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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Books English Medium Tourism

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Books English Medium Tourism

Social Science : Geography : Term 2 Unit 2 : Tourism

I. Choose the correct answer

1. The oldest type of tourism is _________________

  1. Religious
  2. Historical
  3. Adventure
  4. Recreational

Ans : Religious

2. In which state is the Kaziranga national park located.

  1. Rajasthan
  2. West Bengal
  3. Assam
  4. Gujarat

Ans : Assam

3. Which one of the following is not a beach of India?

  1. Goa
  2. Cochin
  3. Kovalam
  4. Miami

Ans : Miami

4. Which of the following is not a bird sanctuary in India?

  1. Nal sarovor in Gujarat
  2. Koonthakulam in Tamil Nadu
  3. Bharatpur in Rajasthan
  4. Kanha in Madhya pradesh

Ans : Kanha in Madhya pradesh

5. In which district courtallam waterfalls is located?

  1. Dharmapuri
  2. Tirunelveli
  3. Namakkal
  4. Theni

Ans : Tirunelveli

II. Fill in the Blanks.

1. The three main components of tourism together known as ________

Ans : A3 Concept

2. Gastronomy refers to an aspect of ________ tourism.

Ans : Cultural

3. Suruli falls is also called as __________

Ans : Cloud land falls (or) Meghamali Falls.

4. The second largest urban beach is ______

Ans : Marina Beach

5. Expansion of TAAI __________

Ans : Travel Agents Association of India

III. Circle the Odd one

1. Transport, Attraction, Accommodation, Amenities

Ans : Transport

2. Nainital, Shillong, Munnar, Digha

Ans : Digha

3. Corbett, Sundarbans, Periyar, Mayani

Ans : Mayani

4. Hogenakal, Kumbakkari, Suruli, Kalakad

Ans : Kalakad

5. Rishikesh, Ladakh, Gulmarg, Kotagiri

Ans : Kotagiri

III. Match the following

1. Anamalai HillsWest Bengal
2. Monkey fallsGoa
3. DarjeelingCoimbatore
4. Nature’s HavenTop slip
5. Aguda BeachJavadi

 Ans : 1 – D, 2 – C, 3 – A, 4 – E, 5 – B

IV.Consider the following statements. Tick (√) the appropriate answer.

1. Assertion (A) : Tourism is an essential activity for the life of the society

Reason (R) : Its direct impact on social cultural, education and economic sector of the nation.

  1. A and R are correct and R explains A
  2. A and R are correct but R does not explain A
  3. A is incorrect but R is correct
  4. Both A and R are incorrect

Ans : A and R are correct and R explains A

2. Assertion (A) : One of the most popular beaches in Goa Calangute is a treat for the adventure sports activities.

Reason (R) : Foreigners throng the beaches

  1. A and R are correct and R explains A
  2. A and R are correct but R does not explain A
  3. A is incorrect but R is correct
  4. Both A and R are incorrect

Ans : A and R are correct and R explains A

V. Answer the following

1. Define Tourism?

  • The word tourist was derived from an old English word “tourian” which refers to a person who travels out of his usual environment for not more than one year and less than 24 hours.
  • The purpose of travel may be religious, recreation, business, historical and cultural.

2. Write short note on ECO Tourism?

  • Eco tourism typically involves travel, to destinations where plants and animals thrive in a naturally preserved environment.
  • Amazon rain forest, African forest safari, trekking in the slopes of Himalayas are the famous incredible Eco friendly attractions.

3. What are the basic elements of Tourism?

Certain elements are fundamental to attract tourists as travel destinations. They are:

  • Pleasant weather
  • Scenic beauty
  • Historical and cultural monuments

4. Name any five hill stations in India?

  • Kodaikanal, Ooty
  • Namital, Mussoorie
  • Darjeeling
  • Gulmarg
  • Shillong

5. Name any five beaches in Tamil Nadu?

  • Kanyakumari beach
  • Rameshwaram beach
  • Golden beach
  • Elliot beach
  • Mahabalipuram beach

VI. Distinguish the following

1. International Tourism and Historical Tourism

International TourismHistorical Tourism
1. International tourism refers to tourism that crosses national bordersHistorical tourism is primarily focused upon historical places.
2. Globalization has made tourism a popular global leisure activity.The individuals make visits to these places with the purpose of leisure as well as acquiring information.

