English : Term 1 Unit 1 : Supplementary : Owlie
A. Identify the character/ speaker.
1. Owlie’s gone! Answer: Payal
2. She opened one eye and then the other. Answer: Owlie
3. Don’t panic. Answer: Mother
B. Choose the correct answer from the options given.
1. The owlet was brown and grey. (brown and grey / white and grey)
2. In Payal’s family, they were all non-vegetarian. (non-vegetarian / vegetarian)
3. The cage was shifted to the library. (library / living room)
C. Read the passage and answer the questions.
Payal and her mother started talking bravely about where to bury Owlie. Just then, Owlie opened one eye and then the other. She got out her feet and quietly climbed the perch! Payal learnt later that falling on her back and pretending to be dead was Owlie’s way of defending herself against danger.
1. Why did Payal and her mother want to bury Owlie?
When Payal’s mother fed Owlie with small peace of squished meat Owlie fell off her perch on to the floor of the cage and laid on her back on the floor in the cage with feet up in the air. Payal and her mother thought that Owlie is dead. So they wanted to by Owlie.
2. What did Owlie do then?
Owlie opened one of her eye and then the other.
3. What did Payal learn from Owlie’s pretence?
Payal learnt that Owlie falling on her back and pretending to be dead was Owlie’s way of defending herself againt danger.
D. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences in the correct order.
• Payal’s house was a home for abandoned animals.
• It was a small ball of brown and grey.
• She found an owlet in one corner.
• Payal’s mother picked her up gently.
• Payal’s mother opened the carton.
• One day they got a carton.
• Payal’s house was a home for abandoned animals. [1]
• One day they got a carton. [2]
• Payal’s mother opened the carton. [3]
• She found an owlet in one corner. [4]
• It was a small ball of brown and grey. [5]
• Payal’s mother picked her up gently. [6]
E. Discuss in pairs. Then write the answers.
1. What kind of a girl was Payal? What did she like? How did she behave with animals and people?
Payal was a kind hearted emotional girl. She liked to take care of abandoned animals. Payal loved animals she used to see to it that the cage was cleaned everyday, and search tacts about every birds or animals. She used to fill water bowl and squish the meat and feed Owlie and other birds and animals in her house. She also enabled to the birds to learn flying.
2. Do you think Owlie was happy to be with Payal? Give reasons for your answer.
Owlie was very happy to be with Payal. Owlie liked the way payal is taking care of itself and that is why Owlie came back to Payal even though she knows to fly.
F. *Listen to the teacher read the passage. Watch this website: https://sstcn.org/ Then write a paragraph on Students’ Turtle walk Chennai 2017.
The Student’s of Sea Turtle Conservation Network (SSTCN) is a voluntary group mainly comprising students who have been working in the beaches of Chennai since 1987 trying to conserve and create awareness about the endangered Olive Ridley sea turtle. During the nesting seasons they walk in the beach every night looking for their eggs which they collect and relocate to a safe place. When the turtle hatchlings emerge after 45 days, they release them safely into the sea. On Friday and Saturday nights they conduct a walk for interested people. They use this opportunity to interact with them and create awareness about the plight of an endangered species and the state of the government.
G. Write a caption for these pictures. One is done for you.

Help the needy
Ban Plastic Bags
Grow Trees
Save Rain Water
H. Find their group name and write them in the blanks. One is done for you.
eg: elephant, tiger, lion, monkey – Land animals
1. eel, seal, walrus, seahorse Marine Animals
2. pearl, coral, conch, oil Underwater Animals
3. submarine, ship, yacht, ferry Marine transport
4. kite surfing, scuba diving, parasailing Water sports
5. albatross, penguin, pelican, fish hawk aquatic birds
ICT Corner
Sea Turtles
Experience the life of a sea turtle by playing the sea turtle game
Screen shot of the sea turtle game platform:

1. Scan the QR code. It will go to a website.
2. You can see a link for the software / application.
3. Click the link to download the software / application.
4. open the game and you can move the turtle by using the pointers.
5. Like this you can find more games on sea turtles. Locate the appropriate one and use it.
Steps to install the game
Step – 1
Type the word, ‘sea turtle’ in the search bar of the Android play store
Step – 2
Install the game and play it using the pointers
Step – 3
You can install similar such applications from play store

Language Activity
Share your views about the aquatic animals with your friend after playing this turtle game.