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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Books Sea Turtles

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Books Sea Turtles

English Book: Term 1 – Unit 1 – Prose: Sea Turtles

Fill in the table given below.


survive – continue to live

mysteries – facts thar are difficult to understand

fascinating – attracting greatly

decade – a period of ten years


A. Choose the correct answers. You may choose more than one answer if needed.

1. The ___________________ is a biological relative of tortoises.

a. sea turtle

b. fish

c. reptile

Answer: sea turtle

2. In India’s coastal waters we can see a species of ___________________.

a. tortoises

b. sea turtles

c. dolphin

Answer: sea turtles

3. Sea turtles come to the shore to___________________.

a. visit their birth place

b. lay eggs

c. go back to sea

Answer: lay eggs

4. It is a problem for sea turtles to come ashore because ___________________.

a. they find it difficult to walk on sand

b. they don’t know their way to the shore

c. animals and people hunt them

Answer: they find it difficult to walk on sand

5. A turtle’s flippers help it to ___________________.

a. swim

b. dig a nest

c. climb

Answer: swim

6. A sea turtle camouflages its nest by tossing sand on it to ___________________.

a. hide its eggs from predators

b. incubate eggs in the warmth of the sun

c. keep the hatchlings safe

Answer: incubate eggs in the warmth of the sun


B. Find any five words related to sea from the text (Sections I & II).

Write them below. Then use the words to frame sentences of your own.

eg: beach – We like to play in the sandy beach.

Entire – I like to spend my entire life to safeguard turtles

Common – We have a common play ground for all classes

Haul – The daily wage worker has to work labouriously for 12 hours.

Warmth – When I sit next to my mother I can feel her warmth.

Escape – The students of hostel escaped themselves from the sight of warden

C. Fill in the blanks with words that convey the correct meaning of the sentences.

1. Tiny hatchlings fall prey (pray / prey) to many predators.

2. Sea turtles live their whole (hole / whole) life in the sea .

3. The turtles come ashore only during the night (night / knight).

4. The predators follow the scent (sent / scent) of the turtles to eat their eggs.

5. The female turtles lay eggs and go back to the sea (see / sea).

D. Use the clues and fill in the crossword puzzle.

1. This word rhymes with seen.  

2. This animal has two horns and a spotted coat.

3. This is a huge sea animal.

4. Sounds like hair

5. Shines brightly

6. Rhymes with load


Don’t Say: I cannot see much stars in the sky.

Say: I cannot see many stars in the sky.

Note: Use many with countable plural nouns. Use much with uncountable nouns.

Don’t Say: I have little friends.

Say: I have few friends.

Note: Use few with countable nouns. Use little with uncountable nouns.

Don’t Say: Every test contains about twenty questions.

Say: Each test contains about twenty questions.

Note: Each refers to an individual object or person. Every refers to a group of objects or people.

Don’t Say: Is there any lemonade left?

Say: Is there some lemonade left?

Note: Any is used for questions and negatives. Some is used for positive.


E. Listen to the flash news. Read the questions given below, then listen to the flash news again and complete the responses.

Flash news of an escaped monkey

At 10 a.m today, a monkey escaped from the zoo. The zoo keeper was entering the cage to feed the animal when he saw it breaking through the fence. Quickly, he rang up the police station to report the escape. If you see the monkey you must inform the police on the following number.180345778

Turtle Walk Chennai 2017

The Students’ Sea Turtle Conservation Network (SSTCN) is a voluntary group mainly comprising students who have been working in the beaches of Chennai since 1987 trying to conserve and create awareness about the endangered Olive Ridley sea turtle. They nest on our beaches at night, between January and March every year. During this season we walk in the beaches every night looking for their eggs which we collect and relocate to a safe place. When the turtle hatchlings emerge after 45 days, we release them safely into the sea. On Friday and Saturday nights we conduct a walk for interested people. We use this opportunity to interact with them and create awareness about the plight of an endangered species and the state of the environment. The walks are not for entertainment.


What escaped from the zoo?

When did it escape?

How did it escape?

What did the zoo-keeper do?

When should you call or dial 180345778?


F. Look at the picture. Work in groups and give a short talk about it using the words given below.

sand waves when as soon as collect enjoy hatchlings basket boys night rough sea many eggs incubate hatchery after

Volunteers of the students’ Sea Turtle Conservation Network (SSTCN) release Olive Ridley hatchlings into the sea.

Answer: SSTCM is a Student’s Sea Turtle Conservation Network. Every night from December end to April end two or three SSTCN boys walk along the sand of Southern Coastal stretch of Chennai collecting many Olive Ridley Turtle eggs. As soon as they collect the eggs they allow the eggs to incubate in the hatchery for 45 to 60 days. After the eggs are hatched the boys collect the hatchlings in a basket and enjoy releasing them in the rough sea waves at night.



G. Make meaningful sentences from the table given below.


1. A turtle live in the sea.

2. A turtle is huge.

3. Turtles are found in coastal waters.

4. Turtles are wonderful creatures. .

5. Turtle has flippers to swim.

H. Write a suitable sentence for the pictures given below.

I. Match the two halves of the sentences and read them.

1. Sea turtles – threaten the survival of sea turtles.

2. Hatchlings – uses its front flippers to swim.

3. A turtle – come ashore to lay eggs.

4. Many factors – cut open the leathery egg shell.


1. Sea turtles – come ashore to lay eggs.

2. Hatchlings – cut open the leathery egg shell.

3. A turtle – uses its front flippers to swim.

4. Many factors – threaten the survival of sea turtles.


J. Tortoises and Turtles are not the same. Read the facts given below. List the similarities and differences between them.


• Reptile family

• H has a long life


• Live in different places tortoise in land and turtle in sea

• Turtles use flippers to swim

• Tortoise eats grass, weeds and flowers whereas turtle eats insects and bugs.

K. Write a paragraph from the contents of the table given above. Frame sentences with these words – but, as well as, whereas.

eg. A turtle as well as a tortoise belongs to the reptile family.

• A turtle as well as a tortoise belong to the reptile family.

• The tortoise as well as turtle life for many years.

• Tortoise is a land animal whereas turtle is a sea animal.

• Tortoise uses tiny feet to walk but turtle uses flippers to swim.

• Tortoise eats grass, weeds and flowers whereas turtle eats insets and bugs.


I. Describe the picture in about fifty words and give a suitable title. Make use of the words / phrases given below.

many | sea animals | wonders | ocean | fises | different colours | sizes \ varieties | rare species | deep sea | under the sea

Ocean is a wonder of different varieties of sea animals. Under the sea many sea animals are found.

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Fishes are one of the sea animals found not only on the surface of sea water but also in deep sea. Rare species of fishes with different colours and sizes are seen in deep sea.

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