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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samcheer Kalvi 7th English Books Eidgah

Samcheer Kalvi 7th English Books Eidgah

English : Term 1 Unit 1 : Prose : Eidgah

Warm Up

Observe the pictures and write the names of the festivals in the blanks.  One is done for you.

Discuss in pairs.

1. Which is your favourite festival?

Pongal is my favourite festival.

2. When do you celebrate it?

We celebrate it in the Tamil month of’ ‘Thai’.

3. Do you celebrate with your family or friends?

I celebrate it with my family.

4. Why do you celebrate it?

I celebrate it as a thanks giving day for the harvest.

Section I


1. dazzling – extremely bright

2. tattered – torn

3. suburbs – outskirts

4. gaily – in bright colours

I. Choose the correct answers and fill in the blanks.

1. ‘Finally the day had come’. Here the day refers to _____________

a. Pongal

b. Christmas

c. Eid

2. With their treasure, the boys would buy ____________ in Eidgah.

a. pens and pencils

b. toys and rubber balls

c. chocolates and cakes

3. Hamid’s friends are ______________

a. Mahmood, Mohsin, Noorey and Sammi.

b. Raghul, Preethi, Sam and Mufeed.

c. Rani, Verghese, Sita and Zahir.

4. ‘If only her son were there, it would have been a different kind of Eid’! What had happened to her son?

a. Her son had died.

b. Her son had gone abroad.

c. Her son had gone on a tour.

5. Hamid was like one with wings on his feet. This means __________

a. He ran fast.

b. He ran slowly.

c. He was an angel.

There are 109 members in Marapanhalli Laxmayha family who live in Karnataka’s Kolar district. It is one among the last few purely joint families in India. 85 members of this massive family live under a single roof that spans 20 rooms. The other 24 live in the fields next to the house.

Section II


1. gaped – stared

2. smack your lips – open and close lips noisily to show enjoyment

3. relished – enjoyed or took pleasure in the taste

Work in pairs and answer the following questions.

There were many toys in the stall. Three of Hamid’s friends had bought some toys.

1. Write the names of Hamid’s friends in column A and the toys they bought in column B

 A                        B

1. Mahmood  –  a policeman in Khaki

2. Mohsin      –   a water-carrier

3. Noorey      –     a lawyer

2. Write the names of the toys against each picture.

Think and Answer

‘They’ descended on the sweet and toy-vendors’ stores like an army moving to attack.

1. Who does they refer to? Did they move one by one in a line or in a big group?

‘They’ refers to the worshippers. They moved in a big group.

2. Hamid’s friends enjoyed the ride in the merry-go-round. But Hamid didn’t go on it. Why?

Hamid had only three paisas. He did not want to part with a third of his treasure for a few miserable rounds. So he did not like to go on the merry-go-round.

3. How did Hamid’s friends show that they enjoyed eating the sweets?

Hamid’s friends smacked their lips with relish. Thus they showed that they enjoyed the sweets.

Section III


1. tongs – a tool used to hold hot things

2. precious – valuable

3. wretched – unhappy

Tick the correct answer.

1. Hamid thought that his grandma would be pleased if he bought_________

a. a pair of tongs.

b. sweets for himself.

c. toys.

2. Hamid’s heart sank because the price of the tongs was _________for him.

a. too high

b. too low

c. affordable

3. ‘My tongs are like a tiger among toys.’ It means ____________

a. Hamid valued his toy.

b. Hamid bought a tiger toy.

c. Hamid wanted to exchange his toy.

4. Hamid’s granny scolded him for buying iron tongs. Then she understood that Hamid had bought it ___________

a. out of compulsion.

b. out of love and concern.

c. out of interest.


A. Answer the following questions.

1. What did Granny say about Hamid’s parents?

Granny said that Hamid’s father had gone to earn money. He added that his mother had gone to Allah to get lovely gifts for Hamid.

2. Write about Hamid in one or two sentences.

Hamid was four years old. He was thin and poorly dressed but he was the happiest of all the boys around.

