English : Term 3 Unit 2 : We are one
We are one
I want peace for all in the world. Do you?


The Cracked Coffee Cup
Kani was waiting for her parents to return from work. She was eager to talk to her parents about her day at school. Suddenly, Teddy, the dog ran to the gate with his favorite pillow.
“Teddy, where are you running?” asked Kani.

Kani ran after Teddy to see where he was going. Kani’s parents were at the gate. Teddy was so happy to see them and he took his pillow as a sign of welcoming them. Teddy would not stop wagging his tail and followed them until they pet him. Kani didn’t wait for a moment and started talking about her day to her parents.
It was a Saturday morning. At 9 AM, while Kani was painting, Teddy again ran to the gate with his pillow.
“Teddy, parents are here and where are you running again?” asked Kani.
Kani again ran after him. This time it was Selvi, the house helper at the gate. Teddy would not stop wagging his tail and followed her until she pet him. Selvi then started cleaning the house and every time she walked near Teddy, he would wag his tail. Kani walked into the kitchen where Selvi was cleaning the vessels. Near the kitchen sink, Kani saw an old, cracked cup with coffee in it. After finishing all the work at home, Selvi drank the coffee.

At around 12 PM, while Kani and Teddy were in the garden, she heared someone whistling.Teddy again ran to the gate with his pillow.
“Teddy, Selvi akka left an hour ago and where are you running again?” asked Kani.
Kani again ran after him. This time it was Muthu. Muthu collects garbage from every house. Teddy would not stop wagging his tail until Muthu pet him. Kani ran to the kitchen to pick up the garbage bag.
“Kani, will you eat these sweets? There are only two left and it is getting old.” asked Kani’s mom.

“No, I won’t eat”, replied Kani.
“There is also some leftover rice from yesterday. I will pack both the sweets and rice. We can give it to Muthu,” said Kani’s mom.
Kani drops off the garbage and gave Muthu the leftover food.
After an hour, Kani’s father prepared Kani’s favorite biryani. Kani’s family sat to have lunch.
“We are having guests at home, Kani”, said her mom.
“Who is coming?” asked Kani.
“Rani aunty and her 2-year-old son Anbu are coming from America,” replied her mom.
“I am very excited to play with Anbu. At what time are they coming?”
“Around 5 PM” replied her mom.
“Before they come home, you take Teddy for a walk. Ok?” said Kani’s father.
“Sure,” said Kani.
After a few hours of nap, Kani parents started preparing dinner for Rani aunty. Kani’s mom took the new dinner plates, cups and spoons from the cupboard and cleans them.
Kani took Teddy out for a walk. While crossing a provision store at the end of the street, Teddy suddenly started running.
“Teddy, why are you running again?” asked Kani.
Kani ran with Teddy while holding his leash very tightly.
This time it was Amar, the provision shop owner who was standing outside the shop. Teddy ran to him and would not stop wagging his tail until Amar pet him. There was a dog lying outside the shop. Kani remembered how some people would throw stones at this dog. While she was thinking about it, Teddy started playing with that dog. Kani pet the other dog.
After a few minutes, Teddy and Kani started walking into the next street.
Teddy started running again.
“Oh no.Teddy, not again. Why are you running again? Who was it now?”, said Kani.
This time it was Mary. She was a differently abled person who sells candles outside a church. Teddy ran to her and would not stop wagging his tail until she pet him. They continued walking. Teddy and Kani finally reached home and were ready to welcome guests. Kani’s family had a great time with Rani aunty and her son. After a long day, they all went to sleep.
Kani was sleeping and suddenly saw flashes of the broken coffee cup, leftover food, the street dog getting hit by stones in her dream. Kani woke up very disturbed. She looked around. She drank water and went back to sleep. After a while, Kani saw flashes of Teddy playing with Mary, Muthu and Anbu. Kani woke up again but this time with tears filled in her eyes. She realized how Teddy was compassionate and how he loved everyone equally. At that moment, Kani decided that she will also treat everyone equally with love and respect. She hugged Teddy and kissed him. Teddy wagged his tail and both went back to sleep.

