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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Books English Medium Political Parties

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Books English Medium Political Parties

Social Science : Civics : Term 1 Unit 2 : Political Parties

I. Choose the correct answer

1. What is meant by B1-party system?

  1. Two parties run the government
  2. Two members run a party
  3. Two major political parties contest election
  4. None of these

Ans : Two parties run the government

2. Which system of government does Indian have?

  1. Single – party system
  2. B1-party system
  3. Multi – party system
  4. None of these

Ans : Multi – party system

3. Recognition of a political party is accorded by _________.

  1. The Election commission
  2. The president
  3. The supreme court
  4. A committee

Ans : The Election commission

4. Political parties are generally formed on the basic of _________.

  1. Religious principles
  2. Common interest
  3. Economic principles
  4. Caste

Ans : Common interest

5. Single party system is found in _________.

  1. India
  2. U.S.A
  3. France
  4. China

Ans : China

II. Fill in the Blanks.

1. _________ form the back bone of democracy.

Ans : Political parties

2. Every party in our country has to register with _________.

Ans : Election commission

3. Political parties serve as intermediaries between the _________ and _________.

Ans : Citizens and Policy makers

4. A registered but _________ political party cannot contest election on its own symbol.

Ans : Unrecognized

5. The leader of the opposition party enjoys the rank of _________.

Ans : Cabinet minister

III. Match the following

1. Democracycriticize the government policies
2. Election commissionforms the government
3. Majority partyrule of the people
4. Opposition partyfree and fair election

 Ans : 1 – C, 2 – D, 3 – b, 4 – A

IV. Consider the following statement and Tick ( √ ) the appropriate answer.

1. Which of the following statement is/are correct?

  1. Every party in the country has to register with the election commission.
  2. The commission treats all the parties equally.
  3. Election commission allots a separate symbol for recognized parties.
  4. All the above.

Ans : All the above.

2. Assertion : Majority party plays a decisive role in making laws for the country.

Reason : The number of candidates elected is more than the others in the election.

  1. R is the correct explanation of A.
  2. R is not the correct explanation of A.
  3. R is wrong A is correct.
  4. A and R are wrong.

Ans : R is the correct explanation of A.

 V. Answer in one or two sentences. 

1. What are the basic components of a political party?

Three basic components are,

  • The leader
  • The active members
  • The followers

2. Name the three major types of party system.

  • Single-party system
  • BI-party system
  • Multi-party system

3. Name the countries which follow Bi – party system.

  • One is ruling party and the others becomes opposition.
  • Eg: UK (the Labour Party and the Conservation Party) U.S.A (the Republic Party and the Democratic Party)

4. Write a note on Coalition Government.

In a multiparty system a single party sometimes may not secure the majority to form the government. In such case, some parties join together to form the government. Such government is called Coalition Government.

VI. Answer the following.

1. Write any four functions of political party?

  • Political parties formulate public policies.
  • To contest elections.
  • Capture power only by constitutional means.
  • Have its own ideology and programme.
  • Endeavour to promote the national welfare.

2. When is a political party recognized as a National Party?

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  • A party that secure atleast 6% of the valid votes in Loksabha election or assembly election in four states.
  • They must win four seats in Loksabha from any state/states.
  • It has to win 2% of seats in Loksabha from atleast 3 different states in the latest general election.
  • It has an exclusive symbol throughout the country.
  • It resolves state, National and International issues.


1. Is political party necessary for a democratic country?

  • Yes, A vibrant democracy needs a strong political party system.
  • Without political parties democracy cannot exist.
  • The government may be formed but its utility will remain uncertain.
  • Elected representatives will be accountable to their constituency for what they do in their locality.
  • But no one will be responsible for how the country will run.
  • The role of opposition party in a democracy necessitates the existence of political parties.

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