2. Religious Tourism and Adventure Tourism

Religious TourismAdventure Tourism
1. Religious tourism is one of the oldest type of tourism, wherein people travel individually or in groups for pilgrimage to a religious location such as temples, churches, mosques and other religious placesAdventure tourism is a type of tourism involving travel to remote or exotic places in order to take part in physica 11 y challenging outdoor activities
2. Religious tour to Kasi (Varanasi) by Hindus, to Jerusalem by Christians and to Mecca by Muslims are few of the examples for religious tourism.For e.g. sky dive in Australia, Bungee jumping in New Zealand, mountaineering in the peaks of Himalayas, rafting in the Brahmaputra River at Arunachala Pradesh.

3. Attraction and Accessibility

1. Attractions mainly comprise of two types such as: Natural attraction, Cultural attractionAccessibility means reachability to a particular place of attraction through various means of transportation such as road, rail, water and air
2. Natural attraction includes landscape, seascape, beaches, climatic condition and forests. Cultural attraction are historic monuments and other intellectual creations. Apart from this, cultural attractions also includes fairs and festivals.Transport decides the cost of travel and the time consumed in reaching or accessing a specific attraction.

VIII. Answer the following questions in detail 

1. Explain the Geographical components of Tourism?


  • Mountains
  • Plateaus
  • Canyons
  • Valleys
  • Caves
  • Cirques,
  • Sand dunes
  • Coral reefs
  • Cliffs


  • Rivers
  • Lakes
  • Waterfalls
  • Hot springs and Geysers
  • Snow and Glacier
  • Water Currents
  • Tides and Waves.


  • Forest
  • Grasslands
  • Moors
  • Deserts


  • Sunshine
  • Clouds
  • Admirable Temperature
  • Rain and Snow.

Animal life

  • Wildlife : Birds, Game Reserves, Zoos.
  • Hunting and Fishing

Settlement features

  • Towns, Cities, Villages
  • Historical remains and Monuments


Ways of life, traditions, folklore, arts and crafts.

2. Write briefly about the waterfalls in Tamil Nadu?

  • Mountains and rivers of Tamil Nadu combined together created many endearing waterfalls.
  • Waterfalls in Tamil Nadu with its inspiring natural wonders attracts many tourists. A trek amidst thick green trees, steep hills and a bath in the gushing water is most rejuvenating.
  • Here is the list of famous waterfalls of Tamil Nadu.

Waterfalls Geographical location

  • Hogenakal falls – It is a beautiful waterfall located in Dharmapuri district .
  • Kumbakkarai falls- River Pambar cascades to form this fall at the foot hills of Kodaikanal in Theni district.
  • Monkey falls – This waterfall lies on Anaimalai hills range in Coimbatore surrounded by Evergreen forests
  • Killiyur falls – Situated in the shervarayon hill ranges of the Eastern Ghats.

3. Describe the Environment Impact of Tourism?

Environmental Impact of Tourism

The quality of the environment is essential for tourism. The tourism industry created several positive and negative impacts on the environment.

Positive Impacts:

  • Direct financial Contributions
  • Contributions to government revenues
  • Improved environmental management and planning
  • Increasing environmental awareness
  • Protection and reservation of environment

Negative Impacts

1. Depletion of Natural Resources

  • Water resources
  • Local resources
  • Land degradation

2. Pollution

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  • Air and Noise Pollution
  • Solid Waste and Litering
  • Sewage

3. Destruction and Alteration of Eco system

  • Air
  • Water
  • Soil

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