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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Books English Medium Resources

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Books English Medium Resources

Social Science : Geography : Term 2 Unit 1 : Resources

A. Match the following:

1. Natural resourceMinerals
2. International resourceSustainable development
3. Reduce, Reuse, RecycleAir
4. Non-renewableManufacturing
5. Universal resourceAmbergris
6. Secondary activitiesForest

Ans : 1 – F, 2 – E, 3 – B, 4 – A, 5 – C, 6 – D

B) Fill in the blanks.

1. Sugarcane is processed to make ______________.

Ans : Sugar

2. Conservation of resources is ______________ use of resources.

Ans : careful

3. Resources which are confined to certain regions are called ______________.

Ans : Localise d resources 

4. ______________ resources are being used in the present.

Ans : Actual

5. ______________ resources are the most valuable resources.

Ans : Human

6. Collection of resources directly from nature is called __________.

Ans : Primary Activiti

C. Write short notes on the following :

1. Renewable resources.

  • Resources once consumed can be renewed with the passage of time are called renewable resources.
  • (e.g.) Air, Water, Sunlight.

2. Human resources.

  • Human resources are group of individuals who use nature to create more resources.
  • Example: Doctors, Teachers, Scientists.

3. Individual resources.

  • Based on ownership, resources can be classified into Individual resources, Community-owned resources, National resources and International resources.
  • Individual resources are resources privately owned by individuals? (e.g.) Apartments.

4. Tertiary activities.

  • Tertiary activities are those which render services to production and distribution of goods.
  • Example: Banking, Trade, Communications.

D. Give brief answers for the following:

1. What are resources?

  • Resource is anything that fulfills human needs. When anything is of some use it becomes valuable. All resources have value.
  • The value can be either commercial or non-commercial.

2. What are actual resources?

  • Actual resources are resources that are being used and the quantity available is known.
  • Example: Coal at Neyveli.

3. Define abiotic resources.

Abiotic resources are non-living things. Land, Water, Air and Minerals are abiotic resources.

4. What is sustainable development?

  • The present needs for resources are met.
  • The conserving of resources for the future are balanced. It is sustainable development.

E. Give short answers to the following questions.

1. Differentiate universal and localized resources.

Universal ResourcesLocalized Resources
1. Universal resources are present everywhere.1. Localized resources are present in specific regions.
2. Eg. Sunlight and air2. Eg. Minerals

2. Though human beings are natural resources, why are they classified separately?

  • Education, Health, Knowledge and Skill have made human beings a valuable resource.
  • So Human beings are classified separately. Example: Doctors, Teachers, Scientists.

3. Compare national and International

National ResourcesInternational Resources
1. National resources are resources within the political boundaries and oceanic area of a country.1. International resources are all oceanic resources found in the open ocean. Resources found in the region can be utilized only after an international agreement.
2. Eg. Tropical Forest Region of India2. Eg. Ambergris.

4. What is the difference between Man-made resources and Human resources?

Man-made ResourcesHuman Resources
1. Natural resources are modified or processed by technology.1. Groups of individuals use nature to create more resources
2. All structures built by man2. Education, Health, Knowledge and Skill have made this.

5. Write the Gandhian thought on conservation of resources.

Mahatma Gandhi blamed “human beings” for depletion of resources because of

  • over exploitation of resources
  • Unlimited needs of human beings. So, conservation is very important.

F. Give detailed answers for the following questions. (100-120 words).

1. How are natural resources classified? Explain any three with examples.

Natural resources can be classified into different groups depending on origin, development, renewability, distribution, ownership etc.

On the basis of orgin:

On the basis of origin, resources can be classified into biotic and abiotic resources.

  • All living resources are biotic resources. Plants, animals and other micro organisms are biotic resources.
  • Abiotic resources are non-living things. Land, water, air and minerals are abiotic resources.

On the basis of development:

Based on the level of development, resources can be divided into actual and potential resources.

  • Actual resources are resources that are being used and the quantity available is known, (e.g.) Coal mining at Neyveli.
  • Potential resources are resources that are not being used in the present and its quantity and location are not known, (e.g.) Wind Energy.

On the basis of distribution:

On the basis of distribution resources can be classified into localized resources and universal

  • When resources are present in specific regions, they are called localized resources (eg.) Minerals.
  • Some resources are present everywhere. Such resources are called universal

2. How can resources be conserved?

Conservation of Resources:

  • Careful use of resources is conservation of resources.
  • Due to the rapid increase in population the resources are being utilized at a very fast rate.
  • To avoid this we need sustainable development. The sustainable development can take place when
    • Wastage and excess consumption is prevented
    • Reusable resources are recycled
    • Pollution is prevented
    • Environment is protected
    • Natural vegetation and wild life are preserved.
  • The easiest way to conserve resources is to follow the “3R”s : Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

3. What is resource planning and why is it necessary?

Resource planning is a technique or skill of proper utilization of resources. Resource planning is necessary because,

  • Resources are limited, their planning is quite necessary so that we can use them properly and at the same time we can save them for our future generation.
  • Resources are not only limited, but also they are unevenly distributed over the different parts of the World.
  • It is essential for the production of resource to protect them from overexploitation.

4. Explain the primary, secondary and tertiary activities.

Primary Activities:

  • According to the human needs the substances (biotic resources) were collected by the ancient men and preserved for use.
  • For his basic needs (food, clothing and shelter) he collected things through activities.
  • The activities like hunting, food gathering, fishing and forestry are called “Primary Activities”.
  • Later when food became scarce they had to cultivate and that became agriculture.
  • Mining became one of the leading primary activities.

Secondary Activities:

  • Natural resources are modified or processed by technology. Ex : sugarcane 2 sugar
  • This transforming of raw materials into finished goods is called “Secondary Activities”.
  • Man’s skills and ideas are the basic requirement for secondary activities.

Tertiary Activities:

  • Tertiary activities are those which render services to production and distribution of goods.
  • These are concerned with the distribution of primary and secondary products through a system of transport and trade.
  • Example: Banking, Trade and Communications

G. Statements and inferences:

1. Statement : Solar energy is the best substitute for thermal energy in tropical regions.

Inference 1 : Coal and petroleum resources are receding.

Inference 2 : Solar energy will never deplete.

Now choose the right answer.

  1. Only conclusion 1 follows.
  2. Only conclusion 2 follows,
  3. Neither 1 nor 2 follows.
  4. Both 1 and 2 follow.

Ans : Both 1 and 2 follow

2. Statement : If you don’t conserve resources, human race may become extinct.

Inference 1 : You need not conserve resources.

Inference 2 : You need to conserve resources.

Now choose the right answer

  1. Only conclusion 1 follows
  2. Only conclusion 2 follows
  3. Neither 1 nor 2 follows
  4. Both 1 and 2 follow

Ans : Only conclusion 2 follows

3. Statement : Man switched over to agriculture.

Inference 1 ; Food gatherers experienced scarcity of food.

Inference 2 : Food gathered was not nutritious.

Now choose the right answer.

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  1. Only conclusion 1 follows.
  2. Only conclusion 2 follows,
  3. Neither 1 nor 2 follows.
  4. Both 1 and 2 follow.

Ans : Only conclusion 1 follows

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