Kani narrated the entire dream to her parents. Kani parents didn’t say a word and remained very quiet. The same day at 9 am, Teddy ran to the gate with his pillow. It was Selvi again. Selvi started doing her routine of cleaning dishes. Kani walked into the kitchen to see a new coffee cup on the counter. Kani smiled and walked back to the room with a renewed hope.
Leftover : extra / excess
differently abled : a person who is physically disabled
flash : Sudden burst of bright light
disturbed : troubled
renewed : to start freshly
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Teddy took his pillow as a sign of welcoming them.
a. giving fare well
b. welcoming
c. scolding
2. Kani and Teddy were in the garden at 12 PM (12 Noon)
a. 11 PM
b. 10 PM
c. 12 PM (12 Noon )
3. Muthu collected garbage from every house.
a. food
b. garbage
c. clothes
4. Anbu was 2 year old boy.
a. 3 year
b. 4 year
c. 2 year
5. Kani took Teddy out for a walk.
a. Part
b. walk
c. School
B. Answer the questions.
1. Why did Kani run to the kitchen?
Kani ran to the kitchen to see Selvi cleaning the vessels.
2. Where did Kani see the old cracked cup?
Kani saw the old cracked cup near the kitchen sink.
3. Who were the guest to Kani’s home?
Kani’s aunt Rani and her two year old son Anbu were the guests.
4. What did Kani realize in the story?
Kani realized that we should treat everyone equally with love and respect.
5. Do you think you treat everyone equally? Justify with an example.
Yes, I treat everyone equally. One of my classmates Mani comes from a poor family. He is shy and reserved. But I treat him equally and move with him freely. In fact, I treat him as my best friend.
Look at the words in pink.

The words vet, lab and zoo are called clipped words.
why such words needed?
Clipped words are a short form of a word, which makes them easier to spell and write.
Here are some more words

A. Math the clipped word and write it on the line.
1. spectacles : auto
2. microphone : maths
3. automobile : cent
4. mathematics : mic
5. centum : specs
1. spectacles : specs
2. microphone : mic
3. automobile : auto
4. mathematics : maths
5. centum : cent
B. Write down clipped words for the given pictures

cent, photo, fridge, hippo, gym
C. Write the correct clipped words on the line.
1. I saw him in the lab (laboratory).
2. I have exam (examination) next week.
3. She acted in the ad (advertisement) first time.
4. She bought a new fridge (refrigerator).
5. I saw some wild animals in the zoo (zoological park).

The Dreamer
There are no diversity,
It isn’t hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for.
Am I a dreamer?
I hope not the only one,
Will you join me?
To make the world as one.
All that belongs to you is shared,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger.
Am I a dreamer?
I hope not the only one,
Will you join me?
To make the world as one.
imagine : think
hope : confident
belong : to be a part
share : distribute
wonder : surprise
greed : excessive desire
hunger : desire for food
A. Answer the following questions.
1. How are we divided in real world?
In real world, we are divided by caste, colour, language and religion.
2. Does the poet want diversity? why?
No, the poet does not want diversity because he wants us to live in unity.
3. Do you like this kind of world?
Yes, I like this kind of world.
B. Imagine your world and write its qualities in the cloud.

Free from injustice and inequality, Peaceful and Prosperous, Free from war and disputes, Earth greet and fertile, With Humanity and Hospitality

A king went to a forest on a horse. He stopped under a tree to rest and tied his horse there. A loin from a distance saw him and he also saw it. He took his horse and fled away.
In above story the coloured words are used instead of nouns King and lion. These words are called pronouns. Pronouns are used in the place of a noun. When we have to repeat a noun we should use a pronoun instead of the noun.

Try this.

Now we are going to learn new pronoun that is reflexive pronoun.