3. How did Hamid’s friends enjoy the games in the fair?

Mahmood bought the toy of a policeman. Mohsin bought a water- carrier. Noorey got a lawyer. Then they bought sesame seed candy, gulab-jamuns and halva.

4. What did Hamid buy at the fair? And for whom?

Hamid bought a pair of tongs at the fair for his grandmother.

5. Why did Granny scold Hamid?

It was almost noon time. Hamid did not buy any eatables for him but he bought a pair of tongs. So Granny scolded him.

B. Rearrange the jumbled sentences and write them in the correct order.

* But Hamid bought a pair of tongs.

* Granny Ameena felt proud of her grandson.

* Hamid’s friends bought different toys of their choice.

* Hamid proudly compared his tongs with a brave tiger.

* Hamid had less money than his friends.

* Granny Ameena was worried as he had to go to the Eidgah alone.

Answer :

• Granny Ameena was worried as he had to go to the Eidgah alone.

• Hamid had less money than his friends.

• Hamid’s friends bought different toys of their choice.

• But Hamid bought a pair of tongs

• Hamid proudly compared his tongs with a brave tiger.

• Granny Ameena felt proud of her grandson.


C. Fill in the blanks with the help of the picture clues.

D. What am I? (Use a pair of …)

1. We wear this on our face to see better a pair of spectacles.

2. We wear this on our ears a pair of earstuds.

3. We wear this on our face when it is sunny a pair of sun glasses.

4. We cut things with a pair of scissors.

5. We wear this on our feet a pair of socks.

E. Add a suitable prefix or suffix and make new words.

-ship -hood un- after-  – ion -less – fill –ment  im-   – ous











F. Match the following and write them in Column C.

A / B

1. a cupful of-  money

2. a bagful of- sugar

3. a spoonful of- coffee

4. a pocketful of-  silver

 A                          B                       C

a cupful of           money        A cupful of coffee

a bagful of           sugar           A bagful of silver

a spoonful of        coffee        A spoonful of sugar

a pocketful of       silver          A pocketful of money

G. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box.

cupful   handful  spoonful  mouthful  pocketful  bagful

1. The thieves came out of the house with a bagful of gold and silver.

2. My mother throws a handful of grains for the parrots every day.

3. He took a mouthful of the cake.

4. Ram takes a cupful of soup before food.

5. John added a spoonful of sugar to the lemon juice.

6. The child was happy with his pocketful of chocolates.

Language Check Point

Don’t say : She is my cousin sister and he is my cousin brother.

Say : They are my cousins.

Note : The word ‘cousin’ is used to refer both male and female.

Don’t say : I have two daughter in-laws.

Say : I have two daughters-in-law.

Note : ‘s’ is added to the first word ‘daughter’ to form the plural.


H. Listen to the teacher read the passage. Read the questions given below.

Then listen to the passage again and tick the correct answers.

Gopal, Varun and Muthu would go swimming in the sea in summer. They would sit down and watch the waves tumbling towards the shore. They’d chase the gulls whenever they saw them flying over the oyster catchers. They’d skim stones if the sea was calm enough – twenty six bounces was Gopal’s record – Varun had only ever managed two! Whatever they did, wherever they went, the three of them were always together.

1. The three boys went for swimming bathing /swimming in the sea.

2. They watched the waves waves / dolphins tumbling towards the shore.

3. The gulls were flying over the oyster catchers sea / oyster catchers.

4. When the sea was calm calm / rough they would skim stones.

5. Twenty six Twenty six / thirty six was Gopal’s record.

Answer : 1) swimming 2) waves 3) oyster catchers 4) calm 5) Twenty six


I. Talk about yourself using the clues given. You may start like this.

1. When I was a little boy, I had a red bicycle.

2. On the first day of  school I was nervous.

3. As a child I spent my free  time with my friends.

4. I used to  admire  the beauty of the hills.

5. Last year at this time  I went to Chennai.

6. Now I really enjoy my studies.

7.  While I was a child, I used to do mischief.

8.  I have never visited the Taj Mahal.


Picto Grammar

Note to the teacher

Determiners are words that are used before a noun. A determiner describes the noun and functions like an adjective.


