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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Books English Medium Sources of Medieval India

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Books English Medium Sources of Medieval India

Social Science : History : Term 1 Unit 1 : Sources of Medieval India

I. Choose the correct answer

1. _________ are the writings engraved on solid surfaces such as rocks, stones, temple walls and metals.

  1. Chronicles
  2. Travelogues
  3. Coins
  4. Inscriptions

Ans : Inscriptions

2. _________ was the land gifted to temples.

  1. Vellanvagai
  2. Shalabhoga
  3. Brahmadeya
  4. Devadana

Ans : Devadana

3. _________ period was known as the period of devotional literature.

  1. Chola
  2. Pandya
  3. Rajput
  4. Vijayanagara

Ans : Chola

4. _________ provides information about the first Sultan of Delhi.

  1. Ain-i-Akbari
  2. Taj-ul-Ma’asir
  3. Tuzk-i-Jahangiri
  4. Tarikh-i-Frishta

Ans : Taj-ul-Ma’asir

5. _________, an Arab-born Morocco scholar, travelled from Morocco to India.

  1. Marco Polo
  2. Al Beruni
  3. Domingo Paes
  4. Ibn Battuta

Ans : Ibn Battuta

II. Fill in the Blanks.

1. _________ inscriptions provide details about administration in a Brahmadeya village.

Ans : Uttiramerur

2. _________ had stamped the figure of Goddess Lakshmi on his gold coins and had his name inscribed on it.

Ans : Muhammad Ghori

3. 3.6 grains of silver amounted to a _________.

Ans : Jital

4. _________ was patronised by Sultan Nazir-ud-din Mahmud of Slave Dynasty.

Ans : Minhaj-us-Siraj

III Match the following

1. KhajurahoOdisha
2. KonarkHampi
3. DilwaraMadhya Pradesh
4. VirupakshaRajasthan

Ans : 1 – C, 2 – A, 3 – D, 4 – B

IV. State true or false.

1. Pallichchandam was the land donated to Jaina institution. ( True )

2. The composition of metal coins gives us information on the political condition of the empire. ( False )

Ans : The composition of metals in the coins gives us information on the
economic condition of the empire.

3. The high cost of copper made palm leaf and paper cheaper alternatives for recording royal orders and events in royal courts. ( True )

4. Domingo Paes, a Portuguese traveller, visited the Chola Empire in 1522. ( False )

Ans : Domingo Paes, a Portuguese traveller, visited the Vijayanagar in 1522.

V. Match the statement with the reason the appropriate answer.

a) Assertion (A) : Muhammad Ghori’s gold coins carried the figure of Goddess Lakshmi.

Reason (R) : The Turkish invader was liberal in his religious outlook.

  1. R is the correct explanation of A.
  2. R is not the correct explanation of A.
  3. A is wrong and R is correct.
  4. A and R are wrong.

Ans : R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Find out the wrong pair.

  1. Madura Vijayam – Gangadevi
  2. Abul Fazal – Ain-i-Akbari
  3. Ibn Battuta – Tahquiq-i-Hind
  4. Amuktamalyatha – Krishnadevaraya

Ans : Ibn Battuta-Tahquiq-i-Hind

c) Find out the odd one.

Inscriptions, Travelogues, Monuments, Coins

Ans : Travelogues

VI. Answer the following in one or two sentences.

1. Who compiled Nalayira Divyaprabhandham?


2. What does the word Tuzk mean?

Auto biography.

3. Name Jahangir’s memoir.


4. Name the two different types of sources for the study of history.

Primary sources:

Inscriptions, Monuments, Coins, Information available in them.

Secondary sources:

Literary works, Chronicles, Travelogues, Biographies, Auto biography.

5. List out the important mosques and forts constructed during the medieval times.

  • Quwwat-ul-Islam masjid, Moth-ki-masjid, Jama masjid, Fatehpur Sikri Dargah and charminar are the important mosques belonging to the medieval times,
  • The forts of historical importance are Agra Fort, Chittor Fort, Gwalior Fort, and Delhi Red Fort.

6. Mention the important foreign travellers who visited India during the medieval period.

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  • Marco Polo
  • Al-Beruni
  • IbnBattuta
  • Nicolo Conti
  • Abdur-Razzag
  • Domingo Paes

VII. Answer the following.

1. Describe the different types of coins introduced by the rulers of Delhi Sultanate.

  • Muhammad Ghori had stamped the figure of Goddess Lakshmi on his gold coins and his name inscribed on it.
  • This coins tells us that this early Turkish invader was in all likelihood liberal in religious outlook.
  • Copper Jital are available for the study of the period of the Delhi sultans.
  • Silver Tanka introduced by Iltutmish, Ala-ud-din khalji’s gold coins, Muhammad –binTughluq’s copper token currency are indicative of coinage as well as the economic prosperity or otherwise of the country of that time.

VIII. Answer Grid.

1. _________ was a courtier of European Aurangazeb.Ans : Khafi Khan2. Tiruvalangadu copper plates belong to _________.Ans : Rajendra Chola I
3. _________ was the land for the maintenance of the school.Ans : Shalabhoga4. __________ compiled Peryapuranam.Ans : Sekkizhar
5. _________ is an Arabic word Meaning history.Ans : Tarikh (or) Tahquiq6. Muhammed bin Tughluq transferred his capital from Delhi to _________ in the south.Ans : Devagiri (Daulatabad)

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