the small hole in the coin. The oil did not spill on the coin. It filled the gourd without spillage.
4. What was the lesson learnt by Uthaman?
We can learn anything with years of practice. The skill we achieve is a matter of practice,
C. Try your own.

Bow : a weapon with an arch used for shooting arrows (வில்) : Arjun carried a bow and arrows (Noun)
D. Speak and win.
Join in any group. Pick and support any one of the characters. Say some sentences for the one you support and say some sentences against the another one to win.

I support the archer”
He was good at archery.
He was a good shooter
He shot the.arrow at the centre of the target.
I support the old man
He was good at filling oil.
He had the skill of concentration.
He filled the oil through a small hole without spilling.
Read the passage three times and colour a trophy for each time.
We had our annual sports day on the 15th of this month. It was fun. They decorated the school and the playground. There was the March past. The headmaster started the event. There were races, jumps and other events. Martin and I took part in 100 and 200 meters race. In 100 meters race, I came first. I got a gold medal. My friend Ravi got first in 200 meters. The girl’s team won the relay race. In the long jump, Rubesh won the first prize. He is in the sixth grade. Yasmin was the champion of the year. The events closed with a giving away the prizes.

Tick (✔) the champion of the year

Write the events won by these players.


Note to the teacher: Give the same kind of application form for participating in state level open meet and add it to their Portfolio.
I Can Do
A. Answer the following.

Prize cup (பரிசு க் கோப்பை) : I won a gold cup in badminton
B. Write the words with same meaning for the following pictures.

C. Write the opposites for the following pictures.

D. Recite the poem ‘The Swimmer’.
E. Match the correct rhyming words.
nature – herd
bird – race
face – creature
nature – creature
bird – herd
face – race
F. Complete the sentences using connecting words
( because so )
1. I worked hard so I got promotion.
2. I was late because there was a heavy traffic.
3. I missed the bus so I took a taxi.
Learning Outcome
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the balloon when they achieve the learning outcome.