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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Books Earthquake

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Books Earthquake

English : Unit 3 : Supplementary : Earthquake – by M S Mahadevan

Warm Up:

When was the last time you helped someone?

Write a few instances of your act of kindness?

I helped a blind man cross the road.

I helped a beggar by giving him some food.

I helped an old man by giving him a seat in the bus.

I helped my friend in teaching her maths.

I helped a poor girl by giving my dress.


rickety (adj.)structure or piece of equipment poorly made and likely to collapse

tremor (n)a slight earthquake

devastation (n) the state of being decayed or destroyed

haphazardly (adv.) : in a random manner

debris (n)scattered pieces ofrubbish or remains

white-: wrap or dress (a

shrouded (v) body) in a shroud for burial

pyres (n) a heap of burnable material, for burning a corpse as part of a funeral ceremony

A. Fill in the blanks with words from the text.

1. The name of the narrator is M.S.Mahadevan

2. There were 670 villages in the valley 

3. Brij went to Pauri to buy his school books.

4. The soldiers had set up a make shift camp.

5. Bhuli had been buried under the debris For 116 hours.

B. Based on your understanding of the story, choose the right answers from the options.

1. Brij started a tea shop because he wanted to

a. start a company.

b. serve the people.

c. go on a pilgrimage.

d. become a tour guide.

2. Molthi was completely devastated because of

a. a high intensity earthquake.

b. thunder and hail storm.

c. drought and famine.

d. flash floods.

3. The brother searched everywhere and looked dejected because

a. he couldn’t find his house.

b. he couldn’t locate his sister.

c. he was hungry and didn’t eat for a few days.

d. he lost his school books.

4. The boy had great reverence and respect for Army officers as they

a. were brave and courageous.

b. worked day and night.

c. saved his sister from death.

d. all the above.

5. Brij finally offered the traveller a

a. cup of milk.

b. cup of tea.

c. glass of water.

d. cup of coffee.

C.  Identify the character or speaker of the following lines.

1. Greetings, traveller. You looked tired and cold. Answer: Narrator/Brij

2. Tomorrow, we will go back to Pauri. Answer: Brij’s uncle

3.Whom are you looking for? Answer: Army officer

4. My men have been on their feet for days. Answer: Army officer

5. May God be with you! Answer: Brij

D. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of about 80 to 100 words.

1. Explain the efforts taken by the Army Officer to save the child.

Title : Earth Quake

Author : M.S. Mahadevan

Character : Brij, the narrator, Brij’s Uncle, Grandma, Nilu, Bhuli and Army officer.

Theme : “Where there is love, there is God”

It was a cheer chance that Brij, the narrator, was away last night. He stayed in his uncle’s house at Pauri. They felt the tremor. They had run out into open. He reached home at Molthi with his uncle. Help arrived only after four days. The narrators two years old sister Bhuli was missing. The officer came with three soldiers armed with spades and crowbars. The soldiers cleared the debris. They had set up a makeshift camp. They worked doggediy. The narrator was crying and searching but in vain. The Army officer said that it was of no use to search anymore. It was dark and some one brought a few lit petromax lamps. A soldier stood in the middle of a hollow. The narrator recognized a small door.

The soldiers began to clear the hollow they lifted the door. Someone said that she was alive. It was a miracle. She was taken to the make shift hospital. Thus the narrator’s little sister Bhuli was saved. It was a miracle.

“Confidence is the secret of success”

2. Brij has become a symbol of love and humanity. Explain.

Title : Earth Quake

Author : M.S. Mahadevan

Character : Brij, the narrator, Brij’s Uncle, Grandma, Nilu, Bhuli and Army officer.

Theme : “Where there is love, there is God”

Brij was very happy to have his Bhuli after a risk rescue operation. The officer who helped him was never seen again. He wanted to thank him. He hoped that one day he would meet him. So Brij offered special tea with love and care to all the tired travellers, army officers and to every person who went that way. By giving them tea, he felt very happy. He considered it as a humble service. Brij has become a symbol of love and humanity.

“”Love is supreme to hope and faith”

E. Answer the following questions based on the reading of the story. Do not forget to go back to the passage whenever necessary to find and confirm the answers.

Action – Effect

While you warm yourself – I will prepare the best tea.

I saved enough money  – I started my own little shop.

It was a terrible earthquake – Six hundred and two villages were destroyed.