J. Tick the correct option.

1. There are _____ (✓many/much) apples in the basket.

2. There isn’t _____ (many/much✓) traffic on Sundays.

3. There isn’t ____ (some/ any✓) water in the glass.

4. There aren’t ____ (some/any✓) eggs in the basket. 

But there are ____ (much/a few✓) near it.

Answer : 1) many …… a few 2) much 3) any 4) any, a few

K. Fill in the blanks with some/ any/ much/ many. Some options can be used more than once.

1. There is much coffee left in the pot. Do you want?

2. Do you have any coins with you? I need some.

3. She asked me for some magazines, but I could not find any

4. I can’t carry the luggage any more. I need some help.

5. There are many places to visit but we don’t have much time to visit them.


L. Describe Kandan’s family in about 60 words using the pictures and clues given. One is done for you.

Kandan’s grandfather is thin and tall. He is seventy years old. He is affectionate.

Thin and tall -70 years old – affectionate

Kandan’s grandmother is short and fat. She wears glasses. She prepares sweets.

Short – fat – wears glasses – sweets

Kandan’s elder brother is a football player. He loves his brother. He has a blue sweater on him.

Football player – loves his brother – blue

Kandan’s youngest sister has big eyes. She likes pink colour.

Youngest – big eyes – likes pink

Kandan’s father is a hard working man. He is the bread winner of the house.

tall – hard working – bread winner

Kandan’s mother is very kind. Her hobby is painting.

kind – hobby – painting

M. Read the telephonic conversation between Malar and Selvi. Malar needs to leave a message for her father.

Malar: Hello, my name is Malar. Could I talk to Mr. Rao, please? I’m his colleague Mr.Vishvanath’s daughter.

Selvi: I’m sorry, my father is out for his morning walk. Do you want to leave a message for him?

Malar: Yes, please. My father had to leave for Madurai all of a sudden since my grandfather is ill. So he won’t be able to come to work for a few days. It would be really nice if your father could inform the office.

Selvi: Don’t worry, I’ll leave the message for my father.

Malar: Thanks a lot.

Selvi: You’re welcome.

This is the message that Selvi left for her father the previous day. Write a similar message based on her conversation with Malar.

…………..(Date)                                                       4.30 p.m. (Time)

Dear Papa,

I have my music class at 5.00 p.m. so I am leaving now. I’ve prepared tea and samosa and kept it in the kitchen. Please come and pick me up at 7 p.m.


20- 10-20___                                                                             6.30 a.m.

Dear Papa

Your colleague Mr. Vishvanath’s daughter spoke to me. Mr. Vishvanath has to leave for Madurai all of a sudden as his father is ill. So he won’t be able to come to work for a few days. Please inform this to your office.


N. Describe the picture in 50 words and give a suitable title. Make use of the words given below.

modern world – left alone – busy – gadgets – cell phones – ignored – feels alone – lonely – sad feeling

Plight of the old ones

In the modern world everyone seems to be busy. Parents and children have different types of engagement. The father is busy with his office work children play video games. Youngsters involve themselves with their cell phones. Many of them are hooked to the internet. So old people are ignored. They feel lonely. They remain all alone with sad feelings.

O. Here are some words that express feelings. Read the situations and write the suitable one in the blamks.

anxious, worried, thankful, excited, dejected, joyous, proud

1. Your mom made your favourite dinner.  Joyous

2. You lost your geometry box, and some one returns it to you. Thankful

3. You are waiting for your exam results. Anxious

4. It is very late at night and your father hasn’t returned from the office. Worried

5. You have won the first prize in the essay writing competition. Proud

6. The first day at school. Excited

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7. You find it tough to learn a new language.  Dejected

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