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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Books English Medium The Sangam Age

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Books English Medium The Sangam Age

Social Science : History : Term 3 Unit 1 : Society and Culture in Ancient Tamizhagam: The Sangam Age

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. Pattini cult in Tamil Nadu was introduced by ……………………….

  1. Pandyan Neducheliyan
  2. Cheran Senguttuvan
  3. Ilango Adigal
  4. Mudathirumaran

Ans : Cheran Senguttovanj

2. Which dynasty was not in power during the Sangam Age?

  1. Pandyas
  2. Cholas
  3. Pallavas
  4. Cheras

Ans : Pallavas

3. The rule of Pandyas was followed by ……………………….

  1. Satavahanas
  2. Cholas
  3. Kalabhras
  4. Pallavas

Ans : Kalabhras

4. The lowest unit of administration during the Sangam Age was ……………..

  1. Mandalam
  2. Nadu
  3. Ur
  4. Pattinam

Ans : Ur

5. What was the occupation of the inhabitants of the Kurinji region?

  1. Plundering
  2. Cattle rearing
  3. Hunting and gathering
  4. Agriculture

Ans : Hunting and gathering

II. Read the Statement and tick the appropriate answer :

1. Assertion (A) : The assembly of the poets was known as Sangam.

Reason (R) : Tamil was the language of Sangam literature,

  1. Both A and R are true. R is the correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true. R is not the correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true but R is false.
  4. Both A and R is not true.

Ans : Both A and R are true. R is not the correct explanation of A

2. Which of the following statements are not true?

1. Karikala won the battle of Talayalanganam.

2. The Pathitrupathu provides information about Chera Kings.

3. The earliest literature of the Sangam age was written mostly in the form of prose,

  1. 1 only
  2. 1 and 3 only
  3. 2 only

Ans : 1 and 3 only

3. The ascending order of the administrative division in the ancient Tamizhagam was

  1. Ur < Nadu < Kurram < Mandalam
  2. Ur < Kurram < Nadu < Mandalam
  3. Ur < Mandalam < Kurram < Nadu
  4. Nadu < Kurram < Mandalam < Ur

Ans : Ur < Kurram < Nadu < Mandalam

4. Match the following dynasties with the Royal Insignia

1. CheraFish
2. CholaTiger
3. PandyaBow and arrow
  1. 3 2 1
  2. 1 2 3
  3. 3 1 2
  4. 2 1 3

Ans : 3 2 1

III. Fill in the blanks

1. The battle of Venni was won by ____________________.

Ans : Karikalana

2. The earliest Tamil grammar work of the Sangam period was_____________.

Ans : Tholkappriya

3. _______________built Kallanai across the river Kaveri.

Ans : Karikalana

4. The chief of the army was known as _________________

Ans : Thanithalaivan

5. Land revenue was called ______________

Ans : Irai

IV. True or False

1. The singing bards of the Sangam age were called Irular.

Ans : False

2. Caste system developed during the Sangam period.

Ans : False

3. Kizhar was the village chief.

Ans : True

4. Puhar was the general term for city.

Ans : False

5. Coastal region was called Marudham.

Ans : False

V. Match

1. ThennarCheras
2. VanavarCholas
3. SenniVelir
4. AdiyamanPandyas

Ans : 1 – D, 2 – A, 3 – B, 4 – C

VI. Answer in one or two sentence 

1. Name any two literary sources to reconstruct the history of ancient Tamizhagam.

Tholkappiyam, Ettuthogai and Patthupattu are some of the literary sources to reconstruct the history of ancient Tamizhagam

2. What was Natukkal or Virakkal?

In anciant Tamizhagam, the stones erected to commemorate the heroes who died in the battle field are called Natukal (Veerakkal)

3. Name five thinais mentioned in the Sangam literature.

  • Kurinji.
  • Mullai.
  • Marutham.
  • Neithal.
  • Palai.

4. Name any two archaeological sites related to Sangam period.

  • Adichanallur
  • Arikamedu

5. Name the seven patrons (Kadaiyelu Vallalgal).

  • Pari
  • Kari
  • Ori
  • Pegan
  • Ay
  • Adiyaman
  • Nalli

6. Name any three Tamil poetic works of Kalabhra period.

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  • Tamil Navalar Charithai
  • Yaperunkalam
  • Periapuranam

VII. Answer the following 

1. Discuss the status of women in the Sangam Society.

  • There was no restriction for women in social life.
  • There were learned and wise women.
  • Forty women poets had lived and left behind their valuable works.
  • Marriage was a matter of self-choice.
  • However, Chastity (Karpu) was considered the highest virtue of women.
  • Sons and daughters had equal shares in their parent’s property.
  • Women poets of Sangam Age were Arraiyar, Velliveethiyar, Kakkaipadiniyar, AathiManthiyar, Ponmudiyar

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