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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Books English Medium Urban changes during the British period

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Books English Medium Urban changes during the British period

Social Science : History : Chapter 7 : Urban changes during the British period

I. Choose the correct answer

1. Ancient town are

  1. Harappa and Mohenjodaro
  2. Delhi and Hyderabad
  3. Bombay and Culcutta
  4. None of the above

Ans : Harappa and Mohenjodaro

2. Coastal towns developed by the British were

  1. Surat
  2. Goa
  3. Bombay
  4. All of these

Ans : Bombay

3. A new trend of urbanisation began in the latter half of 19th century as a result of

  1. Opening of Suez Canal
  2. Introduction of steam navigation
  3. Construction of railways
  4. All the above

Ans : All the above

4. The British arrived India for

  1. for trading
  2. for preaching their religion
  3. for working
  4. for ruling

Ans : for trading

5. Fort St. George was constructed by the British in

  1. Bombay
  2. Cuddalore
  3. Madras
  4. Calcutta

Ans : Madras

6. Which of the following port was the East India Company’s principal settlement until 1774?

  1. Fort St. William
  2. Fort St David
  3. Fort St. George
  4. None of these

Ans : Fort St. George

II. Fill in the Blanks.

1. The network of railroads in India was introduced in __________________________.

Ans : 1853

2. __________________________ rightly regarded as the Father of Local Self – Government in India.

Ans : Lord Rippon

3. The Government of India Act of 1919 introduced __________________________ in the provinces.

Ans : dyarchy

4. __________________________ was responsible for the formation of the corporation.

Ans : Sir Josiah Child

5. Francis Day and Andrew Cogan got permission to establish a factory – cum trading post at madrasapatnam in __________________________

Ans : 1839

III Match the following.

1. BombayReligious centres
2. Cantonment townshill stations
3. kedarnathAncient town
4. Darjeelingseven island
5. MaduraiKanpur

Ans : 1 – D, 2 – E, 3 – A, 4 – C, 5 – B

IV. State true or false

1. Towns flourished since pre-historic times in India.

Ans : True

2. British acquired political control after the Battle of Plassey.

Ans : True

3. Fort St. Williams is in Madras.

Ans : False

4. Army people began to live in cantonments.

Ans : True

5. Madras was officially renamed as Chennai in 1998.

Ans : False

V. Choose the correct statement

1. Assertion: India became the agricultural colony of Britain.

Reason: The one-way free trade policy followed by British and the Industrial revolution destroyed Indian indigenous industries.

  1. A is correct and R is Wrong
  2. A is wrong and R is Correct
  3. A is correct and R explains A
  4. A is correct and R does not explain A

Ans : A is correct and R explains A

2. Which of the following statement(s) is/are not true?

i) Srirangarayalu gave the English the grant of Madrasapatnam.

ii) Day and Cogan were jointly responsible for the construction of Fort St. George.

iii) In 1969 the state of Madras was rechristened as Tamil Nadu.

  1. i only
  2. i and ii
  3. ii and iii
  4. iii only

Ans : i only

3. Assertion: British built up their alternative capitals in hilly areas.

Reason : They found the Indian summer inhospitable.

  1. A is correct and R is Wrong
  2. A is wrong and R is Correct
  3. A is correct and R explains A
  4. A is correct and R does not explain A

Ans : A is correct and R explains A

VI. Answer the following in one or two sentences.

1. What is an urban area?

A place which has high density of population engaged in different occupations.

2. Hilly areas were distinctive features of colonial urban development. Why?

Hilly areas were few and had a small population and were often visited for specific purpose.

3. Name the three Presidency cities?

  • Madras
  • Bombay
  • Calcutta

4. State any four reason for the new trend of urbanization in the 19,h century.

  • Opening of Suez Canal
    • Introduction of steam navigation
    • Banking
    • Shipping and insurance

5. Write short note on Cantonment towns.

The British occupied Indian territory by military force and established camps called contonments in which army people lived and later grown to cities.

6. What were the regions covered in the Madras presidency during British regime?

Modem day Tamilnadu, the Lakshwadeep island, Northern Kerala, Rayalaseema, Coastal Andhra, Districts of Karnataka and various districts of southern Odisha.

VII. Answer the following in detail.

1. Describe the colonial urban development.

  • British developed new centres of trade like Calcutta, Madras and Bombay on the Eastern and Western coast.
  • Madras, Bombay and Calcutta were fortified by British.
  • Britishers built homes, shops and Churches, commercial and administrative headquarters.
  • Britishers acquired political control of.India after the Battle of Plassey in 1757 and the trade expanded for the East India Company.
  • Calcutta, Bombay and Madras became Presidency cities in the late 18th Century.

2. Trace the origin and growth of Madras.

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  • The English East India Company was started in 1600.
  • When famine struck Masulipatnam English looked for a new site.
  • Francis Day chose Madrasapatnam in 1637 and set up factory.
  • In 1639 the deed was signed by Francis Day and Andrew Cogan to establish factory aim trading port and fortified it and called fort St. George.
  • Fort St. George was called white town and the near by villages were called Black town which was collectively called Madras.

3. India became an agricultural colony of Britain. How?

  • The traditional industrial base of Indian cities, made by the indigeneous handcraft production was destroyed by Industrial Revolution.
  • Heavy taxes were imposed for the Indian goods imported into Britian.
  • This led to the decline of Indian industries.
  • Thus, India became the agricultural colony of Britian.

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