English : Term 1 Unit 3 : Supplementary : Taking the Bully by the Horns
1. bullying: teasing others
2. humiliate: make others feel ashamed
3. consequences: result or effect
4. peer pressure: influence from members of the same group
5. dejected: sad and depressed
6. nightmares: frightening dreams
7. empathy: understand and share other’s feelings
8. loyalty: strong support or being loyal
Questions Answers
A. Choose the correct answer.
1. What is bullying?
a) When you and a friend get into a fight
b) When someone accidently bumps into you on the playground
c) When someone is hurt by others either by words or actions, feels bad because of it, and finds it hard to stop what’s happening to them
d) Rolling a ball to knock over pins
2. What should you do if you are being bullied?
a) Speak up
b) Tell an adult
c) Know that you have the right to be safe
d) All of the above
3. How do you recognise someone who bullies?
a) Size – The person bullying is bigger than the person being bullied
b) Gender – Girls don’t bully, only boys do
c) Behaviour – They do something that hurts or harms another person
d) Age – It is always the older kids picking on the younger ones
4. What should you do if you see bullying?
a) Help get them away from the situation
b) Tell an adult
c) Let them know that no one deserves to be bullied
d) All of the above
Answer : 1. c) When someone is hurt by others either by words or actions, feels bad because of it, and finds it hard to stop what’s happening to them
2. d) All of the above
3. a) Size – The person bullying is bigger than the person being bullied
4. b) Tell an adult
B. Answer the following questions.
1. What could be the reasons for bullying?
Some persons indulge in bullying to have a feeling of shoppingmode control. They draw the attention of others by bullying. Some persons have something they are ashamed of. To hide their defects they indulge in bullying others.
2. Why do some children bully others?
Some children have a low opinion about themselves. They have something in themselves they are ashamed of. So they bully others in order to feel better.
3. What does Ajay enjoy about bullying?
Ajay finds that Anu is upset when he bullies her. It gives him a feeling of shoppingmode control. He enjoys the attention he is getting from others.
4. What is empathy?
Empathy is the ability to experience the feelings of a person in a situation. One who has empathy is not a mere onlooker. He experiences the situation.
5. How does bullying affect one?
Children who are bullied feel dejected. They lose their confidence. They feel lonely and isolated. Bullying affects their health and their routine. They don’t like to eat and fall sick very often. They get nightmares and find it difficult to sleep. They find it difficult to concentrate on their studies. Sometimes they get injured. Children who are bullied become withdrawn. They stop talking with people around and display extreme anger suddenly. Such children end up as bullies to feel better.
C. Think and answer :
Suppose the person bullying is one of your friends,
1. Would you keep quiet?
No, I won’t keep quiet.
2. At what point would you do something?
I will ask him to stop bullying even at the beginning.
3. What would you do?
I would warn him. If he fails to listen to me I’ll inform my class teacher about it.
Project, Connecting to Self, Step to Success
Here is a list of classroom rules that you can follow. Create posters for each rule as shown in the images. Collect all posters and paste it in your class room.

Classroom rules
* We all belong to same world
* We don’t give up
* We try our best
* We encourage others
* We take turns
* We work as a team
* We learn together
* We smile always
* We love each and every creature
* We forgive others
* We say ‘please’ to request
* We say ‘thank’ you for help
* We listen to each other
* We listen to our teacher
* We respect each other
* We respect our school
Paste the photographs and write down the values which you learn from them.

Change the codes into letters with the sign codes given below and tell the sentence to your friend .


//www.english-for students.com/MoralStories.html
Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are by: Dr. Seuss
An Awesome Book of Thanks by: Dallas Clayton
ICT Corner
Grammar Prepositions
To learn the usage of Prepositions by playing an interactive game.

Steps to Play the Game
1. Type the URL link given below in the browser or scan the QR code.
2. Read the Instructions which are given below the box.
3. Click start to play the game.
4. Drag and put the objects as per the instructions given below.
5. You can learn and review the prepositions of place by clicking ‘Review’ button before starting to play the game.