English : Term 2 Unit 2 : Supplementary : Naya – The Home of Chitrakaars
Questions Answers
A. Fill in the blanks choosing the words / phrases given in the box.
Midnapore | folk art | chitrakaars | Pata Chitra | painted scrolls | unrolled
Naya is a quaint little village in West Bengal’s Midnapore district. However, it is not an ordinary village. Around 250 patuas or chitrakaars or artists live there. These folk artistes are painters, lyricists, singers and performers all rolled into one. They practise an ancient folk art called Pata Chitra. This is a type of storytelling using painted scrolls. The scrolls had stories painted on them and the artists sang the story as they unrolled the scroll. This art has been practised since the 13th century.
B. Write the apt word for the given phrases.
1. The traditional folk art of West Bengal – Pata Chitra
2. Annual festival to celebrate the success of local artists – Pot Maya
3. The other name of story tellers – Chitrakaars
4. Conservation of trees, female infanticide etc.. – are social messages
C. Fill in the details of the mind map.

D. The process of making a Patta is in jumbled form. Read the sentences and number them in proper order.
• A Patta is created by painting on a canvas. 1
• It is made by stitching multiple sheets of poster paper together. 2
• Jute fibre canvas was used in olden days. 3
• Plant-based colours and lamp black are mixed in coconut shells. 4
• The sap of the wood apple tree acts as a glue. 5
• A thin cotton cloth is glued to the back of the painting for long life. 6
• The completed scrolls are dried in the sun. 7
• Finally they are stored in rolled up bundles. 8
E. Write a few sentences about Pot Maya festival.
Pot Maya is an annual three-day festival. It has been held since 2010. It is held in the month of November to celebrate the success of local artists. Exhibits of ancient scrolls and modern paintings are displayed during this festival. The mud walls of houses are painted with colourful patachitra motifs. The entire village is kept clean. Visitors are allowed to stay in the houses of the patuas. Workshops and demonstration related to the patua art are held during this festival.
Additional exercises :
1. What is Naya?
Naya is a quaint little village in West Bengal’s Midnapore district.
2. How many patuas live in Naya?
About 250 patuas live in Naya.
3. What do the patuas practise?
The patuas practise an ancient folk art called Pata Chitra.
4. What do the villagers give the patuas for their performance?
The villagers give the patuas rice, vegetables and money.
5. How do the youngsters take up the art?
The youngsters take up the art as a passion and profession.
6. Where was the traditional pata painted?
The traditional pata was painted on a canvas made of jute fibre.
7. What are the plants used to get the colour?
Plants like marigold, indigo, teak leaves, saffron and turmeric are used to get the colour.
8. What are the social messages depicted in the paintings?
Conservation of trees, female infanticide, child trafficking and AIDS awareness are the social messages depicted in the paintings.
9. What is Pot Maya?
Pot Maya is an annual three-day celebration. It is held to celebrate the success of the local artists.
10. How is the festival useful to visitors?
During this festival, exhibitions, workshops and demonstrations are held. They help the visitors to learn about the craft of patachitra.
Rearrange the jumbled sentences in proper order
1. Every year, it is held in November.
2. So the Patuas house the visitors in their own homes.
3. Pot Maya is a three-day festival.
4. A large number of visitors come there during the festival.
5. It is held to celebrate the success of local artists.
6. There are no hotels in Naya.
7. It also exhibits scrolls of the past.
8. The festival exhibits modern paintings.
Answer :
1. Pot Maya is a three-day festival.
2. It is held to celebrate the success of local artists.
3. Every year, it is held in November.
4. The festival exhibits modern paintings.
5. It also exhibits scrolls of the past.
6. A large number of visitors come there during the festival.
7. There are no hotels in Naya.
8. So the Patuas house the visitors in their own homes.
Project, Connecting to Self, Step to Success
F. Make a diary entry about your visit to a Science Exhibition.
I went to a Science Exhibition at Bishop Heber college, last Friday. There were many exhibits related to Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics and Digital technology. Each exhibit had a speciality of its own. The students who made them stood close to their model and explained the functioning and use of their product. I asked them many questions and they cleared my doubts patiently. Even though every item roused my curiosity, I was greatly impressed by a robot. It walked, moved and carried out many actions as if it were human. I expressed my happiness and satisfaction over the device and congratulated everyone who worked on it.
G. Design a certificate, a badge or a medal for sports day.
Sports Certificate
This is to certify that _____________ of standard __________ got the ___________ prize in Long Jump conducted by the District Sports Council. Madurai. He / She covered a distance of _________ metres in the long jump.
……….. ……………. ………………
Chairman Secretary President
Date :
Place: Madurai

H. Draw the pictures in the given boxes using the clues.

• The snake is next to the owl.
• The owl is not next to the bird.
• The kite is on the right.
• The owl is between the snake and the kite.
Now where is the bird? – The bird is in the first box.
Note : Next to means ‘adjacent to’ or ‘at one side of’.
I .Draw an envelope with the flap open without lifting your pen from the paper. Indicate the numbers to show how it was drawn.

J. Find their group name and write them in the blanks.
literary art martial art visual art textile art performing art
1. Kuchupudi, Bangra, Dandia, performing art
2. prose, poetry, drama, novel literary art
3. photography, film making, sculpture visual art
4. Karate, Kungfu, Capoeira material art
5. weaving , embroidery, carpet designing textile art
e-links :
https: www.indianholi-il-nadu/arts and crafts
craft s of india – wikipedia.
Book :
The Complete books of Arts and Craft
My Book of Art and crafts
* To learn about the active and passive voice.
* To know and practise the voice exercise in Simple present tense.

1. Type the URL link given below in the browser or scan the QR code.
2. You can see the use of passive voice with many examples.
3. After go through those, scroll down to find Exercises links.
4. Click Exercise on Passive with Simple Present and type the answers in the boxes. Check your answers at the end.
5. Complete all the exercises by clicking the links of active voice and passive voices in Simple Present tense one by one to check your learning in it.

Website URL
Click the following link or scan the QR code to access the website.
** Images are indicative only.