English : Term 1 Unit 1 : Supplementary : On Monday Morning
1. panting – breathing quickly
2. exertions – effort
3. aggravated – irritated
4. snort – a cry made to show unhappiness
5. anxiously – tensely
6. loop – curve
Questions Answers
A. Name the speaker.
1. “No never mind. It’ll be over by and by, maybe. Don’t call anybody.” – Tom
2. “It makes my flesh crawl to hear you. What is the matter?” – Sid
3. “Your tooth indeed! What’s the matter with your tooth?” – Aunt Polly
B. Write True or False against each statement.
1. Tom enjoyed Monday mornings as he had to go to school. (False)
2. Tom’s first groan woke up Sid from his sound sleep. (False)
3. Tom wanted to give his dog with one eye to the new girl who had come to town. (False)
4. Aunt Polly sent Sid to fetch the dentist. (False)
C. Read the following passage and answer the questions.
Tom lay thinking. Presently it occurred to him that he wished he was sick; then he could stay home from school. He examined himself. He found no symptoms or sickness, and he investigated again. This time he felt he had a stomach ache, but it soon grew feeble, and presently died wholly away. He reflected further.
1. Why did Tom wish that he were sick?
Tom did not like to go to school. He wished to stay home from school. So he wished he were sick.
2. What was the result of Tom’s self-examination?
Tom found no symptoms of sickness.
3. What did he detect?
He detected that he had a stomach ache.
D. Think and answer
1. How did Sid show his affection towards Tom?
On seeing Tom groaning, Sid became anxious. Filled with grief he ran downstairs. He told Aunt Polly that Tom was dying and urged her to come quick.
2. Did Aunt Polly believe Tom’s groaning? Why?
Aunt Polly did not believe Tom’s groaning. She dismissed it as rubbish. She found out that Tom was making that row to stay home from school and go fishing.
3. What did Aunt Polly do to relieve Tom’s toothache?
Aunt Polly took a silk thread. She made of the thread a loop and tied it to the loose tooth. She tied the other end to the bedpost. She pushed the chunk of fire almost into the boys face. The fire jerked the boy and the loose tooth came out. It was hanging by the bed post. Thus Aunt Polly relieved Tom of his toothache.
E. Choose the correct answer.
1. Tom pretended his toe was dying in order to ______________
a. miss school.
b. scare Sid.
c. make Aunt Polly feel bad.
2. Aunt Polly pulled Tom’s tooth out with ____________________
a. her fingers.
b. a pair of pliers.
c. a piece of thread.
3. Tom was miserable on Monday morning because _______________
a. he was sick.
b. he hated going to school.
c. Aunt Polly was sick.
Answer : 1. a) miss school. 2. c) a piece of thread. 3. b) he hated going to school.
Paragraph writing :
1. What did Tom do one Monday Morning?
Tom found Monday morning miserable. It was the starting point of another week’s suffering in school. How he wished to stay home from school! He thought of different plans to skip school. At first he thought of stomach ache but it grew feeble. Then he pretended to have a toothache. But he was afraid that his aunt would pull out the loose tooth. At last he saw his sore toe. Pretending to be painful, he groaned and moaned. It worked well. Sid got up and became anxious. He ran to Aunt Polly to tell her that Tom was dying.
2. What did Aunt Polly do to Tom?
At first Aunt Polly did not believe Tom. She dismissed the story of Tom as rubbish. Then she came pale. Her lips trembled. She reached Tom’s bedside. Tom said that his sore toe was dying. The old lady sank into a chair and laughed. She found out that Tom wanted to stay home from school and go fishing. Aunt Polly took a silk thread. She made a loop and tied it to the loose tooth. She tied the other end of the thread to the bedpost. She pushed the chunk of fire almost into the boy’s face. The fire jerked the boy and the loose tooth came out. It was hanging by the bedpost. Thus Aunt Polly relieved Tom of his toothache.
Project, Connecting to Self, Step to Success
F. Give instructions to your friend to reach your house from school. Mention some landmarks that your friend should lookout for on his way.
Dear Kiran, Come to my home today after school.
As you step out of the school, turn right and walk till you reach the signal. Cross the road and walk further passing the Reliance Super Market in the corner. Turn the second right next to the Post office. The third house on the left, beside the park with door number 16 is my house.

G. Draw a family tree showing the members of your family and write a sentence about the activities that your whole family does together. How does it help others in a family and what do you learn from this?

H. Give a relationship term for the clues given.
1. siblings – brothers
2. kith and kin – uncle, aunt
3. a chip of the old block – son, daughter
4. two peas in a pod – twins
5. bread winner – father
6. forefathers – great grandfather
I. Arrange the words according to their degrees of meaning.
1. eager ,thrilled, excited eager, excited, thrilled
2. old, aged, senior senior, old, aged
3. small, tiny, minute minute, tiny, small
4. worried, panicked, anxious worried, anxious, panicked
J. Think and Answer
1. X and Y are parents to Z. But Z is not the son of X.
Then what is Z to X? daughter.
2. Meera’s brother is the father of Aakash.
Then how is Aakash related to Meera? Cousin
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