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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Books English Medium From Chiefdoms to Empires

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Books English Medium From Chiefdoms to Empires

Social Science : History : Term 2 Unit 3 : From Chiefdoms to Empires

I. Choose the Correct answer

1. The Kingdom which was most powerful among the four Mahajanapadas

  1. Anga
  2. Magadha
  3. Kosala
  4. Vajji

Ans : Magadha

2. Among the following who was the contemporary of Gautama Buddha?

  1. Ajatasatru
  2. Bindusara
  3. Padmanabha Nanda
  4. Brihadratha

Ans : Ajatasatru

3. Which of the following are the sources of Mauryan period?

  1. Artha Sastra
  2. Indica
  3. Mudrarakshasa
  4. All

Ans : All

4. Chandra Gupta Maurya abdicated the thrown and went to Sravanbelgola along with Jaina Saint ______________.

  1. Badrabahu
  2. Stulabahu
  3. Parswanatha
  4. Rushabhanatha

Ans : Badrabahu

5. _______ was the ambassador of Seleucus Nicator.

  1. Ptolemy
  2. Kautilya
  3. Xerxes
  4. Megasthenese

Ans : Megasthenese

6. Who was the last emperor of Mauryan Dynasty?

  1. Chandragupta Maurya
  2. Ashoka
  3. Brihadratha
  4. Bindusara

Ans : Brihadratha

II. Match the Statement with the Reason/Tick the appropriate answer:

1. Statement (A) : Ashoka is considered as one of India’s greatest rulers.

Reason (R) : He ruled according to the principle of Dhamma.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true but R is false.
  4. A is false but R is true.

Ans : Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2. Which of the statements given below is/are correct?

Statement 1 : Chandragupta Maurya was the first ruler who unified entire India under one political unit.

Statement 2 : The Arthashastra provides information about the Mauryan administration

  1. only 1
  2. only 2
  3. both 1 and 2
  4. neither 1 nor 2

Ans : only 2

3. Consider the following statements and find out which of the following statement(s) is/are correct.

1) Chandragupta Maurya was the first king of Magadha.

2) Rajagriha was the capital of Magadha.

  1. only 1
  2. only 2
  3. both 1 and 2
  4. neither 1 nor 2

Ans : only 2

4. Arrange the following dynasties in chronological order.

  1. Nanda – Sishunaga – Haryanka – Maurya
  2. Nanda – Sishunaga –Maurya – Haryanka
  3. Haryanka – Sishunaga – Nanda – Maurya
  4. Sishunaga – Maurya – Nanda – Haryanka

Ans : Haryanka – Sishunaga – Nanda – Maurya

5. Which of the following factors contributed to the rise of Magadhan Empire?

1) Strategic location2) Thick forest supplied timber and elephant
3) Control over sea4) Availability of rich deposits of iron ores
  1. 1, 2 and 3 only
  2. 3 and 4 only
  3. 1, 2 and 4 only
  4. All of these

Ans : c. 1, 2 and 4 only

III. Fill in the blanks

1. ____________________ was the earliest capital of Magadha.

Ans : Raj agriha

2. Mudrarakshasa was written by ____________________.

Ans : Visakadatta

3. ____________________ was the son of Bindusara.

Ans : Ashoka

4. The founder of the Maurya Empire was ____________________.

Ans : Chandragupta Maurya

5. ____________________ were appointed to spread Dhamma all over the empire

Ans : Mahamattas

IV. True or False

1. The title Devanam Priya was given to Chandragupta Maurya

Ans : False

2. Ashoka gave up war after his defeat in Kalinga.

Ans : False

3. Ashoka’s Dharma was based on the principle of Buddhism.

Ans : True

4. The lions on the currency notes is taken from the Rampurwa bull capital 

Ans : False

III. Match the following:

1. GanaArthasastra
2. Megasthenesereligious tours
3. Chanakyapeople
4. DharmayatrasIndica

Ans : 1 – C, 2 – D, 3 – A, 4 – B

VI. Answer in one or two sentences:

1. Mention any two literary works

  • Secular Literature
  • Religious Literature: Vedic, Jain, Buddhist texts and Puranas

2. What is a stupa?

  • A stupa is a semi-spherical dome-like structure. It is constructed on brick or stone.
  • The buddha’s relics were placed in the centre.

3. Name the dynasties of Magadha.

Four dynasties ruled over Magadha Empire.

  • The Haryanka dynasty
  • The Shishunaga dynasty
  • The Nanda dynasty
  • The Maurya dynasty

4. What were the sources of revenue during Mauryan period?

  • The land was the most important source of revenue for the state. The land tax (bhaga) was 1/6 of the total produce.
  • Additional revenue was taxes on forests, mines, salt and irrigation.

5. Who assisted Nagarika in the administration of towns?

Sthanika and Gopa assisted Nagarika in the administration of towns.

6. What do you know from the Rock Edicts II and XIII of Ashoka?

The Rock Edicts II and XIII of Ashoka refer to the names of three dynasties.

  • Pandyas
  • Cholas
  • The Keralaputras and the Sathyaputras.

7. Which classical Tamil poetic works have the reference of Maurvans?

Mamulahar’s poem in Agananuru gives the reference of the Mauryans

VII. Answer the following :

1. What did Ashoka do to spread Buddhism?

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  • Ashoka sent his son Mahindra and daughter Sanghamitra to Srilanka to propagate Buddhism.
  • He also sent missionaries to West Asia, Egypt, and Eastern Europe to spread the message of Dharma.
  • The Dharma-mahamatras were a new cadre of officials created by Ashoka.
  • Their job was to spread dharma all over the empire.
  • Ashoka held the third Buddhist council at his capital Pataliputra.

2. Write any three causes for the rise of Magadha.

  • Magadha was located on the lower part of the Gangetic plain. The plain was fertile which ensured the rich agricultural yield. This provided income to the state.
  • The thick forests supplied timber for construction of buildings and elephants for army.
  • Abundance of natural resources especially iron enabled them to equip themselves with weapens made of iron.

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