It was a terrible earth quake and it was felt – as far as away Delhi and Lucknow

I ran back to the village – I was searching, crying and searching

They lifted the door – My sister was alive

I went to thank the Army Officer – But he was gone. I could not meet him.

Read the passage and answer the questions:

1. Here we are. Welcome to my humble roadside tea shop. Make yourself comfortable on this wooden bench. It looks rickety but it will hold your weight? My name, Sir? I am called Brij. I am seventeen years old. I started this tea shop two years ago. Before that I worked in a road side shop outside Panipat. The heat, the crowd, the pollution – It was all too much. I have saved most of my earnings. I came back and with a little help I started this shop. By the grace of God, it provides me a decent enough livelihood.


1. Which one looked rickety?

The wooden bench looked rickety.

2. How old was Brij?

He was seventeen years old.

3. When did he start that shop?

He started the shop two years ago.

4. Where did he work at first?

He worked in a road side shop outside Panipet.

5. How did he start his own shop?

 He saved most of his earnings. He came back and with a little help he started his own shop.

2. I was among the first to reach the village. My uncle accompanied me. We feared the worst but nothing had prepared us for what we saw. Every single house, every wall, every roof had been flattened stone, rubble and dust were all that remained. Our house was a two storeyed stone building with a slate roof. My great grand father had built the house. We were a small family. My father had died after an illness, just fourteen month ago. My mother care of us. We were three children. I was the oldest. My brother Nilu was ten, Bhuli my two-year-old sister was the baby of the family. My grandmother lived with us.


1. Who was the first to reach the village?

Brij was the first to reach the village.

2. What happened to the house?

Each and every single house, every wall, every roof had been flattened. 

3. Who built their house?

His grandfather had built the house.

4. When did his father die?

His father died after an illness just fourteen months ago.

5. Who was the baby of their family?

Bhuli was the baby of their family.

3. When the soldiers began to clear the debris, my uncle led me away. I was in a complete daze, too numb to feel anything. The soldiers had set up a make shift camp. Someone gave me tea and biscuits. I don’t know how long I was there. Suddenly it was evening and uncle was standing beside me. “They were taking the bodies to the river bank”, he said gently. “Come, you must perform the last rites before sunset. Tomorrow, we will go back to Pauri.


1. What was the state of Brij, after the devastation?

Brij was in a complete daze, too numb to feel anything.

2. What did the soldiers set up?

The soldiers set up a make shift camp.

3. What did his uncle say to him?

His uncle said that the soldiers have taken the bodies to the river bank. So Brij must perform the last rites before sun set.

4. What did his uncle do when the soldiers begin to clear the debris?

His uncle led Brij away from that place.

5. What was given to Brij by some one?

Brij was given tea and biscuits by someone.

Rearrange the following sentences in coherent order.

i) a. He started a tea shop on the road side two years ago.

b. It destroyed many villages.

c. Four years ago, a earthquake struck the Himalayan region.

d. Brij village was also destroyed.

e. Brij the narrator was seventeen years old.

Answer: 1-e, 2-a, 3-c, 4-b, 5-d

1. Brij the narrator was seventeen years old.

2. He started a tea shop on the road side two years ago.

3. Four years ago, a earthquake struck the Himalayan region.

4. It destroyed many villages.

5. Brij village was also destroyed.

ii) a. By the grace of God, it provides me a decent enough livelihood.

b. I came back and with a little help, I started this shop.

c. Before that, I worked in a road side shop out side Panipat.

d. I had saved most of my earnings.

e. The heat, the crowd, the pollution – it was all to much

Answer: 1-c, 2-e, 3-d, 4-b, 5-a

1. Before that, I worked in a road side shop out side Panipat.

2. The heat, the crowd, the pollution – it was all to much

3. I had saved most of my earnings.

4. I came back and with a little help, I started this shop.

5. By the grace of God, it provides me a decent enough livelihood.

iii) a. I had gone to Pauri to buy my school books.

b. We felt tremors. We ran out into the open.

c. Again and again the tremors came. We spent the entire night out side.

d. It was sheer chance that I was out that night.

e. I stayed the night at my uncle’s house.

Answer: 1-d, 2-a, 3-e, 4-b, 5-c

1. It was sheer chance that I was out that night.

2. I had gone to Pauri to buy my school books.

3. I stayed the night at my uncle’s house.

4. We felt tremors. We ran out into the open.

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5. Again and again the tremors came. We spent the entire night out side.

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