In the above example the coloured word denotes reflexive pronoun. A reflexive pronoun is used when something does something to itself.
A. Choose the correct reflexive pronoun.
1. Each morning, I brush my teeth and stare at myself the mirror.
a. himself
b. herself
c. myself
d. itself
2. Dad and I painted the trailer ourselves.
a. myself
b. himself
c. itself
d. ourselves
3. The children made holiday decorations by themselves.
a. itself
b. ourselves
c. themselves
d. their selves
4. Paul copies his friend’s homework instead of doing it himself.
a. itself
b. himself
c. myself
d. yourself
5. Please make yourselves at home while you wait.
a. themselves
b. himself
c. yourselves
d. herself
B. Complete the sentence with correct reflexive pronoun.
1. I like myself.
2. She put herself into the trouble.
3. Teachers teach themselves a new lesson every day.
4. The machine will destroy itself once its task is done.
5. You made it harder for yourself.
( Myself, yourself, himself, herself, Itself, ourselves, themselves)
C. Listen to the audio and tick where the following statements are true or false.
It is my first day at school. Mummy is holding my hand and walking with me. “I am grown up now,” I say. “Let go, let go!” Mummy holds my hand very tight. There are many children near the school. They come by bus. They come by car. They come by rickshaw. They cycle. They walk, like me. We reach the gate. Mummy lets go of my hand. She stays at the gate. I have to go inside alone. There are many new faces all around me. I take one step. I take another step. I look back. Mummy gets smaller as I walk away. Will she disappear? I run back to her. I don’t feel so grown up. I hold her hand. “Don’t go away,” I say. Everyone is inside now. I am the only one outside. The teacher comes out. She smiles at me. I smile back. Mummy says, “Rani, I will be here when you come out.” I let go of her hand. She waves to me. I run inside. Mummy will be there after school!
1. It is the first day at school. ✔True/False
2. All the children are coming only by bus. True/False✔
3. There are many children outside. True/False✔
4. She hold her mom’s hand very tight. True/False✔
5. Teacher smiles at Rani. ✔True/False
Note to the teacher: Scan the QR code to listen to the audio. Let the children listen to the audio and answer the question. The listening passage is given at the end.
Let us learn to enact the story.

Steps to follow to enact.
Step 1 : Look at the pictures.
Step 2 : Decide in your pair who will be the lion and who will be the rat.
Step 3 : Decide the scenes. (Hint: Each picture is a scene)
Step 4 : Make dialogues for each scene and practise it. Some dialogues that will help you are: “Oh lion! Please leave me. I can save you in danger.” , “How will you save me? Now run before I eat you.” , “Oh king, I am happy I could help you.” and “Thank you rat for saving me.”
Step 5: Act it to the class!
1. Rat: Oh, lion! Please leave me. I can save you in danger
2. Lion: You, little rat. How can you save me? Run before I eat you.
3. Lion: Alas! I am caught in a net. Can anyone help me?
4. Rat: Oh, king! I am happy I could help you. I’ll set you free from the net.
Lion: Thank you rat for saving me.
Note to the teacher: Give two more picture stories for children to enact with some key words for making dialogues.
The New Start
Tenzin, a boy from Tibet was forced to out of his country. He writes about his experience in his journal. Let us read about his experience.

My name is Tenzin. I am from Tibet. From Tibet, we first migrated to Himachal Pradesh in India. While we lived in a refugee camp in India, I learnt a few words of English. From Himachal Pradesh, we moved to Karnataka.
My family had a hard time adjusting to this new country. We moved many times. We first lived in McLeod Ganj, and then we moved to Mysore. And from Mysore, we went to Gurupura and then to Kollegal. I was tired and homesick. Finally, we decided to come back and settle in Gurupura.
Beginning a new life in a new place was not easy. We didn’t understand the system in India. We didn’t know how to get a house. Shopping for food was the most difficult job. We didn’t know the names of the items we wanted to buy.
We asked the Refugee Relief Group to help us. They arranged a house for us and showed us where to buy what we needed. They even helped us get admission to the school close to our house. I started going to school. In the beginning, I didn’t understand anything. I often thought of my friends in Tibet. I would cry every day after I returned from school. I wanted to go back to my school and my friends.
Every year we need to go to the government office and get our book signed. Mother says that, if we miss getting it signed then we will have to leave India too.
Now, I have made friends here. There is Julie, my art and craft teacher. She is a very nice person. She helps me learn English words. Miss Malliga is also a wonderful teacher. She teaches me computers. I have a friend whose name is Binsa. She is from Nepal. She didn’t know English either when she came here. Now we learn and practise English together. There is Nimmi who fights with everyone who teases us. And I must not forget to mention Charles, who taught me how to play baseball.

I often wonder, how would it be if I had lived in the same place all my life? I miss my home in Tibet. But that does not mean that I am not grateful to India, its people and the government. While many people are my friends, there are still many who look at us as though we were aliens. Sometimes, I want to tell them that we are humans too. We live on Earth too, just a different part of Earth.
Our history teacher tells us that is people who made the boundaries of the countries. We drew the lines before, we draw the lines now, and we will continue to draw new lines. I think we would not stop braving likes unless we realise that we are all one! We all are humans, and we live together on Earth. We need to share and grow with each other.
Now, that I think of this. I wonder if we did not have the boundaries, will we need weapons? Will we need protection from our own people? Does an eagle ever need to be saved from another eagle? Then, why do people have to be saved from other people?
Which quality makes ‘world is one and human is one’?
I want to help people realise that we are all one.And that, it is up to us to see beyond the boundaries and connect as people.Only then we can fight the real evil of greed and injustice in the world, together.
I want to end by saying that I am happy now. My mother says we can be happy anywhere. I enjoy being here. Many people are very nice and helpful. I still remember my friends and my school in Tibet. I want to visit them when I grow up to tell them that we live in a wonderful world. To tell them that the world can be united only by its people.
Come, join me on this journey to make this world better.
A safer place. A happier place. A place with no boundaries.
A. Fill in the blanks
1. Tenzin is from Tibet.
2. Tenzin’s family first lived in Himachal Pradesh.
3. If we didn’t have boundaries, we don’t need weapons.
4. Nimmi fights with everyone in school.
5. Miss Malliga teaches computers.
B. Answer the following questions.
1. Who helped Tenzin in learning English words?
Julie the art and craft teacher helped Tenzin in learning English words.
2. Name the places that Tenzin’s family lived in.
Tenzin’s family lived in Tibet, Himachal Pradesh, McLeod Ganj and Mysore.
3. What are the difficulties they faced in India?
They didn’t understand the system in India. They didn’t know how to get a house. Shopping for food was the most difficult job. They didn’t know the names of the items they wanted to buy.
4. Why did Tenzin cried every day?
Tenzin thought of his school and his friends. So he cried every day.
5. Why it is important for people to live without boundaries?
When we live without boundaries we can share things and grow with each other. We may not need weapons and protection from others. People can live together without greed and injustice.
C. Try your own.

D. Speak and win.
Join in any group. Pick and support or oppose any one of the characters. Say some sentences for the one you support and say some sentences against the other one, to win.

Read the passage 3 times and colour the dove for each time.
A leader and his followers went to Ooty. They shared stories to forget thigh pain from their tired legs. They decided to take some rest. When they were crossing a river, the leader saw a poisonous scorpion floating in the river. It was going die in the water. The leader wanted to save it but it bit him. Seeing this, the followers asked him the reason of why he tried helping it even if it bite him. The leader said that helping others is the nature of human and biting is the nature of the insect.

1. Where were they going?
They were going to Ooty.
2. What did the leader see on the river?
The leader saw a scorpion floating in the river.
3. What is main idea of the text?
We can’t change the nature of any one
How to write a paragraph
We already know to write a paragraph, what are the parts of a paragraph?
Topic, Introduction, Explanation and Conclusion.
Today, we will learn to write paragraphs with not 3 but 5 details. Can we try?
Write a paragraph on the topic ‘Park’

A park has many trees and plants.
The plants are trimmed and kept neat.
A park also has a number of potted plants.
There are benches and well-laid paths in a park.
There are swings, seasaws and slides for children to paly.
I Can Do
A. Answer the following.

Refrigerator (குளிர்சாதன பெட்டி) : We use the refrigerator to keep vegetables fresh.
B. Match the clipped words.
1. Photo – mathematics
2. Math – centum
3. Cent – photograph
1. Photo-photograph
2. Math-mathematics
3. Cent-centum
C. Fill the blank with the clipped word.
1. We bought a new fridge. (refrigerator)
2. He broke his specs. (spectacles)
3. We visited the zoo. (zoological park)
D. Circle the pronouns
An old man lived in the village. He was one of the most unfortunate people in the world. The whole village was tired of him; he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was always in a bad mood.
E. Fill in the blanks with pronoun.
1 .Every morning, I brush my teeth and stare at myself in the mirror.
a .himself
b. herself
c. myself
d. itself
2. The children made holiday decorations by themselves.
a. itself
b. themselves
c. theirselves
F. Recite any 4 lines of the poem with intonation.
Learning Outcome
Now I can…

Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the balloon when they achieve the learning outcome.